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Lexical Semantics – the Basics
ANLP: Week 8, Unit 1
Shay Cohen
Based on slides from ANLP 2019
􏰀 So far, we have focused on linguistics, models and algorithms for:
􏰀 Words and sequences 􏰀 Syntactic structure
􏰀 We also motivated syntactic structure with reference to meaning (specifically, compositional semantics).
􏰀 But we haven’t talked much about meaning itself.
􏰀 So, let’s get started! For the rest of the course:
􏰀 semantics of words, sentences, and documents
􏰀 also lectures about the bigger picture: data, annotation,
evaluation, and real issues in research (including guest lectures).
A famous computer program from 1969 shows people can be easily fooled into thinking that machines have some deep understanding.
young woman: Men are all alike.
eliza: In what way?
young woman: They’re always bugging us about something specific or other.
eliza: Can you think of a specific example?
young woman: Well, my boyfriend made me come here.
eliza: Your boyfriend made you come here?
young woman: He says I’m depressed much of the time.
eliza: I am sorry to hear you are depressed.
young woman: It’s true. I’m unhappy.
eliza: Do you think coming here will help you not to be unhappy? Online demo: https://www.masswerk.at/elizabot/
􏰀 The grand goal of artificial intelligence
􏰀 machines that do not mindlessly process data 􏰀 … but that ultimately understand its meaning
􏰀 But how do we know if we succeeded?

What is meaning? What is understanding?
􏰀 These are deep philosophical questions
􏰀 NLP usually takes a more pragmatic view: can the computer behave as though it understands (in order to do what we want)?
􏰀 Dialogue systems (e.g., Eliza) 􏰀 Machine translation
􏰀 Question answering
􏰀 What issues will we face in building such systems?
A Concrete Goal
􏰀 We would like to build
􏰀 a machine that answers questions in natural language. 􏰀 may have access to knowledge bases
􏰀 may have access to vast quantities of English text
􏰀 Basically, a smarter Google
􏰀 This is typically called Question Answering (QA for short)
Example Question
􏰀 Question
􏰀 When was Barack Obama born? Text available to the machine
Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961
􏰀 This is easy.
􏰀 just phrase a Google query properly: 􏰀 “Barack Obama was born on *”
syntactic rules that convert questions into statements are straight-forward
􏰀 To build our QA system we will need to deal with issues in semantics, i.e., meaning.
􏰀 Lexical semantics: the meanings of individual words (next few lectures)
􏰀 Sentential semantics: how word meanings combine (later on)
􏰀 Consider some examples to highlight problems in lexical semantics

Example Question (2)
􏰀 Question
What plants are native to Scotland?
􏰀 Text available to the machine
A new chemical plant was opened in Scotland.
􏰀 What is hard?
􏰀 words may have different meanings
􏰀 Not just different parts of speech
􏰀 But also different (senses) for the same PoS
􏰀 we need to be able to disambiguate between them
Example Question (3)
􏰀 Question
Where did Theresa May go on vacation?
􏰀 Text available to the machine
Theresa May spent her holiday in Cornwall
􏰀 What is hard?
􏰀 different words may have the same meaning (synonyms)
􏰀 we need to be able to match them
Example Question (5)
􏰀 Question
What is a good way to remove wine stains?
􏰀 Text available to the machine
Salt is a great way to eliminate wine stains
􏰀 What is hard?
􏰀 words may be related in other ways, including similarity and 􏰀 gradation
we need to be able to recognize these to give appropriate responses
Example Question (4)
􏰀 Question
􏰀 􏰀
Which animals love to swim?
Text available to the machine
Polar bears love to swim in the freezing waters of the Arc- tic.
What is hard?
􏰀 one word can refer to a subclass (hyponym) or superclass 􏰀 (hypernym) of the concept referred to by another word
we need to have database of such A is-a-kind-of B relationships, called an ontology

Example Question (6)
􏰀 Question
Did Poland reduce its carbon emissions since 1989?
􏰀 Text available to the machine
Due to the collapse of the industrial sector after the end of communism in 1989, all countries in Central Europe saw a fall in carbon emissions.
Poland is a country in Central Europe.
􏰀 What is hard?
􏰀 we need lots of facts
􏰀 we need to do inference
􏰀 a problem for sentential, not lexical, semantics
􏰀 Some of these problems can be solved with a good ontology.
􏰀 WordNet (for English: see http://wordnet.princeton.edu/) is a hand-built ontology containing 117,000 synsets: sets of synonymous words.
􏰀 Synsets are connected by relations such as
􏰀 hyponym/hypernym (IS-A: chair-furniture) 􏰀 meronym (PART-WHOLE: leg-chair)
􏰀 antonym (OPPOSITES: good-bad)
􏰀 globalwordnet.org now lists wordnets in over 50 languages (but variable size/quality/licensing)
Word Sense Ambiguity
􏰀 Not all problems can be solved by WordNet alone.
􏰀 Two completely different words can be spelled the same
I put my money in the bank. vs. He rested at the bank of the river.
You can do it! vs. She bought a can of soda.
􏰀 More generally, words can have multiple (related or unrelated) senses (polysemes)
􏰀 Polysemous words often fall into (semi-)predictable patterns: see next slides (from Hugh Rabagliati in PPLS)
􏰀 ’*’ is for words where the non-literal reading is a bit harder to get without some context
An example of a synset (JM3):
chump1, fool2, gull1, mark9, patsy1, fall guy1, sucker1, soft touch1, mug2

