Singular values and conditioning¶
In this lecture we discuss matrix and vector norms. The matrix $2$-norm involves
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singular values, which are a measure of how matrices “stretch” vectors.
We also introduce show that
the singular values of a matrix give a notion of a condition number, which allows us
to bound errors introduced by floating point numbers in linear algebra operations.
Vector norms: we discuss the standard $p$-norm for vectors in $ℝ^n$.
Matrix norms: we discuss how two vector norms can be used to induce a norm on matrices. These
satisfy an additional multiplicative inequality.
Singular value decomposition: we introduce the singular value decomposition which is related to
the matrix $2$-norm and best low rank approximation.
Condition numbers: we will see how errors in matrix-vector multiplication and solving linear systems
can be bounded in terms of the condition number, which is defined in terms of singular values.
using LinearAlgebra, Plots
1. Vector norms¶
Recall the definition of a (vector-)norm:
Definition (vector-norm) A norm $\|\cdot\|$ on $ℝ^n$ is a function that satisfies the following, for $𝐱,𝐲 ∈ ℝ^n$ and
Triangle inequality: $\|𝐱 + 𝐲 \| ≤ \|𝐱\| + \|𝐲\|$
Homogeneneity: $\| c 𝐱 \| = |c| \| 𝐱 \|$
Positive-definiteness: $\|𝐱\| = 0$ implies that $𝐱 = 0$.
Consider the following example:
Definition (p-norm)
For $1 ≤ p < ∞$ and $𝐱 \in ℝ^n$, define the $p$-norm:
\|𝐱\|_p := \left(\sum_{k=1}^n |x_k|^p\right)^{1/p}
where $x_k$ is the $k$-th entry of $𝐱$.
For $p = ∞$ we define
\|𝐱\|_∞ := \max_k |x_k|
Theorem (p-norm) $\| ⋅ \|_p$ is a norm for $1 ≤ p ≤ ∞$.
We will only prove the case $p = 1, 2, ∞$ as general $p$ is more involved.
Homogeneity and positive-definiteness are straightforward: e.g.,
\|c 𝐱\|_p = (\sum_{k=1}^n |cx_k|^p)^{1/p} = (|c|^p \sum_{k=1}^n |x_k|^p)^{1/p} = |c| \| 𝐱 \|
and if $\| 𝐱 \|_p = 0$ then all $|x_k|^p$ are have to be zero.
For $p = 1,∞$ the triangle inequality is also straightforward:
\| 𝐱 + 𝐲 \|_∞ = \max_k (|x_k + y_k|) ≤ \max_k (|x_k| + |y_k|) ≤ \|𝐱\|_∞ + \|𝐲\|_∞
\| 𝐱 + 𝐲 \|_1 = \sum_{k=1}^n |x_k + y_k| ≤ \sum_{k=1}^n (|x_k| + |y_k|) = \| 𝐱 \|_1 + \| 𝐲\|_1
For $p = 2$ it can be proved using the Cauchy–Schwartz inequality:
|𝐱^⊤ 𝐲| ≤ \| 𝐱 \|_2 \| 𝐲 \|_2
That is, we have
\| 𝐱 + 𝐲 \|^2 = \|𝐱\|^2 + 2 𝐱^⊤ 𝐲 + \|𝐲\|^2 ≤ \|𝐱\|^2 + 2\| 𝐱 \| \| 𝐲 \| + \|𝐲\|^2 = (\| 𝐱 \| + \| 𝐲 \|)
In Julia can use the inbuilt norm function to calculate norms:
norm([1,-2,3]) == norm([1,-2,3], 2) == sqrt(1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2);
norm([1,-2,3], 1) == sqrt(1 + 2 + 3);
norm([1,-2,3], Inf) == 3;
2. Matrix norms¶
Just like vectors, matrices have norms that measure their "length". The simplest example is the Fröbenius norm,
defined for an $m \times n$ real matrix $A$ as
\|A\|_F := \sqrt{\sum_{k=1}^m \sum_{j=1}^n A_{kj}^2}
This is available as norm in Julia:
A = randn(5,3)
norm(A) == norm(vec(A))
While this is the simplest norm, it is not the most useful. Instead, we will build a matrix norm from a
vector norm:
Definition (matrix-norm) Suppose $A ∈ ℝ^{m × n}$ and consider two norms $\| ⋅ \|_X$ on $ℝ^n$ and
$\| ⋅ \|_Y$ on $ℝ^n$. Define the (induced) matrix norm as:
\|A \|_{X → Y} := \sup_{𝐯 : \|𝐯\|_X=1} \|A 𝐯\|_Y
Also define
\|A\|_X \triangleq \|A\|_{X \rightarrow X}
For the induced 2, 1, and $∞$-norm we use
\|A\|_2, \|A\|_1 \qquad \hbox{and} \qquad \|A\|_∞.
