程序代写代做代考 information retrieval algorithm C Dense Word Vectors

Dense Word Vectors
ANLP: Week 9, Unit 3
Shay Cohen
Based on slides from ANLP 2019
Last class
Represent a word by a context vector
􏰀 Each word x is represented by a vector ⃗v. Each dimension in
the vector corresponds to a context word type y
􏰀 Each vi measures the level of association between the word x
and context word yi Pointwise Mutual Information
􏰀 Set each vi to log2 p(x,yi ) 􏰀 p(x)p(yi)
Measures “colocationness’
􏰀 Vectors have many dimensions and very sparse (when PMI
< 0 is changed to 0) Similarity metric between ⃗v and another context vector w⃗ : 􏰀 The cosine of the angle between ⃗v and w⃗ : ⃗v w⃗ |⃗v ||w⃗ | Roadmap for Main Course of Today 􏰀 Skip-gram models - relying on the idea of pairing words with dense context and target vectors. If a word co-occurs with a context word wc, then its target vector should be similar to the context vector of wc 􏰀 The computational problem with skip-gram models 􏰀 An example solution to this problem: negative sampling skip-grams Today’s Lecture 􏰀 How to represent a word with vectors that are short (with length of 50 – 1,000) and dense (most values are non-zero) 􏰀 Why short vectors? 􏰀 Easier to include as features in machine learning systems 􏰀 Because they contain fewer parameters, they generalise better and are less prone to overfitting 􏰀 Sparse vectors are better at capturing synonymy Before the Main Course, on PMI and TF-IDF 􏰀 PMI is one way of trying to detect important co-occurrences based on divergence between observed and predicted (from unigram MLEs) bigram probabilities 􏰀 A different take: a word that is common in only some contexts carries more information than one that is common everywhere How to formalise this idea? TF-IDF: Main Idea Key Idea: Combine together the frequency of a term in a context (such as document) with its relative frequency overall in all documents. 􏰀 This is formalised under the name tf-idf 􏰀 tf Term frequency 􏰀 idf Inverse document frequency 􏰀 Originally from Information Retrieval, where there a lots of documents, often with lots of words in them 􏰀 Gives an “importance” level of a term in a specific context Summary: TF-IDF 􏰀 Compare two words using tf-idf cosine to see if they are similar 􏰀 Compare two documents 􏰀 Take the centroid of vectors of all the terms in the document 􏰀 Centroid document vector is: d = t1 +t2 +···+tk k TF-IDF: Combine Two Factors tf: term frequency of a word t in document d: 􏰀􏰐 tf(t,d)= 1+logcount(t,d) ifcount(t,d)>0 . 0 otherwise
frequency count of term i in document d
􏰀 Idf: inverse document frequency:
idf(t) = log 􏰎 N 􏰏 dft
􏰀 N is total # of docs in collection
􏰀 dft is#ofdocsthathavetermt
􏰀 Terms such as the or good have very low idf
􏰀 􏰀 because dft ≈ N
tf-idf value for word t in document d: tfidft,d = tft,d × idft

TF-IDF and PMI are Sparse Representations
􏰀 TF-IDF and PMI vectors
􏰀 have many dimensions (as the size of the vocabulary)
􏰀 are sparse (most elements are zero)
􏰀 Alternative: dense vectors, vectors which are
􏰀 short (length 50–1000)
􏰀 dense (most elements are non-zero)
Neural network-inspired dense embeddings
􏰀 Methods for generating dense embeddings inspired by neural network models
Key idea: Each word in the vocabulary is associated with two vectors: a context vector and a target vector. We try
to push these two types of vectors such that the target vector of a word is close to the context vectors of words with which it co-occurs.
􏰀 This is the main idea, and what is important to understand. Now to the details to make it operational…
Prediction with Skip-Grams
􏰀 Each word type w is associated with two dense vectors: v(w) (target vector) and c(w) (context vector)
􏰀 Skip-gram model predicts each neighbouring word in a context window of L words, e.g. context window L = 2 the context is [wt−2, wt−1, wt+1, wt+2]
􏰀 Skip-gram calculates the probability p(wk|wj) by computing dot product between context vector c(wk) of word wk and target vector v(wj) for word wj
􏰀 The higher the dot product between two vectors, the more similar they are
Skip-gram modelling (or Word2vec)
􏰀 Instead of counting how often each word occurs near “apricot” 􏰀 Train a classifier on a binary prediction task:
􏰀 Is the word likely to show up near “apricot”?
􏰀 A by-product of learning this classifier will be the context and
􏰀 target vectors discussed.
These are the parameters of the classifier, and we will use these parameters as our word embeddings.
􏰀 No need for hand-labelled supervision – use text with co-occurrence

