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Documenting, Using, and Testing Utility Classes Readings: Chapter 2 of the Course Notes
EECS2030: Advanced Object Oriented Programming Fall 2017

Structure of Project: Packages and Classes
A Java project may store a list of Java classes.
You may group each list of related classes into a package .
To see project structure in Eclipse: Package Explorer view. 2 of 34

Visibility: Project, Packages, Classes
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CollectionOfStuffs animal
Cat Dog
Circle Square

Visibility of Classes
● Only one modifier for declaring visibility of classes: public.
● Use of private is forbidden for declaring a class.
e.g., private class Chair is not allowed!!
● Visibility of a class may be declared using a modifier, indicating that it is accessible:
1. Across classes within its resident package
[ no modifier ] [ public ]
e.g., Declare class 2. Across packages
Chair { . . . }
Chair { . . . Resident project CollectionOfStuffs.
e.g., Declare public
● Consider class Chair in: Resident package furniture;
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Visibility of Classes: Across All Classes Within the Resident Package (no modifier)
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CollectionOfStuffs animal
Cat Dog
class Chair animal
Circle Square

Visibility of Classes: Across All Classes Within the Resident Package (no modifier)
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Cat Dog
public class Chair animal
Circle Square

Visibility of Attributes/Methods: Using Modifiers to Define Scopes
● Two modifiers for declaring visibility of attributes/methods: public and private
● Visibility of an attribute or a method may be declared using a modifier, indicating that it is accessible:
1. Within its resident class (most restrictive) [ private ]
e.g., Declare attribute private static int i;
e.g., Declare method private static void m(){};
2. Across classes within its resident package [ no modifier ]
e.g., Declare attribute static int i;
e.g., Declare method static void m(){}; 3. Across packages (least restrictive)
e.g., Declare attribute public static int i;
[ public ]
e.g., Declare method public static void m(){};
● Consider i and m in: Resident class Chair; Resident package
furniture; Resident project CollectionOfStuffs. 7 of 34

Visibility of Attr./Meth.: Across All Methods Within the Resident Class (private)
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CollectionOfStuffs animal
Cat Dog
Circle Square
private i, m

Visibility of Attr./Meth.: Across All Classes Within the Resident Package (no modifier)
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CollectionOfStuffs animal
Cat Dog
Circle Square
i, m

Visibility of Attr./Meth.: Across All Packages Within the Resident Project (public)
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Cat Dog
Circle Square
public i, m

Structure of Utility Classes
● are a special kind of classes, where:
○ All (i.e., stored data) are declared as static.
○ All (i.e., stored operations) are declared as static.
● For now, understand all these static attributes and methods collectively make their resident utility class a single (i.e., one that cannot be duplicated) machine, upon which you may:
Utility classes
○ Access the value of a data item.
○ Compute and return a value.
○ Computer and change the data (without returning).
[ attribute ] [ accessor ] [ mutator ]
● We will later discuss non-static attributes and methods.
To see class structure in Eclipse: Outline view. 11 of 34

Structure of Utility Classes: Example (1.1)
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public class CircleUtilities {
private static final int RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER = 2; static int radius = 10;
public static final int PI = 3;
static int getDiameter() {
int diameter = radius * RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER;
return diameter; }
static int getDiameter(int radius) { return radius * RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER; }
static void setRadius(int newRadius) { radius = newRadius; }
public static int getCircumference(int radius) { return getDiameter(radius) * PI; } public static int getCircumference1() { return getDiameter() * PI; }
private static int getCircumference2() { return getCircumference(radius); }
Three independent groups of modifiers in the above utility class:
1. 2.
:private (L2, L13), public (L4, L11, L12), and no access modifier (L3, L5, L9, L10).
:static (all attributes and methods) and non-static (not in a utility class)
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:final (L2, L4) means it is a constant value and can never be assigned, and non-final attributes are variables.

