程序代写代做代考 game C Haskell compiler The University of Hong Kong COMP3258: Functional Programming

The University of Hong Kong COMP3258: Functional Programming
Assignment 3 (IO and Monads) Deadline: 23:55, November 29th, 2020 (HKT)
1 Tic Tac Toe
1.1 Introduction
Problem 1. (25 pt.) A tic-tac-toe game is two players (X and O) playing on a 3 by 3 grid in turn, whichever player first assembles 3 pieces in a line (row, column or diagonal) wins. And you are going to implement this game
in haskell with the following specification:
tictactoe :: IO ()
tictactoe = undefined
tictactoe is an interactive IO operation, when invoked, it starts the game with the following flow:
Step 1. Printing the board The board MUST be printed (on the screen / command line) in the following format:
An empty board looks like this:
.—.—.—. |||| .—.—.—. |||| .—.—.—. |||| .—.—.—.

whereas a non-empty board looks like this, by replacing the central character of the cell with X (capital) or O (capital letter O, NOT number zero).
.—.—.—. |X|O| | .—.—.—. ||O|| .—.—.—. |||| .—.—.—.
Step 2. Move Then, your program should print X MOVE or O MOVE at a new line, according to current moving player.
Then it reads one line of user input, which consists of a pair of coordinate . where denotes the number of row, denotes the number of column, both indices are base 1 (1 2 denotes the first row and the second
column, NOT the second row and the third column)
A correct user input consists of two valid coordinates separated by an arbi- trary amount of whitespaces.
For example the following lines are valid inputs:
12 23
However the following are not (# are followed by explanations):
2 # only one coordinate
12 2 # out of range coordinate (12)
1 2 xy # xy shouldn’t appear
abdsaf # input that doesn’t make any sense
Besides, the attempt of making a move on a non-empty cell is considered invalid input.
Upon invalid input, your program should print INVALID POSITION followed by a newline, reads user input again. This process repeats until a correct input is read.

Step 3. Loop If the game result is determined, then a message is printed and the program returns.
• If player X wins, prints X WINS.
• If player O wins, prints O WINS.
• If the board is full, but neither player wins, prints DRAW.
Otherwise return to step 1, printing the current state of the board.
1.2 Further Clarification
• Two sample inputs and outputs are attached in the appendix of this file.
• Player O always moves first.
• Your program should handle incorrect user inputs as specified in “Step
• The grading of this question would be mostly based on the exact match
of the command line output of your program and standard output, so please pay extra attention to the output format. Don’t let small typos cost you the entire question.
• So for your convenience (and mine), all the printed letters are upper- case.
• Try your best to keep your code clean, the clarity of code and the famil- iarity of IO operation and monad shown in the code would probably be considered.
2 Monads
2.1 The Transform Monad
Problem 2. (25 pt) Implement the Monad instance of datatype Transform, and an important function next
The definition of Transform is given:
newtype Transform a b = Transform { getTransform :: (b, a -> a) }
instance Monad (Transform a) where 3

— return :: b -> Transform a b
return b = undefined
— (>>=) :: Transform a b -> (b -> Transform a c) -> Transform a c
(>>=) = undefined
next :: (a -> a) -> Transform a ()
next = undefined
The Functor instance and the Applicative instance have been given in the template. Changing the definition of them is allowed if you know what you are doing, but generally discouraged.
2.1.1 General Behavior
Transform is a data type that’s equivalent to a pair of type b, and a trans- form function of type a. The Functor, Applicative and Monad are all defined with respect the type variable b, and a is relatively fixed in the definition (similar to Either a b).
Inside a do notation or monadic computation, the Transform monad “accu- mulates” the transformation function of a with the function next (and of course, with the help of the behavior of >>=), and focus on the computation of b (In a do block, assuming the type on the right-hand-side of the left arrow <- is Transform a b, the type of pattern of the left-hand-side would be b). We have the following example: countedFibonacci :: Int -> Transform Int Int countedFibonacci 0 = return 0 countedFibonacci 1 = return 1 countedFibonacci n = do
a <- countedFibonacci (n - 1) next (+1) b <- countedFibonacci (n - 2) return $ a + b The example above computes the nth term in Fibonacci sequence, while accumulating the number of times the recursive case of the function has been called. 4 Here the computation is about the nth term, so the type of computation result is Int (the second type parameter). The transformation we want to accumulate is adding the number of times for which the recursion is called, which is Int -> Int (so the first type parameter is Int ).
The call of next (+1) adds (+1) (which is a function of Int -> Int) on top of the existing transformation function, but itself produce no useful value for the computation (it doesn’t contribute to the computation of nth term of Fibonacci at all).
We provide the following two utility functions in the template that extract the different parts of Transform:
— gets the computation result
evalTransform :: Transform a b -> b
evalTransform = fst . getTransform
— gets the transformation function
runTransform :: Transform a b -> a -> a
runTransform = snd . getTransform
And the call of countedFibonacci goes as:
> evalTransform (countedFibonacci 10)
> runTransform (countedFibonacci 10) 0
initial value apply to ^
the transformation
> evalTransform (countedFibonacci 16)
> runTransform (countedFibonacci 16) 0
2.1.2 TreeandTransform
The following definition of the Tree datatype is given:
data Tree a = Leaf | Branch (Tree a) a (Tree a)

