程序代写代做代考 clock data structure c++ COMP2012 Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures

COMP2012 Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures
Topic 6: Static Data Members and Member Functions
Dr. Desmond Tsoi
Department of Computer Science & Engineering The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong SAR, China
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Part I
Static Variables with File/Function Scope
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Static Variables with a File/Function Scope
Static variables are global variables which
􏰢 are created only once in a program.
􏰢 reside on the static data region of the loaded program.
􏰢 have a lifetime across the entire run of a program.
􏰢 still controlled by its scope: file, function, class.
􏰢 if not explicitly initialized, will be zero-initialized for basic types (and their arrays) and default-initialized for objects.
Static variables in a function
􏰢 are initialized only once regardless how many times the function is
􏰢 retain their values across the function calls.
􏰢 can be accessed only inside the function.
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Example: Static Variable with a File Scope
#include /* afile.cpp */
using namespace std;
int a;
int func();
int main() {
a = 10;
cout << a << " " << func() << endl; return 0; } int a; /* bfile.cpp */ int func() { a = 20; return a; } Question: What would happen if we compile the program using the following command? g++ -o output afile.cpp bfile.cpp Rm 3553, desmond@ust.hk COMP2012 (Fall 2020) 4 / 25 Example: Static Variable with a File Scope #include /* afile-static.cpp */
using namespace std;
static int a;
int func();
int main() {
a = 10;
cout << a << " " << func() << endl; return 0; } int a; /* bfile.cpp */ int func() { a = 20; return a; } Question: What is the output of the program compiled using the following command? g++ -o output afile-static.cpp bfile.cpp Rm 3553, desmond@ust.hk COMP2012 (Fall 2020) 5 / 25 Example: Static Variables with a Function Scope #include /* File: static-var-function.cpp */
using namespace std;
int fibonacci(int n, int& calls)
static int num_calls = 0; // Initialized only once
calls = ++num_calls;
if (n <= 0) return 0; else if (n == 1 || n == 2) return 1; else return fibonacci(n-2, calls) + fibonacci(n-1, calls); } int main() { int n; int n_calls; cout << "Enter n: "; cin >> n;
cout << "\nfibonacci(" << n << ") = " << fibonacci(n, n_calls); cout << "\nnumber of fibonacci calls = " << n_calls << endl; return 0; } Question: What is the output? Rm 3553, desmond@ust.hk COMP2012 (Fall 2020) 6 / 25 Part II Static Class Data Members Rm 3553, desmond@ust.hk COMP2012 (Fall 2020) 7 / 25 Example: Students Study for an Exam By Memorizing #include /* File: student-non-static.h */
// vector is a template class in C++ Standard Template Lib (STL).
// vectors are smart arrays that automatically expand if necessary.
using namespace std;
class Student
string name;
vector memory; // Each student has his own memory
Student(string s) : name(s) { }
// push_back() is vector’s member function that does insertion
void memorize(string txt) { memory.push_back(txt); }
void do_exam();
// Student’s name
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How Do Students Take an Exam
#include “student-non-static.h” /* File: student-non-static.cpp */
void Student::do_exam()
// empty() is vector’s member function to check if it is empty
if (memory.empty())
cout << name << ": "<< "Huh???" << endl; else { // Like a (generalized) const pointer to vector's elements vector::const_iterator p;
// begin() returns the pointer to the vector’s beginning
// end() returns the pointer to the cell beyond vector’s end
for (p = memory.begin(); p != memory.end(); ++p)
cout << name << ": " << *p << endl; cout << endl; } } Rm 3553, desmond@ust.hk COMP2012 (Fall 2020) 9 / 25 Exam Takes Place Now #include "student-non-static.h" /* File: exam-non-static.cpp */ int main() { Student Jim("Jim"); Jim.memorize("Data consistency is important"); Jim.memorize("Copy constructor != operator="); Student Steve("Steve"); Steve.memorize("Overloading is convenient"); Steve.memorize("Make data members private"); Steve.memorize("Default constructors have no arguments"); Student Alan("Alan"); Jim.do_exam(); Steve.do_exam(); Alan.do_exam(); return 0; } // Compile: g++ student-non-static.cpp exam-non-static.cpp Rm 3553, desmond@ust.hk COMP2012 (Fall 2020) 10 / 25 Result of an Exam Jim: Data consistency is important Jim: Copy constructor != operator= Steve: Overloading is convenient Steve: Make data members private Steve: Default constructors have no arguments Alan: Huh??? Rm 3553, desmond@ust.hk COMP2012 (Fall 2020) 11 / 25 Students Try to Cheat by “Collective Wisdom” #include
using namespace std;
class Student
/* File: student-static.h */
string name;
static vector memory; // Students share memory!
