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Functional Interface, Lambda Expression, and Functional Programming
Functional Interface and Lambda expression are introduced in Java 8 to support Functional Programming.
In general, a functional interface has a single functionality to exhibit.
– The interface only contains 1 abstract method.
– In Java 7 and earlier versions, an interface can only have abstract methods.
– In Java 8 an interface may contain non-abstract methods
o static and default methods are fully implemented.
▪ Remark: A class that implements an interface does not inherit static
and default methods in the interface
o public methods inherited from the class Object.
– In Java 9 an interface may have private methods
public class Trade
int quantity;
String status; // “NEW”, “COMPLETED”, “CANCELLED”

public int getQuantity()
{ return quantity;
public String getStatus()
{ return status;
… // other methods
Consider a functional interface Predicate that has a method test.
// java.util.function.Predicate
public interface Predicate {
public boolean test(T t); }

You can have a utility method that select trades based on a given criterion.
public class MyUtil {
public static List filterTrades(
List trades, Predicate tester)
List list = new ArrayList();
for (Trade t : trades) if (tester.test(t))
return list;
In the program that uses the filterTrades method, you need to provide a Predicate object.
You can write your code using anonymous class.
List list = new ArrayList();
… // statements to fill up list
Predicate myPred = new Predicate()
public boolean test(Trade t)
return t.getStatus().equals(“NEW”);
List newTrades = MyUtil.filterTrades(list, myPred);

Lambda expression is introduced in Java 8.
Lambda expression is used to define an implementation of a Functional interface.
Basic syntax of Lambda expression
(arg1, arg2) -> single statement;
(Type arg1, Type arg2) -> { multiple statements };
The number of arguments depends on the abstract method defined in the interface.
Arguments are enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas.
The arguments correspond to the inputs required by the (abstract) method of the Functional interface.
The expression or statement block corresponds to the body of the method.
The data type of the arguments can be explicitly declared or it can be inferred from the context (i.e. the compiler will determine the target data type)
When there is a single argument, if its type is inferred, it is not mandatory to use parentheses, e.g. (a) -> statement; is the same as a -> statement;
Now, let’s go back to the above example.
The codes can be rewritten using Lambda expression:
List list = new ArrayList();

// Lambda expression
Predicate myPred = t -> t.getStatus().equals(“NEW”); List newTrades = MyUtil.filterTrades(list, myPred);
// Alternative coding style using anonymous object
List newTrades = MyUtil.filterTrades(list,
t -> t.getStatus().equals(“NEW”));

Some Functional Interface declared in java.util.function
Interface name
R apply(T t)
A function that takes an argument of type T and returns a result of type R.
Apply a function to an input value.
R apply(T t, U u)
A function that takes 2 arguments of types T and U, and returns a result of type R.
boolean test(T t)
A predicate is a Boolean-valued function that takes an argument and returns true or false.
Test the predicate with an input value.
boolean test(T t, U u)
A predicate with 2 arguments.
void accept(T t)
An operation that takes an argument, operates on it to produce some side effects, and returns no result.
The consumer accepts an input item.
void accept(T t, U u)
An operation that takes 2 arguments, operates on them to produce some side effects, and returns no result.
T get()
Represents a supplier that returns a value of type T.
Get an item from supplier.
T apply(T t)
Inherits from Function
T apply(T t1, T t2)
Inherits from BiFunction

Example: convert centigrade to Fahrenheit
// Function R apply(T t)
// T : Double
// R : Double
// argument t is called x in this example Function
centigradeToFahrenheit = x -> (x * 9 / 5) + 32.0; double degreeC = 36.9;
double degreeF = centigradeToFahrenheit.apply(degreeC);
Example: function to calculate the aggregated quantity of all trades
// Function R apply(T t)
// T : List
// R : Integer
// argument t is called trades in this example Function, Integer> aggregatedQty =
trades -> {
int total = 0;
for (Trade t : trades)
total += t.getQuantity();
return total;
List list = new ArrayList();
… // statements to fill up list
int totalQty = aggregatedQty.apply(list);

Target Typing
Consider the lambda expression
(x, y) -> x + y;
The process of inferring the data type of a lambda expression from the context is known as target typing.
public interface Adder {
double add(double n1, double n2);
public interface Joiner {
String join(String s1, String s2);
Adder adder = (x, y) -> x + y;
// x, y and return value are inferred to type double
// operator ‘+’ represents the addition operation
Joiner joiner = (x, y) -> x + y;
// x, y and return value are inferred to type String
// operator ‘+’ represents string concatenation
Functional interfaces are used in 2 contexts:
– Library designers that implement the APIs (e.g. Collection and Stream API)
– Library users that use the APIs

