程序代写代做代考 Lambda Calculus C CMPSC 461: Programming Language Concepts Midterm 1 Solution

CMPSC 461: Programming Language Concepts Midterm 1 Solution
Lambda Calculus Problem 1 [10pt] Consider a λ-term
λx. λy. x z λx. x
1. (6pt) Compute the set of free variables in the term. Show the detailed derivation in your answer.
only z is free
2. (4pt) Based on the results above, connect all bound variables to their definitions with lines.
For example, the answer for λx. x x y should be written as λ x. x x y.
λ x. λy. x z λ x. x
Problem 2 [10pt] Fully evaluate: (λx y z. x z) (λx. x) v. Show the detailed derivation in your answer.
(λx y z. x z) (λx. x) v =(λx. λy. λz. x z) (λx. x) v =(λy. (λz. ((λx. x) z))) v =λz. ((λx. x) z)
=λz. z
Problem 3 [12pt] Recall the following encodings defined in lectures: TRUE 􏰃λxy.x
FALSE 􏰃 λx y. y
One way of encoding the logical “and” in λ-calculus is as follows:
AND 􏰃 λx y. x y FALSE
1. (6pt) Write down an encoding of the logical “or” in λ-calculus so that it computes on TRUE

2. (6pt) Based on your encoding, show that OR FALSE FALSE evaluates to FALSE. Show the detailed derivation in your answer.
=(λx y. y) TRUE FALSE
Scheme Problem 4 [30pt]
1. (10pt) Consider the following Scheme program:
(define (foo l) (map (lambda (x) (/ x 2)) l))
• What is the result of (foo ’(2 4 6 8))?
• Ingeneral,givenaparameterl,describewhatdoesthisfunctionreturninonesentence.
(1 2 3 4)
In general, this function returns a list where each element is divided by 2.
2. (10pt) Consider the following Scheme program:
(define (goo f l)
(cond ((null? l) ’())
(else (let ((result (goo f (cdr l)))) (append (f (car l)) result)))))
• What is the result of (goo (lambda (x) (list x x)) ’(1 4 9 16))?
• In general, given parameters f l, describe what does this function return in one sen-
(1 1 4 4 9 9 16 16)
In general, this function returns a list where elements are the concatenation of the results of applying f to elements in l, in the same order.
3. (10pt) Use the foldl function in Scheme to implement a function newfilter, which has the same functionality as the filter function in Scheme.
Midterm 1, Cmpsc 461 2020 Fall

(define (newfilter f l)
(foldl (lambda (x c) (if (f x) (append c (list x))
c)) ’() l))
Problem 5 [16pt]
1. (8pt) Write down a regular expression that captures all numbers from 1 to 33.
[1-9] | [12] [0-9] | 3 [0-3]
2. (8pt) Write down a regular expression that captures nonempty binaries (strings with 0’s and 1’s) that start and end with different digits and with at least three digits. For example, 011 and 1100 are such binaries, while 1 and 010 are not.
1(0|1)+0 | 0(0|1)+1
Problem 6 [6pt] For the following grammar, state whether it is ambiguous or unambiguous. If it is ambiguous, give an equivalent unambiguous grammar. If it is unambiguous, state all the precedences and associativities enforced by the grammar. Assume Id is a terminal that generates identifiers.
E ::= E + E | F F ::= G ∗ F | G G ::= Id | (E)
Ambiguous. It is equivalent to the grammar below:
E ::= E + F | F F ::= G ∗ F | G G ::= Id | (E)
Problem 7 [16pt] Consider the context free grammar for (simplified) λ-calculus: S ::= x | λx. (S) | S S
where x is a terminal for letter x, symbols ‘λ’, ‘.’, ‘(’, ‘)’ are terminals.
1. (8pt) Write down the leftmost derivation for the string “λx.(x x) x”. Show the detailed
derivation in your answer.
Midterm 1, Cmpsc 461 2020 Fall

S ⇒ S S ⇒ λx.(S) S ⇒ λx. (S S) S⇒ λx. (x S) S ⇒ λx. (x x) S ⇒ λx. (x x) x 2. (8pt) Draw the concrete parse tree for the string “λx.(x x) x”.
λx.(S)x SS
Midterm 1, Cmpsc 461
2020 Fall

Bonus Questions
Bonus Problem 1 [5pt] Implement a function findMax using foldl in Scheme to get the largest element from a list of numbers. If the list is empty, your implementation should return −inf.0, which represents negative infinity in Scheme. Here are a couple of examples:
(findMax ’()) ; returns -inf.0
(findMax ’(1 -3 9 13 -2)) ; returns 13
(findMax ’(-4 -5 -1)) ; returns -1
(define (findMax lst)
(foldl (lambda (x c) (if (> x c) x c)) -inf.0 lst))
Bonus Problem 2 [5pt] A list can be encoded in the λ-calculus by its fold function (the foldr function in Scheme). For example, a list with x,y,z can be encoded as λc. λn. (c x (c y (c z n))). Moreover, an empty list nil is simply encoded as nil 􏰃 λc. λn. n.
Under such encoding, define a function cons (the cons function in Scheme) that takes an element h, a list t and returns a list where h is the head, and t is the tail.
cons 􏰃 (λh .λt. (λc n . (c h (t c n))))
Midterm 1, Cmpsc 461
2020 Fall