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CIS 471/571(Fall 2020): Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Lecture 10: Reinforcement Learning (Part 1)
Thanh H. Nguyen
Source: http://ai.berkeley.edu/home.html

Reinforcement Learning
State: s
Reward: r
Actions: a
§Basic idea:
§Receive feedback in the form of rewards
§Agent’s utility is defined by the reward function
§ Must (learn to) act so as to maximize expected rewards § All learning is based on observed samples of outcomes!

Example: Learning to Walk
Initial A Learning Trial After Learning [1K Trials]
[Kohl and Stone, ICRA 2004]

Example: Learning to Walk
[Kohl and Stone, ICRA 2004] Initial

Example: Learning to Walk
[Kohl and Stone, ICRA 2004] Training

Example: Learning to Walk
[Kohl and Stone, ICRA 2004] Finished

Reinforcement Learning
§Still assume a Markov decision process (MDP): §A set of states s Î S
§A set of actions (per state) A
§A model T(s,a,s’)
§A reward function R(s,a,s’) §Still looking for a policy p(s)
§New twist: don’t know T or R
§ I.e. we don’t know which states are good or what the actions do §Must actually try out actions and states to learn

Offline (MDPs) vs. Online (RL)
Offline Online Solution Learning

Model-Based Learning

Model-Based Learning
§Model-Based Idea:
§ Learn an approximate model based on experiences
§ Solve for values as if the learned model were correct
§Step 1: Learn empirical MDP model
§ Count outcomes s’ for each s, a
§ Normalize to give an estimate of
§ Discover each when we experience (s, a, s’)
§Step 2: Solve the learned MDP
§ For example, use value iteration, as before

Example: Model-Based Learning
Input Policy
Observed Episodes (Training)
Learned Model
T(B, east, C) = 1.00 T(C, east, D) = 0.75 T(C, east, A) = 0.25 …
R(B, east, C) = -1 R(C, east, D) = -1 R(D, exit, x) = +10

Episode 1
B, east, C, -1 C, east, D, -1 D, exit, x, +10
Episode 3
E, north, C, -1 C,east, D,-1 D, exit, x, +10
Episode 2
B, east, C, -1 C, east, D, -1 D, exit, x, +10
Episode 4
E, north, C, -1 C,east, A,-1 A, exit, x, -10

Example: Expected Age
Goal: Compute expected age of UO students
Known P(A)
Without P(A), instead collect samples [a1, a2, … aN]
Unknown P(A): “Model Based”
Why does this work? Because eventually you learn the right model.
Unknown P(A): “Model Free”
Why does this work? Because samples appear with the right frequencies.

Model-Free Learning

Passive Reinforcement Learning

Passive Reinforcement Learning
§Simplified task: policy evaluation §Input: a fixed policy p(s)
§You don’t know the transitions T(s,a,s’) §You don’t know the rewards R(s,a,s’) §Goal: learn the state values
§In this case:
§Learner is “along for the ride”
§No choice about what actions to take
§ Just execute the policy and learn from experience
§ This is NOT offline planning! You actually take actions in the world.

Direct Evaluation
§Goal: Compute values for each state under p
§Idea: Average together observed sample values
§Act according to p
§Every time you visit a state, write down what the
sum of discounted rewards turned out to be §Average those samples
§This is called direct evaluation

Example: Direct Evaluation
Input Policy
Observed Episodes (Training)
Output Values
E -2
Assume: g = 1
Episode 1
B, east, C, -1 C, east, D, -1 D, exit, x, +10
Episode 3
E, north, C, -1 C, east, D, -1 D, exit, x, +10
Episode 2
B, east, C, -1 C, east, D, -1 D, exit, x, +10
Episode 4
E, north, C, -1 C, east, A, -1 A, exit, x, -10

Problems with Direct Evaluation
§What’s good about direct evaluation?
§It’s easy to understand
§ It doesn’t require any knowledge of T, R
§It eventually computes the correct average values, using just sample transitions
§What bad about it?
§It wastes information about state connections §Each state must be learned separately
§ So, it takes a long time to learn
Output Values
If B and E both go to C under this policy, how can their values be different?

Why Not Use Policy Evaluation?
§Simplified Bellman updates calculate V for a fixed policy: s
§ Each round, replace V with a one-step-look-ahead layer over V
§ This approach fully exploited the connections between the states § Unfortunately, we need T and R to do it!
p(s) s, p(s)
s, p(s),s’
§Key question: how can we do this update to V without knowing T and R? § In other words, how to we take a weighted average without knowing the weights?

Sample-Based Policy Evaluation?
§We want to improve our estimate of V by computing these averages:
§Idea: Take samples of outcomes s’ (by doing the action!) and
p(s) s, p(s)
s, p(s),s’
s2′ 1 s3′
Almost! But we can’t rewind time to get sample after sample from state s.

Temporal Difference Learning

Temporal Difference Learning
§Big idea: learn from every experience!
§ Update V(s) each time we experience a transition (s, a, s’, r)
§ Likely outcomes s’ will contribute updates more often p(s)
s, p(s) s’
§Temporal difference learning of values
§ Policy still fixed, still doing evaluation!
§ Move values toward value of whatever successor occurs: running average
Sample of V(s): Update to V(s):
Same update:

Exponential Moving Average
§Exponential moving average §The running interpolation update:
§Makes recent samples more important:
§Forgets about the past (distant past values were wrong anyway) §Decreasing learning rate (alpha) can give converging averages

Example: Temporal Difference Learning
States Observed Transitions
B, east, C, -2 C, east, D, -2
Assume: g = 1, α = 1/2

Problems with TD Value Learning
§TD value leaning is a model-free way to do policy evaluation, mimicking Bellman updates with running sample averages
§However, if we want to turn values into a (new) policy, we’re sunk: s
§Idea: learn Q-values, not values §Makes action selection model-free too!
s, a

Active Reinforcement Learning

Active Reinforcement Learning
§Full reinforcement learning: optimal policies (like value iteration)
§You don’t know the transitions T(s,a,s’) §You don’t know the rewards R(s,a,s’) §You choose the actions now
§ Goal: learn the optimal policy / values
§In this case:
§Learner makes choices!
§Fundamental tradeoff: exploration vs. exploitation
§ This is NOT offline planning! You actually take actions in the world and find out what happens…

Detour: Q-Value Iteration
§Value iteration: find successive (depth-limited) values § Start with V0(s) = 0, which we know is right
§ Given Vk, calculate the depth k+1 values for all states:
§But Q-values are more useful, so compute them instead § Start with Q0(s,a) = 0, which we know is right
§ Given Qk, calculate the depth k+1 q-values for all q-states:

§Q-Learning: sample-based Q-value iteration
§Learn Q(s,a) values as you go §Receive a sample (s,a,s’,r) §Consider your old estimate: §Consider your new sample estimate:
§ Incorporate the new estimate into a running average:

Q-Learning Properties
§Amazing result: Q-learning converges to optimal policy — even if you’re acting suboptimally!
§This is called off-policy learning § Caveats:
§ You have to explore enough
§ You have to eventually make the learning rate
small enough
§ … but not decrease it too quickly
§ Basically, in the limit, it doesn’t matter how you select actions (!)