Another name for one of those
􏰀 Instance of an entity for kind is a kind of abstraction 􏰀 So common we barely notice it
􏰀 Some examples, using the call sign of an airplane flight:
EZY386 will depart from gate E17 at 2010
Just arrived on EZY386
EZY386 flies from Stansted to Avalon
EZY386 is easyJet’s 3rd most popular flight to Avalon I prefer EZY386 to EZY387
EZY386 has an 102% on-time record
EZY386 was cancelled yesterday
EZY386 was delayed because of a problem with one of its engines
[announcement] [text message]

How many senses?
􏰀 How many senses does the noun interest have?
􏰀 She pays 3% interest on the loan.
􏰀 He showed a lot of interest in the painting.
􏰀 Microsoft purchased a controlling interest in Google. 􏰀 It is in the national interest to invade the Bahamas. 􏰀 I only have your best interest in mind.
􏰀 Playing chess is one of my interests.
􏰀 Business interests lobbied for the legislation.
􏰀 Are these seven different senses? Four? Three?
􏰀 Also note: distinction between polysemy and homonymy not always clear!
WordNet senses for interest
S1: a sense of concern with and curiosity about someone or
something, Synonym: involvement
S2: the power of attracting or holding one’s interest (because it is
unusual or exciting etc.), Synonym: interestingness
S3: a reason for wanting something done, Synonym: sake
S4: a fixed charge for borrowing money; usually a percentage of the amount borrowed
S5: a diversion that occupies one’s time and thoughts (usually pleasantly), Synonyms: pastime, pursuit
S6: a right or legal share of something; a financial involvement with something, Synonym: stake
S7: (usu. plural) a social group whose members control some field of activity and who have common aims, Synonym: interest group
Polysemy in WordNet
􏰀 Polysemous words are part of multiple synsets
􏰀 This is why relationships are defined between synsets, not words
􏰀 On average,
􏰀 nouns have 1.24 senses (2.79 if excluding monosemous words)
􏰀 verbs have 2.17 senses (3.57 if excluding monosemous words)
􏰀 Is Wordnet too fine grained?
Stats from:
How to test for multiple sense?
Different senses: independent truth conditions, different syntactic behaviour, and independent sense relations.
A technique to separate senses is to conjoin two uses of a word in a single sentence (JM3):
(a) Which of those flights serve breakfast?
(b) Does Midest Express serve Philadelphia?
(c) ?Does Midwest Express serve breakfast and Philadelphia?

Different sense = different translation
􏰀 Another way to define senses: if occurrences of the word have different translations, that’s evidence for multiple senses
􏰀 Example interest translated into German
􏰀 Zins: financial charge paid for loan (Wordnet sense 4) 􏰀 Anteil: stake in a company (Wordnet sense 6)
􏰀 Interesse: all other senses
􏰀 Other examples might have distinct words in English but a polysemous word in German.
Word sense disambiguation (WSD)
􏰀 For many applications, we would like to disambiguate senses
􏰀 we may be only interested in one sense
􏰀 searching for chemical plant on the web, we do not want to
know about chemicals in bananas
􏰀 Task: Given a polysemous word, find the sense in a given
􏰀 As we’ve seen, this can be formulated as a classification task.
Classifiers for WSD
As usual, lots of options:
􏰀 We’ve discussed Naive Bayes, logistic regression, neural nets; many others available…
For many of these, need to choose relevant features. For example,
􏰀 Directly neighboring words:
􏰀 interest paid, rising interest, lifelong interest, interest rate
􏰀 Any content words in a 50 word window
􏰀 pastime, financial, lobbied, pursued
􏰀 Syntactically related words, topic of the text, part-of-speech tag, surrounding part-of-speech tags, etc …
WSD as classification
􏰀 Given word token in context, which sense (class) is it?
􏰀 Just train a classifier, if we have sense-labeled training data:
􏰀 She pays 3% interest/INTEREST-MONEY on the loan.
􏰀 He showed a lot of interest/INTEREST-CURIOSITY in the
􏰀 painting.
Playing chess is one of my interests/INTEREST-HOBBY. 􏰀 SensEval and later SemEval competitions provide such data
􏰀 held every 1-3 years since 1998
􏰀 provide annotated corpora in many languages for WSD and
other semantic tasks

Evaluation of WSD
􏰀 Extrinsic: test as part of IR, QA, or MT system
􏰀 Intrinsic: evaluate classification accuracy or precision/recall
against gold-standard senses
􏰀 Baseline: choose the most frequent sense (sometimes hard to beat)
Issues with WSD
􏰀 Not always clear how fine-grained the gold-standard should be 􏰀 Classifiers must be trained separately for each word
􏰀 Hard to learn anything for infrequent or unseen words 􏰀 Requires new annotations for each new word
􏰀 Motivates unsupervised and semi-supervised methods
􏰀 Aspects of lexical semantics:
􏰀 Word senses, and methods for disambiguating.
􏰀 Lexical semantic relationships, like synonymy, hyponymy, and
􏰀 meronymy.
Disambiguation: Different senses need to be distinguished 􏰀 Resources that provide annotated data for lexical semantics:
􏰀 WordNet (senses, relations) 􏰀 SensEval datasets
When we don’t have labeled data…
What to do when we do not have many labeled data or none at all?
􏰀 Semi-supervised WSD (bootstrapping, the Yarowsky algorithm):
􏰀 Start with a seed of labeled data
􏰀 Learn a classifier and apply it on unseen data
􏰀 Choose most confident predictions, add to training and repeat
􏰀 Uses two heuristics: one sense per collocation (to create the
seeds) and one sense per discourse
􏰀 Unsupervised WSD (Word Sense Induction): use clustering
See more in JM3 C.7-C.8 (optional)