程序代写代做代考 Java Haskell C flex compiler graph COMP3161/COMP9164 Supplementary Lecture Notes

COMP3161/COMP9164 Supplementary Lecture Notes
1 Subtyping
Gabriele Keller, Liam O’Connor November 11, 2019
With type classes, the programmer can use the same overloaded function symbol both for addition of floating point values and integer values, and the compiler will figure out which to use. However, the following expression would still be rejected by the MinHs compiler:
1 + 1.75
This is because addition can be applied to two integers or two floats, but not a combination of both.1 We explicitly have to convert the Int value to Float to add the two values.
C solves this problem using something called integer promotion: the basic types are ordered and if operations like + or == are applied to mixed operands, the one which is the lowest in the hierarchy is automatically cast to the higher type. This is quite convenient, but can easily lead to unexpected behaviour and subtle bugs, in particular with respect to signed/unsigned types.
The idea behind subtyping is similar to the approach in C in that types can be partially ordered in a subtype relationship
such that, whenever a value of some type σ is required, it is also fine to provide a value of type τ,
as long as τ is a subtype of σ. For example, we could have the following subtype relationship: Int ≤ Float ≤ Double
With subtyping, it would then be ok to have 1 +Float 1.75
as floating point addition wants to floating point values, but also accepts Ints, as they are a subtype of Float.
1.1 Coercion Interpretation
There are different ways to interpret the subtype relationship: one would be to define τ to be a subtype of σ if it is a actual subset. For example, in the mathematical sense, integer numbers are a subset of rational numbers, even integral numbers of integral numbers and so on. However, this interpretation is quite restrictive for a programming language: Int is not a subset of Float, as they have very different representations. However, there is an obvious coercion from Int to Float.
1In Haskell, this expression by itself would be fine, as constants are also overloaded and 1 has type Num a → a. However, the compiler would also reject the addition of integer and float values, for example (1 :: Int) + (1.7 :: Float).

For our study of subtyping, we will focus on this so-called coercion interpretation of subtyping: τ is a subtype of σ, if there is a sound 2 coercion from values of type τ to values of type σ.
As another example, consider a Graph and Tree type. Since trees are a special case of graphs, trees can be converted into a graph and we can view the tree type as subtype of the graph type in the coercion interpretation.
1.2 Properties
For a subtyping relationship to be sound, it has to be reflexive, transitive, and antisymmetric (with respect to type isomorphism). This means it is a partial order. This is the case for both the subset as well as the coercion interpretation. For the subset interpretation, all three properties follow directly from the properties of the subset relation. In the coercion interpretation, reflexivity holds because the identity function is a coercion from τ → τ. Transitivity holds since, given a coercion function from f : τ1 → τ2 and g : τ2 → τ3, the composition of f and g result in a coercion function from τ1 → τ3.
In order to guarantee that subtyping is antisymmetric in the subtyping interpretation, this must mean that if we can coerce τ to ρ and ρ back to τ, this must mean τ ≃ ρ. This is only true if the coercion functions are injective — that is, we can map each element of the domain (input) of the function to a unique element of the codomain (output).
1.3 Coherency of Coercion
The coercion of values should be coherent. This means that, if there are two ways to coerce a value to a value of a supertype, both coercions have to yield the same result.
For example, let us assume we define Int to be a subtype of Float, and both to be subtypes of String, with coercion functions
intToFloat :: Int → Float intToString :: Int → String floatToString :: Float → String
On first sight, this looks like a reasonable relationship. It is not coherent, however, because there are two coercion function from Int to String: the provided function intToString, but also intToFloat composed with floatToString. Unfortunately, applied to the number 3, for example, one would result in the string ”3”, the other in ”3.0”
One reason why type promotion in C can be so tricky is exactly that it is not coherent in this way.
1.4 Variance
If we add subtyping to MinHS, one question that arises is how the subtyping relationship interacts with our type constructors. For example, if Int ≤ Float, what about pairs, sums and function over these types? How do they relate to each other?
For pairs and sums, the answer is quite straight forward. Obviously, given a coercion function intToFloat, we can easily define coercion functions on pairs and sums:
p1 :: (Int × Int) → (Float × Float) p1 (x, y) = (intToFloat x, intToFloat y)
p2 :: (Int × Float) → (Float × Float) p2(x,y) = (intToFloatx,y)

2More about that later

s1 :: (Int +Int) → (Float + Float) s1 x = case x of
InL v → intToFloat v InR v → intToFloat v

