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Numerical Methods & Scientific Computing: lecture notes
Output in MATLAB: disp
The easiest way to display the results of calculations is to use disp: help disp
DISP Display array.
DISP(X) displays the array, without printing the array name. I
all other ways it’s the same as leaving the semicolon off an
expression except that empty arrays don’t display.
If X is a string, the text is displayed.
but it’s restrictive in that it takes only a matrix as input and only uses default format to display matrix entries

Numerical Methods & Scientific Computing: lecture notes
Strings are row vectors of characters; use single quotes always!
clc; s = ’ Avogadro’’s number’ % why 2 ’’ ?
disp(s) % disp works for strings as well as arrays
Avogadro’s number Avogadro’s number

Numerical Methods & Scientific Computing: lecture notes
Arrays of strings
s2 = [’This is a long and boring string that is’ …
’ in fact so long, it must be written on two lines’];
This is a long and boring string that is in fact so long, it mus
To mix strings and variables, need to convert variable values to strings
NAv = 6.023e23;
disp([s ’ ’ num2str(NAv,4)]) % an array of 3 strings
Avogadro’s number 6.023e+23
t be

Numerical Methods & Scientific Computing: lecture notes
Example of disp
x=1:5; disp(x);
disp([’The answer is ’ num2str(sqrt(5))])
Here we create an array of strings
and need the function num2str to convert the number sqrt(5) to a string
3.1416 6.2832 9.4248 12.5664 15.7080
The answer is 2.2361

Numerical Methods & Scientific Computing: lecture notes
long format
The default format prints about 4 figures after the decimal point
3.1416 6.2832 9.4248 12.5664 15.7080
If you want more figures displayed, use format long
format long ;
Columns 1 through 3
3.141592653589793 6.283185307179586 9.424777960769379
Columns 4 through 5
12.566370614359172 15.707963267948966

Numerical Methods & Scientific Computing: lecture notes
Default format
This doesn’t change any computations, just the display. To go back, use format short or just format (the default)
format short
3.1416 6.2832 9.4248 12.5664 15.7080

Numerical Methods & Scientific Computing: lecture notes
Scientific format
If the numbers are likely to be large or small, use scientific format or e format
x = [4/3 1.2345e-6]
format short e
1.3333 0.0000
1.3333 0.0000
1.3333e+00 1.2345e-06

Numerical Methods & Scientific Computing: lecture notes
or format long e
format long e
1.333333333333333e+00 1.234500000000000e-06

Numerical Methods & Scientific Computing: lecture notes
Formatted output: fprintf
To have more control over output format, use fprintf (stolen from C) means ’formatted print to file’ .
The related command sprintf formats in the same way but saves the result as a string variable.
The simplest version :
x=[45 pi pi];
fprintf(’\n %10d %6.4f %12.7e\n’,x)
45 3.1416 3.1415927e+00
fprintf(’format string’,list of values to be printed)
The format string specifies how each value is to be printed (to screen). It includes: a conversion specification for each printed value, plus possibly escape sequences to represent nonprinting characters. You can include any text you want in the format string.

Numerical Methods & Scientific Computing: lecture notes
Format string
A conversion specification has the form:
%wd for integers (d for decimal) where w = field width. If w < number of digits, it is ignored. w = minimum number of spaces used to print the integer value %w.pf or %w.pe for float variables where p is the number of digits after the decimal point. f is for fixed point format , e for exponential format. If p is not given, it defaults to 6. Common escape sequences are : \n newline \t tab ” to print ’ %% to print % Numerical Methods & Scientific Computing: lecture notes Overview Use d format for integers life = 42; fprintf(’The answer to the meaning of life is %4d\n’,life); The answer to the meaning of life is 42 Numerical Methods & Scientific Computing: lecture notes Overview Making a table of output Armed with fprintf we can now make a nice output table format out = NewtonFuncOutvec(2,4) % uses disp y = NewtonFuncFormattedTable(2,4); out = 2.0000 2.2500 2.2361 2.2361 2.2361 n iterate |xn-x_nm1| residual 1 2.25000000 2.500000e-01 6.250000e-02 2 2.23611111 1.388889e-02 1.929012e-04 3 2.23606798 4.313320e-05 1.860471e-09 4 2.23606798 4.160139e-10 8.881784e-16 Numerical Methods & Scientific Computing: lecture notes Overview Functions We use functions to break up a programming task into smaller chunks, and to re-use code with the same purpose but acting on di↵erent data. We usually have a ‘main’ program (which can be a MATLAB function or a script file) that sets up the problem, reads in data if required, calls other functions to do the calculations, then postprocesses the data for output e.g. plotting. Let’s run the following program swapMain; then understand it using the debugger. 879 897 Numerical Methods & Scientific Computing: lecture notes Overview Function scope When designing programs, you need to understand which variables are visible by which functions. This is called variable scope. In working at the command prompt >> you are creating variables in the base workspace. Any script file also uses the base workspace, hence the danger if everything uses the same workspace.
A = rand(50); b = size(A); y = sum(b);
Name Size
A 50×50
b 1×2
y 1×1
Bytes Class
20000 double
16 double
8 double

Numerical Methods & Scientific Computing: lecture notes
Local variables
Name Size
A 50×50
b 1×2
y 1×1
Bytes Class
20000 double
16 double
8 double
Any variables created inside a function are local to that function and are stored in a workspace local to that function. They are not seen by the base workspace and disappear when the function exits/returns.
Moral: pass information in and out of functions with argument lists

Numerical Methods & Scientific Computing: lecture notes
End of Lecture 2