CS代写 #!/usr/bin/env python3

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Student name: NAME
# Student number: NUMBER
# UTORid: ID

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

“””Statistical modelling/parsing classes”””

from itertools import islice
from pathlib import Path
from sys import stdout

import numpy
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from tqdm import tqdm

from data import score_arcs
from parse import minibatch_parse

class Config(object):
“””Holds model hyperparams and data information.

The config class is used to store various hyperparameters and dataset
information parameters. Model objects are passed a Config() object at
n_word_ids = None # inferred
n_tag_ids = None # inferred
n_deprel_ids = None # inferred
n_word_features = None # inferred
n_tag_features = None # inferred
n_deprel_features = None # inferred
n_classes = None # inferred
dropout = 0.5
embed_size = None # inferred
hidden_size = 200
batch_size = 2048
n_epochs = 10
lr = 0.001

class ParserModel(nn.Module):
Implements a feedforward neural network with an embedding layer and single
hidden layer. This network will predict which transition should be applied
to a given partial parse state.
def create_embeddings(self, word_embeddings: torch.Tensor) -> None:
“””Create embeddings that map word, tag, and deprels to vectors

torch.Tensor of shape (n_word_ids, embed_size) representing
matrix of pre-trained word embeddings

Embedding layers convert sparse ID representations to dense vector
– Create 3 embedding layers using nn.Embedding, one for each of
the input types:
– The word embedding layer must be initialized with the value of the
argument word_embeddings, so you will want to create it using
nn.Embedding.from_pretrained(…). Make sure not to freeze the
– You don’t need to do anything special for initializing the other
two embedding layers, so use nn.Embedding(…) for them.
– The relevant values for the number of embeddings for each type can
be found in {n_word_ids, n_tag_ids, n_deprel_ids}.
– Assign the layers to self as attributes:
(Don’t use different variable names!)
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def create_net_layers(self) -> None:
“””Create layer weights and biases for this neural network

Our neural network computes predictions from the embedded input
using a single hidden layer as well as an output layer. This method
creates the hidden and output layers, including their weights and
biases (but PyTorch will manage the weights and biases; you will not
need to access them yourself). Note that the layers will only compute
the result of the multiplication and addition (i.e., no activation
function is applied, so the hidden layer will not apply the ReLu

– Create the two layers mentioned above using nn.Linear. You will need
to fill in the correct sizes for the nn.Linear(…) calls. Keep in mind
the layer sizes:
input layer (x): N * embed_size
hidden layer (h): hidden_size
output layer (pred): n_classes
where N = n_word_features + n_tag_features + n_deprel_features
– Assign the two layers to self as attributes:
(Don’t use different variable names!)

nn.Linear will take care of randomly initializing the weight and bias
tensors automatically, so that’s all that is to be done here.
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def reshape_embedded(self, embedded_batch: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
“””Reshape an embedded input to combine the various embedded features

Remember that we use various features based on the parser’s state for
our classifier, such as word on the top of the stack, next word in the
buffer, etc. Each feature (such as a word) has its own embedding. But
we will not want to keep the features separate for the classifier, so
we must merge them all together. This method takes a tensor with
separated embeddings for each feature and reshapes it accordingly.

torch.Tensor of dtype float and shape (B, N, embed_size)
where B is the batch_size and N is one of {n_word_features,
n_tag_features, n_deprel_features}.
torch.Tensor of dtype float and shape (B, N * embed_size).

– Reshape the embedded batch tensor into the specified shape using
torch.reshape. You may find the value of -1 handy for one of the
shape dimensions; see the docs for torch.reshape for what it does.
You may alternatively use the embedded_batch.view(…) or
embedded_batch.reshape(…) methods if you prefer.
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return reshaped_batch

def get_concat_embeddings(self, word_id_batch: torch.Tensor,
tag_id_batch: torch.Tensor,
deprel_id_batch: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
“””Get, reshape, and concatenate word, tag, and deprel embeddings

Recall that in our neural network, we concatenate the word, tag, and
deprel embeddings to use as input for our hidden layer. This method
retrieves all word, tag, and deprel embeddings and concatenates them

torch.Tensor of dtype int64 and shape (B, n_word_features)
torch.Tensor of dtype int64 and shape (B, n_tag_features)
torch.Tensor of dtype int64 and shape (B, n_deprel_features)
where B is the batch size
torch.Tensor of dtype float and shape (B, N * embed_size) where
N = n_word_features + n_tag_features + n_deprel_features

– Look up the embeddings for the IDs represented by the word_id_batch,
tag_id_batch, and deprel_id_batch tensors using the embedding layers
you defined in self.create_embeddings. (You do not need to call that
method from this one; that is done automatically for you elsewhere.)
– Use the self.reshape_embedded method you implemented on each of the
resulting embedded batch tensors from the previous step.
– Concatenate the reshaped embedded inputs together using torch.cat to
get the necessary shape specified above and return the result.
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def forward(self,
word_id_batch: numpy.ndarray,
tag_id_batch: numpy.ndarray,
deprel_id_batch: numpy.ndarray) -> torch.Tensor:
“””Compute the forward pass of the single-layer neural network