Note an equivalent definition of the induced norm:
\|A\|_{X → Y} = \sup_{𝐱 ∈ ℝ^n, 𝐱 ≠ 0} {\|A 𝐱\|_Y \over \| 𝐱\|_X}
This follows since we can scale $𝐱$ by its norm so that it has unit norm, that is,
${𝐱} \over \|𝐱\|_X$ has unit norm.
Lemma (matrix norms are norms) Induced matrix norms are norms, that is for $\| ⋅ \| = \| ⋅ \|_{X → Y}$ we have:
Triangle inequality: $\| A + B \| ≤ \|A\| + \|B\|$
Homogeneneity: $\|c A \| = |c| \|A\|$
Positive-definiteness: $\|A\| =0 \Rightarrow A = 0$
In addition, they satisfy the following additional propertie:
$\|A 𝐱 \|_Y ≤ \|A\|_{X → Y} \|𝐱 \|_X$
Multiplicative inequality: $\| AB\|_{X → Z} ≤ \|A \|_{Y → Z} \|B\|_{X → Y}$
First we show the triangle inequality:
\|A + B \| ≤ \sup_{𝐯 : \|𝐯\|_X=1} (\|A 𝐯\|_Y + \|B 𝐯\|_Y) ≤ \| A \| + \|B \|.
Homogeneity is also immediate. Positive-definiteness follows from the fact that if
$\|A\| = 0$ then $A 𝐱 = 0$ for all $𝐱 ∈ ℝ^n$.
The property $\|A 𝐱 \|_Y ≤ \|A\|_{X → Y} \|𝐱 \|_X$ follows from the definition. Finally,
Finally, the multiplicative inequality follows from
\|A B\| = \sup_{𝐯 : \|𝐯\|_X=1} \|A B 𝐯 |_Z ≤ \sup_{𝐯 : \|𝐯\|_X=1} \|A\|_{Y → Z} \| B 𝐯 | = \|A \|_{Y → Z} \|B\|_{X → Y}
We have some simple examples of induced norms:
Example ($1$-norm) We claim
\|A \|_1 = \max_j \|𝐚_j\|_1
that is, the maximum $1$-norm of the columns. To see this use the triangle inequality to
find for $\|𝐱\|_1 = 1$
\| A 𝐱 \|_1 ≤ ∑_{j = 1}^n |x_j| \| 𝐚_j\|_1 ≤ \max_j \| 𝐚_j\| ∑_{j = 1}^n |x_j| = \max_j \| 𝐚_j\|_1.
But the bound is also attained since if $j$ is the column that maximises the norms then
\|A 𝐞_j \|_1 = \|𝐚_j\|_1 = \max_j \| 𝐚_j\|_1.
In the problem sheet we see that
\|A\|_∞ = \max_k \|A[k,:]\|_1
that is, the maximum $1$-norm of the rows.
