CS代考 import math

import math

# If you see different scores locally and on Gradescope this may be an indication
# that you are uploading a different file than the one you are executing locally.

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

# If this local ID doesn’t match the ID on Gradescope then you uploaded a different file.
import hashlib, pathlib

file_hash = hashlib.md5(pathlib.Path(__file__).read_bytes()).hexdigest()
print(f’Unique file ID: {file_hash}’)

class DeliveryPlanner_PartA:
Required methods in this class are:

plan_delivery(self, debug = False) which is stubbed out below.
You may not change the method signature as it will be called directly
by the autograder but you may modify the internals as needed.

__init__: which is required to initialize the class. Starter code is
provided that initializes class variables based on the definitions in
testing_suite_partA.py. You may choose to use this starter code
or modify and replace it based on your own solution

The following methods are starter code you may use for part A.
However, they are not required and can be replaced with your
own methods.

_search(self, debug=False): Where the bulk of the A* search algorithm
could reside. It should find an optimal path from the robot
location to a goal.
Hint: you may want to structure this based
on whether looking for a box or delivering a box.

## Definitions taken from testing_suite_partA.py

def __init__(self, warehouse, robot_position, todo, box_locations):

self.todo = todo
self.boxes_delivered = []
self.total_cost = 0
self.warehouse_viewer = warehouse
self.box_locations = box_locations
self.dropzone = self.robot_position = robot_position

self.delta = [[-1, 0], # north
[0, -1], # west
[1, 0], # south
[0, 1], # east
[-1, -1], # northwest (diag)
[-1, 1], # northeast (diag)
[1, 1], # southeast (diag)
[1, -1]] # southwest (diag)

self.delta_directions = [“n”, “w”, “s”, “e”, “nw”, “ne”, “se”, “sw”]

# Can use this for a visual debug
self.delta_name = [‘^’, ‘<', 'v', '>‘, ‘\\’, ‘/’, ‘[‘, ‘]’]
# You may choose to use arrows instead
# self.delta_name = [‘ð�¡�’, ‘ð�¡�’, ‘ð�¡�’, ‘ð�¡�’, ‘ð�¡�’, ‘ð�¡�’, ‘ð�¡�’, ‘ð�¡�’]

# Costs for each move
self.delta_cost = [self.ORTHOGONAL_MOVE_COST,

def _search(self, debug=False):
This method should be based on lesson modules for A*, see Search, Section 12-14.
The bulk of the search logic should reside here, should you choose to use this starter code.
Please condition any printout on the debug flag provided in the argument.
You may change this function signature (i.e. add arguments) as
necessary, except for the debug argument which must remain with a default of False

# get a shortcut variable for the warehouse (note this is just a view no copying)
warehouse = self.warehouse_viewer

# Find and fill in the required moves per the instructions – example moves for test case 1
moves = [‘move w’,
‘move nw’,
‘move se’,
‘move ne’,

return moves

def plan_delivery(self, debug=False):
plan_delivery() is required and will be called by the autograder directly.
You may not change the function signature for it.
Add logic here to find the moves. You may use the starter code provided above
in any way you choose, but please condition any printouts on the debug flag

# Find the moves – you may add arguments and change this logic but please leave
# the debug flag in place and condition all printouts on it.

# You may wish to break the task into one-way paths, like this:
# moves_to_1 = self._search( …, debug=debug )
# moves_from_1 = self._search( …, debug=debug )
# moves_to_2 = self._search( …, debug=debug )
# moves_from_2 = self._search( …, debug=debug )
# moves = moves_to_1 + moves_from_1 + moves_to_2 + moves_from_2
# If you use _search(), you may need to modify it to take some
# additional arguments for starting location, goal location, and
# whether to pick up or deliver a box.

moves = self._search(debug=debug)

for i in range(len(moves)):

return moves

class DeliveryPlanner_PartB:
Required methods in this class are:

plan_delivery(self, debug = False) which is stubbed out below.
You may not change the method signature as it will be called directly
by the autograder but you may modify the internals as needed.

__init__: required to initialize the class. Starter code is
provided that initializes class variables based on the definitions in
testing_suite_partB.py. You may choose to use this starter code
or modify and replace it based on your own solution

The following methods are starter code you may use for part B.
However, they are not required and can be replaced with your
own methods.

_set_initial_state_from(self, warehouse): creates structures based on
the warehouse and todo definitions and initializes the robot
location in the warehouse

_find_policy(self, goal, pickup_box=True, debug=False): Where the bulk
of the dynamic programming (DP) search algorithm could reside.
It should find an optimal path from the robot location to a goal.
Hint: you may want to structure this based
on whether looking for a box or delivering a box.