Problem 3. (20 pt) Implement the following two functions with Transform tFoldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> Transform [a] b
tFoldl = undefined
tToListWith :: (b -> a -> b) -> Tree a -> Transform b [a]
tToListWith = undefined
tFoldl is a left-fold of the tree data type similar to foldl of lists. But meanwhile, it records a transformation function ([a] -> [a]) that produces an in-order traversal result of the tree when applying to [] (empty list).
tToListWith behaves almost the same as tFoldl , except that it switches the focus of the computation and transformation function. The main com- putation result [a] is an in-order traversal of the tree. The transformation function b -> b, when applying to an initial value z , the transformation function produces the left-fold result of the tree, with the folding function and initial value.
— shape of t: — 4
— / \ — 2 6 — /\ / — 1 35
> t = Branch (Branch (Branch Leaf 1 Leaf) 2 (Branch Leaf 3 Leaf))
4 (Branch (Branch Leaf 5 Leaf) 6 Leaf)
> evalTransform (tFoldl (\b x -> b ++ show x) “” t)
> runTransform (tToListWith (\b x -> b ++ show x) t) “” “123456”
— we don’t use the fold functions in the following two samples > evalTransform (tToListWith undefined t)
> runTransform (tFoldl undefined undefined t) []
2.1.3 Hints and Clarifications
• Your monad definition should satisfy the three monad laws mentioned in the next section, but you don’t need to worry about that too much.

Your focus should be making the monad behave as intended.
With correct implementation, the definitions of both monad methods are VERY simple. So focus on understanding what’s going on in the examples and samples, the implementation should be fairly easy after- ward.
The samples are generated from my implementation, which may not be correct. If your results are different from mine, and you strongly believe that your implementation is correct, please let me (Alvin) know.

Composition of [] and Maybe.
newtype LM a = LM { getLM :: [Maybe a] }
instance Monad LM where
— return :: a -> LM a
return a = undefined
— (>>=) :: LM a -> (a -> LM b) -> LM b
(>>=) = undefined
newtype ML a = ML { getML :: Maybe [a] }
instance Monad ML where
— return :: a -> ML a
return a = undefined
— (>>=) :: ML a -> (a -> ML b) -> ML b
(>>=) = undefined
The Functor instances and the Applicative instances have been given in the template. Changing the definition of them is allowed if you know what you are doing, but generally discouraged.
There would be no sample input and output for this question. Any definition that satisfies the three monad laws is accepted:
Composing List and Maybe
Problem 4. (15 + 15 pt) Implement the Monad Instance of the 2 forms of
x :: a m :: M a

f :: a -> M b
g :: b -> M c
— Left Identity of return
return x >>= f = f x
— Right Identity of return
m >>= return = m
— Associativity of (>>=)
m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g) = (m >>= f) >>= g Hints and Clarifications
• You should probably be very familiar with the monadic behavior of [] (List) and Maybe before solving this problem.
• Again, with a correct implementation, all the methods should be fairly simple, so the focus of this question is on the thought process instead of the implementation.
• Thinking about why the following stupid definition is wrong might be a good start:
instance Monad LM where return a = LM []
m >>= f = LM []
instance Monad ML where return a = ML Nothing m >>= f = ML Nothing
• Strictly speaking, failing to satisfy one of the three rules will get you 0 score for the corresponding monad instance, because both stupid implementations above only violate one rule.
• Try your best to simplify your definition with existing combinators in library, the conciseness of the definition would probably be considered.

