代写代考 Objectives of the analysis:

Objectives of the analysis:
1. To identify the factors that can predict various Facebook metrics (especially different kinds of user engagement)
2. To develop predictive models for the Facebook metrics

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Minimum requirements:
1. Linear regression model
2. 2 machine learning models (e.g. neural network model, random forest, SVM)
3. Principal components analysis of the Facebook metrics
4. Cross-validation with 70% training and 30% validation set
5. Suggest another set of Facebook metrics that can be included in the analysis to gain more insights
Suggested data preparation steps:
· Add attributes for Company ID, before and after introduction of emojis, before and after introduction of live streaming
· Don’t process the data using MS Excel, as MS Excel will mess up the dates and numbers.
· Read the .csv file directly into R Dataset. Use read.csv
· To split the status_id into company_ID and record_ID, you can use the string function str_split_fixed. Consult the stringr cheatsheet (attached).
   For example: Dataset$company_ID <- str_split_fixed(Dataset[,1], "_", 2)[,1] · To extract the year from status_published, you can also use str_split_fixed.    For example: str_split_fixed(Dataset$status_published, "[ /:]", 5)[,3] · If you want to store status_published as a Date (in order to do date operations), use as.Date.    For example: as.Date(Dataset$status_published, tryFormats = c("%m/%d/%Y")) 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com