Prediction with Skip-grams
􏰀 We use softmax function to normalise the dot product into probabilities:
p(wk|wj) = 􏰃 exp(c(wk)·v(wj)) w∈V exp(c(w)·v(wj))
where V is our vocabulary.
􏰀 If both fruit and apricot co-occur with delicious, then v(fruit) and v(apricot) should be similar both to c(delicious), and as such, to each other
􏰀 Problem: Computing the denominator requires computing dot product between each word in V and the target word wj , which may take a long time
Skip-gram with Negative Sampling
􏰀 Problem with skip-grams: Computing the denominator requires computing dot product between each word in V and the target word wj , which may take a long time
􏰀 Given a pair of target and context words, predict + or – (telling whether they co-occur together or not)
􏰀 This changes the classification into a binary classification problem, no issue with normalisation
􏰀 It is easy to get example for the + label (words co-occur)
􏰀 Where do we get examples for – (words do not co-occur)?
Skip-gram with Negative Sampling
􏰀 Training sentence for example word apricot:
lemon,a tablespoon of apricot preserves or jam
􏰀 Select k = 2 noise words for each of the context words:
cement bacon dear coaxial apricot ocean hence never puddle
n1 n2 n3 n4 w n5 n6 n7 n8
􏰀 We want noise words wni to have a low dot-product with
target embedding w
􏰀 We want the context word to have high dot-product with target embedding w
Skip-gram with Negative Sampling
􏰀 Problem with skip-grams: Computing the denominator requires computing dot product between each word in V and the target word wj , which may take a long time
􏰀 Given a pair of target and context words, predict + or – (telling whether they co-occur together or not)
􏰀 This changes the classification into a binary classification problem, no issue with normalisation
􏰀 It is easy to get example for the + label (words co-occur)
􏰀 Where do we get examples for – (words do not co-occur)?
􏰀 Solution: randomly sample “negative” examples

Skip-Gram Goal
To recap:
􏰀 Given a pair (wt,wc) = target, context
􏰀 (apricot, jam)
􏰀 (apricot, aardvark)
return probability that wc is a real context word: 􏰀 P(+|wt,wc)
􏰀 P(−|wt,wc)=1−P(+|wt,wc)
􏰀 Learn from examples (wt,wc,l) where l ∈ {+,−} and the negative examples are obtained through sampling
How to Compute p(+|wt,wc)? Intuition:
􏰀 Words are likely to appear near similar words
􏰀 Again use dot-product to indicative positive/negative label,
coupled with logistic regression. This means
P(+|wt,wc) = 1 1+exp(−v(wt)·c(wc))
P(−|wt,wc)=1−P(+|wt,wc)= exp(−v(wt)·c(wc)) 1+exp(−v(wt)·c(wc))
Skip-gram with Negative Sampling
So, given the learning objective is to maximise:
log P (+|w t , w c ) + 􏰃ki =1 log P (−|w t , w ni )
where we have k negative-sampled words wn1,··· ,wnk
􏰀 We want to maximise the dot product of a word target vector with a true context word context vector
􏰀 We want to minimise over all the dot products of a target word with all the untrue contexts
􏰀 How do we maximise this learning objective? Using gradient descent
How to Compute p(+|wt,wc)? Intuition:
􏰀 Words are likely to appear near similar words
􏰀 Again use dot-product to indicative positive/negative label,
coupled with logistic regression. This means
P(+|wt,wc) = 1 1+exp(−v(wt)·c(wc))
P(−|wt,wc)=1−P(+|wt,wc)= exp(−v(wt)·c(wc)) 1+exp(−v(wt)·c(wc))
The function
σ(x) = 1 1+e−x
is also referred to as “the sigmoid”

How to Use the Context and Target Vectors?
􏰀 After this learning process, use:
􏰀 v(w) as the word embedding, discarding c(w)
􏰀 Or the concatenation of c(w) with v(w)
A good example of representation learning: through our classifier setup, we learned how to represent words to fit the classifier model to the data
Food for thought: are c(w) and v(w) going to be similar for each w? Why?
How to Use the Context and Target Vectors?
􏰀 After this learning process, use:
􏰀 v(w) as the word embedding, discarding c(w)
􏰀 Or the concatenation of c(w) with v(w)
A good example of representation learning: through our classifier setup, we learned how to represent words to fit the classifier model to the data
Food for thought: are c(w) and v(w) going to be similar for each w? Why?
v(fruit) → c(delicious) → v(apricot) → c(fruit)
Properties of Embeddings
Offsets between embeddings can capture relations between words, e.g. vector(king)+ (vector(woman) − vector(man)) is close to vector(queen)
Offsets can also capture grammatical number
Some Real Embeddings
Examples of the closest tokens to some target words using a phrase-based extension of the skip-gram algorithm (Mikolov et al. 2013):
Redmond Wash
Vaclav Havel
spray paint
Redmond Washington
President Vaclav Havel
Martial arts
Velvet Revolution

skip-grams (and related approaches such as continuous bag of words (CBOW)) are often referred to as word2vec
􏰀 Code available online – try it! 􏰀 Very fast to train
􏰀 Idea: predict rather than count