// FunctionUtil.java
// import statements are omitted for brevity
public class FunctionUtil {
// Apply an action on each item in a list public static void forEach(List list,
for(T item : list)
// Apply a filter to a list, returned the filtered list items
public static List filter(List list,
Predicate predicate)
List filteredList = new ArrayList();
for(T item : list)
if (predicate.test(item))
return filteredList;
// Map each item of type T in a list to a value of type R
public static List map(List list,
Function mapper)
List mappedList = new ArrayList();
for(T item : list)
return mappedList;
// Apply an action on each item of type T in input list. // Transform the item to type R, and aggregate/save results // in a List.
public static List transform(List list,
BiConsumer, ? super T> action)
List resultList = new ArrayList();
for (T item : list)
action.accept(resultList, item);
return resultList;
Consumer action)

// Person.java
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public enum Gender { MALE, FEMALE
public class Person {
private String name;
private LocalDate dob; // date of birth private Gender gender;
private double income;
public Person(String name, LocalDate dob, Gender gender,
double salary)
this.name = name;
this.dob = dob;
this.gender = gender;
this.income = salary;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public LocalDate getDob() {
return dob;
public void setDob(LocalDate dob) {
this.dob = dob;
public Gender getGender() {
return gender;
public void setGender(Gender gender) {
this.gender = gender;

public boolean isMale()
return gender == Male;
public double getIncome()
return income;
public String toString() {
return name + ” ” + “, ” + gender + “, ” + dob + “, ”
+ income;
// A utility method to create a List.
// For illustration purpose only.
public static List persons() {
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
list.add(new Person(“John”, LocalDate.of(1975, 1, 20),
MALE, 1000.0);
list.add(new Person(“Wally”, LocalDate.of(1965, 9, 12),
MALE, 1500.0);
list.add(new Person(“Donna”, LocalDate.of(1970, 9, 12),
FEMALE, 2000.0);
return list;

// FunctionUtilTest.java
import java.util.List;
public class FunctionUtilTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List list = Person.persons();
// Use forEach() method to print each person in the list
System.out.println(“Original list of persons:”); FunctionUtil.forEach(list, p -> System.out.println(p));
// Filter only males
List maleList = FunctionUtil.filter(list,
p -> p.getGender() == MALE);
System.out.println(“\nMales only:”);
p -> System.out.println(p));
// Map each person to his/her year of birth
List dobYearList = FunctionUtil.map(list,
p -> p.getDob().getYear());
“\nPersons mapped to year of their birth:”);
year -> System.out.println(year));
// Apply an action to each person in the list // Add one year to each male’s dob FunctionUtil.forEach(maleList,
p -> p.setDob(p.getDob().plusYears(1)));
“\nMales only after adding 1 year to DOB:”);
FunctionUtil.forEach(maleList, p -> System.out.println(p)); }
// Remark: the method forEach is defined in ArrayList and
// Vector. Vector is synchronized, i.e. thread-safe.
// Method forEach is also defined in interface Iterable.
// interface List extends Collection and Iterable.
// Any class that implements the List interface also
// supports the forEach method.

Outputs of the program:
Original list of persons:
John, MALE, 1975-01-20, 1000.0
Wally, MALE, 1965-09-12, 1500.0
Donna, FEMALE, 1970-09-12, 2000.0
Males only:
John, MALE, 1975-01-20, 1000.0
Wally, MALE, 1965-09-12, 1500.0
Persons mapped to year of their birth:
Males only after adding 1 year to DOB:
John, MALE, 1976-01-20, 1000.0
Wally, MALE, 1966-09-12, 1500.0

Example: Find the top10 most popular video
// VideoRec.java
public class VideoRec
private final long timestamp;
private final String vid;
private final String client;
public VideoRec(long t, String v, String c)
timestamp = t;
vid = v;
client = c;
public long getTimestamp()
return timestamp;
public String getVid()
return vid; }
public String getClient()
return client;
public String toString()
return timestamp + “,” + vid + “,” + client;

// Pair.java
public class Pair
private S first;
private T second;
public Pair(S n1, T n2)
first = n1;
second = n2; }
public S getFirst()
return first;
public T getSecond()
return second;
public void setFirst(S e)
first = e; }
public void setSecond(T e)
second = e; }
public String toString()
return “(” + first + “, ” + second + “)”;

