程序代写代做代考 html mips data structure cache go cache simulator 22. Virtual Memory: Basics

22. Virtual Memory: Basics
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization – Fall 2020
Satish Narayanasamy
EECS Department
University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, USA
© Narayanasamy 2020
The material in this presentation cannot be copied in any form without written permission

Project 3 due date extended to Tuesday November 17 11:59PM EST

Interactive Cache Simulator

Go check cache organization in your computer!
For Linux you can use following command:
$:sudo dmidecode -t cache
DMI—desktop management interface
(you may need to install dmidecode on your machine)

3 Levels of Caches on a Modern Computer

Memory System: Learning objective
LC2k program
MIPS program
ARM64 or x86-64 program
can access can access can access
218 bytes of memory
232 bytes of memory
264 bytes of memory (18 billion billion bytes!)
Problem: No one memory technology is both fast and big to store all of program’s data Goal: Design a fast, big, and cheap memory system to store a program’s data.
Recap from Lecture 17

Memory Pyramid
Cost Expensive Size Small
Cache (SRAM)
Main memory (DRAM)
SSD (flash, PCM) Hard disk
Cost Cheap Size Big
Recap from Lecture 17

A modern computing system is composed of several memory devices
Main memory (DRAM)
SSD Flash Hard disk
w/ three levels of caches
Focus today: Virtual Memory

Virtual Memory

What is Virtual Memory?
An operating system (OS) functionality that enables multiple concurrently running programs to share physical memory and swap disk space.
Hardware (TLB – a special cache) helps OS efficiently implement this functionality

Virtual Memory Roles
Capacity: Main memory is not enough
Modern systems can afford ~128 GBs DRAM space = 2^37 bytes. Programs written in 64-bit ISA need 2^64 bytes! Need to run many programs simultaneously on the same machine. Each program may require GBs of memory.
Provide an illusion of storage large enough for 2^64 bytes of data for all concurrently running programs Manage main memory like an exclusive fully-associative cache. Spills to disk.
Security features
Programs may want to share data and code (e.g., library)
Programs may want to disable read/write permissions to some portions of memory
e.g., mark instructions are read-only, no read/write permission for unallocated heap
Unrelated programs must not have access to each other’s data

How to be not limited by DRAM capacity?
Use disk as “extra” space in case main memory capacity is exhausted This space in disk is called swap partition in Linux-based systems
For fun check swap space in a linux system by:
$: top

