代写代考 CS 162 Spring 2017, 1st Midterm Exam

CS 162 Spring 2017, 1st Midterm Exam
February 27, 2017
Spring 2017
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Discussion Section Time:
University of California, Berkeley College of Engineering Computer Science Division – EECS
First Midterm Exam
February 27, 2017 CS162 Operating Systems
Ion Stoica
General Information:
This is a closed book and one 2-sided handwritten note examination. You have 80 minutes to answer as many questions as possible. The number in parentheses at the beginning of each question indicates the number of points for that question. You should read all of the questions before starting the exam, as some of the questions are substantially more time consuming.
Write all of your answers directly on this paper. Make your answers as concise as possible. If there is something in a question that you believe is open to interpretation, then please ask us about it!
Good Luck!!
2 20 3 22 4 14 5 16 6 10

CS 162 Spring 2017, 1st Midterm Exam February 27, 2017
P1 (18 points total) True/False and Why? CIRCLE YOUR ANSWER. For each question: 1 point for true/false correct, 2 point for explanation. An explanation cannot exceed 2 sentences.
a) You can use a socket to communicate between two processes on the same machine.
A socket is an interface for interprocess communication. It is irrelevant if the two processes are on remote computers, or on the same one.
b) If you wanted to close one thread in a multithreaded process, the best choice would be to call exit(0).
exit(0) will exit the entire process, which will also close all the other threads in the process.
c) Incrementing an integer value can always be performed atomically. TRUE FALSE
Increment requires a load, add, store that may be split.

CS 162 Spring 2017, 1st Midterm Exam February 27, 2017
d) Locks can be implemented by leveraging interrupts on single processor computers.
Just disable interrupts before acquiring and releasing locks.
e) Accessing a variable stored in a thread’s individual stack is always thread-safe.
Could pass the address of this variable to another thread.
f) Switching the order of two P() semaphore primitives can lead to deadlock (recall that sem.P() decrements semaphore value, “sem”, and blocks if it is 0).
If one P() is used to acquire a lock, and another one to wait(), we can get deadlock if the wait() happens in the critical section without releasing the lock (see slide 1, in lecture 9).

CS 162 Spring 2017, 1st Midterm Exam February 27, 2017
P2 (20 points) C Programming and Sockets: The code below implements a trivial echo server that reads arbitrary data into reqbuf from a client on consockfd socket descriptor, and then sends this data back to the client on the same socket descriptor (we ignore disconnections and other socket errors).
void server(int consockfd) { char reqbuf[MAXREQ]; intn;
while (1) {
n = read(consockfd, reqbuf, MAXREQ); /* Recv */
n = write(consockfd, reqbuf, strlen(reqbuf)); /* echo*/
Please recall that the last argument of read(), MAXREQ, is the maximum number of bytes it can read (usually the size of reqbuf), and it returns the number of bytes it reads, n, which can be smaller than MAXREQ.
Please answer the following questions. Answering a question may require you to add, delete, or modify the code above. If that’s the case, please specify the # of the line being modified or deleted. If you need to add code, please specify the #’s of the lines between which the code needs to be added (e.g., “add code between lines #4 and #5”).
a) (6 points) Assume the client always sends strings, i.e., ‘\0’ terminated sequence of characters. What can go wrong in the previous code? Provide a fix by specifying the changes to the above code.
The received string might not be null terminated which can result into sending garbage, as strlen(reqbuf) may exceed MAXREQ size in this case. The server might also crash as it might try to read from unallocated addresses.
Solution 1:
Between lines 4-5: memset(reqbuf, 0, MAXREQ);
Line #5: n = read(consockfd, reqbuf, MAXREQ-1); /* Recv */
Line #6: n = write(consockfd, reqbuf, strlen(reqbuf) + 1); /* Add NULL terminator */
Solution 2:
Line #6: n = write(consockfd, reqbuf, n);