Student(string s) : name(s) { }
void memorize(string txt) { memory.push_back(txt); }
void do_exam();
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Students Cheat by Collective Memory
#include”student-static.h” /* File: student-static.cpp */
// Globally define class static data; here, it is
// initialized by calling vector’s default constructor
vector Student::memory;
void Student::do_exam()
if (memory.empty())
cout << name << ": "<< "Huh???" << endl; else { vector< string >::const_iterator p;
for (p = memory.begin(); p != memory.end(); ++p)
cout << name << ": " << *p << endl; } cout << endl; } Rm 3553, desmond@ust.hk COMP2012 (Fall 2020) 13 / 25 Unfair Exam #include "student-static.h" /* File: exam-static.cpp */ int main() { Student Jim("Jim"); Jim.memorize("Data consistency is important"); Jim.memorize("Copy constructor != operator="); Student Steve("Steve"); Steve.memorize("Overloading is convenient"); Steve.memorize("Make data members private"); Steve.memorize("Default constructors have no arguments"); Student Alan("Alan"); Jim.do_exam(); Steve.do_exam(); Alan.do_exam(); return 0; } // Compile: g++ student-static.cpp exam-static.cpp Rm 3553, desmond@ust.hk COMP2012 (Fall 2020) 14 / 25 Result of Cheating Here, all students share their memories. So even though Alan didn’t memorize anything, he can access all the knowledge memorized by Jim and Steve. Jim: Data consistency is important Jim: Copy constructor != operator= Jim: Overloading is convenient Jim: Make data members private Jim: Default constructors have no arguments Steve: Data consistency is important Steve: Copy constructor != operator= Steve: Overloading is convenient Steve: Make data members private Steve: Default constructors have no arguments Alan: Data consistency is important Alan: Copy constructor != operator= Alan: Overloading is convenient Alan: Make data members private Alan: Default constructors have no arguments Rm 3553, desmond@ust.hk COMP2012 (Fall 2020) 15 / 25 Static Class Data: Summary name% name% name% Shared%Memory% Alan% Jim% Steve% Static class data members are actually global variables specified by the keyword static under the scope of a class. There is only one single copy of a static variable in a class, which are shared among all objects of the class. Static variables of a class exist even when there are no objects of the class; they do not take up space inside an object. Static variables cannot be initialized in the class definition (except for const int/enum static data). Static variables must be defined outside the class definition, usually in the class implementation (.cpp) file. One still has to observe their access and const qualifier. Rm 3553, desmond@ust.hk COMP2012 (Fall 2020) 16 / 25 Part III Static Class Member Functions/Methods Rm 3553, desmond@ust.hk COMP2012 (Fall 2020) 17 / 25 Example: Class Clock With Static Member Functions class Clock /* File: clock-w-static-fcn.h */ { friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Clock& c) { return os << c.hour << " hr. " << c.minute << " min. "; } public: Clock() : hour(0), minute(0) { } static Clock HHMM(int hhmm) { return Clock(hhmm/100, hhmm%100); } static Clock minutes(int m) { return Clock(m/60, m%60); } private: int hour, minute; Clock(int h, int m) : hour(h), minute(m) { } }; Rm 3553, desmond@ust.hk COMP2012 (Fall 2020) 18 / 25 Class Clock With Static Member Functions — clock-test.cpp #include /* File: test-clock.cpp */
using namespace std;
#include “clock-w-static-fcn.h”
int main() {
Clock c1;
Clock c2 = Clock::HHMM(123);
Clock c3 = Clock::minutes(123); // 2:03
cout << c1 << endl; cout << c2 << endl; cout << c3 << endl; return 0; } // 0:00 // 1:23 Rm 3553, desmond@ust.hk COMP2012 (Fall 2020) 19 / 25 Static Member Function / Class Member Function Classes may also have static member functions or methods. Static data member (member functions) are also called class data (member functions). Static member variables (member functions) are actually global variables (functions) but with a class scope and are subject to the access control specified by the class developer. Static member functions can be called in 2 ways: like a global function by using the class scope operator::. like a member function of the class using the . operator. Still have to observe their access control: static data member/member functions may still be public|protected|private. 1. 2. Rm 3553, desmond@ust.hk COMP2012 (Fall 2020) 20 / 25 Static Member Function / Class Member Function .. Static member functions belong to a class, not to a particular object of the class. Therefore, static member functions of a class do not have the implicit this pointer like regular non-static member functions. may be used even when there are no objects of the class! can only make use of static data members of the class. cannot be const nor virtual functions. cannot be overloaded with a non-static member function of the same prototype. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Rm 3553, desmond@ust.hk COMP2012 (Fall 2020) 21 / 25 Example: Class Car — car.h #include /* File: car.h */
using namespace std;
class Car {
Car() { ++num_cars; }
̃Car() { –num_cars; }
void drive(int km) { total_km += km; }
static int cars_still_running() { return num_cars; }
static int num_cars;
int total_km = 0;
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Example: Class Car — car.cpp
#include “car.h” /* File: test-car.cpp */
int Car::num_cars = 0; // Define + initialize static class member
int main() {
cout << Car::cars_still_running() << endl; Car vw; vw.drive(1000); Car bmw; bmw.drive(10); cout << Car::cars_still_running() << endl; Car *cp = new Car[100]; cout << Car::cars_still_running() << endl; { Car kia; kia.drive(400); cout << Car::cars_still_running() << endl; } cout << Car::cars_still_running() << endl; delete [] cp; cout << Car::cars_still_running() << endl; return 0; } Rm 3553, desmond@ust.hk COMP2012 (Fall 2020) 23 / 25 Static Data Members and Member Function / Method Compare a class Car with a factory: The Car objects are the products made by the factory. Data members are data on the products, and member functions are services provided by the objects. Static class data/member functions are data/services provided by the factory. Even if no object of this type has been created, we can access the static class data/member functions. A regular member function of Car, such as void drive(int km) { total_km += km; } after compilation becomes: void Car::drive(Car* this, int km) { this->total_km+=km; } On the other hand, a static member function of Car such as static int cars_still_running() { return num_cars; }
after compilation becomes:
int Car::cars_still_running() { return Car::num_cars; }
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That’s all! Any questions?
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