In our single-hidden-layer neural network, our predictions are computed
as follows from the concatenated embedded input x:
1. x is passed through the linear hidden layer to produce h.
2. Dropout is applied to h to produce h_drop.
3. h_drop is passed through the output layer to produce pred.
This method computes pred from the x with the help of the setup done by
the other methods in this class. Note that, compared to the assignment
handout, we’ve added dropout to the hidden layer and we will not be
applying the softmax activation at all in this model code. See the
get_loss method if you are curious as to why.

numpy.ndarray of dtype int64 and shape (B, n_word_features)
numpy.ndarray of dtype int64 and shape (B, n_tag_features)
numpy.ndarray of dtype int64 and shape (B, n_deprel_features)
pred: torch.Tensor of shape (B, n_classes)

– Use self.hidden_layer that you defined in self.create_net_layers to
compute the pre-activation hidden layer values.
– Use the torch.nn.functional.relu function to activate the result of
the previous step and then use the torch.nn.functional.dropout
function to apply dropout with the appropriate dropout rate. This
file already imports torch.nn.functional as F, so the function calls
you will use are F.relu(…) and F.dropout(…).
– Remember that dropout behaves differently when training vs. when
evaluating. The F.dropout function reflects this via its arguments.
You can use self.training to indicate whether or not the model is
currently being trained.
– Finally, use self.output_layer to compute the model outputs from the
result of the previous step.
x = self.get_concat_embeddings(torch.tensor(word_id_batch),

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return pred

def get_loss(self, prediction_batch: torch.Tensor,
class_batch: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
“””Calculate the value of the loss function

In this case we are using cross entropy loss. The loss will be averaged
over all examples in the current minibatch. Use F.cross_entropy to
compute the loss.
Note that we are not applying softmax to prediction_batch, since
F.cross_entropy handles that in a more efficient way. Excluding the
softmax in predictions won’t change the expected transition. (Convince
yourself of this.)

A torch.Tensor of shape (batch_size, n_classes) and dtype float
containing the logits of the neural network, i.e., the output
predictions of the neural network without the softmax
A torch.Tensor of shape (batch_size,) and dtype int64
containing the ground truth class labels.
loss: A 0d tensor (scalar) of dtype float
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return loss

def add_optimizer(self):
“””Sets up the optimizer.

Creates an instance of the Adam optimizer and sets it as an attribute
for this class.
self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.parameters(), self.config.lr)

def _fit_batch(self, word_id_batch, tag_id_batch, deprel_id_batch,
pred_batch = self(word_id_batch, tag_id_batch, deprel_id_batch)
loss = self.get_loss(pred_batch, torch.tensor(class_batch).argmax(-1))


return loss

def fit_epoch(self, train_data, epoch, trn_progbar, batch_size=None):
“””Fit on training data for an epoch”””
desc = ‘Epoch %d/%d’ % (epoch + 1, self.config.n_epochs)
total = len(train_data) * batch_size if batch_size else len(train_data)
bar_fmt = ‘{l_bar}{bar}| [{elapsed}<{remaining}{postfix}]' with tqdm(desc=desc, total=total, leave=False, miniters=1, unit='ex', unit_scale=True, bar_format=bar_fmt, position=1) as progbar: trn_loss = 0 trn_done = 0 for ((word_id_batch, tag_id_batch, deprel_id_batch), class_batch) in train_data: loss = self._fit_batch(word_id_batch, tag_id_batch, deprel_id_batch, class_batch) trn_loss += loss.item() * word_id_batch.shape[0] trn_done += word_id_batch.shape[0] progbar.set_postfix({'loss': '%.3g' % (trn_loss / trn_done)}) progbar.update(word_id_batch.shape[0]) trn_progbar.update(word_id_batch.shape[0] / total) return trn_loss / trn_done def predict(self, partial_parses): """Use this model to predict the next transitions/deprels of pps""" self.eval() feats = self.transducer.pps2feats(partial_parses) td_vecs = self(*feats).cpu().detach().numpy() self.transducer.td_vec2trans_deprel(td_vec) for td_vec in td_vecs] return preds def evaluate(self, sentences, ex_arcs): """LAS on either training or test sets""" act_arcs = minibatch_parse(sentences, self, self.config.batch_size) ex_arcs = tuple([(a[0], a[1], self.transducer.id2deprel[a[2]]) for a in pp] for pp in ex_arcs) stdout.flush() return score_arcs(act_arcs, ex_arcs) def __init__(self, transducer, config, word_embeddings): self.transducer = transducer self.config = config super().__init__() self.create_embeddings(torch.from_numpy(word_embeddings)) self.create_net_layers() self.add_optimizer() 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com