3 Submission Caveats 3.1 Grading
• Thegradingofeveryquestionisdonebycomparingtheoutputsagainst certain test cases automatically by the grading script, where each test case contributes to some points unless otherwise specified.
• We are likely to have a manual process looking at the taste of the code, the share of the score hasn’t been determined. But if your program fails most of the test cases, it’s likely that you also don’t get this portion of the score.
• Time complexity of implementation is NOT assumed. However, your programs should terminate with relatively small input in a “reasonable” amount of time.
3.2 Implementation
• You are encouraged to define your own auxiliary functions or data types to solve the problems, as long as you implement the functions and data types explicitly required by the questions.
• You are NOT allowed to add additional source files besides the three in the templates
• You are NOT allowed to add any additional import statement, the imports in the templates should be more than enough for you. However you are allowed to remove import statements in the template in case of version compatibility issues, but it’s strongly discouraged so don’t do that unless it’s absolutely necessary.
• With the said restrictions, you are free to use any library functions and language extensions supported by ghc 8.10 or lower.
• Ideally, your ghc compiler should be version 8.6.1 or above.
3.3 Submission
• Rename the directory containing template files to A3_XXX where XXX is replaced by your student number. Pack the directory into a zip file named A3_XXX.zip when submitting (other compression formats rar, 7z etc are NOT accepted), i.e. the zip file A3_XXX.zip contains

a directory A3_XXX, which contains exactly three template source files
with their names unchanged.
• Please submit your assignment to moodle before deadline.
4 Appendix: Sample Input / Output of Question 1
We show some sample input and output, inputs are entered line by line whenever the program instruct people to enter a line of input. Please pay attention to the outputs and positions of newlines etc.
1 Inputs:
22 11 12 23 32
Command line outputs:
.—.—.—. |||| .—.—.—. |||| .—.—.—. |||| .—.—.—. O MOVE .—.—.—. |||| .—.—.—. ||O|| .—.—.—. |||| .—.—.—. X MOVE .—.—.—. |X|||

.—.—.—. ||O|| .—.—.—. |||| .—.—.—. O MOVE .—.—.—. |X|O| | .—.—.—. ||O|| .—.—.—. |||| .—.—.—. X MOVE .—.—.—. |X|O| | .—.—.—. | |O|X| .—.—.—. |||| .—.—.—. O MOVE .—.—.—. |X|O| | .—.—.—. | |O|X| .—.—.—. ||O|| .—.—.—. O WINS
2 Inputs:
22 11 11 1122 1231 32 12 13 31

21 23 33
Commandline output:
.—.—.—. |||| .—.—.—. |||| .—.—.—. |||| .—.—.—.
O MOVE .—.—.—. |||| .—.—.—. ||O|| .—.—.—. |||| .—.—.—.
X MOVE .—.—.—. |X||| .—.—.—. ||O|| .—.—.—. |||| .—.—.—.
INVALID POSITION INVALID POSITION INVALID POSITION .—.—.—. |X||| .—.—.—. ||O|| .—.—.—. ||O|| .—.—.—.
X MOVE .—.—.—. |X|X| |

.—.—.—. ||O|| .—.—.—. ||O|| .—.—.—. O MOVE .—.—.—. |X|X|O| .—.—.—. ||O|| .—.—.—. ||O|| .—.—.—. X MOVE .—.—.—. |X|X|O| .—.—.—. ||O|| .—.—.—. |X|O| | .—.—.—. O MOVE .—.—.—. |X|X|O| .—.—.—. |O|O| | .—.—.—. |X|O| | .—.—.—. X MOVE .—.—.—. |X|X|O| .—.—.—. |O|O|X| .—.—.—. |X|O| | .—.—.—. O MOVE .—.—.—. |X|X|O| .—.—.—. |O|O|X| .—.—.—. |X|O|O|
