程序代写代做代考 assembler c/c++ assembly compiler C go L7_1 Linux-ELF

L7_1 Linux-ELF
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization – Fall 2020
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization – © Bill Arthur 1 The material in this presentation cannot be copied in any form without written permission

Learning Objectives
• To be able to identify the components of a Linux binary (assembled machine code) files.
• To understand the mapping of data and instructions to machine code files, including object files and executables.
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Variable Scope – C/C++
• Higher level languages (like C/C++) provide many abstractions that don’t exist at the assembly level
• E.g. in C, each function has its own local variables
• Even if different function have local variables with the same name, they are
independent and guaranteed not to interfere with each other!
Still prints “1”… these do not interfere
void foo(){
int a = 1;
void bar(){
int a=2;
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Saving / Restoring Registers
• But in assembly, all functions share a small set (e.g. 32) of registers • Called functions will overwrite registers needed by calling functions
overwrites X0 if we don’t do something!!
• “Someone” needs to save/restore values when a function is called to ensure this doesn’t happen
• Convention: implementation scheme detailing design choices to be followed by everyone
foo: movz X0, #1 bl bar
bl printf
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization
bar: movz X0, #2
br X30

Caller-Callee Save/Restore
Caller Save
Caller save Caller restore
foo() { . ..
bar ();
. .. }
Callee Save
bar() { . .. . .. . ..
Callee save
Callee restore
Caller save registers: Callee may change, so caller responsible for saving immediately before call and restoring immediately after call
Callee save registers: Must be the same value as when called. May do this by either not changing the value in a register or by inserting saves at the start of the function and restores at the end
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Caller-Callee Convention
• This is probably in the top #3 for concepts 370 students have difficulty “getting”
• But once it “clicks”, it is really not that complicated!
• Spend some time on your own thinking through it
• Watch the supplemental video we have online • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMH5uL3HiiU
• Come to office hours to chat about it
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Source Code to Execution
• In project 1a, our view is this:
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization
Not very accurate… why? Because it reality, we have multiple files

Multi-file programs
• In practice, programs are made from thousands or millions of lines of code
• If we change one line, do we need to recompile the whole thing?
• No! If we compile each file into a separate object file, then we only need to
recompile that one file and link it to the other, unchanged object files
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Source Code to Execution
Compiler Assembler
C, C++, etc.
Object File
Library Library
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization
Object File

What Happens When You Invoke gcc?
1. C preprocessor
• Handlesmacros,#define,#ifdef,#if
• gcc –E foo.c > foo.i (foo.i contains preprocessed source code)
• gcc –S foo.c (foo.s contains textual assembly)
• as foo.s –o foo.o OR gcc –c foo.s
• ld foo.o bar.o bunch_of_other_stuff –o a.out
You can run gcc –v to see all the commands that it is running
• Note gcc does not call ld, it calls collect2, which is a wrapper that calls ld EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Source to Process Translation
Source Code
Code Code
cc x.s as x.o
cc y.s as y.o
cc z.s as z.o
Compiler Assembler

101010101 010101010 101010101 010101010 101010101
Heap Data
Static Data
101010101 010101010 101010101 010101010 101010101
101010101 010101010 101010101 010101010 101010101 010
101010101 010101010 101010101 010101010 101010101
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Linux ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) object file format
Object files contain more than just machine code instructions!
Header: (of an object file) contains sizes of other parts Text: machine code
Data: global and static data
Symbol table: symbols and values
Relocation table: references to addresses that may change when application is loaded
Debug info: mapping of object back to source (only exists when debugging options are turned on)
Object code format
Symbol table
Relocation table (maps symbols to instructions)
Debugging info
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Linux (ELF) Object File Format- Header
•size of other pieces in file •size of text segment
•size of static data segment •size of symbol table
•size of relocation table
Object code format
Symbol table
Relocation table (maps symbols to instructions)
Debugging info
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Linux (ELF) Object File Format- Text
Text segment
•machine code
i.e., executable code statements
By default this segment is assumed to be read-only and that is enforced by the OS
Object code format
Symbol table
Relocation table (maps symbols to instructions)
Debugging info
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Linux (ELF) Object File Format- Data
Data segment (Initialized static segment)
• values of initialized globals
• values of initialized static locals
Does not contain uninitialized data. Just keep track of how much memory is needed for
uninitialized data
This goes in its own space allocated by the loader called the bss— basic service set
Object code format
Symbol table
Relocation table (maps symbols to instructions)
Debugging info
Simplifying Assumption for EECS370
All globals and static locals (initialized or not) go in the data segment
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Linux (ELF) Object File Format- Symbol Table
Symbol table
• It is used by the linker to bind public entities within this object file (function calls and globals)
• Maps string symbol names to values (addresses or constants)
• Associates addresses with global labels. Also lists unresolved labels
• Includes addresses of static local variables, but does not expose them to other files (local scope)
Object code format
Symbol table
Relocation table (maps symbols to instructions)
Debugging info
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Linux (ELF) Object File Format- Relocation Table
Relocation table
• Identifies instructions and data words that rely on absolute addresses. These references must change if portions of program are moved in memory
Used by linker to update symbol uses (e.g., branch target addresses)
Object code format
Symbol table
Relocation table (maps symbols to instructions)
Debugging info
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Linux (ELF) Object File Format- Debugging Info
Debug info (optional)
• Contains info on where variables are in stack frames and in the global space, types of those variables, source code line numbers, etc.
• Debuggers use this information to access debugging info at runtime
Object code format
Symbol table
Relocation table (maps symbols to instructions)
Debugging info
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Assembly→Object File – Example Snippet of C
Header Name Text size
Data size
0x0C //probably bigger 0x04 //probably bigger
Text Address Instruction
0 LDUR X1, [X27, #0] //X27 global reg 4 ADDI X9, X1, #1 //X9 local variable Y 8 BLB
Data 0 X 3 …
Symbol Label Address table X 0
B- main 0
Reloc Addr Instruction type Dependency table 0 LDUR X
8 BL B
int x = 3;
main() {
int y;
y = x + 1; B();
// more code
Snippet of assembly code
LDUR X1, [X27, #0]
ADDI X9, X1, #1
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

