程序代写代做代考 Administrative Issues

Administrative Issues
EECS3311 A: Software Design Fall 2018
Course Information
● Two moddle sites: http://moodle.info.yorku.ca/ ○ LE/EECS3311 A – Software Design (Fall 2018-2019)
● AnnouncementforSectionAonly.
● Postyourquestionshereintheforum.
● Neversharesolutionstogradedcomponentsontheforum!!!
○ LE/EECS3311 A,E – Software Design (Fall 2018-2019)
● Announcementforbothsections.
● Labinstructionsarepostedhere.
● PDFversionofthetextbookisavailablehere.
● Lecture materials will be posted on my website: https://www.eecs.yorku.ca/ ̃jackie/teaching/ lectures/#EECS3311_F18
● Check your emails regularly! 3 of 10
● How may you call me?
“Jackie” (most preferred),
“Professor Jackie”, “Professor”, “Professor Wang”, “Sir”, “Hey”, “Hi”, “Hello”
● Office: Lassonde Building 2043
● Office hours: 4pm – 6pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and
Thursdays. Or by appointments.
● When you need advice on the course, speak to me!
● Throughout the semester, feel free to suggest ways to helping your learning.
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Class Protocol
● No talking, no mobile – distracting , disrespectful
● If you feel like talking or using mobile, please leave. ● In class: core concepts, examples, your engagement
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Study Tips
Each lecture will be recorded entirely:
● Not meant to be a replacement for classes!
● Focus reaching maximum comprehension.
● Ask questions!
● Take (even incomplete) notes, which will help when re-iterating lectures.
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Academic Integrity
Apply an Educational Github account!
The moral code or ethical policy of academia:
● avoidance of cheating or plagiarism;
● maintenance of academic standards;
● honesty and rigor in research and academic publishing.
Pay careful attention to all occasions where the submitted work is to be graded and receive credits (i.e., labs, quizzes, assignments, tests, exams).
It is absolutely not acceptable if, in any of these occasions, you:
● share your (programming or written) solutions with others;
● copy and paste solutions from elsewhere and claim that they are yours.
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General Tips about Studying CS
● To do well, inspiration is more important than perspiration. ● Hard work does not necessarily guarantee success, but no
success is possible without hard work
⇒○ Don’t be too satisfied just by the fact that you work hard.
○ Make sure you work hard both on mastering “ground stuffs”
and, more importantly, on staying on top of what’s being taught.
○ Be
○ Be about why things work the way they do.
○ Always yourself on how things are connected .
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about going beyond lectures.
Course Syllabus
Available on the Moodle site.
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Need Accommodation for Tests/Exams?
● Please approach me (email, in person) as soon as possible, so we can make proper arrangements for you.
● We will work out a way for you to gain the most out of this course!
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Index (1)
Course Information
Class Protocol
Study Tips
General Tips about Studying CS Academic Integrity
Course Syllabus
Need Accommodation for Tests/Exams?
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