程序代写代做代考 Java database C flex clock Problems with Semaphores

Problems with Semaphores
• Used for 2 independent purposes – Mutual exclusion
– Condition synchronization
• Hard to get right
– Small mistake easily leads to deadlock
May want to separate mutual exclusion, condition synchronization

Monitors (Hoare)
• Abstract Data Type
– a class (as are locks and semaphores)
– 3 key differences from a regular class:
• only one thread in monitor at a time (mutual
exclusion is automatic)
• special type of variable allowed, called “condition
– 4 special ops allowed only on condition
variables: wait, signal, broadcast, notempty
• no public data allowed (must call methods to effect any change)

Wait, Signal, Broadcast
• Given a condition variable “cond”
– Wait( ):
• thread is put on queue for “cond”, goes to sleep • releases control of the monitor
– Signal( ):
• if queue for “cond” not empty, wake up one thread • has no effect if no threads are waiting
– Broadcast( ):
• wake up all threads waiting on queue for “cond”

The Multiple Semantics of Signal
• Signal and Urgent Wait (Hoare) (SU)
– signaler immediately gives up control
– thread that was waiting executes in monitor – signaler executes before new threads
• Signal and Continue (Mesa, Java) (SC)
– will be used in this class unless otherwise stated
– signaler continues executing
– thread that was waiting put on ready queue
– when thread actually gets to run:
• state may have changed! use “while”, not “if”

The Multiple Semantics of Signal
• Signal and Wait (SW)
– Same as Signal and Urgent Wait, except that signaler has no priority over new threads trying to enter
• Signal and Exit (SX)
– Signaler exits monitor
– Means that signal must be the last operation done in each monitor function
SU and SW can cause programming difficulty: Example: an alarm–cannot broadcast

Picture of Monitor Operation (Uses Signal and Continue)

Monitor Solution to Critical Section
• Just make the critical section a monitor routine!

Differences between Monitors and Semaphores
• Monitors enforce mutual exclusion
• P()vsWait
– P blocks if value is 0, Wait always blocks
• V( ) vs Signal
– V either wakes up a thread or increments value – Signal only has effect if a thread waiting
• Semaphores have “memory”

Readers/Writers Solution using Monitors
• Similar idea to semaphore solution
– simpler, because don’t worry about mutex
• When can’t get into database, wait on appropriate condition variable
• When done with database, signal others
Note: can’t just put code for “reading database” and code for “writing database” in the monitor (couldn’t have >1 reader)

Implementing semaphores using monitors—unfair (but correct) solution
monitor SemaphoreImpl int s = INIT_VAL; cond c P( ): while (s == 0)
wait(c) s–
V( ): s++; signal(c) end SemaphoreImpl

Implementing semaphores using monitors—fair solution
monitor SemaphoreImpl int s = INIT_VAL; cond c P( ): if (s == 0) wait(c)
else s–
V( ): if (empty(c)) s++
else signal(c) end SemaphoreImpl
Solution style known as passing the condition

Priority Wait
• An extension of traditional monitors
– Provides alternative version of Wait:
• Wait(c, value): inserts thread on wait queue ordered by value (an integer)
• Minrank(c): returns value of first thread on queue (but does not dequeue)

Shortest Job Next (Using Priority Wait)
monitor SJN
int free = true; cond c acquire(time): if (free) free = false
else wait(c, time) release( ): if (empty(c)) free = true
end SJN
else signal(c)

Interval Timer using broadcast (tick( ) called every clock tick)
monitor Timer
int tod = 0; cond c
delay(interval): wake = tod + interval
while (wake > tod) wait(c)
tick( ): tod++ broadcast(c)
end Timer

Interval Timer using priority wait
monitor Timer
int tod = 0; cond c
delay(interval): wake = tod + interval
tick( ): end Timer
if (wake > tod) wait(c, wake)
Rare case when while not needed
while (!empty(c) and minrank(c) < tod) signal(c) First Attempt: Implementing Monitors using Semaphores Shared vars: sem mutex := 1 (one per monitor) sem c := 0; int nc := 0 (one per condition var) Monitor entry: P(mutex) Wait(mutex): nc++; V(mutex); P(c); P( mutex) Signal(mutex): if (nc > 0) then {nc–; V(c);}
Monitor exit: V(mutex)

Correct Implementation of Monitors using Semaphores (Assume that “tid” is the id of a thread)
Shared vars:
sem mutex := 1; (one per monitor)
int nc := 0; List delayQ (one per condition var)
sem c[NumThreads] := 0; (one entry per thread; one entry per thread per condition works also)
Monitor entry: P(mutex)
nc++; Append(delayQ, tid); V(mutex); P(c[tid]); P(mutex)
if (nc > 0) then {nc–; id = Remove(delayQ); V(c[id]);}
Monitor exit: V(mutex);

Semaphores and Monitors Have Equal Power
• We just showed that monitors can be implemented using semaphores
• Earlier in this slide deck, we showed that semaphores can be implemented using monitors

Java-style monitors
• Integrated into the class mechanism
– annotation “synchronized” can be applied to a member function
• this function executes with implicit mutual exclusion with respect to all other functions annotated with “synchronized”
– “synchronized” can also refer to a block
– Wait and Signal are called Wait and Notify, respectively

Differences between traditional monitors and Java-style monitors
• Traditional
– all functions synchronized
– no public data
– separate construct
• simpler to implement (i.e. no inheritance)
– safer
• e.g., can statically guarantee no race conditions, because no public data
– less flexible
• Java-style
– can mix and match
– public data allowed
– integrated with class
• interaction with rest of language, i.e. inheritance?
– riskier
• can circumvent the monitor idea by using and modifying public data
– more flexible

Thread 1: V(a) P(b)
Thread 2: V(b)
Rendezvous with semaphores
sem a = b = 0
Can the V and P operations be inverted?

Rendezvous with monitors—Attempt
Thread 1: Signal(a)
Thread 2: Signal(b) Wait(a)
cond a, b
(Assume the above code is in a monitor, and each thread is calling a unique function)
What’s wrong with this “solution”?

Rendezvous with monitors—correct
cond a, b
Thread 1:
if (!empty(a))
Signal(a) else
Thread 2:
if (!empty(b))
Signal(b) else
(Assume the above code is in a monitor, and each thread is calling a unique function)
Tricky—easier to program rendezvous with semaphores

Alternate rendezvous with monitors
Thread 1: ar1 = 1
Thread 2: ar2 = 1
Signal(b) while (!ar1)
Wait(a) ar1 = 0
Signal(a) while (!ar2)
Wait(b) ar2 = 0
cond a, b
int ar1 = 0, ar2 = 0
(Assume the above code is in a monitor, and each thread is calling a unique function)
Even less intuitive than the previous slide’s solution