answers3 8/20/20, 11:47 AM
Answers to week 3 exercises (some at least) Exercise set 1
Exercise set 3a
Answers to week 3 exercises (some at least)
Exercise set 1
RANDI Pseudorandom integers from a uniform discrete distribution.
R = RANDI(IMAX,N) returns an N-by-N matrix containing pseudorandom integer values drawn from the discrete uniform distribution on 1:IMAX. RANDI(IMAX,M,N) or RANDI(IMAX,[M,N]) returns an M-by-N matrix. RANDI(IMAX,M,N,P,…) or RANDI(IMAX,[M,N,P,…]) returns an M-by-N-by-P-by-… array. RANDI(IMAX) returns a scalar. RANDI(IMAX,SIZE(A)) returns an array the same size as A.
R = RANDI([IMIN,IMAX],…) returns an array containing integer values drawn from the discrete uniform distribution on IMIN:IMAX.
Note: The size inputs M, N, P, … should be nonnegative integers. Negative integers are treated as 0.
R = RANDI(…, CLASSNAME) returns an array of integer values of class CLASSNAME.
R = RANDI(…, ‘like’, Y) returns an array of integer values of the same class as Y.
The arrays returned by RANDI may contain repeated integer values. This is sometimes referred to as sampling with replacement. To get unique integer values, sometimes referred to as sampling without replacement, use RANDPERM.
The sequence of numbers produced by RANDI is determined by the settings of the uniform random number generator that underlies RAND, RANDN, and RANDI. RANDI uses one uniform random value to create each integer random value. Control that shared random number generator using RNG.
Example 1: Generate integer values from the uniform distribution on the set 1:10.
r = randi(10,100,1);
Example 2: Generate an integer array of integer values drawn uniformly from 1:10.
r = randi(10,100,1,’uint32′);
Example 3: Generate integer values drawn uniformly from -10:10. r = randi([-10 10],100,1);
Example 4: Reset the random number generator used by RAND, RANDI, and RANDN to its default startup settings, so that RANDI produces the same random numbers as if you restarted MATLAB.
rng(‘default’); randi(10,1,5)
Example 5: Save the settings for the random number generator used by RAND, RANDI, and RANDN, generate 5 values from RANDI, restore the settings, and repeat those values.
s = rng
i1 = randi(10,1,5)
i2 = randi(10,1,5) % i2 contains exactly the same values as i1
Example 6: Reinitialize the random number generator used by RAND, RANDI, and RANDN with a seed based on the current time. RANDI will
close all format short
% a)
help randi
x = randi([4 12],1,20) Page 1 of 7
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return different values each time you do this. NOTE: It is usually not necessary to do this more than once per MATLAB session.
rng(‘shuffle’); randi(10,1,5)
See also RAND, RANDN,
Reference page in Doc doc randi
Other functions named RandStream/randi
Columns 1 through 13
12 10 8 12 4 10 10 9 5 9 6 5 5 Columns 14 through 20
12 4 6 4 7 4 12
RAND Uniformly distributed pseudorandom numbers.
R = RAND(N) returns an N-by-N matrix containing pseudorandom values drawn from the standard uniform distribution on the open interval(0,1). RAND(M,N) or RAND([M,N]) returns an M-by-N matrix. RAND(M,N,P,…) or RAND([M,N,P,…]) returns an M-by-N-by-P-by-… array. RAND returns a scalar. RAND(SIZE(A)) returns an array the same size as A.
Note: The size inputs M, N, P, … should be nonnegative integers. Negative integers are treated as 0.
R = RAND(…, CLASSNAME) returns an array of uniform values of the specified class. CLASSNAME can be ‘double’ or ‘single’.
R = RAND(…, ‘like’, Y) returns an array of uniform values of the same class as Y.
The sequence of numbers produced by RAND is determined by the settings of the uniform random number generator that underlies RAND, RANDI, and RANDN. Control that shared random number generator using RNG.
Example 1: Generate values from the uniform distribution on the interval (a, b).
r = a + (b-a).*rand(100,1);
Example 2: Use the RANDI function, instead of RAND, to generate integer values from the uniform distribution on the set 1:100.
r = randi(100,1,5);
Example 3: Reset the random number generator used by RAND, RANDI, and RANDN to its default startup settings, so that RAND produces the same random numbers as if you restarted MATLAB.
rng(‘default’) rand(1,5)
Example 4: Save the settings for the random number generator used by RAND, RANDI, and RANDN, generate 5 values from RAND, restore the settings, and repeat those values.
s = rng
u1 = rand(1,5)
u2 = rand(1,5) % contains exactly the same values as u1
Example 5: Reinitialize the random number generator used by RAND, RANDI, and RANDN with a seed based on the current time. RAND will return different values each time you do this. NOTE: It is usually not necessary to do this more than once per MATLAB session.
help rand
x = 8*rand(1,20)-2 Page 2 of 7
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rng(‘shuffle’); rand(1,5)
See Replace Discouraged Syntaxes of rand and randn to use RNG to replace RAND with the ‘seed’, ‘state’, or ‘twister’ inputs.
