程序代写代做代考 C go Discussion 7

Discussion 7
1. When their respective sport is not in season, USC’s student-athletes are very involved in their community, helping people and spreading goodwill for the school. Unfortunately, NCAA regulations limit each student-athlete to at most one community service project per semester, so the athletic department is not always able to help every deserving charity. For the upcoming semester, we have S student-athletes who want to volunteer their time, and B buses to help get them between campus and the location of their volunteering. There are F projects under consideration; project i requires si student- athletes and bi buses to accomplish, and will generate gi > 0 units of goodwill for the university. Our goal is to maximize the goodwill generated for the university subject to these constraints. Note that each project must be undertaken entirely or not done at all — we cannot choose, for example, to do half of project i to get half of gi goodwill.
This is very similar to the 0/1 knapsack problem except that we have two types of resources (students and buses) instead of one resource.
Value of the optimal solution for unique subproblems can be described as:
OPT(i, S, B) = Maximum goodwill that can be generated using projects 1 to i, with S students and B buses.
The recurrence formula will be:
OPT(i, S, B) = Max ( gi + OPT(i-1, S- si, B- bi) , OPT(i-1, S, B))
Initialization: OPT(0, S, B) and OPT(i, 0, B) and OPT(i, S, 0) can be set to zero since there will no goodwill if there are no projects or students or buses.
Find the value of the optimal solution for all unique subproblems (bottom up): For i = 1 to F
For j= 1 to S
For k= 1 to B
If ( si > j or bi > k) then OPT(i, j, k) = OPT(i-1, j, k)
OPT(i, j, k) = Max ( gi + OPT(i-1, j- si, k- bi) , OPT(i-1, j, k))
Endif Endfor

OPT(F, S, B) will hold the value of the optimal solution for the whole problem.
Complexity of this solution is O(FSB), which is pseudo-polynomial because S and B represent numerical values of the input terms rather than the size of the input.
To find the set of projects that we should select, we can then go top down (and print the list of projects selected):
For i= F to 1 by -1
If gi + OPT(i-1, j- si, k- bi) > OPT(i-1, j, k) then Print i
j = j- si
k = k- bi Endif
The top down pass takes O(F) time. So, the whole solution will take O(FSB) time.
2. Suppose you are organizing a company party. The corporation has a hierarchical ranking structure; that is, the CEO is the root node of the hierarchy tree, and the CEO’s immediate subordinates are the children of the root node, and so on in this fashion. To keep the party fun for all involved, you will not invite any employee whose immediate superior is invited. Each employee j has a value vj (a positive integer), representing how enjoyable their presence would be at the party. Our goal is to determine which employees to invite, subject to these constraints, to maximize the total value of invitees.
We define the value of an optimal solution for a unique subproblem as:
OPT(i) = maximum ¡°enjoyability value¡±/¡±fun value¡± of the subtree rooted at node i
Recurrence formula:
OPT(i)=Max(vi+¦²g¦Ågi OPT(g),¦²c¦Åci OPT(c))
Where gi are the grandchildren of i and ci are the children of i.
We store the OPT values at the corresponding nodes in the company hierarchy tree. So there will be no need to create any external arrays to hold OPT.
Bottom up pass:
At every node i we compute and send up (to the parent node) the following two values:

– OPT(i)=Max(vi+¦²g¦Ågi OPT(g),¦²c¦Åci OPT(c))
– ¦²c¦Åci OPT(c) (orzeroifihasnochildren)
Note: we send up the value ¦² c ¦Å ci OPT( c ), so that the parent node can easily compute the sum ¦² g ¦Å gi OPT( g ) since the children of i are the grandchildren of I¡¯s parent node.
This pass takes linear time with respect to the size of the tree since each node is examined only once and the total number of additions performed is O(n).
To find out who will be invited to the party we go top down. We call the invite function with the root node of the tree.
Invite (i)
Ifvi+¦²g¦Ågi OPT(g)>¦²c¦Åci OPT(c) Then
Print i
Call Invite with all g ¦Å gi Else
Call Invite with all c ¦Å ci Endif
The top down pass will take O(n) time since it will only be called a maximum of n times and the work inside the function is constant time (since the two sums vi + ¦² g ¦Å gi OPT( g ) and ¦² c ¦Å ci OPT( c ) can be stored at each node during the bottom up pass.)
3. You are given a set of n types of rectangular 3-D boxes, where the ith box has height h(i), width w(i) and depth d(i) (all real numbers). You want to create a stack of boxes which is as tall as possible, but you can only stack a box on top of another box if the dimensions of the 2-D base of the lower box are each strictly larger than those of the 2-D base of the higher box. Of course, you can rotate a box so that any side functions as its base. It is also allowable to use multiple instances of the same type of box.
We will first remove the complexity related to the rotation of the boxes by creating 3n box types as follows.
Given a box with sides measuring X < Y < Z, we will create 3 box types: Width Depth Height XYZ YZX XZY Now each of the 3n box types can only be used once in the stack. We then sort the 3n boxes based on decreasing base area (Width X Depth). We define the value of an optimal solution for a unique subproblem as: OPT(i) = Maximum height of a stack of boxes with box i at the top. Recurrence formula will be: OPT(i) = h(i) + Max 0 0
i = Base (i)
Print i Endwhile
The top down pass will only take O(n) time because we had saved the Base array in the bottom up pass. Otherwise, if this were not saved the top down pass would also take O(n2) time.