// Version 1 : Conventional imperative programming
String fname = “videoData.txt”;
ArrayList list = readDataFile(fname);
// Find the top 10 most popular videos in the log
list.sort((r1, r2)-> r1.getVid().compareTo(r2.getVid()));
// list.sort(comparing(VideoRec::getVid));
ArrayList> viewCountList = new ArrayList();
int i = 0;
while (i < list.size()) { String curVid = list.get(i).getVid(); int j = i + 1; while (j < list.size() && list.get(j).getVid().equals(curVid)) j++; viewCountList.add(new Pair(curVid, j-i)); i = j; } viewCountList.sort((a, b) -> b.getSecond() – a.getSecond());
int end = (viewCountList.size() >= 10) ? 10 : viewCountList.size(); System.out.println(“Top 10 most popular videos:”);
for (Pair p : viewCountList.subList(0, end))

private static ArrayList readDataFile(String fname)
// Read in the VideoRec from data file
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
try (Scanner sc = new Scanner(new File(fname)))
while (sc.hasNextLine())
String line = sc.nextLine();
String[] token = line.split(“,”);
list.add(new VideoRec(Long.parseLong(token[0]),
} }
catch(FileNotFoundException e) {}
return list;
token[1], token[2]));

// Version 2 : Functional programming using FunctionUtil class.
String fname = “videoData.txt”;
ArrayList list = readDataFile(fname);
list.sort((r1, r2)-> r1.getVid().compareTo(r2.getVid()));
BiConsumer>, VideoRec> action = (result, v) -> {
if (result.isEmpty())
result.add(new Pair(v.getVid(), 1));
else {
Pair item = result.get(result.size()-1);
if (item.getFirst().equals(v.getVid()))
item.setSecond(item.getSecond() + 1);
result.add(new Pair(v.getVid(), 1));
} };
viewCountList = FunctionUtil.transform(list, action);
viewCountList.sort((a, b) -> b.getSecond() – a.getSecond());
int end = (viewCountList.size() >= 10) ? 10 : viewCountList.size(); System.out.println(“Top 10 most popular videos:”);
for (Pair p : viewCountList.subList(0, end))

Method References
A lambda expression represents an anonymous function that is treated as an instance of a functional interface.
A method reference is a shorthand to create a lambda expression using an existing method.
If a lambda expression contains a body that is an expression using a method call, you can use a method reference in place of that lambda expression.
Types of method references (:: “4 dots”)
A method reference to a static method of a class, an interface, or an enum
A method reference to an instance of the specified object
A method reference to an instance method of an arbitrary object of the specified class
A method reference to an instance method of the supertype of a particular object
A constructor reference to the constructor of the specified class
An array constructor reference to the constructor of the specified array type

Example statements in findTop10Video()
List> top10 = findTop10Video(list);
for (Pair p : top10)
// Replace the above for-loop using the forEach method
// top10.forEach(p -> System.out.println(p));
// top10.forEach(System.out::println);
More Examples
ToIntFunction lenFunction = str -> str.length();
Supplier func1 = () -> new Item();
Function func2 = str -> new Item(str);
func3 = (name, price) -> new Item(name, price);
The above lambda expressions can be rewritten using method reference.
ToIntFunction lenFunction = String::length;
Supplier func1 = Item::new;
Function func2 = Item::new;
BiFunction func3 = Item::new;

Revisit the Comparator interface
Modifier and Type
Method and Description
compare(T o1, T o2)
Compares its two arguments for order.
static > Comparator
comparing(Function keyExtractor)
Accepts a function that extracts a Comparable sort key from a type T, and returns a Comparator that compares by that sort key.
static Comparator
comparing(Function keyExtractor, Comparator keyComparator)
Accepts a function that extracts a sort key from a type T, and returns a Comparator that compares by that sort key using the specified Comparator.
static Comparator
comparingDouble(ToDoubleFunction keyExtractor) Accepts a function that extracts a double sort key from a type T, and returns a Comparator that compares by that sort key.
static Comparator
comparingInt(ToIntFunction keyExtractor)
Accepts a function that extracts an int sort key from a type T, and returns a Comparator that compares by that sort key.
static Comparator
comparingLong(ToLongFunction keyExtractor)
Accepts a function that extracts a long sort key from a type T, and returns a Comparator that compares by that sort key.
equals(Object obj)
Indicates whether some other object is “equal to” this comparator.
static > Comparator
Returns a comparator that compares Comparable objects in natural order.
static Comparator
nullsFirst(Comparator comparator)
Returns a null-friendly comparator that considers null to be less than non- null.
static Comparator
nullsLast(Comparator comparator)
Returns a null-friendly comparator that considers null to be greater than non-null.
default Comparator
Returns a comparator that imposes the reverse ordering of this comparator.
static > Comparator
Returns a comparator that imposes the reverse of the natural ordering.
default Comparator
thenComparing(Comparator other)
Returns a lexicographic-order comparator with another comparator.
default > Comparator
thenComparing(Function keyExtractor) Returns a lexicographic-order comparator with a function that extracts a Comparable sort key.
default Comparator
thenComparing(Function keyExtractor, Comparator keyComparator)
Returns a lexicographic-order comparator with a function that extracts a key to be compared with the given Comparator.

