1. The question tests basic understanding of Prolog, data structures and recursion. It should have been relatively straightforward for anyone who and been to the lectures and done all the lab exercises. The ‘nasty’ was in Part (b), where the question does not specify what to do with the country. There were various different solutions, all of which were acceptable: either hardwire it, with country( C ) before check eligible( S, C, R ); define check team/3 rather than /2, as here, which makes part (c) slightly easier; or leave it as an instantiated variable when you first call it, and it will be instantiated if the call succeeds (and in part(c) check the value that it is instantiated to is the country you want). Part (d) required the >= checks and to terminate when points was zero.
a) eligible( Player, Country ) :-
person( Player, Country, _, _ ).
eligible( Player, Country ) :-
person( Player, _, Mother, _ ),
person( Mother, Country, _, _ ).
eligible( Player, Country ) :-
person( Player, _, _, Father ),
person( Father, Country, _, _ ).
eligible( Player, Country ) :-
person( Player, _, Mother, Father ),
person( Mother, _, MatGM, MatGF ),
person( Father, _, PatGM, PatGF ),
countgps( [MatGM, MatGF, PatGM, PatGF], Country, 0 ).
countgps( [], Country, Sum ) :-
Sum >= 2.
countgps( [GP|GPs], Country, SoFar ) :-
person( GP, Country, _, _ ), !,
SoFar1 is SoFar + 1,
countgps( GPs, Country, SoFar1 ).
countgps( [_|GPs], Country, SoFar ) :-
countgps( GPs, Country, SoFar ).
b) check_team( Squad, Country, Reasons ) :- check_length( Squad, R1 ),
check_different( Squad, R2 ),
check_eligible( Squad, Country, R3 ),
append( R1, R2, Rtemp ),
append( Rtemp, R3, Reasons ).
check_length( Squad, [] ) :-
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length( Squad1, L ),
L < 26, !.
check_length( _, [too_big] ).
check_different( [], [] ).
check_different( [H|T], [same_man] ) :-
member( H, T ), !.
check_different( [H|T], R ) :-
check_different( T, R ).
check_eligible( [], _, [] ).
check_eligible( [H|T], C, R ) :-
eligible( H, C ), !,
check_eligible( T, C, R ).
check_eligible( _, [ineligible_player] ).
c) check_international( Squad1, Country1, Squad2, Country2, CR ) :- different_countries( Country1, Country2, R1 ),
check_country( Squad1, Country1, R2 ),
check_country( Squad2, Country2, R3 ),
append( R1, R2, Rtemp ),
append( Rtemp, R3, CR ).
different_countries( Country, Country, [(Country,same)] ) :- !.
different_countries( _, _, [] ).
check_country( Squad, Country, [] ) :-
check_team( Squad, Country, [] ), !.
check_country( Country, [(Country,bad_squad)] ). d) points2scores( 0, [] ).
points2scores( N, [goal|L] ) :-
N >= 7,
NewN is N – 7,
points2scores( NewN, L ).
points2scores( N, [try|L] ) :-
N >= 5,
NewN is N – 5,
points2scores( NewN, L ).
points2scores( N, [penalty|L] ) :-
N >= 3,
NewN is N – 3,
points2scores( NewN, L ).
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2. The question was concerned with the the General Graph Search Engine studied in lec- tures and used in the Prolog labs. Part (a) was based on a mantra that had been repeated several times in the lectures, now it is clear why. If the first two lab exercises had been completed and so the way we search graps is well understood, describing the operation of the GGSE is straightforward. However, the second parts did call for some applica- tion of that understanding, first by extending it to specify a new algorithm, the iterative beam width search; and secondly to think about the operation of that algorithm and its complexity.
state – Prolog term
Node = state plus possibly some more information Path = list of nodes
Graph = list of Paths
ibbs_search( Graph, SolutionPath, Beam ) :-
search( Graph, SolutionPath, Beam ).
ibbs_search( Graph, SolutionPath, Beam ) :-
Beam1 is Beam + 1,
ibbs_search( Graph, SolutionPath, Beam1 ).
search( Graph, [Node|Path], _ ) :-
choose( [Node|Path], Graph, _ ),
state_of( Node, State ),
goal_state( State ).
search( Graph, SolnPath, Beam ) :-
choose( Path, Graph, OtherPaths ),
one_step_extensions( Path, NewPaths ),
add_to_paths( NewPaths, OtherPaths, GraphPlus, Beam ),
search( GraphPlus, SolnPath, Beam ).
choose( Path, [Path|Graph], Graph ).
add_to_paths( NewPaths, OtherPaths, GraphPlus, Beam ) :-
insert_in_order( NewPaths, OtherPaths, AllGraph ),
prune( AllGraph, GraphPlus, Beam ).
insert_in_order( [], Graph, Graph ).
– – – –
– – – –
– – –
A graph G can be searched for a Solution Path SP, if Pick a path P in G, AND
Get frontier node N of path P, AND
Get problem-state S of node N, AND
S is a goal state. [So P is a Solution Path SP!] A graph G can be searched for a Solution Path SP, if
Set OtherPaths ← G − {P}, AND
Get frontier node N of path P, AND
Compute the set N′ of all the new nodes reachable from N, AND
by applying all the state change rules to N
Set NewPaths ← {[n′ | P] | ∃n′ ∈ N′}, AND
Make a bigger graph G+ from NewPaths plus OtherPaths, AND Graph G+ can be searched for a Solution Path SP.
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insert_in_order( [Path|Paths], Graph, AllGraph ) :-
insert_one( Path, Graph, GraphPlus ),
insert_in_order( Paths, Graph, AllGraph ).
insert_one( [(F1,Cost1)|Path1], [ [(F2,Cost2)|Path2] | Paths ], Graph ) :-
Graph = [ [(F1,Cost1)|Path1], [(F2,Cost2)|Path2] | Paths ], !.
insert_one( Path, [CheaperPath|Graph1], [CheaperPath|Graph2] ) :-
insert_one( Path, Graph1, Graph2 ).
insert_one( Path, [], [Path] ).
prune( [], _, [] ) :- !.
prune( _, 0, [] ) :- !.
prune( [H|T1], Beam1, [H|T2] ) :-
Beam is Beam1 – 1,
prune( T1, Beam, T2 ).
c) assumption: that every path eventually terminates, so search can fail and try another beam width
complete – yes, exhaustive search, unless infinite number of branches from node
optimal – no, might still discard the optimal path while a sub-optimal path stays in the beam
complexity: O (bd ), because the width of the beam might have to be the branch- ing factor to the depth of the solution
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3. The question was a gift for going to the lectures and doing the labs. The tricky part was actually having an extra bit of Prolog to write with some mathematical operations in it, but anything sensible that looked Prolog would have been acceptable, for example sqrt( XX, X) rather than X is sqrt( XX ), for example. The other issue was making sure that the right justification for the behaviour of A* was given for part (f), and a proper example was given for part (g).
PG = Pi i=0
P0 ={[(S,0)]}
Pi+1 = {[(n,c+e) | p] | ∃p ∈ Pi.(frontier(p),e,n) ∈ R∧gcost(p) = c}
P ′ = P′ Gi
P′ ={[(S,0)]}
P′ = {[(n,c+e) | p] | ∃p ∈ P′.∃op ∈ Op.op(frontier(p)) = (n,e)∧gcost(p) = c} i+1 i
(n,e,n′) ∈ R ↔ ∃opi ∈ Op.opi(n) = (n′,e)
c) uniform cost: expand path whose frontier node has lowest g-cost (from start to node)
best first: expand path whose frontier node has lowest h-cost (estimated cost from node to goal)
A*: expand path whose frontier node has lowest f-cost f = g + h
d) Admissible heuristic: never over estimate
straight-line, go this distance, and maybe more, therefore never over-estimate
manhattan, go at least X1-X2 in X direction and Y1-Y2 in y-direction, and maybe more, therefore never over-estimate
e) h( straightline, C1, C2, H ) :- sld( C1, C2, H ).
h( manhattan, C1, C2, H ) :-
manhattan( C1, C2, H ).
sld( (X1,Y1), (X2,Y2), H ) :-
Dx is (X1 – X2) * (X1 – X2),
Dy is (Y1 – Y2) * (Y1 – Y2),
H is sqrt( Dx + Dy ).
manhattan( (X1,Y1), (X2,Y2), H ) :-
(X1 > X2 -> Dx is X1 – X2 ; Dx is X2 – X1),
(Y1 > Y2 -> Dy is Y1 – Y2 ; Dx is Y2 – Y1),
H is Dx + Dy.
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f) •
– – –
Imagine drawing a histogram with increasing f -cost along the x-axis Then map all the nodes onto the histogram
A* will expand all those nodes to the left of the f ∗ bar
Therefore the ‘trick’ is to get as many nodes to the right of the f ∗
bar …
… without ever over-estimating the h-cost
Suppose with h1 n4
n3 n6 n8 n2 n5 n7
But with h2
n3 n6 n8 n2 n5 n7 n4
f∗ f∗
So straight-line distance is likely to be more efficient, since hstraight−line ≤ hmanhattan
g) •
• Apply heuristic evaluation to all siblings at ply (assume these are MIN nodes)
• Propagate value of siblings to parent using Minimax rules
• Offer this value to grandparent MIN node as possible beta cutoff
• Descend to other grandchildren
• Terminate (prune) exploration of parent if any of their values is greater
• •
than or equal to the beta cutoff Do the “same” for MAX nodes Two rules for terminating search
– –
Search stopped below any MIN node having a beta value less than or equal to alpha value of any of its MAX ancestors
Search stopped below any MAX node having an alpha value greater than or equal to beta value of any of its MIN ancestors
Search to full ply using depth first
Example: any sensible correct example will do
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4. Another gift if the lectures had been followed and the relevant lab/tutorial with lots of examples had been done. However, that was the latter part of the question, the real sting here was in part (a), making sure that the definition was right (for example the definition of unification had to mention symbolic expressions and the real differentiator was asking for the explanation of skolemisation. Again, attendance in lectures and in this case, reading the supplementary lecture material would have provided all the information necessary to wander off with 3 marks, as indeed a number of students did.
a) Unification is a process of attempting to identify two symbolic expressions by the matching of terms and the replacement of certain sub-expressions (vari- ables) by other expressions
resolution is an inference rule, general case:
¬q1 ∨¬q2 ∨…∨¬qm ∨ pi
¬p1 ∨¬p2 ∨…∨¬pi−1 ∨¬pi ∨¬pi+1 ∨…∨¬pm
¬p1 ∨¬p2 ∨…∨¬pi−1 ∨(¬q1 ∨¬q2 ∨…∨¬qm)∨¬pi+1 ∨…∨¬pm
skolemisation eliminate existential quantifiers in such a way that any interpreta- tion that satisfies the original formula true also satisfies the skolemised formula and vice versa
b) yesXboundtoa,Yboundtoa yes X bound to Z, Y bound to Z yes X bound to A, Y bound to a
no Z bound to b and Y bound to a; then try to bind Y to X, and X to Z
c) ∀x.∀y.relation(x, y, c)
∀x.∀y.relation(x, y, sk(x, y))
In the first case the existential is not in the scope of the universals so there is one c for every x and y so a skolem constant will do; in the second case, the particular individual that makes the formula true depends on the x and y so we require a skolem function of the universally quantified variables whose scope includes the existential quantifier (i.e. both x and y)
d) ¬property1(X 1) ∨ ¬property2(Y 1) ∨ ¬relation1(X 1, Y 1) ∨ state1(X 1) ¬property1(X 2) ∨ ¬property3(Y 2) ∨ ¬relation2(X 2, Y 2) ∨ state2(X 2) ¬state1(X 3) ∨ ¬state2(X 3) ∨ result(X 3)
¬prerelation1(X 4, Y 4) ∨ relation1(X 4, Y 4)
¬prerelation2(X 5, Y 5) ∨ relation2(X 5, Y 5) property1(a)
prerelation1(a, b) prerelation2(a, c)
e) ¬result(X 3)[X 3 → a]
¬state1(a) ∨ ¬state2(a)[X 1 → a]
¬property1(a) ∨ ¬property2(Y 1) ∨ ¬relation1(a, Y 1) ∨ ¬state2(a) ¬property2(Y 1) ∨ ¬relation1(a, Y 1) ∨ ¬state2(a)[y1 → b] ¬relation1(a, b) ∨ ¬state2(a)
¬prerelation1(a, b) ∨ ¬state2(a)[X 4 → a, Y 4 → b]
¬state2(a)[X2 → a]
¬property1(a) ∨ ¬property3(Y 2) ∨ ¬relation2(a, Y 2) ¬property3(Y 2) ∨ ¬relation2(a, Y 2)[Y 2 → c]
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¬relation2(a,c)[X5 → a,Y5 → c] ¬prerelation2(a, c)
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5. Understanding the meta symbols ⊢ and |= can be a conceptually a bit tricky. Part (b) was manageable for anyone who had been to the lectures and tried out the KE proofs in the tutorials and tried to implement the KE proof engine in the labs. Part (c) was trickier because firstly, it required thinking about open branches rather than closed KE- trees, and secondly it required an exhaustive analysis of the various combinations. The insight was to understand that saying yes or no to a question meant either adding the formula or its negation (respectively) to the root of the tree, and that there were eight such combinations, from yes-yes-yes to no-no-no. Then, for each of the combinations, see if there was a KE tree with an open branch, if there was, then you had an assignment of truth values to the variables that made all the assertions true (and therefore consistent). The reasoning used here is just a short cut for that. Finally, in part (d), full marks required keeping track of the worlds labelling the formulas in the application of the modal rules, and taking care of the order in which they were applied, i.e. possibility before necessity (i.e. you can’t just go around making up worlds you want propositions to be true in, unless you’re a Brexit fantasist).
a) entailment between set of formulas and formula, follows form semantics, when- ever all member of set are true, so is formula
proves relation is a relation between a set of formulas and a formula computed by a proof method
soundness – ⊢→|= – if prove a theorem then it is an entailment
completeness – |=→⊢ – if there is an entailment b) Translate and prove:
then it is provable
4 conclusion
1 ¬lockdoor → (forget ∨ lostkey)
2 lostkey → trouble
3 memory → ¬forget
4 memory
5 ¬(lockdoor ∨ trouble)
6 ¬lockdoor
7 ¬trouble
8 ¬forget
9 (forget ∨ lostkey)
10 lostkey
11 trouble
c) The valid sequences are: yes, yes, yes or no
premise premise premise premise negated α,5 α,5 β,3,4 β,1,6 β,9,8 β,2,10 7, 11
no, yes or no, no
To see this, suppose we say yes to q∨¬(p∨r). Then we must say yes to p → q.
Try building a model with ¬(p → q):
q∨¬(p∨r) ¬(p→q)
¬q ¬(p∨r) ¬p
¬r ×
Try building a model with p → q then first ‘move’ is to apply PB on q. This
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gives open branches with qp ̄r ̄,qpr ̄,qp ̄r,qpr,q ̄p ̄r ̄. This is why the answer to q is yes or no because there is still at least one branch which will make it q or ¬q consistent.
If the candidate says no to the first formula, then adding the second is indepen- dent, but she has to say no the third:
¬(q∨¬(p∨r)) q
d) Proofs
1 1:¬(♦p→p)
2 1:♦p
3 1:¬p
4 2:p
5 3:¬p
6 3:p
1 1:¬(♦♦p→♦p)
2 1:♦♦p
3 1:¬♦p
4 2:♦p
5 3:p
6 3:¬p
negated conclusion α, 1
α, 1
poss, 2
poss, 3 ness, 4 5, 6
negated conclusion α, 1
α, 1
poss, 2
poss, 4 ness, 3 5, 6
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