Matrix norms are available via opnorm:
A = randn(m,n)
opnorm(A,1) == maximum(norm(A[:,j],1) for j = 1:n)
opnorm(A,Inf) == maximum(norm(A[k,:],1) for k = 1:m)
opnorm(A) # the 2-norm
An example that does not have a simple formula is $\|A \|_2$, but we do have two simple cases:
Proposition (diagonal/orthogonal 2-norms) If $Λ$ is diagonal with entries $λ_k$ then
$\|Λ\|_2 = \max_k |λ_k|.$. If $Q$ is orthogonal then $\|Q\| = 1$.
3. Singular value decomposition¶
To define the induced $2$-norm we need to consider the following:
Definition (singular value decomposition) For $A ∈ ℝ^{m × n}$ with rank $r > 0$,
the reduced singular value decomposition (SVD) is
A = U Σ V^⊤
where $U ∈ ℝ^{m × r}$ and $V ∈ ℝ^{r × n}$ have orthonormal columns and $Σ ∈ ℝ^{r × r}$ is diagonal whose
diagonal entries, which which we call singular values, are all positive and decreasing: $σ_1 ≥ ⋯ ≥ σ_r > 0$.
The full singular value decomposition (SVD) is
A = Ũ Σ̃ Ṽ^⊤
where $Ũ ∈ ℝ^{m × m}$ and $Ṽ ∈ ℝ^{n × n}$ are orthogonal matrices and $Σ̃ ∈ ℝ^{m × n}$ has only
diagonal entries, i.e., if $m > n$,
Σ̃ = \begin{bmatrix} σ_1 \\ & ⋱ \\ && σ_n \\ && 0 \\ && ⋮ \\ && 0 \end{bmatrix}
and if $m < n,
Σ̃ = \begin{bmatrix} σ_1 \\ & ⋱ \\ && σ_m & 0 & ⋯ & 0\end{bmatrix}
where $σ_k = 0$ if $k > r$.
To show the SVD exists we first establish some properties of a Gram matrix ($A^⊤A$):
Proposition (Gram matrix kernel) The kernel of $A$ is the also the kernel of $A^⊤ A$.
If $A^⊤ A 𝐱 = 0$ then we have
0 = 𝐱 A^⊤ A 𝐱 = \| A 𝐱 \|^2
which means $A 𝐱 = 0$ and $𝐱 ∈ \hbox{ker}(A)$.
Proposition (Gram matrix diagonalisation) The Gram-matrix
A^⊤ A = Q Λ Q^⊤
where $Q$ is orthogonal and the eigenvalues $λ_k$ are non-negative.
$A^⊤ A$ is symmetric so we appeal to the spectral theorem for the
existence of the decomposition.
For the corresponding (orthonormal) eigenvector $𝐪_k$,
λ_k = λ_k 𝐪_k^⊤ 𝐪_k = 𝐪_k^⊤ A^⊤ A 𝐪_k = \| A 𝐪_k \| ≥ 0.
This connection allows us to prove existence:
Theorem (SVD existence) Every $A ∈ ℝ^{m × n}$ has an SVD.
A^⊤ A = Q Λ Q^⊤.
Assume (as usual) that the eigenvalues are sorted in decreasing modulus, and so $λ_1,…,λ_r$
are an enumeration of the non-zero eigenvalues and
V := \begin{bmatrix} 𝐪_1 | ⋯ | 𝐪_r \end{bmatrix}
the corresponding (orthonormal) eigenvectors, with
K = \begin{bmatrix} 𝐪_{r+1} | ⋯ | 𝐪_n \end{bmatrix}
the corresponding kernel.
Σ := \begin{bmatrix} \sqrt{λ_1} \\ & ⋱ \\ && \sqrt{λ_r} \end{bmatrix}
Now define
U := AV Σ^{-1}
which is orthogonal since $A^⊤ A V = V Σ^2 $:
U^⊤ U = Σ^{-1} V^⊤ A^⊤ A V Σ^{-1} = I.
Thus we have
U Σ V^⊤ = A V V^⊤ = A \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} V | K \end{bmatrix}}_Q\underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} V^⊤ \\ K^⊤ \end{bmatrix}}_{Q^⊤}
where we use the fact that $A K = 0$ so that concatenating $K$ does not change the value.