• There are 3 videos for lecture 7 • L7_1 – Linux-ELF
• L7_2 – Linker
• L7_3 – IEEE_Floating-Point
• There is one worksheet for lecture 7
1. Linker and loader – wait until after L7_2
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

L7_2 Linker
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization – Fall 2020
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization – © Bill Arthur 21 The material in this presentation cannot be copied in any form without written permission

Learning Objectives
• Describe operations for the linking and loading of object files (binary representations of programs intended to be directly executed on a processor).
• Describe symbol and relocation tables and contents for source code files.
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Linker, or Link Editor
• Stitches independently created object files into a single executable file (i.e., a.out)
• Step 1: Take text segment from each .o file and put them together.
• Step 2: Take data segment from each .o file, put them together, and concatenate
this onto end of text segments.
• What about libraries?
• Libraries are just special object files.
• You create new libraries by making lots of object files (for the components of the library) and combining them (see ar and ranlib on Unix machines).
• Step 3: Resolve cross-file references to labels • Make sure there are no undefined labels
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Linker – Continued
• Determine the memory locations the code and data of each file will occupy
• Each function could be assembled on its own
• Thus the relative placement of code/data is not known up to this point
• Must relocate absolute references to reflect placement by the linker • PC-Relative Addressing (beq, bne): never relocate
• Absolute Address (mov 27, #X): always relocate
• External Reference (usually bl): always relocate
• Data Reference (often movz/movk): always relocate
• Executable file contains no relocation info or symbol table
these just used by assembler/linker
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Symbol Table – Example
Problem: Which symbols will be put into the symbol table? i.e., which “things” should be visible to all files?
extern void bar(int); extern char c[];
int a;
int foo (int x) {
int b;
a = c[3] + 1; bar(x);
b = 27;
file1.c – symbol table symbol location
extern int a; char c[100]; void bar (int y) {
char e[100]; a = y;
c[20] = e[7];
file2.c – symbol table symbol location
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Symbol Table – Example
Problem: Which symbols will be put into the symbol table? i.e., which “things” should be visible to all files?
extern void bar(int); extern char c[];
int a;
int foo (int x) {
int b;
a = c[3] + 1; bar(x);
b = 27;
file1.c – symbol table symbol location
a data foo text c- bar –
extern int a; char c[100]; void bar (int y) {
char e[100]; a = y;
c[20] = e[7];
file2.c – symbol table symbol location
c data bar text a-
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization
Local variables are not in tables:
• binfile1.c • *e in file2.c

Relocation Table – Example
Problem: Which lines/instructions are in the relocation table? i.e., which “things” need to be updated after linking?
extern void bar(int); extern char c[];
int a;
int foo (int x) {
int b;
a = c[3] + 1; bar(x);
b = 27;
file3.c – relocation table
line type dep
extern int a; char c[100];
void bar (int y) {
char e[100];
a = y;
c[20] = e[7];
file4.c – relocation table
line type dep
11 22 33 44 55 66 77 8
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Relocation Table – Example
Problem: Which lines/instructions are in the relocation table? i.e., which “things” need to be updated after linking?
extern void bar(int); extern char c[];
int a;
int foo (int x) {
int b;
a = c[3] + 1; bar(x);
b = 27;
file3.c – relocation table
line type dep 6 ldur c
6 stur a
7 bl bar
extern int a; char c[100];
void bar (int y) {
char e[100];
a = y;
c[20] = e[7];
file4.c – relocation table
line type dep 5 stur a
6 stur c
11 22 33 44 55 66 77 8
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization
Note: in a real relocation table, the “line” would really be the address in “text” section of the assembly instruction we need to update.