This means that, if two types τ1 and τ2 are subtypes of σ1 and σ2, respectively, then pairs of τ1 and τ2 are also subtypes of pairs of σ1 and σ2 and the same is true for sums. More formally, we have:
τ1 ≤ ρ1 τ2 ≤ ρ2 (τ1 ×τ2)≤(ρ1 ×ρ2)
τ1 ≤ ρ1 τ2 ≤ ρ2 (τ1 +τ2)≤(ρ1 +ρ2)
The following diagram also shows the subtype relationship between pair types, for Int and Float: Int × Int Int × Float
Float × Int Float × Float
Given that the pair as well as the sum type constructor interacts with subtyping in such an obvious way, it is easy to be tricked into thinking this applied to all type constructors. Unfortunately, this is not the case.
Consider function types: is Int → Int as subtype of Float → Int? That is, if a function of type Float → Int is required, would it be ok to provide a function of type Int → Int instead? Considering that the type Int is more restricted than the type Float, this means that a function which only works on the “smaller” type Int is also, in some sense, less powerful. Or, coming back to our second example, if we need a function to process any graph, then a function which only works on trees (and maybe relies on the fact that there are no cycles in a tree) is clearly not sufficient. We are also not able to define a coercion function in terms of our coercion function intToFloat :
c :: (Int → Float) → (Float → Float) The other direction, however, is actually quite easy:
c′ ::(Float → Float) → (Int → Float) c′f=letgx =f(intToFloatx)
Therefore, somewhat surprisingly, we have (Float → Float) ≤ (Int → Float) .
So, what about the result type of a function: is Int → Int as subtype of Int → Float, vice versa, or are these types not in a subtype relationship at all? If we need a function which returns a Float and get one that returns an Int, it is not a problem, since we can easily convert that Int to a Float. Similarly, if we need a function which returns a graph, and we get a tree, it is ok as
a tree is a special case of a graph and can be converted to the graph representation: c′′ :: (Int → Int) → (Int → Float)
c′′f=letgx =intToFloat(fx)ing
To summarise, the subtype relationship on functions over Int and Float is as follows (of course,
you can substitute any type τ for Int, ρ for Float here, as long as τ ≤ ρ): 3

Int → Int Int → Float
Float → Int Float → Float
The subtype propagation rule for function types expresses exactly the same relationship:
τ1 ≤ ρ1 τ2 ≤ ρ2 (ρ1 →τ2)≤(τ1 →ρ2)
Another example of a type which interacts with subtyping in a non-obvious manner are updateable arrays and reference types. To understand what is happening, let us have a look at Haskell-style updatable references. We have the following basic operations on this type:
newIORef :: a → IO (IORef a) — Returns an initialised reference writeIORef :: a → IORef a → IO () — Updates the value of a reference readIORef :: IORef a → IO a — Returns the current value
All other operations can be expressed in terms of these three operations.
The question now is, if τ ≤ σ, what is the subtype relationship between IORef τ and IORef σ?
To check whether, for example, IORef Int ≤ IORef Float, let us have a look at what happens if we apply writeIORef (1.5 :: Float) to an IORef Int instead of an IORef Float. Clearly, this would not work, as the floating point value can’t be stored in an Int reference. It would be okay the other way around: if we writeIORef (1 :: Int) apply to an IORef Float, it would be fine, since we could first coerce the value to a Float and store the result in the Float reference. This seems to suggest that IORef Float ≤ IORef Int.
However, if we assume that IORef Float ≤ IORef Int, run into trouble with readIORef . If readIORef requires an IORef Int, because the it should return an Int value as result, and we apply it to an IORef Float instead, readIORef will return a floating point value which we cannot convert into an Int. In this case, the other direction would be fine: if it expects an IORef Float, we could apply it to an IORef Int and then cast the resulting Int value to Float.
This means that τ ≤ σ implies no subtype relationship between IORef Float and IORef Int at all: when a reference of a certain type is required, we cannot substitute the reference for a sub- or supertype.
We encounter exactly the same situation with updatable arrays. In fact, in Java, the language allows subtyping for arrays, at the cost of dynamic checks, as this violates type safety.
Type constructors like product and sum, which leave the subtype relationship intact, as called covariant, type constructors which reverse the relationship, lie the function type in its first argu- ment, are called contravariant, and type constructors like IORef, which do not imply a subtype relationship at all are called invariant.