CS 162 Spring 2017, 1st Midterm Exam February 27, 2017
b) (6 points) Assume the client sends a buffer that can contain ‘\0’ characters. What can go wrong in the previous code? Provide a fix by specifying the changes to the above code.
The problem is that if there is a ‘\0’ character in the message, the server will not echo the characters beyond it.
Line #6: n = write(consockfd, reqbuf, n); /* echo*/
c) (8 points) Assume the server needs to exit when receiving the string “quit”. Re- write the server() code to implement this functionality.
This solution finds “quit” anywhere in the message and works across messages, i.e., if one message ends with “qu”, and the next one starts with “it”, the server will exit.
void server(int consockfd) { char reqbuf[MAXREQ];
char *q = “quit”;
int k = 0; int i; while (1) {
n = read(consockfd, reqbuf, MAXREQ); /* Recv */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (q[k] == reqbuf[i]) { k++; if (strlen(q) == k) { // found “quit” matching; note this works across messages exit(0); // no match; re-initialize k = 0 n = write(consockfd, reqbuf, n); /* echo*/ CS 162 Spring 2017, 1st Midterm Exam February 27, 2017 P3 (22 points) Producer/Consumer: Consider the following code that implements a synchronized unbounded queue using monitors that we went over in lecture: 10. RemoveFromQueue() { 11. lock.Acquire(); // Get Lock 12. while (queue.isEmpty()) { Lock lock; Condition dataready; Queue queue; AddToQueue(item) { lock.Acquire(); // Get Lock queue.enqueue(item); // Add item dataready.signal(); // Signal any waiters lock.Release(); // Release Lock 15. item = queue.dequeue(); // Get next item 16. lock.Release(); // Release Lock 17. return(item); Please answer the following questions. a) (6 points) Assume that we have multiple producers running AddToQueue() and multiple consumers running RemoveFromQueue(). Do you need to make any changes to the code? If yes, specify the changes in the above code by indicating the line you need to modify, the line #’s between which you need to add new code, or the line # you need to delete. If not, use no more than two sentences to explain why. We don’t need to make any changes, as the code already handles multiple producers and consumers. dataready.wait(&lock); // If nothing, sleep CS 162 Spring 2017, 1st Midterm Exam February 27, 2017 b) (10 points) Change the code to implement a bounded queue, i.e., make sure that the producer cannot write when the queue is full. Add your changes in the empty space of the code below. Solution 1 (assuming .isFull() primitive): 1. Lock lock; 2. Condition dataready; Condition queueready; 3. Queue queue; AddToQueue(item) { lock.Acquire(); // Get Lock while (queue.isFull()) { queueready.wait(&lock); // If nothing, sleep } queue.enqueue(item); // Add item dataready.signal(); // Signal any waiters lock.Release(); // Release Lock RemoveFromQueue() { lock.Acquire(); // Get Lock while (queue.isEmpty()) { dataready.wait(&lock); // If nothing, sleep } item = queue.dequeue(); // Get next item queueready.signal(); // Signal any waiters lock.Release(); // Release Lock return(item); } CS 162 Spring 2017, 1st Midterm Exam February 27, 2017 Solution 2: 1. Lock lock; 2. Condition dataready; Condition queueready; 3. Queue queue; int queuesize = 0; AddToQueue(item) { lock.Acquire(); // Get Lock while (queueuesize == N) { queueready.wait(&lock); // If nothing, sleep } queuesize++; queue.enqueue(item); // Add item dataready.signal(); // Signal any waiters lock.Release(); // Release Lock RemoveFromQueue() { lock.Acquire(); // Get Lock while (queue.isEmpty()) { dataready.wait(&lock); // If nothing, sleep } item = queue.dequeue(); // Get next item queuesize--; queueready.signal(); // Signal any waiters lock.Release(); // Release Lock return(item); CS 162 Spring 2017, 1st Midterm Exam February 27, 2017 c) (6 points) Implement a new function, ReadFromQueue(), which uses the function “item = queue.read()” to read an item from the queue without removing it. ReadFromQueue() { lock.Acquire(); // Get Lock while (queue.isEmpty()) { dataready.wait(&lock); // If nothing, sleep } item = queue.read(); // Get next item lock.Release(); // Release Lock return(item); CS 162 Spring 2017, 1st Midterm Exam February 27, 2017 P4 (14 points total) CPU Scheduling: Consider the following single-threaded processes, and their arrival times, CPU bursts and their priorities (a process with a higher priority number has priority over a process with lower priority number): Process CPU burst Arrives Priority A411 B122 C244 D353 Please note: • Priority scheduler is preemptive. • Newly arrived processes are scheduled last for RR. When the RR quanta expires, the currently running thread is added at the end of to the ready list before any newly arriving threads. • Break ties via priority in Shortest Remaining Time First (SRTF). • If a process arrives at time x, they are ready to run at the beginning of time x. • Ignore context switching overhead. • The quanta for RR is 1 unit of time. • Total turnaround time is the time a process takes to complete after it arrives. Given the above information please fill in the following table. Time FIFO/FCFS Round RTF Priority 1AAAA 2AABB 3ABAA 4AACC 5BCCC 6CAAD 7CDAD 8DCDD 9DDDA Total Turnaround Time 18 Page 10/13 CS 162 Spring 2017, 1st Midterm Exam February 27, 2017 P5 (16 