• Executable file is sitting on the disk
• Puts the executable file code image into memory and asks the operating system
to schedule it as a new process
• Creates new address space for program large enough to hold text and data segments, along with a stack segment
• Copies instructions and data from executable file into the new address space (starting address of program is random and may be anywhere in memory – ASLR)
• Initializes registers (PC and SP most important) • Loading is now complex
• Dynamically linked libraries (DLLs on Windows, SOs on Linux)
• Linking when program loaded, one copy of library in memory shared by all running applications
• Some systems even delay some code optimization (usually a compiler job) to load time
• Position Independent Code (PIC), Procedure Linkage Table (PLT), Global Offset Table (GOT)
• Loaders must deal with sophisticated operating systems
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Things to Remember
• Compiler converts a single source code file into a single assembly language file
• Assembler handles directives (.fill), converts what it can to machine language, and creates a checklist for the linker (relocation table). This changes each .s file into a .o file
• Assembler does 2 passes to resolve addresses, handling internal forward references
• Linker combines several .o files and resolves absolute addresses
• Linker enables separate compilation: Thus unchanged files, including libraries
need not be recompiled.
• Linker resolves remaining addresses.
• Loader loads executable into memory and begins execution
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

• There are 3 videos for lecture 7 • L7_1 – Linux-ELF
• L7_2 – Linker
• L7_3 – IEEE_Floating-Point
• There is one worksheet for lecture 7
1. Linker and loader – you can do this now.
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

L7_3 IEEE_Floating-Point
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization – Fall 2020
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization – © Bill Arthur 32 The material in this presentation cannot be copied in any form without written permission

Learning Objectives
• Ability to describe the representation and encoding used for real numbers.
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Why Floating Point
• Need to represent real numbers
• Rational numbers (can be represented by dividing two integers, e.g., 1/3) • Ok, but can be cumbersome to work with
• Falls apart for sqrt(2) and other irrational numbers
• Fixed point (fixed number of digits before/after decimal point)
• Do everything in thousandths (or millions, etc.)
• Not always easy to pick the right units
• Different scaling factors for different stages of computation
• Scientific notation: this is good! (mantissa and exponent, e.g., 3 x 104)
• Exponential notation allows HUGE dynamic range
• Constant (approximately) relative precision across the whole range
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Floating Point Pre-Standardization
• Late 1970s formats
• About two dozen different, incompatible floating point number formats
• Precisions from about 4 to about 17 decimal digits • Ranges from about 1019 to 10322
• Sloppy arithmetic
• Last few bits were often wrong, and in different ways
• Overflow sometimes detected, sometimes ignored
• Arbitrary, almost random rounding modes • Truncate, round up, round to nearest
• Addition and multiplication not necessarily commutative • Small differences due to roundoff errors
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

IEEE Floating Point
• Standard set by IEEE
• Intel took the lead in 1976 for a good standard
• First working implementation: Intel 8087 floating point coprocessor, 1980 • Full formal adoption: 1985
• Updated in 2008
• Rigorous specification for high accuracy computation • Made every bit count
• Dependable accuracy even in the lowest bits
• Predictable, reasonable behavior for exceptional conditions
• (divide by zero, overflow, etc.) EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

IEEE 754 Floating Point Format (Single Precision)
• Sign bit: (0 is positive, 1 is negative)
• Significand: (also called the mantissa; stores the 23 most significant bits after the decimal point)
• Exponent: used biased base 127 encoding
• Add 127 to the value of the exponent to encode:
• -127 → 00000000 1 → 10000000
• -126 → 00000001 2 → 10000001 •……
• 0 → 01111111 128 → 11111111
• How do you represent zero ? Special convention:
• Exponent: -127 (all zeroes ), Significand 0 (all zeroes), Sign + or –
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Floating Point Representation
10.625 10 1010.101 2 1.010101  2 3
This must be a 1! So don’t store it.
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization
Exponent (3)
1 bit 8 bits 23 bits
Significand (1010101)

Floating Point Representation
10.625 10 1010.101 2 1.010101  2 3
This must be a 1! So don’t store it.
1 bit 8 bits 23 bits
10.62510 = 0 10000010 010101000000000000000002
Significand (1010101)
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization
Exponent (3)

Floating Point – Example
Problem: What is the value (in decimal) of the following IEEE 754 floating point encoded number?
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Floating Point – Example
Problem: What is the value (in decimal) of the following IEEE 754 floating point encoded number?
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

Floating Point – Example
Problem: What is the value (in decimal) of the following IEEE 754 floating point encoded number?
sign bit
– (negative)
133 – 127 = 6 (biased by 127)
add implicit 1
-1.01011001 x 26
shift radix point 6 places
-1010110.01=-(26 +24 +22 +21 +2-2)=-(64+16+4+2+1⁄4)= -86.2510
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization

• There are 3 videos for lecture 7 • L7_1 – Linux-ELF
• L7_2 – Linker
• L7_3 – IEEE_Floating-Point
• There is one worksheet for lecture 7 1. Linker – do if you have not already.
EECS 370 – Introduction to Computer Organization