Reference page in Doc Center doc rand
Other functions named rand RandStream/rand
Columns 1 through 7
-0.4267 -1.2530 0.4589 1.6485 Columns 8 through 14
0.3788 -1.5036 0.3860 -1.6292 Columns 15 through 20
-1.2809 -1.3531 4.2179 5.2411
first scale the interval (0,1) to the correct width then shift c)
-1.1866 5.9631
2.0434 4.0914
2.2702 -1.1268
RANDN Normally distributed pseudorandom
R = RANDN(N) returns an N-by-N matrix containing pseudorandom values drawn from the standard normal distribution. RANDN(M,N) or RANDN([M,N]) returns an M-by-N matrix. RANDN(M,N,P,…) or RANDN([M,N,P,…]) returns an M-by-N-by-P-by-… array. RANDN returns a scalar. RANDN(SIZE(A)) returns an array the same size as A.
Note: The size inputs M, N, P, … should be nonnegative integers. Negative integers are treated as 0.
R = RANDN(…, CLASSNAME) returns an array of normal values of the specified class. CLASSNAME can be ‘double’ or ‘single’.
R = RANDN(…, ‘like’, Y) returns an array of normal values of the same class as Y.
The sequence of numbers produced by RANDN is determined by the settings of the uniform random number generator that underlies RAND, RANDN, and RANDI. RANDN uses one or more uniform random values to create each normal random value. Control that shared random number generator using RNG.
Example 1: Generate values from a normal distribution with mean 1 and standard deviation 2.
r = 1 + 2.*randn(100,1);
Example 2: Generate values from a bivariate normal distribution with specified mean vector and covariance matrix.
mu = [1 2];
Sigma = [1 .5; .5 2]; R = chol(Sigma); z = repmat(mu,100,1) + randn(100,2)*R;
Example 3: Reset the random number generator used by RAND, RANDI, and RANDN to its default startup settings, so that RANDN produces the same random numbers as if you restarted MATLAB.
rng(‘default’); randn(1,5)
Example 4: Save the settings for the random number generator used by
help randn
x = 3*randn(1,40)+2 Page 3 of 7
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RAND, RANDI, and RANDN, generate 5 values from RANDN, restore the settings, and repeat those values.
s = rng
z1 = randn(1,5)
z2 = randn(1,5) % z2 contains exactly the same values as z1
Example 5: Reinitialize the random number generator used by RAND, RANDI, and RANDN with a seed based on the current time. RANDN will return different values each time you do this. NOTE: It is usually not necessary to do this more than once per MATLAB session.
rng(‘shuffle’); randn(1,5)
See Replace Discouraged Syntaxes of rand and randn to use RNG to replace RANDN with the ‘seed’ or ‘state’ inputs.