points) Synchronization: Next Saturday is the international day of Poker. As the owner of the largest poker website worldwide you expect a large number of games being played (and finishing) at any point in time in your website. Consider that players can play more than one game at a time and any two players can play against each other in more than one game simultaneously. For simplicity, we consider each game has exactly two players. The backend system of your poker website contains the following multi-threaded code. queue games_finished_queue; lock_t games_finished_lock; semaphore games_to_process_sem; typedef struct Game { .... typedef struct Player { lock_t lock; uint64_t n_chips; uint64_t unique_id; } Player; void finish_game(Game* game) { lock_acquire(&games_finished_lock); enqueue(&games_finished_queue, game); lock_release(&games_finished_lock); sema_up(&games_to_process_sem); void process_finished_games() { lock_acquire(&games_finished_lock); sema_down(&games_to_process_sem); Game* g = pop_queue_front(&games_finished_queue); move_chips(g->player1, g->player2, g->n_chips); lock_release(&games_finished_lock);
void move_chips(Player* player1, Player* player2, uint64_t n_chips) { lock_acquire(&player1->lock);
player1->n_chips -= n_chips; player2->n_chips += n_chips;
lock_release(&player1->lock); }
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CS 162 Spring 2017, 1st Midterm Exam February 27, 2017
a) (6 points) Identify two places in the code where deadlock can occur. If deadlock occurs, use no more than two sentences to explain why it occurs.
First, in process_finished_games sema_down can make thread wait on a critical section.
Second, move_chips can deadlock if two players play against each other simultaneously. This can lead to two concurrent calls with the same (but swapped) players/arguments.
move_chips(player1, player2, n1) move_chips(player2, player1, n2)
Note: The second deadlock() assumes that move_chips() is called from another function not shown in the code. Since this was unclear we gave full credit to people who did not identify this second deadlock.
b) (10 points) Use the space bellow to change process_finished_games() and move_chips () (or copy if correct) to ensure no deadlocks can occur. Explain succinctly why no deadlock can occur with the newly modified code. Note: a single lock at the beginning and end of move_chips is not an accepted solution.
void process_finished_games() {
// acquire semaphore outside of critical section sema_down(&games_to_process); lock_acquire(&games_finished);
Game* g = pop_queue_front(&games_finished_queue); move_chips(g->player1, g->player2, g->n_chips); lock_release(games_finished);
void move_chips(Player* player1, Player* player2, uint64_t n_chips) {
// acquire locks in well defined order
if (player1->unique_id < player2->unique_id) {
lock_acquire(&player2->lock); } else {
lock_acquire(&player1->lock); }
player1->n_chips -= n_chips; player2->n_chips += n_chips;
Note: We gave full credit to people who did not identify move_chips() as a deadlock at (a) and who did not provide the fix here, again, due to confusing text.
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CS 162 Spring 2017, 1st Midterm Exam February 27, 2017 P6. (10 points) Syscalls: Please answer the following questions.
a) (4 points) Syscall dispatch. Suppose there is a function “foo()” in kernel memory at address 0xA000 that requires full privileges to run. The kernel would like to allow userspace threads to use this function. How can the user thread cause foo() to run? For now, we assume that foo() takes no arguments and has no return value.
This isn’t the only right answer, but it is the simplest (the answers to part 2 would also work here): The kernel would pick a free interrupt number (for concreteness, let’s say “2”). It would then fill in “0xA000” into the IVT entry #2. The user would cause interrupt 2 to enter the kernel. Finally, foo() would use the “return from interrupt” instruction to return control to the user.
b) \ (4 points) Syscall execution. Suppose instead of just one function, we wanted to support an arbitrary number of system calls (potentially even thousands). Would your approach in part 1 still work? If not, what changes would you need to make?
The fundamental problem is that there are a limited number of interrupts. Writing Yes or No was not worth any points unless you identified the correct reason. This is because depending on your implementation either yes or no could be correct.
There could be several right answers to this.
(Fully correct) Similar to Linux: You pass the syscall number in a register (or on the user stack) and then use a known interrupt. This interrupt handler then gets the request number and looks up the function in a table.
Another accepted solution was to use a sequence of interrupts to determine an appropriate syscall. (e.g. calling INT 1 then INT 2 then INT 3 corresponds to syscall 5000)
c) (3 points) Pintos Kernel Stack. In Pintos, would foo() use the user’s stack? If not, where does it keep its stack?
In Pintos, the kernel does not use the user’s stack. Instead it reserves a portion of the TCB for the associated kernel stack.
(HINT: x86 provides an instruction “INT N” that sends interrupt #N
to the CPU where N is between 0-255.)
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