Singular values tell us the 2-norm:
Corollary (singular values and norm)
\|A \|_2 = σ_1
and if $A ∈ ℝ^{n × n}$ is invertible, then
\|A^{-1} \|_2 = σ_n^{-1}
First we establish the upper-bound:
\|A \|_2 ≤ \|U \|_2 \| Σ \|_2 \| V^⊤\|_2 = \| Σ \|_2 = σ_1
This is attained using the first right singular vector:
\|A 𝐯_1\|_2 = \|Σ V^⊤ 𝐯_1\|_2 = \|Σ 𝐞_1\|_2 = σ_1
The inverse result follows since the inverse has SVD
A^{-1} = V Σ^{-1} U^⊤ = V (W Σ^{-1} W) U^⊤
is the SVD of $A^{-1}$, where
W := P_σ = \begin{bmatrix} && 1 \\ & ⋰ \\ 1 \end{bmatrix}
is the permutation that reverses the entries, that is, $σ$ has Cauchy notation
1 & 2 & ⋯ & n \\
n & n-1 & ⋯ & 1
We will not discuss in this module computation of singular value decompositions or eigenvalues:
they involve iterative algorithms (actually built on a sequence of QR decompositions).
One of the main usages for SVDs is low-rank approximation:
Theorem (best low rank approximation) The matrix
A_k := \begin{bmatrix} 𝐮_1 | ⋯ | 𝐮_k \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}
&& σ_k\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} 𝐯_1 | ⋯ | 𝐯_k \end{bmatrix}^⊤
is the best 2-norm approximation of $A$ by a rank $k$ matrix, that is, for all rank-$k$ matrices $B$, we have
$$\|A – A_k\|_2 ≤ \|A -B \|_2.$$
A – A_k = \|U \begin{bmatrix} 0 \cr &\ddots \cr && 0 \cr &&& σ_{k+1} \cr &&&& \ddots \cr &&&&& σ_r\end{bmatrix} V^⊤.
$$Suppose a rank-$k$ matrix $B$ has
\|A-B\|_2 < \|A-A_k\|_2 = σ_{k+1}.
For all $𝐰 \in \ker(B)$ we have
\|A 𝐰\|_2 = \|(A-B) 𝐰\|_2 ≤ \|A-B\|\|𝐰\|_2 < σ_{k+1} \|𝐰\|_2
But for all $𝐮 \in {\rm span}(𝐯_1,…,𝐯_{k+1})$, that is, $𝐮 = V[:,1:k+1]𝐜$ for some $𝐜 \in ℝ^{k+1}$ we have
\|A 𝐮\|_2^2 = \|U Σ_k 𝐜\|_2^2 = \|Σ_k 𝐜\|_2^2 =
\sum_{j=1}^{k+1} (σ_j c_j)^2 ≥ σ_{k+1}^2 \|c\|^2,
i.e., $\|A 𝐮\|_2 ≥ σ_{k+1} \|c\|$. Thus $𝐰$ cannot be in this span.
The dimension of the span of $\ker(B)$ is at least $n-k$, but the dimension of ${\rm span}(𝐯_1,…,𝐯_{k+1})$ is at least $k+1$.
Since these two spaces cannot intersect we have a contradiction, since $(n-r) + (r+1) = n+1 > n$. ∎
Here we show an example of a simple low-rank approximation using the SVD. Consider the Hilbert matrix:
function hilbertmatrix(n)
ret = zeros(n,n)
for j = 1:n, k=1:n
ret[k,j] = 1/(k+j-1)
5×5 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 0.5 0.333333 0.25 0.2
0.5 0.333333 0.25 0.2 0.166667
0.333333 0.25 0.2 0.166667 0.142857
0.25 0.2 0.166667 0.142857 0.125
0.2 0.166667 0.142857 0.125 0.111111
That is, the $H[k,j] = 1/(k+j-1)$. This is a famous example of matrix with rapidly decreasing singular values:
H = hilbertmatrix(100)
U,σ,V = svd(H)
scatter(σ; yscale=:log10)
Note numerically we typically do not get a exactly zero singular values so the rank is always
treated as $\min(m,n)$.
