(require spd/tags)
;;1 ;; 2 ;;5 ;;6 ;;7 ;;8 with
– 4
Write your CS ID
Fix a buggy function definition.
Draw reference arrows.
Complete a function definition using for-each. Design a function to produce average rainfall. Design a function to produce a path in a castle locks.
(@problem 1) ;;
;; PUT YOUR CS ID HERE ON THIS LINE __________________________________
;; Problems 2 – 4 all involve the following data definitions.
(@htdd Movie)
(define-struct movie (title revenue genre rating))
;; Movie is (make-movie String Natural String Number)
;; interp. movie with English title, box office revenue in millions of USD,
genre, and Rotten Tomatoes percentage rating.
(define M1 (define M2 (define M3 (define M4 (define M5 “Action” 84)) #;
(make-movie “Titanic” 659 “Romance” 89)) (make-movie “Black Panther” 700 “Action” 97)) (make-movie “Tomb Raider” 57 “Action” 20)) (make-movie “Sound of Music” 163 “Musical” 86)) (make-movie “Avengers Infinity War” 678
(define (fn-for-movie m) (… (movie-title m)
(movie-revenue m) (movie-genre m) (movie-rating m)))
;; Here is a helper function that is used below. This helper function
;; is correct and you must not change it.
(@htdf match-genre?)
(@signature Movie String -> Boolean) ;; produce true if m has the genre g
(check-expect (match-genre? (check-expect (match-genre? (check-expect (match-genre?
(@template Movie add-param) (define (match-genre? m g)
M1 “Action”) false) M1 “Romance”) true) M4 “Musical”) true)
(string=? (movie-genre m)
;; Problems 2 – 4 all involve different definitions of the
genre-only function.
(@htdf genre-only)
(@signature (listof Movie) String -> (listof String))
;; produce a list of movie titles from lom with g as the genre
(check-expect (genre-only empty “Romance”) empty) (check-expect (genre-only (list M1 M2 M3 M4 M5) “Action”)
(list “Black Panther” “Tomb Raider” “Avengers Infinity War”))
(check-expect (genre-only (list M1 M2 M3 M4 M5) “Musical”) (list “Sound of Music”))
(@problem 2)
;; Below is a structurally recursive function definition. ;; As written it is incorrect. Fix it so that it works properly.
(@template (listof Movie) add-param)
(define (genre-only lom g) (cond [(empty? lom) empty]
(if (match-genre? (first lom) g)
(cons (movie-title (first lom)) (genre-only (rest lom)))
(genre-only (rest lom)))]))
(@problem 3)
;; Below is a function definition using built-in abstract functions.
;; As written it is incorrect. Fix it so that it works properly.
(@template fn-composition use-abstract-fn add-param) (define (genre-only lom g)
(map movie-title (filter match-genre? lom)))
(@problem 4)
;; Below is a tail recursive function definition.
;; As written it is incorrect. Fix it so that it works properly.
(@template (listof Movie) accumulator add-param) (define (genre-only lom0 g)
;; rsf is (listof String); titles of movies with g as genre seen so far
(local [(define (fn-for-lom lom rsf) (cond [(empty? lom) empty]
(if (match-genre? (first lom) g)
(first lom)) rsf))
(fn-for-lom (rest lom)
(cons (movie-title
(fn-for-lom (rest lom) rsf))]))]
(fn-for-lom lom0 empty)))
(@problem 5)
;; Please draw and label reference arrows on the type comments below.
;; NOTE:
All arrows must have their “pointy end” pointing to a name
that appears right before “is” in a type comment.
All arrows must have their other end clearly starting a
reference to a type name.
All arrows should be neatly labeled with R, SR, or MR.
Aisle is (make-aisle Natural ListOfCart)
ListOfCart is one of: – empty
– (cons Cart ListOfCart)
Cart is (make-cart ListOfItem)
ListOfItem is one of: – empty
– (cons Item ListOfItem)
;; Item is (make-item Image Number Number) ;;
(@problem 6)
;; In this problem you will complete a function definition using for-each.
(@htdf skips)
(@signature (listof X) -> (listof X))
;; Skip 1, pick 1, skip 2, pick 1, skip 3, pick 1 … (check-expect (skips (list)) (list))
(check-expect (skips (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)) (list 2 5 9))
;; Complete the following function definition below. You MUST use for-each.
;; You MUST include type and invariant for any accumulators you use.
(@template for-each accumulator) (define (skips lox)
(local [
(begin (for-each (lambda (x)
) lox)
(@problem 7)
;; Design a function called rainfall that consumes a list of numbers
;; representing daily rainfall amounts as entered by a user. The list
;; may contain the number -999 indicating the end of the data of interest.
;; Produce the average of the non-negative values in the list up to the
;; first -999 (if it shows up). There may be negative numbers other than
;; -999 in the list.
;; this page is blank in case you need it for problem 7
(@problem 8)
;; In this problem you will be working with a simple representation of a secret
;; castle. The figure below shows a small secret castle with 5 rooms named A,
;;B,C,D,andE. AhasexitsthatleadtoroomsB,D and E. B has a single
;; exit that leads to C, and so on. The ovals (long circles) are locks; the
;; number in the oval is the number of the key required to open it. The
;; underlined numbers are keys. ;;
;; E has a lock that requires key # 1 to open. The lock
at room D requires key
;; # 2 to open it. After you get into room B you automatically pickup key 2.
;; After you get into room C you automatically pickup key 1.
;; In this castle one legal path from A to the room named E is A, B, C,
;;D, E.
;; Note that in general a door might have multiple locks, and a room might
;; provide multiple keys. A door with a lock might also provide keys.
;; Here are the data definitions we use.
;; Data definitions:
(@htdd Room)
(define-struct room (name locks keys exits))
;; Room is (make-room String (listof Natural) (listof Natural) (listof Room))
interp. each room has – a Name
– locks that require a key of the same number
– keys that open locks of the same number – doors to other rooms
;; NOTE: The keys can be for any rooms in the castle, they do not have
;; to be for one of the rooms in exits.
(define CASTLE
(shared ([-A- (make-room “A”
(list) (list) (list) (list 2) (list 1)
(list) (list 2) (list 1) (list) (list)
(list -B- (list (list -A- (list -B- (list))])
-D- -E-))] -C-))] -D-))] -E-))]
(list A B C D E)))
(define A (list-ref CASTLE 0)) (define B (list-ref CASTLE 1)) (define C (list-ref CASTLE 2)) (define D (list-ref CASTLE 3)) (define E (list-ref CASTLE 4))
[-B- (make-room “B” [-C- (make-room “C” [-D- (make-room “D” [-E- (make-room “E”
;; Design a function that consumes a Room and a String and tries to find
;; a path from the room to a room with the given name. A path
;; – cannot go into a room more than once
;; – cannot go into a room unless the required keys are being held
;; You can only pick up the keys in a room once you are inside it. You may
;; carry more than one key at a time. ;;
;; If a path is possible your function should produce the list of room names
;; traversed in order.
;; (find-path A “E”) should produce (list “A” “B” “C” “D” “E”)
;; (find-path D “E”) should produce false
;; Your design must include signature, purpose, appropriate tests, @template
;; tag, and working function definition. Your design must follow templating
;; and all other applicable
accumulators must have type
;; invariant comments. ;;
;; Your function should NOT ordinary structural
;; recursion. We will mark recursion, but the function
;; is harder to write that way so we advise against it. ;;
;; Use this page and the next one for problem 8.
design rules. Any and
use tail recursion. Just use solutions that use tail
;;This page left blank in case you need it for problem 8.