How to be not limited by DRAM capacity?
Virtual Memory (defined by ISA)
Page Table
(OS data structure)
0x5000 0x0000
(physical memory)
0x0000 0x1000 0x2000 0x3000 0x4000 0x5000 0x6000 0x7000 0x8000 0x9000
0x0000 0x1000
0xF000 0x10000
Grand illusion of virtual memory:
DRAM size + swap disk size << 2^64 bytes No memory is enough for a 64-bit ISA (ARM64) program Hard disk cost for storing all addresses accessible to a ARM64 program $760 million for 2^64 bytes Don’t provision 264 bytes of storage (even a hard disk is too expensive!) Fake it. Use “virtual memory” to provide an illusion that ISA’s entire address space is available. A few TB is enough for most desktop machines today, or a smartphone in a few years Computer “crashes” if your program exceeds machine’s available swap space on disk 15 Recap from Lecture 17 Central to Virtual memory: Address translation Address produced by executing a load or store is a “virtual address” In 64-bit ISA, it is a 64-bit address, capable of addressing 2^64 bytes Virtual memory is a hardware and software co-designed system that dynamically translates a load/store’s 0x800 virtual address (which the programmer (load/store) sees as an array of bytes) to a physical address Disk ID 803C4 (which the hardware uses to either index DRAM or identify where the storage resides on disk) 16 What are Pages? Divide memory in chunks of Pages (e.g., 4KB for x86) Size of physical page = size of virtual page A virtual address consists of - A virtual page number - A page offset field (low order bits of the address) Virtual address 63 11 0 Virtual page number Page offset Physical page number Page offset Physical address 29 11 0 Virtual Page accesses that are not found in physical memory (DRAM) are called Page Faults 17 Data structure used for address translation: Page Table Each process has its own page table maintained by the operating system Page table contains address translation i.e., virtual page number ➔ physical page number Page tables are stored in memory. OS knows the physical address of a program’s page table. No address translation is required by the OS for accessing the page tables 18 Address translation using Page table Page table register The Page table register points to the beginning of the page table Virtual Address Page Table Virtual page number Page offset valid Physical page number 1 Physical page number Physical page number Page offset Physical Address 19 Address translation: Example Page table register Virtual address = 0x000040F3 valid Physical page number 1 0x00004 0x020C0 0x0F3 Physical address = 0x020C00F3 0x020C0 0x0F3 20 Page faults Page table register Physical page number valid 0x00002 0x082 0 Disk address Exception: page fault (handled by OS) Page faults :: main memory similar to Cache miss :: processor caches 21 1. Stop this process 2. Pick page to replace 3. Write back data 4. Get referenced page 5. Update page table 6. Reschedule process How do we find it on disk? That is not a hardware problem! Go take EECS 482! This is the operating system’s job. Most operating systems partition the disk into logical devices (C: , D: , /home, etc.) They also have a hidden partition to support the disk portion of virtual memory Swap partition on UNIX machines You then index into the correct page in the swap partition. 22 Operating System handles Page faults Slide credit: Operating System Concepts Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne 23 Who implements Virtual Memory (VM)? When OS creates a process, it allocates a page table to it. OS (page fault handler) makes changes to a page table Includes page replacement Moves data from main memory to and fro swap space on disk Address translation is needed for every load/store: Reading from the page table every load/store would be expensive Processor provides special support (TLB) to speed this up VM is a good example for hardware-software co-design *(do not confuse VM for “Virtual Machine”, which is another concept entirely) 24 Main memory Vs Cache : Similarities and Differences Data granularity: Cache: “cache block” Main memory: “page” Who decides where to store and what to replace? Cache: Main memory: On a “miss” Cache: Main memory: Processor Operating system Go to main memory. Processor fetches data. Go to disk. OS page fault handler fetches data. OS treats main memory like an exclusive fully-associative “cache” Instead of searching by comparing tags, OS uses page table to find a page’s storage location Exclusive: Data is either in main memory or in disk, not both Processor’s last-level caches are inclusive set-associative 25 Class Problem Assume the following: 20-bit byte-addressable ISA (virtual address space) Physical memory size : 16 KB Page size : 4 KB LRU replacement policy for main memory Assume the following initial page-table state: Page table Virtual page 0 Virtual page 1 Other physical pages are invalid. physical page 0. Can never be evicted (pinned) physical page 1. physical page 2. Answer the following: # physical pages = ________________________ # virtual pages = ___________________________ Page offset size = ___________________________ Fill in the table on the next slide for each reference 26 is in is in is in Class Problem Assume the following: 20-bit byte-addressable ISA (virtual address space) Physical memory size : 16 KB Page size : 4 KB LRU replacement policy for main memory Assume the following initial page-table state: Page table Virtual page 0 Virtual page 1 Other physical pages are invalid. physical page 0. Can never be evicted (pinned) physical page 1. physical page 2. is in is in is in Answer the following: # physical pages = 16 KB / 4 KB = 4 pages. # virtual pages = 2^20 / 4 KB = 2^8 = 256 pages. # entries in page table = 256 Page offset size = log(4 KB) = 12 bits Fill in the table on the next slide for each reference 27 Class Problem: Illustration – Initial state Page size = 4 KB Virtual memory (2^20 bytes = 256 pages) Physical Memory (16 KB = 4 pages) Virtual address Physical address Virtual page number Page offset 20 11 0 Virtual memory: 2^20 bytes 2^20 / 4 KB = 256 pages Page Table (256 entries) Physical page number Page offset 13 11 0 Physical Memory: 16 KB (16 KB / 4 KB = 4 pages) Disk (swap partition) 28 Class Problem (continued) Virt addr Virt page Page fault? Phys addr 0x00F0C 0x01F0C 0x20F0C 0x00100 0x00200 0x30000 0x01FFF 0x00200 Class Problem (continued) Virt addr Virt page Page fault? Phys addr 0x00F0C 0x0 N 0x1F0C 0x01F0C 0x20F0C 0x00100 0x00200 0x30000 0x01FFF 0x00200 Class Problem (continued) Virt addr Virt page Page fault? Phys addr 0x00F0C 0x0 N 0x1F0C 0x01F0C 0x1 N 0x2F0C 0x20F0C 0x00100 0x00200 0x30000 0x01FFF 0x00200 Class Problem (continued) Virt addr Virt page Page fault? Phys addr 0x00F0C 0x0 N 0x1F0C 0x01F0C 0x1 N 0x2F0C 0x20F0C 0x20 Y (into 3) 0x3F0C 0x00100 0x00200 0x30000 0x01FFF 0x00200 Class Problem (continued) Virt addr Virt page Page fault? Phys addr 0x00F0C 0x00 N 0x1F0C 0x01F0C 0x01 N 0x2F0C 0x20F0C 0x20 Y (into 3) 0x3F0C 0x00100 0x00 N 0x1100 0x00200 0x00 N 0x1200 0x30000 0x30 Y (into 2) 0x2000 0x01FFF 0x01 Y (into 3) 0x3FFF 0x00200 0x00 N 0x1200 Virtual Memory Roles Capacity: Main memory is not enough Problem: Modern systems can afford ~128 GBs DRAM space = 2^37 bytes. Programs written in 64-bit ISA need 2^64 bytes! Need to run many programs simultaneously on the same machine. Each program may require GBs of memory. Solution: Provide an illusion of storage large enough for 2^64 bytes of data for all concurrently running programs Manage main memory like an exclusive fully-associative cache. Spills to disk. Security features Permissions Programs may want to share data and code (e.g., library) Programs may want to disable read/write permissions to some portions of memory e.g., mark instructions are read-only, no read/write permission for unallocated heap 34 Isolation Unrelated programs must not have access to each other’s data Processes and threads on my computer 35 Revisit real system view—multitasking Code Static Data Heap Data Stack Code Static Data Heap Data Stack Code Static Data Heap Data Stack ... Processor Physical Memory (DRAM) Smaller than the sum of all programs’ memory 36 How to achieve isolation? 37 How to achieve isolation? 38 How to achieve isolation? 39 Some pages may be swapped out to disk Page table for Chrome 0x0000 0x1000 0x0000 0x1000 0x5000 0x0000 0x1A000 D1000 0x1F000 0x2000 0x8000 0xF000 0x10000 DISK 0x0000 0x1000 D1000 0xF000 Virtual address space (2^64 locations) Page table for Word 0x1F000 DRAM 40 Virtual Memory Roles Capacity: Main memory is not enough Problem: Modern systems can afford ~128 GBs DRAM space = 2^37 bytes. Programs written in 64-bit ISA need 2^64 bytes! Need to run many programs simultaneously on the same machine. Each program may require GBs of memory. Solution: Provide an illusion of storage large enough for 2^64 bytes of data for all concurrently running programs Manage main memory like an exclusive fully-associative cache. Spills to disk. Security features Isolation Permissions Programs may want to share data and code (e.g., library) Programs may want to disable read/write permissions to some portions of memory e.g., mark instructions are read-only, no read/write permission for unallocated heap Unrelated programs must not have access to each other’s data 41 Some pages can be shared between programs; Permissions per page: invalid, read-only, not-execute, etc. Page table for Chrome 0x5000 0x0000 0x2000 0xF000 0x1A000 0x10000 D1000 0x0000 0x1F000 0x1000 0x2000 0x0000 0x1000 0x0000 0x1000 0xF000 0x8000 Virtual address space Page table for Word 0x1F000 DRAM (2^64 locations) Permission bits Read-only 42 Not-execute DISK D1000 VM integration with processor caches (to be discussed later) VM systems give us two different addresses: virtual and physical Which address should we use to access the data cache? • Virtual address (before VM translation). - Fasteraccess. - More complex. • Physical address (after VM translations). - Delayedaccess. 43 Check your computer 44