# Definitions taken from testing_suite_partA.py

def __init__(self, warehouse, warehouse_cost, todo):

self.todo = todo
self.boxes_delivered = []
self.total_cost = 0
self.warehouse_cost = warehouse_cost

self.delta = [[-1, 0], # go up
[0, -1], # go left
[1, 0], # go down
[0, 1], # go right
[-1, -1], # up left (diag)
[-1, 1], # up right (diag)
[1, 1], # dn right (diag)
[1, -1]] # dn left (diag)

self.delta_directions = [“n”, “w”, “s”, “e”, “nw”, “ne”, “se”, “sw”]

# Use this for a visual debug
self.delta_name = [‘^’, ‘<', 'v', '>‘, ‘\\’, ‘/’, ‘[‘, ‘]’]
# You may choose to use arrows instead
# self.delta_name = [‘ð�¡�’, ‘ð�¡�’, ‘ð�¡�’, ‘ð�¡�’, ‘ð�¡�’, ‘ð�¡�’, ‘ð�¡�’, ‘ð�¡�’]

# Costs for each move
self.delta_cost = [self.ORTHOGONAL_MOVE_COST,

# state parsing and initialization function
def _set_initial_state_from(self, warehouse):
“””Set initial state.

warehouse(list(list)): the warehouse map.
rows = len(warehouse)
cols = len(warehouse[0])

self.warehouse_state = [[None for j in range(cols)] for i in range(rows)]
self.dropzone = None
self.boxes = dict()

for i in range(rows):
for j in range(cols):
this_square = warehouse[i][j]

if this_square == ‘.’:
self.warehouse_state[i][j] = ‘.’

elif this_square == ‘#’:
self.warehouse_state[i][j] = ‘#’

elif this_square ==
self.warehouse_state[i][j] =
self.dropzone = (i, j)

else: # a box
box_id = this_square
self.warehouse_state[i][j] = box_id
self.boxes[box_id] = (i, j)

def _find_policy(self, goal, pickup_box=True, debug=False):
This method should be based on lesson modules for Dynamic Programming,
see Search, Section 15-19 and Problem Set 4, Question 5. The bulk of
the logic for finding the policy should reside here should you choose to
use this starter code. Please condition any printout on the debug flag
provided in the argument. You may change this function signature
(i.e. add arguments) as necessary, except for the debug argument which
must remain with a default of False

# insert code in this method if using the starter code we’ve provided

# get a shortcut variable for the warehouse (note this is just a view it does not make a copy)
grid = self.warehouse_state
grid_costs = self.warehouse_cost

# You will need to fill in the algorithm here to find the policy
# The following are what your algorithm should return for test case 1
if pickup_box:
# To box policy
policy = [[‘B’, ‘lift 1’, ‘move w’],
[‘lift 1’, ‘-1’, ‘move nw’],
[‘move n’, ‘move nw’, ‘move n’]]

# Deliver policy
policy = [[‘move e’, ‘move se’, ‘move s’],
[‘move ne’, ‘-1’, ‘down s’],
[‘move e’, ‘down e’, ‘move n’]]

return policy

def plan_delivery(self, debug=False):
plan_delivery() is required and will be called by the autograder directly.
You may not change the function signature for it.
Add logic here to find the policies: First to the box from any grid position
then to the dropzone, again from any grid position. You may use the starter
code provided above in any way you choose, but please condition any printouts
on the debug flag
# Following is an example of how one could structure the solution using
# the starter code we’ve provided.

# Start by finding a policy to direct the robot to the box from any grid position
# The last command(s) in this policy will be ‘lift 1’ (i.e. lift box 1)
goal = self.boxes[‘1’]
to_box_policy = self._find_policy(goal, pickup_box=True, debug=debug)

# Now that the robot has the box, transition to the deliver policy. The
# last command(s) in this policy will be ‘down x’ where x = the appropriate
# direction to set the box into the dropzone
goal = self.dropzone
deliver_policy = self._find_policy(goal, pickup_box=False, debug=debug)

print(“\nTo Box Policy:”)
for i in range(len(to_box_policy)):

print(“\nDeliver Policy:”)
for i in range(len(deliver_policy)):

return (to_box_policy, deliver_policy)

class DeliveryPlanner_PartC:
Required methods in this class are:

plan_delivery(self, debug = False) which is stubbed out below.
You may not change the method signature as it will be called directly
by the autograder but you may modify the internals as needed.

__init__: required to initialize the class. Starter code is
provided that initializes class variables based on the definitions in
testing_suite_partC.py. You may choose to use this starter code
or modify and replace it based on your own solution

The following methods are starter code you may use for part C.
However, they are not required and can be replaced with your
own methods.