Because the singular values decay rapidly
we can approximate the matrix very well with a rank 20 matrix:
k = 20 # rank
Σ_k = Diagonal(σ[1:k])
U_k = U[:,1:k]
V_k = V[:,1:k]
norm(U_k * Σ_k * V_k’ – H)
Note that this can be viewed as a compression algorithm: we have replaced a matrix with
$100^2 = 10,000$ entries by two matrices and a vector with $4,000$ entries without losing
any information.
In the problem sheet we explore the usage of low rank approximation to smooth functions.
4. Condition numbers¶
We have seen that floating point arithmetic induces errors in computations, and that we can typically
bound the absolute errors to be proportional to $C ϵ_{\rm m}$. We want a way to bound the
effect of more complicated calculations like computing $A 𝐱$ or $A^{-1} 𝐲$ without having to deal with
the exact nature of floating point arithmetic. Here we consider only matrix-multiplication but will make a remark
about matrix inversion.
To justify what follows, we first observe that errors in implementing matrix-vector multiplication
can be captured by considering the multiplication to be exact on the wrong matrix: that is, A*x
(implemented with floating point) is precisely $A + δA$ where $δA$ has small norm, relative to $A$.
This is known as backward error analysis.
To discuss floating point errors we need to be precise which order the operations happened.
We will use the definition mul(A,x), which denote ${\rm mul}(A, 𝐱)$. (Note that mul_rows actually
does the exact same operations, just in a different order.) Note that each entry of the result is in fact a dot-product
of the corresponding rows so we first consider the error in the dot product dot(𝐱,𝐲) as implemented in floating-point,
which we denote ${\rm dot}(A,x)$.
We first need a helper proposition:
Proposition If $|ϵ_i| ≤ ϵ$ and $n ϵ < 1$, then \prod_{k=1}^n (1+ϵ_i) = 1+θ_n for some constant $θ_n$ satisfying $|θ_n| ≤ {n ϵ \over 1-nϵ}$. The proof is left as an exercise (Hint: use induction). Lemma (dot product backward error) For $𝐱, 𝐲 ∈ ℝ^n$, {\rm dot}(𝐱, 𝐲) = (𝐱 + δ𝐱)^⊤ 𝐲 |δ𝐱| ≤ {n ϵ_{\rm m} \over 2-nϵ_{\rm m}} |𝐱 |, where $|𝐱 |$ means absolute-value of each entry. \begin{align*} {\rm dot}(𝐱, 𝐲) &= \{ [(x_1 ⊗ y_1) ⊕ (x_2 ⊗ y_2)] ⊕(x_3⊗ y_3)] ⊕⋯\}⊕(x_n ⊗ y_n) \\ & = \{ [(x_1 y_1)(1+δ_1) + (x_2 y_2)(1+δ_2)](1+γ_2) +x_3 y_3(1+δ_3)](1+γ_3) + ⋯ +x_n y_n(1+δ_n) \}(1+γ_n) \\ & = ∑_{j = 1}^n x_j y_j (1+δ_j) ∏_{k=j}^n (1 + γ_k) \\ & = ∑_{j = 1}^n x_j y_j (1+θ_j) \end{align*} where we denote the errors from multiplication as $δ_k$ and those from addition by $γ_k$ (with $γ_1 = 0$). Note that $θ_j$ each have at most $n$ terms each bounded by $ϵ_{\rm m}/2$, Thus the previous proposition