Reference page in Doc Center doc randn
Other functions named randn RandStream/randn
Columns 1 through 7
5.5933 0.2220 0.5906 4.6591 -2.1557 Columns 8 through 14
3.2022 2.2854 3.4901 5.2467 4.9113 Columns 15 through 21
2.5197 0.4834 -1.5799 3.9409 0.9391 Columns 22 through 28
-3.8703 3.2621
0.2943 4.4299
2.1393 -0.3788
5.1599 -0.2466
-0.3192 4.5099
-2.6515 2.5148 Columns 29 through 35
-0.8090 -1.8073 Columns 36 through 40
-1.3850 -2.2734
1.8136 5.5971 4.4051
3.4939 10.3672 4.1827
4.1523 -0.3337 2.9480
first scale the standard normal by the desired standard deviation then shift by the desired mean d)
Columns 1 through 7
5.8131 3.8022 Columns 8 through 14 -0.0818 2.5937
Columns 15 through 21 1.8015 1.8208 Columns 22 through 28 3.9545 2.8574
Columns 29 through 35
4.8593 -0.2116 4.3231 7.2770 4.0823
2.0001 3.7660 3.8241 3.8110 2.2724
4.7071 -0.7060 2.5854 3.5408 1.6945
1.1234 3.3227 2.4636 2.1803 1.5774
x = 2*randn(1,40)+3 Page 4 of 7
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3.1229 -0.6923 2.2033 1.9129 1.1762 4.3054 1.5315 Columns 36 through 40
4.0813 4.9517 2.6863 3.5556 4.2790
first scale the standard normal by the desired standard deviation then shift by the desired mean
e) This script has 2 loops containing a pause statement. With the command window of figure window active, press any key to exit the pause and see the next plot (in the same figure window because of
hold on)
You should see a sequence of 20 windows with increasing numbers of random (x,y) coordinates plotted in the unit square, then 20 windows with increasing numbers of (x,y) coordinates drawn from a
standard normal distribution, then 4 histograms – 2 showing uniform random numbers, 2 showing normal random numbers. f) I intended you to modify just the first loop
% Adapted from demorand.m by D. O’Leary
nn = 20; mm = 30;
close all
hold on
title(‘Plot of random integers’) Xu = [];
for i=1:nn
x = randi(10,mm,2);
Xu = [Xu;x]; plot(x(:,1),x(:,2),’*’);
% Display histograms of the numbers
Xu = reshape(Xu,nn*mm*2,1);
title(sprintf(‘Histogram of %d random integers’,nn*mm*2))
histogram(randi(10,100000,1)) title(‘Histogram of 100000 random integers’)
Exercise set 3a
a) The best answer is to regard throwing 2 dice as a random experiment with 36 equally likely outcomes i.e. like a 36-sided die. This is what I intended.
function probDoubleSix = deMere2(numReps) numRolls= 24;
numDoubleSixes = 0; for run = 1: numReps
roll = randi(36,numRolls,1); % the random expt if any(roll==36)
numDoubleSixes = numDoubleSixes + 1; % the quantity of interest end
probDoubleSix = numDoubleSixes/numReps; % the frequency of a 6 % fprintf(‘Prob of a double 6 is %6.4f\n’,probSix)
Most students did something more literal by throwing each die separately. Here is an example using this approach:
function probDoubleSix = deMere2a(numReps) numRolls= 24;
type demorandi
type deMere2
type deMere2a
numDoubleSixes = 0; Page 5 of 7
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for run = 1: numReps
roll1 = randi(6,numRolls,1); % the random expt
roll2 = randi(6,numRolls,1);
if any(roll1==6 & roll2==6) % note the use of element-wise
numDoubleSixes = numDoubleSixes + 1; % the quantity of
end end
probDoubleSix = numDoubleSixes/numReps; % the frequency of a 6
% fprintf(‘Prob of a double 6 is %6.4f\n’,probSix) end
the other kind of slution
function probDoubleSix = deMere2b(numReps) numRolls= 24;
numDoubleSixes = 0; for run = 1: numReps
roll1 = randi(6,numRolls,1); % the random expt
roll2 = randi(6,numRolls,1);
if any((roll1+roll2)==12) % add together and check with 12
numDoubleSixes = numDoubleSixes + 1; % the quantity of
probDoubleSix = numDoubleSixes/numReps; % the frequency of a 6
% fprintf(‘Prob of a double 6 is %6.4f\n’,probSix) end
% demereDriver
logical AND & interest
prob2(k) =deMere1(100); prob4(k) =deMere1(10000);
end end
prob2 =reshape(prob2,2,5); prob4=reshape(prob4,2,5); disp(prob2);disp(prob4);
p = for
18/37; q=1-p;
count = 1:Ntrials
kevin = k; rolls = 0;
while (kevin>0 && kevin < T)
prob2(k) =deMere2a(100); prob4(k) =deMere2a(10000);
function [probRuin, meanTime ] = ruin( k,T,Ntrials ) %UNTITLED Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
numRuin = 0; sumTime = 0;
% alertative way to do it is to using random integer between [1, 37]
% then we can use the % roll = randi(37,1); % if (roll < 19)
if (rand(1)< p)
kevin = kevin+1; else
kevin = kevin -1; end
rolls = rolls + 1; end
sumTime = sumTime + rolls; if kevin == 0
numRuin = numRuin + 1; end
following two line code to replace if(rand(1) < p)
type deMere2b
%b) Here is a typical driver
type deMereDriver
%c) Here is solution
type ruin Page 6 of 7
answers3 8/20/20, 11:47 AM
probRuin = numRuin/Ntrials; meanTime = sumTime/Ntrials;
exactRuin = ((q/p)^T-(q/p)^k)/((q/p)^T-1); approxMeanTime = k/(q-p);
fprintf('%10.5f %10.5f \n',exactRuin,approxMeanTime); end
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