default Comparator
thenComparingDouble(ToDoubleFunction keyExtractor) Returns a lexicographic-order comparator with a function that extracts a double sort key.
default Comparator
thenComparingInt(ToIntFunction keyExtractor)
Returns a lexicographic-order comparator with a function that extracts a int sort key.
default Comparator
thenComparingLong(ToLongFunction keyExtractor) Returns a lexicographic-order comparator with a function that extracts a long sort key.
Very often, we want to compare 2 objects based on selected data field(s).
class Student
private String name;
private int sid;
private String major;
public Student(String n, int s, String m)
name = n;
sid = s;
major = m;
public String getName()
return name;
public int getSid()
return sid; }
public String getMajor()
return major;
… // other methods

ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
… // codes to initialize the contents of list
// Comparator that compares Student by major // and then by name
Comparator cmp = new Comparator() {
int compare(Student s1, Student s2)
int r = s1.getMajor().compareTo(s2.getMajor());
if (r != 0)
return r;
return s1.getName().compareTo(s2.getName());
}; list.sort(cmp);

Methods comparing and thenComparing in Comparator interface static > Comparator
comparing(Function keyExtractor) default > Comparator
thenComparing(Function keyExtractor) // keyExtractor extracts a value of type U (U is Comparable)
// from an object of type T (or super class of T)
// The static method comparing returns a Comparator that
// compares objects of type T based on a data field of type U // extracted from the objects to be compared.
// The default method thenComparing is applied to an implicit // Comparator object c1 (returned by static method comparing) // to create a new Comparator object c2.
// Comparator to compare Student by major and then by name.
list.sort(comparing(Student::getMajor) .thenComparing(Student::getName));

java.util.Optional in Java 8
An Optional is used to represent a value is present or absent.
It can help to avoid runtime NullPointerException, and supports us in developing clean and neat Java APIs or applications.
// Find student name by sid
static String findName(List list, int sid)
for (Student s : list)
if (s.getSid() == sid)
return s.getName();
return null; // sid not found }
static void testFn(List list)
String result = findName(list, 1234);
// possible NullPointerException
/* To avoid NullPointerException
if (result != null) // null checking System.out.println(result);
// do something else

Code design using Optional
static Optional findName(List list, int sid) {
for (Student s : list)
if (s.getSid() == sid)
return Optional.of(s.getName()); return Optional.empty(); // sid not found
// Optional.of(value) : create an Optional with the given // non-null value
// Optional.empty() : create an empty Optional instance }
static void testFn(List list)
Optional result = findName(list, 1234);
// If sid is not found, output:
// Optional.empty
// If sid is found, output:
// Optional[name]

Methods in the class Optional
Modifier and Type
Method and Description
static Optional
Returns an empty Optional instance.
equals(Object obj)
Indicates whether some other object is “equal to” this Optional.
filter(Predicate predicate)
If a value is present, and the value matches the given predicate, return an Optional describing the value, otherwise return an empty Optional.
flatMap(Function> mapper)
If a value is present, apply the provided Optional-bearing mapping function to it, return that result, otherwise return an empty Optional.
If a value is present in this Optional, returns the value, otherwise throws NoSuchElementException.
Returns the hash code value of the present value, if any, or 0 (zero) if no value is present.
ifPresent(Consumer consumer)
If a value is present, invoke the specified consumer with the value, otherwise do nothing.
Return true if there is a value present, otherwise false.
map(Function mapper)
If a value is present, apply the provided mapping function to it, and if the result is non-null, return an Optional describing the result.
static Optional
of(T value)
Returns an Optional with the specified present non-null value.
static Optional
ofNullable(T value)
Returns an Optional describing the specified value, if non-null, otherwise returns an empty Optional.
orElse(T other)
Return the value if present, otherwise return other.
orElseGet(Supplier other)
Return the value if present, otherwise invoke other and return the result of that invocation.
orElseThrow(Supplier exceptionSupplier)
Return the contained value, if present, otherwise throw an exception to be created by the provided supplier.
Returns a non-empty string representation of this Optional suitable for debugging.

Refined example to illustrate the uses of isPresent(), get(), orElse(), and map()
static void testFn(List list)
Optional result = findName(list, 1234);
// We want to modify the output format.
// If sid is not found, output:
// Not Found
// If sid is found, output:
// name
if (result.isPresent()) // if Optional has a value System.out.println(result.get()); // get the value
System.out.println(“Not Found”);
// Alternative implementation using orElse()
System.out.println(result.orElse(“Not Found”));
// If sid is found, output name in upper case:
// NAME System.out.println(result.map(String::toUpperCase)
.orElse(“Not Found”));