tells us |θ_j| ≤ {n ϵ_{\rm m} \over 2- nϵ_{\rm m}}. δ𝐱 = \begin{pmatrix} x_1 θ_n^1 \cr x_2 θ_n^2 \cr x_3 θ_{n-1} \cr \vdots \cr x_n θ_1\end{pmatrix} and the theorem follows from homogeneity: \| δ𝐱 \| ≤ {n ϵ_{\rm m} \over 2-nϵ_{\rm m}} \| 𝐱 \| Theorem (matrix-vector backward error) For $A ∈ ℝ^{m × n}$ and $𝐱 ∈ ℝ^n$ we have {\rm mul}(A, 𝐱) = (A + δA) 𝐱 |δA| ≤ {n ϵ_{\rm m} \over 2-nϵ_{\rm m}} |A|. \begin{align*} \|δA\|_1 &≤ {n ϵ_{\rm m} \over 2-nϵ_{\rm m}} \|A \|_1 \\ \|δA\|_2 &≤ {\sqrt{\min(m,n)} n ϵ_{\rm m} \over 2-nϵ_{\rm m}} \|A \|_2 \\ \|δA\|_∞ &≤ {n ϵ_{\rm m} \over 2-nϵ_{\rm m}} \|A \|_∞ \end{align*} The bound on $|δA|$ is implied by the previous lemma. The $1$ and $∞$-norm follow since \|A\|_1 = \||A|\|_1 \hbox{ and } \|A\|_∞ = \||A|\|_∞ This leaves the 2-norm example, which is a bit more challenging as there are matrices $A$ such that $\|A\|_2 ≠ \| |A| \|_2$. Instead we will prove the result by going through the Fröbenius norm and using: \|A \|_2 ≤ \|A\|_F ≤ \sqrt{r} \| A\|_2 where $r$ is rank of $A$ (see PS5) and $\|A\|_F = \| |A| \|_F$, so we deduce: \begin{align*} \|δA \|_2 &≤ \| δA\|F = \| |δA| \|F ≤ {n ϵ_{\rm m} \over 2-nϵ_{\rm m}} \| |A| \|_F \\ &= {n ϵ_{\rm m} \over 2-nϵ_{\rm m}} \| A \|_F ≤ {\sqrt{r} n ϵ_{\rm m} \over 2-nϵ_{\rm m}}\| A \|_2 \\ &≤ {\sqrt{\min(m,n)} n ϵ_{\rm m} \over 2-nϵ_{\rm m}} \|A \|_2 \end{align*} So now we get to a mathematical question independent of floating point: can we bound the relative error in approximating A 𝐱 ≈ (A + δA) 𝐱 if we know a bound on $\|δA\|$? It turns out we can in turns of the condition number of the matrix: Definition (condition number) For a square matrix $A$, the condition number (in $p$-norm) is κ_p(A) := \| A \|_p \| A^{-1} \|_p with the $2$-norm: κ_2(A) = {σ_1 \over σ_n}. Theorem (relative-error for matrix-vector) The worst-case relative error in $A 𝐱 ≈ (A + δA) 𝐱$ is {\| δA 𝐱 \| \over \| A 𝐱 \| } ≤ κ(A) ε if we have the relative pertubation error $\|δA\| = \|A \| ε$. We can assume $A$ is invertible (as otherwise $κ(A) = ∞$). Denote $𝐲 = A 𝐱$ and we have {\|𝐱 \| \over \| A 𝐱 \|} = {\|A^{-1} 𝐲 \| \over \|𝐲 \|} ≤ \| A^{-1}\| Thus we have: {\| δA 𝐱 \| \over \| A 𝐱 \| } ≤ \| δA\| \|A^{-1}\| ≤ κ(A) {\|δA\| \over \|A \|} Thus for floating point arithmetic we know the error is bounded by $κ(A) {n ϵ_{\rm m} \over 2-nϵ_{\rm m}}$. If one uses QR to solve $A 𝐱 = 𝐲$ the condition number also gives a meaningful bound on the error. As we have already noted, there are some matrices where PLU decompositions introduce large errors, so in that case well-conditioning is not a guarantee (but it still usually works). 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: