1. The question tests basic understanding of Prolog, data structures, list processing and re- cursion, and using relations ‘backwards’ and forwards. It should be relatively straight- forward for anyone who and been to the lectures and done all the lab exercises.
a) A list of atoms, with the end symbol clearly marked e.g. [a,c,end], [a,b,b,b,b,c,end], … etc.
b) startstate( s0 ). transition( s0, s1, a ).
transition( s1, s1, a ).
transition( s1, s3, c ).
transition( s1, s2, b ).
transition( s2, s2, b ).
transition( s2, s3, c ).
endstate( s3 ).
c) match( RE ) :- startstate( S ),
regexp( RE, S ).
%with cut
regexp( [end], S ) :-
endstate( S ), !.
match( [H|T], S ) :-
transition( S, NS, H ),
regexp( T, NS ).
%without cut
regexp( [end], S ) :-
endstate( S ).
match( [H|T], S ) :-
H \= end,
transition( S, NS, H ),
regexp( T, NS ).
Because a list with just the end of string marker [end] will match with both clauses, in the first case we elimnate the choice point for Prolog on backtrack- ing, in the second Prolog will back track but we use a ‘guard’ to prevent the second possibility being selected.
d) Infinite loop or out of local stack, as the first clause of regexp will fail, but RE will unify with [H|T], get the transition to s1, with H=a – and then call regexp( T, s1 ). But the call of regexp( T, s1 ) will only result in another call of regexp( T, s1 ), and so on, forever…
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e) generate1( C, [C] ).
generate_0( _, L, L ).
generate_0( C, L, R ) :-
generate_0( C, [C|L], R ).
generate_1( C, [C], [C] ).
generate_1( C, [H|T], R ) :-
generate_1( C, [C,H|T], R ).
gs( L ) :-
generate_1( a, [a], L1 ),
generate_0( b, [], L2 ),
generate1( c, L3 ),
append( L1, L2, Temp ),
append( Temp, L3, Lx ),
append( Lx, [end], L ).
The approach breaks down to generating each of the a, b, and c character se- quences in turn.
The result is that it generates sequences of ever increasing numbers of zero or more bs, between an a and a c, i.e.
etc etc
Given the drawback of this solution, a better approach would be take inspiration from the General Graph Search Algorithm, the transitions as state change rules, and the strings in the languages as paths in a graph, and then use findall, thus:
gen( [(RE,S)|T] ) :-
findall( ([C|RE],S1), transition( S, S1, C), REX ),
append( T, REX, TREX ),
eliminate_s3s( TREX, TREXless ),
gen( TREXless ).
eliminate_s3s( [], [] ).
eliminate_s3s( [(RE,s3)|L1], L2 ) :-
write( RE ), nl,
eliminate_s3s( L1, L2 ).
eliminate_s3s( [H|T1], [H|T2] ) :-
eliminate_s3s( T1, T2 ).
From the query “?- gen( [([],s0)] ).”, this produces the strings in the language (in reverse order) in successively increasing lengths:
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etc etc
3-16. Artificial Intelligence — MODEL ANSWERS ⃝c Imperial College London 3/13
2. The question was concerned with the the General Graph Search Engine studied in lec- tures and used in the Prolog labs. Part (a) is an application of state space formulation. Part (b) requires understanding of data representation for GGSE with reference to Part (a) for the exampel. Part (c) is part bookwork but also requires some insight in being able to say why each algorithm is appropriate for this problem or not.
a) State representation: 3-tuple with an atom for which side of the river the boat is on (left, right), list of characters on the left bank, list of characters on the right bank
Initial state = (left, [mom,dad,son,son,dau,dau,cop,thf], [] ).
Final state = (right, [], [mom,dad,son,son,dau,dau,cop,thf]).
state_change( boatL2R, (left,LB,RB), (right,NewLB,NewRB) ) :-
pick2( LB, Move2, NewLB ),
only_adult( Move2 ),
append( Move2, RB, NewRB ),
satisfy_constraints( NewLB ),
satisfy_constraints( NewRB ).
%%and same for boatR2L rule
only_adult( Move2 ) :-
member( mom, Move2 ), !.
only_adult( Move2 ) :-
member( dad, Move2 ), !.
only_adult( Move2 ) :-
member( policeman, Move2 ).
satisfy_constraints( L ) :-
dad_daughters_mom( L ),
mom_sons_dad( L ),
thief( L ).
dad_daughters_mom( L ) :-
\+ member( dad, L ), !.
dad_daughters_mom( L ) :-
member( dad, L ),
\+ member( dau, L ), !.
dad_daughters_mom( L ) :-
member( dad, L ),
member( dau, L ), !,
member( mom, L ).
mom_sons_dad( L ) :-
\+ member( mom, L ), !.
mom_sons_dad( L ) :-
member( mom, L ),
\+ member( son, L ), !.
mom_sons_dad( L ) :-
member( mom, L ),
member( son, L ), !,
member( dad, L ).
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thief( L ) :-
\+ member( thief, L ), !.
thief( L ) :-
member( thief, L ),
member( policeman, L ), !.
thief( [thief] ).
b) state – representation of the problem state
Node = state plus possibly some more information Path = list of nodes
Graph = list of Paths
Draw out one move of the search space, then show state = (left, [mom,dad, …].[])
Node = (RuleUsed, State)
Path list of nodes
Graph list of paths
c) breadth first: expands a node on the search frontier closest to the start node
depth first: expands a node on the search frontier furthest from the start node
uniform cost: expands a node on the search frontier with least cost from start node
best first: expands a node on the search frontier with least estimated cost to a goal node
evaluation criteria: completeness, optimality, time/space complexity wrt to b ’ideal’ branching factor and d depth of solution (or m maximum depth of tree)
breadth first: yes, yes (if…), O(bd ) time and space depth first: no, no, O(bd) time, O(b∗d) space uniform cost: yes, yes (if…), O(bd ) time and space best first: no, no, O(bm) time and space
breadth first: branching factor very high depth first: watch out for loops
uniform cost: what is the cost
best first: if one can think of a heuristic
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3. This question is in three parts, generally not very deep in each part, but repays lecture attendance and reading the primers, by covering some of the ‘marginal’ topics, such as 2-player games and modal logic, and the proof of optimatity for A∗.
S is the start state, Op is the set of state change operators ∞
P ′ = P′ Gi
i=0 P′ = {[S]}
P′ = {[n | p] | ∃p ∈ P′.∃op ∈ Op.op(frontier(p)) = (n,e)} i+1 i
Provided: graph G is rooted on S (i.e. all paths in G start from S), and: (n,e,n′) ∈ R ↔ ∃opi ∈ Op.opi(n) = (n′,e)
To prove that A* is optimal:
• •
• •
Let G be an optimal goal state, with path cost f ∗
Let G” be a sub-optimal goal state with path cost f (G′ ). Then
f(G′) = g(g′)+h(G′) = g(G′)+0 = g(G′)
Suppose A* returns G′ as its (sub-optimal) solution, so f (G′ ) > f ∗ , so g(G′)> f∗.
Now consider a node n on the frontier node on a path leading to G
f∗ g(n) n
• •
This is a contradiction
So either G′ was optimal, or A* never expands a sub-optimal goal
f ∗ ≥ f (n)
f (n) ≥ f (G′ ) f ∗ ≥ f (G′) f∗ ≥g(G′)
h is admissible and the path cost is monotonically increasing otherwise n would have been selected for expansion before G′ transitivity
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c) minimax does exhaustive search and labels leaf nodes with 0 (win for min) or 1 (win for max), propagates these up the tree
minimax with fixed ply does exhaustive search to depth d (the ply), and assigns each leaf, node a value according to a heuristic function, which are propagated up the tree
alpha beta stores an alpha cut-off value with max nodes and a beta cut-off value with min nodes, then does depth first search, evaluates the node, and offers this value to parent and grandparent etc. nodes as possible limit for pruning the search tree
d) Assume that players still have same the same knowledge and making individual attempts to win over the other two (i.e. the opponents will choose to take an action that will be best for them, not worst for MAX, i.e. they are not ganging up).
Assign three layers, max, min and other. if a player is eliminated by a move, then if it is max, assign it 0, otherwise switch to rules for 2-player game
Can still try to do exhaustive search, assign nodes 0 if it is a win for min or for other, can still inherit for max best value of child-nodes, for either min or other the worst value (assuming it does not matter which of these is going to win)
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M =⟨W,R,[[]]⟩ where:
1 1:
2 1:
3 1:
4 1:
1 1:
2 1:
3 1:
4 2:
5 1:
1 1:
2 1:
3 1:
4 2:
5 3:
6 3:
• •
W is a non-empty set, the set of all possible worlds
R is a binary relation on W, R ⊆ (W ×W), the accessibility relation between possible worlds
[[]] is the denotation function from propositional symbols to subsets of W (it denotes the possible worlds in which the proposition is true)
The meaning of a wff of propositional modal logic is defined by:
|=Mα p iff | = Mα ¬ p iff |=Mαp∧q iff |=Mαp∨q iff |=Mαp→q iff | = Mα p iff
| = Mα ♦ p iff
|=Mα p and |=Mα q
|=Mα p or |=Mα q
if |=Mα p then |=Mα q ∀β∈M.αRβ→|=Mβ p
∃β∈M.αRβ∧|=Mβ p
¬(P → P)
P 1,α
¬P 1,α P 2,
¬(P → ♦P) P ¬(♦P) ¬♦P
¬(P → P) P ¬(P) ¬P
1,negated conclusion 1,α
1,negated conclusion 1,α
4,♦ 2,
1,negated conclusion
These are the characteristic formulas for reflexivity, symmetry and transitivity, S5 is the logic in which the incidence relation satisfies all those properties.
3-16. Artificial Intelligence — MODEL ANSWERS ⃝c Imperial College London 8/13
4. A test of resolution theorem proving ad understanding of first order logic, and a bit of Prolog.
a) Prolog processes queries left to right using matching with clauses top to bottom, with backtracking on fail
Unification is a process of attempting to syntactically identify two symbolic ex- pressions by the matching of terms and the replacement of certain sub-expressions (variables) by other expressions
Resolution is an inference rule, general case:
¬q1 ∨¬q2 ∨…∨¬qm ∨ pi
¬p1 ∨¬p2 ∨…∨¬pi−1 ∨¬pi ∨¬pi+1 ∨…∨¬pm
¬p1 ∨¬p2 ∨…∨¬pi−1 ∨(¬q1 ∨¬q2 ∨…∨¬qm)∨¬pi+1 ∨…∨¬pm
Prolog tries to match the query with the head of a clause with unification, then applies resolution to replace the head in the query with the body of the clause
b) say yes says no
Prolog is sound, it is just not complete.
c) (i) says false
(ii) says true
(iii) says false
Using the closed-world assumption, anything not provably true is actually false. So in the third case I cannot prove there is something to unify with X who likesCats, but in the second case I cannot prove that jeremy likeDogs, so false, but ”not” (slash-plus) of false is true.
d) ∀x.∀y.hunter(x) → insecure(y) ∀x.∀y.lion(x) → threat(y)
∀x.∀y.insecure(x) ∧ threat(y) → hunts(x, y) ∀x.∀y.hunts(x, y) ∧ shoots(x, y) → kills(x, y) hunter(walter)
shoots(walter, cecil)
¬hunter(x1) ∨ insecure(x1)
¬lion(x2) ∨ threat(x2)
¬insecure(x3) ∨ ¬threat(y3) ∨ hunts(x3, y3) ¬hunts(x4, y4) ∨ ¬shoots(x4, y4) ∨ kills(x4, y4) hunter(walter)
shoots(walter, cecil)
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e) ¬kills(walter, cecil)
¬hunts(x4,y4)∨¬shoots(x4,y4) x4 = walter,y4 = cecil ¬hunts(x4, y4)
¬insecure(x3)∨¬threat(y3) x3 = x4 = walter,y3 = y4 = cecil ¬hunter(x1)∨¬threat(y3) x1 = x3 = x4 = walter,y3 = cecil ¬threat(y3) y3 = y4 = cecil
¬lion(x2) x2 = y3 = y4 = cecil
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5. The question is designed to test the full range of applications of the Calculus KE for propositional logic, in proof, disproof, and model building.
a) for S ⊢ P, take distributed-and over premises in S, use deduction theorem to prove ⊢ S′ → P, so list premises and negate conclusion, then expand tree ac- cording to calculus rules, if get all branches closed then proof formulas is valid.
Sound and complete, can specify rules to control proof which do not affect completeness (e.g. order, only applying rules once, beta-simplification etc.)
b) ?- ke( [s->p, w& -z, -p, -z->(s+q+r), (w+y)-> -q, -r], [], [], [], 0 ). beta -s
alpha w
alpha -z
beta s+q+r
beta q+r
beta q
beta – (w+y)
alpha -w
alpha -y
close -w,w
c) ?- ke( [s->p, w& -z, -z->(s+q+r), (w+y)-> -q, -r], [], [], [], 0 ). alpha w
alpha -z
beta s+q+r
br 1 -s
beta q+r
beta q
beta – (w+y)
alpha -w
alpha -y
close -w,w
br 2 s beta p
br 1 – (w+y)
alpha -w
alpha -y
close -w,w
br 2 w+y
beta -q
open [-q,s,p,-r,-z,w]
d) ?- ke( [p+ -q + r, -q-> -p, r-> (-p+q), -r], [], [], [], 0 ). br 1 – -q
dne q
br 1 p
open [p,q,-r]
br 2 -p
beta -q+r
beta r
close r,-r
br 2 -q
beta -p
beta -q+r
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open [-q,-p,-r]
e) ?- ke( [(p-> -(q+r)), (p&q), (q<->r)], [], [], [], 0 ). alpha p
alpha q
eta r
beta – (q+r)
alpha -q
alpha -r
close -q,q
?- ke( [(p-> -(q+r)), (p&q), -(q<->r)], [], [], [], 0 ).
alpha p
alpha q
eta -r
beta – (q+r)
alpha -q
alpha -r
close -q,q
?- ke( [(p-> -(q+r)), -(p&q), (q<->r)], [], [], [], 0 ).
br 1 q
eta r
beta -p
open [-p,q,r]
br 2 -q
eta -r
br 1 -p
open [-p,-q,-r]
br 2 p
beta – (q+r)
alpha -q
alpha -r
open [p,-r,-q,-q,-r]
?- ke( [(p-> -(q+r)), -(p&q), -(q<->r)], [], [], [], 0 ).
br 1 q
eta -r
beta -p
open [-p,q,-r]
br 2 -q
eta r
br 1 -p
open [-p,-q,r]
br 2 p
beta – (q+r)
alpha -q
alpha -r
close -r,r
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?- ke( [-(p-> -(q+r)), (p&q), (q<->r)], [], [], [], 0 ).
alpha p
alpha – – (q+r)
dne q+r
alpha p
alpha q
eta r
open [r,q,p,p]
?- ke( [-(p-> -(q+r)), (p&q), -(q<->r)], [], [], [], 0 ).
alpha p
alpha – – (q+r)
dne q+r
alpha p
alpha q
eta -r
open [-r,q,p,p]
?- ke( [-(p-> -(q+r)), -(p&q), (q<->r)], [], [], [], 0 ).
alpha p
alpha – – (q+r)
dne q+r
beta -q
eta -r
beta r
close r,-r
?- ke( [-(p-> -(q+r)), -(p&q), -(q<->r)], [], [], [], 0 ).
alpha p
alpha – – (q+r)
dne q+r
beta -q
eta r
open [r,-q,p]
accept, reject, accept
accept, reject, reject
reject, accept, accept,
reject, accept, reject
reject, reject, reject (just say no)
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⃝c Imperial College London