Structure of Utility Classes: Example (1.2)
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public class CircleUtilities {
private static final int RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER = 2; static int radius = 10;
public static final int PI = 3;
static int getDiameter() {
int diameter = radius * RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER;
return diameter; }
static int getDiameter(int radius) { return radius * RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER; }
static void setRadius(int newRadius) { radius = newRadius; }
public static int getCircumference(int radius) { return getDiameter(radius) * PI; } public static int getCircumference1() { return getDiameter() * PI; }
private static int getCircumference2() { return getCircumference(radius); }
Each utility class contains a list of attributes and methods:
1. L2 – L4: Three attributes RADIUS TO DIAMETER, radius, PI
○ Each of these attributes has an initial value (2, 10, and 3).
○ Only the value of radius (non-final) may be changed. 2. L5 – L13: Six methods:
○ 1 Mutator (with the return type void): setRadius(int newRadius)
○ 5 Accessors (with an explicit return statement):
e.g., getDiameter(), getCircumference(int radius) 13 of 34

Structure of Utility Classes: Example (1.3)
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public class CircleUtilities {
private static final int RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER = 2; static int radius = 10;
public static final int PI = 3;
static int getDiameter() {
int diameter = radius * RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER;
return diameter; }
static int getDiameter(int radius) { return radius * RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER; }
static void setRadius(int newRadius) { radius = newRadius; }
public static int getCircumference(int radius) { return getDiameter(radius) * PI; } public static int getCircumference1() { return getDiameter() * PI; }
private static int getCircumference2() { return getCircumference(radius); }
Each method has a (possibly empty) list of (i.e., inputs) and their types:
● e.g., getDiameter (L5) has no parameters (i.e., it takes no inputs for its computation)
● e.g., setRadius (L10) has one parameter (i.e., newRadius of type int)
We talk about parameters in the context of method declarations. 14 of 34

Structure of Utility Classes: Example (1.4)
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public class CircleUtilities {
private static final int RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER = 2; static int radius = 10;
public static final int PI = 3;
static int getDiameter() {
int diameter = radius * RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER;
return diameter; }
static int getDiameter(int radius) { return radius * RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER; }
static void setRadius(int newRadius) { radius = newRadius; }
public static int getCircumference(int radius) { return getDiameter(radius) * PI; } public static int getCircumference1() { return getDiameter() * PI; }
private static int getCircumference2() { return getCircumference(radius); }
When the name of a method parameter clashes with the name of an attribute (L9):
● Any mention about that name (e.g., radius) refers to the parameter, not the attribute anymore.
● To refer to the attribute, write: Utilities.radius
● If you know what you’re doing, that’s fine; otherwise, use a
different name (e.g., L10) to avoid unintended errors. 15 of 34

Structure of Utility Classes: Example (1.5)
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public class CircleUtilities {
private static final int RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER = 2; static int radius = 10;
public static final int PI = 3;
static int getDiameter() {
int diameter = radius * RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER;
return diameter; }
static int getDiameter(int radius) { return radius * RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER; }
static void setRadius(int newRadius) { radius = newRadius; }
public static int getCircumference(int radius) { return getDiameter(radius) * PI; } public static int getCircumference1() { return getDiameter() * PI; }
private static int getCircumference2() { return getCircumference(radius); }
The body (i.e., what’s written between { and }) of a method (accessor or mutator) may:
1. Declare local variables (e.g., L6) to store intermediate computation results.
The scope of these local variables is only within that method.
2. Perform assignments to change values of either local variables
(L6) or attributes (L10).
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Structure of Utility Classes: Example (1.6)
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public class CircleUtilities {
private static final int RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER = 2; static int radius = 10;
public static final int PI = 3;
static int getDiameter() {
int diameter = radius * RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER;
return diameter; }
static int getDiameter(int radius) { return radius * RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER; }
static void setRadius(int newRadius) { radius = newRadius; }
public static int getCircumference(int radius) { return getDiameter(radius) * PI; } public static int getCircumference1() { return getDiameter() * PI; }
private static int getCircumference2() { return getCircumference(radius); }
A method body may another method (i.e., code): 3. Call a utility accessor and use (e.g., store, print, return) its
return value: L11 and L13.
● L11:Sinceweareinthesameclass,wedonotneedtowrite
● L11:getDiameter(radius)passesmethodparameterradius
as an argument value to method getDiameter(. . . ) ● L11:Itisequivalenttowrite(withoutreusinganycode):
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return radius * RADIUS TO DIAMETER * PI

Structure of Utility Classes: Exercise
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public class CircleUtilities {
private static final int RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER = 2; static int radius = 10;
public static final int PI = 3;
static int getDiameter() {
int diameter = radius * RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER;
return diameter; }
static int getDiameter(int radius) { return radius * RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER; }
static void setRadius(int newRadius) { radius = newRadius; }
public static int getCircumference(int radius) { return getDiameter(radius) * PI; } public static int getCircumference1() { return getDiameter() * PI; }
private static int getCircumference2() { return getCircumference(radius); }
Is the body of method getCircumference1 equivalent to the body of method getCircumference2? Why or why not?
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Structure of Utility Classes: Example (1.7)
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public class CircleUtilities {
private static final int RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER = 2; static int radius = 10;
public static final int PI = 3;
static int getDiameter() {
int diameter = radius * RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER;
return diameter; }
static int getDiameter(int radius) { return radius * RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER; }
static void setRadius(int newRadius) { radius = newRadius; }
public static int getCircumference(int radius) { return getDiameter(radius) * PI; } public static int getCircumference1() { return getDiameter() * PI; }
private static int getCircumference2() { return getCircumference(radius); }
A method body may call another method (i.e., reuse code): 4. Call a utility mutator to change some data.
We will see an example about this later.
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Visualizing a Utility Class
All static attributes and methods collectively make their resident utility class a single (i.e., one that cannot be duplicated) machine, which contains:
● Current values of attributes
● Definitions of methods (i.e., how computation is to be executed)
int diameter = radius * RADIUS_TO_DIAMETER; return diameter;
setRadius(int newRadius)
radius = newRadius;
getCircumference(int radius)
return getDiameter(radius) * PI;
return getDiameter() * PI;
return getCircumference(radius);
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Using a Utility Class (1)
● We can either access a static attribute or call a static method in a utility class using its name.
● e.g., the method call CircleUtilities.setRadius(40) passes the value 40 as argument, which is used to instantiate every occurrence of the method parameter newRadius in method setRadius by 40.
void setRadius(int ne@wRadius 40) {
@ @
radius = ne@wRadius 40; @
● Consequently, the effect of this method call is to change the current value of CircleUtilities.radius to 40.
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Entry Point of Execution: the “main” Method
The main method is treated by Java as the starting point of executing your program.
public class CircleUtilitiesApplication { public static void main(String[] args) {
/* Your programming solution is defined here. */
} }
The execution starts with the first line in the main method, proceed line by line, from top to bottom, until there are no more lines to execute, then it terminates .
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Using a Utility Class (2.1)
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public class CircileUtilitesApplication { public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(“Initial radius of CU: ” + CircleUtilities.radius); int d1 = CircleUtilities.getDiameter();
System.out.println(“d1 is: ” +
System.out.println(“c1 is: ” +
System.out.println(“d2 is: ” +
System.out.println(“c2 is: ” +
System.out.println(“Change the
d1 = CircleUtilities.getDiameter();
System.out.println(“d1 is: ” + d1);
System.out.println(“c1 is: ” + CircleUtilities.getCircumference1()); System.out.println(“======”);
System.out.println(“d2 is: ” + CircleUtilities.getDiameter(20));
System.out.println(“c2 is: ” + CircleUtilities.getCircumference(20)); }
Executing it, what will be output to the console?
23 of 34
d1); CircleUtilities.getCircumference1());
CircleUtilities.getDiameter(20)); CircleUtilities.getCircumference(20));
radius of CU to 30…”);

Using a Utility Class (2.2)
Initial radius of CU: 10
d1 is: 20
c1 is: 60
d2 is: 40
c2 is: 120
Change the radius of CU to 30…
d1 is: 60
c1 is: 180
d2 is: 40
c2 is: 120
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Using a Utility Class: Client vs. Supplier (1)
●A ●A

implements/provides a service (e.g., microwave).
uses a service provided by some supplier.
The client must follow certain instructions to obtain the service (e.g., supplier that client powers on, closes door, and heats something that is not explosive).
If instructions are followed, the client would that the service does what is required (e.g., a lunch box is heated).
The client does not care how the supplier implements it.


● What then are the benefits and obligations os the two parties?
SUPPLIER give instructions
follow instructions provide a service
obtain a service
● There is a contract between two parties, violated if:
○ The instructions are not followed. [ Client’s fault ]
○ Instructions followed, but service not satisfactory. [ Supplier’s fault ] 25 of 34

Using a Utility Class: Client vs. Supplier (2)
1 class CUtilApp {
class CUtil {
static int PI = 3;
static int getArea(int r) {
/* Assume: r positive */
return r * r * 3; }
4 5}}
public static void main(…) { int radius = ;
● Method call CircleUtilities.getArea(radius), inside class CircleUtilitiesApp, suggests a client-supplier relation.
○ Client: resident class of the static method call [ CUtilApp ]
○ Supplier: context class of the static method
● What if the value of at L3 of CUtilApp is -10?
● What’s wrong with this?
[ CUtil ]
○ Client CUtil mistakenly gives illegal circle with radius -10.
○ Supplier CUtil should have reported a contract violation ! 26 of 34

Using a Utility Class: Client vs. Supplier (3)
● Method Precondition : supplier’s assumed circumstances, under which the client can expect a satisfactory service.
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○ Precondition of int divide(int x, int y)? [ y != 0 ]
○ Precondition of int getArea(int r)? [ r > 0 ] ● When supplier is requested to provide service with
not satisfied, contract is violated by client. ● ≈ IllegalArgumentException.
Use if-elseif statements to determine if a violation occurs.
Precondition Violations
class CUtil {
static int PI = 3;
static int getArea(int r) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if(r < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Circle radius " + r + "is not positive."); } else { return r * r * PI; } } } Documenting Your Class using Javadoc (1) There are three types of comments in Java: ● // [ line comment ] ● /* */ [ block comment ] ○ These two types of comments are only for you as a supplier to document interworking of your code. ○ They are hidden from clients of your software. ● /** */ [ block documentation ] 28 of 34 ○ This type of comments is for clients to learn about how to use of your software. Documenting Classes using Javadoc (2.1) /** *

First paragraph about this class. *

Second paragraph about this class. * @author jackie
public class Example {

Summary about attribute ‘i’

More details about ‘i’
public static int i;

Summary about accesor method ‘am’ with two parameters. *

More details about ‘am’.
* @return Always false for some reason.
* @param s Documentation about the first parameter
* @param d Documentation about the second parameter
public static boolean am (String s, double d) { return false; }

Summary about mutator method ‘mm’ with no parameters. *

More details about ‘mm’.
public static void mm () { /* code omitted */ } }
○ Use @return only for mutator methods (i.e., returning non-void).
○ Use @param for each input parameter. 29 of 34

Documenting Classes using Javadoc (2.2)
Generate an HTML documentation using the Javadoc tool supported by Eclipse:
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● Implement a utility class named Counter, where
○ There is a static integer counter i whose initial value is 5.
○ There is a static constant maximum MAX of value 10 for counter i.
○ There is a static constant minimum MIN of value 10 for counter i.
○ Your implementation should be such that the counter value can
never fall out of the range [5, 10].
○ There is a mutator method incrementBy which takes an integer
input parameter j, and increments the counter i value by j if
possible (i.e., it would not go above MAX).
○ There is a mutator method decrementBy which takes an integer
input parameter j, and decrements the counter i value by j if
possible (i.e., it would not go below MIN).
○ There is an accessor method isPositive which takes an integer
input parameter j, and returns true if j is positive, or returns
false if otherwise.
● Properly document your Counter class using Javadoc and generate the
HTML documentation using Eclipse.
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Index (1)
Structure of Project: Packages and Classes Visibility: Project, Packages, Classes
Visibility of Classes
Visibility of Classes: Across All Classes Within the Resident Package (no modifier) Visibility of Classes: Across All Classes Within the Resident Package (no modifier) Visibility of Attributes/Methods:
Using Modifiers to Define Scopes
Visibility of Attr./Meth.: Across All Methods Within the Resident Class (private) Visibility of Attr./Meth.: Across All Classes Within the Resident Package (no modifier) Visibility of Attr./Meth.: Across All Packages
Within the Resident Project (public) 32 of 34

Index (2)
Structure of Utility Classes
Structure of Utility Classes: Example Structure of Utility Classes: Example Structure of Utility Classes: Example Structure of Utility Classes: Example Structure of Utility Classes: Example Structure of Utility Classes: Example Structure of Utility Classes: Exercise Structure of Utility Classes: Example Visualizing a Utility Class
Using a Utility Class (1)
Entry Point of Execution: the “main” Method Using a Utility Class (2.1)
Using a Utility Class (2.2)
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(1.1) (1.2) (1.3) (1.4) (1.5) (1.6)

Index (3)
Using a Utility Class: Client vs. Supplier (1)
Using a Utility Class: Client vs. Supplier (2) Using a Utility Class: Client vs. Supplier (3) Documenting Your Class using Javadoc (1) Documenting Classes using Javadoc (2.1) Documenting Classes using Javadoc (2.2)
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