_set_initial_state_from(self, warehouse): creates structures based on
the warehouse and todo definitions and initializes the robot
location in the warehouse

_find_policy(self, goal, pickup_box=True, debug=False):
Where the bulk of your algorithm could reside.
It should find an optimal policy to a goal.
Remember that actions are stochastic rather than deterministic.
Hint: you may want to structure this based
on whether looking for a box or delivering a box.

# Definitions taken from testing_suite_partA.py

def __init__(self, warehouse, warehouse_cost, todo, stochastic_probabilities):

self.todo = todo
self.boxes_delivered = []
self.warehouse_cost = warehouse_cost
self.stochastic_probabilities = stochastic_probabilities

self.delta = [
[-1, 0], # go up
[-1, -1], # up left (diag)
[0, -1], # go left
[1, -1], # dn left (diag)
[1, 0], # go down
[1, 1], # dn right (diag)
[0, 1], # go right
[-1, 1], # up right (diag)]

self.delta_directions = [“n”, “nw”, “w”, “sw”, “s”, “se”, “e”, “ne”]

# Use this for a visual debug
self.delta_name = [‘ð�¡�’, ‘ð�¡�’, ‘ð�¡�’, ‘ð�¡�’, ‘ð�¡�’, ‘ð�¡�’, ‘ð�¡�’, ‘ð�¡�’]

# Costs for each move
self.delta_cost = [self.ORTHOGONAL_MOVE_COST, self.DIAGONAL_MOVE_COST,

# state parsing and initialization function
def _set_initial_state_from(self, warehouse):
“””Set initial state.

warehouse(list(list)): the warehouse map.
rows = len(warehouse)
cols = len(warehouse[0])

self.warehouse_state = [[None for j in range(cols)] for i in range(rows)]
self.dropzone = None
self.boxes = dict()

for i in range(rows):
for j in range(cols):
this_square = warehouse[i][j]

if this_square == ‘.’:
self.warehouse_state[i][j] = ‘.’

elif this_square == ‘#’:
self.warehouse_state[i][j] = ‘#’

elif this_square ==
self.warehouse_state[i][j] =
self.dropzone = (i, j)

else: # a box
box_id = this_square
self.warehouse_state[i][j] = box_id
self.boxes[box_id] = (i, j)

def _find_policy(self, goal, pickup_box=True, debug=False):
You are free to use any algorithm necessary to complete this task.
Some algorithms may be more well suited than others, but deciding on the
algorithm will allow you to think about the problem and understand what
tools are (in)adequate to solve it. Please condition any printout on the
debug flag provided in the argument. You may change this function signature
(i.e. add arguments) as necessary, except for the debug argument which
must remain with a default of False

# insert code in this method if using the starter code we’ve provided

# get a shortcut variable for the warehouse (note this is just a view it does not make a copy)
grid = self.warehouse_state
grid_costs = self.warehouse_cost

# You will need to fill in the algorithm here to find the policy
# The following are what your algorithm should return for test case 1
if pickup_box:
# To-box policy
# the below policy is hard coded to work for test case 1
policy = [
[‘B’, ‘lift 1’, ‘move w’],
[‘lift 1’, -1, ‘move nw’],
[‘move n’, ‘move nw’, ‘move n’],

# to-zone policy
# the below policy is hard coded to work for test case 1
policy = [
[‘move e’, ‘move se’, ‘move s’],
[‘move se’, -1, ‘down s’],
[‘move e’, ‘down e’, ‘move n’],

return policy

def plan_delivery(self, debug=False):
plan_delivery() is required and will be called by the autograder directly.
You may not change the function signature for it.
Add logic here to find the policies: First to the box from any grid position
then to the dropzone, again from any grid position. You may use the starter
code provided above in any way you choose, but please condition any printouts
on the debug flag
# Following is an example of how one could structure the solution using
# the starter code we’ve provided.

# Start by finding a policy to direct the robot to the box from any grid position
# The last command(s) in this policy will be ‘lift 1’ (i.e. lift box 1)
goal = self.boxes[‘1’]
to_box_policy = self._find_policy(goal, pickup_box=True, debug=debug)

# Now that the robot has the box, transition to the deliver policy. The
# last command(s) in this policy will be ‘down x’ where x = the appropriate
# direction to set the box into the dropzone
goal = self.dropzone
to_zone_policy = self._find_policy(goal, pickup_box=False, debug=debug)

print(“\nTo Box Policy:”)
for i in range(len(to_box_policy)):

print(“\nDeliver Policy:”)
for i in range(len(to_zone_policy)):

# For debugging purposes you may wish to return values associated with each policy.
# Replace the default values of None with your grid of values below and turn on the

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com