Machine learning lecture slides
COMS 4771 Fall 2020
Regression II: Regularization
Inductive biases in linear regression
Model averaging
Bayesian interpretation of regularization
Inductive bias
In linear regression, possible for least square solution to be non-unique, in which case there are infinitely-many solutions.
Which one should we pick?
Possible answer: Pick shortest solution, i.e., of minimum
(squared) Euclidean norm ∥w∥2.
Small norm ⇒ small changes in output in response to changes
in input:
|wTx−wTx′|≤∥w∥2 · ∥x−x′∥2
change in output change in input
(easy consequence of Cauchy-Schwarz)
Note: data does not give reason to choose shorter w over
longer w.
Preference for short w is an example of an inductive bias.
All learning algorithms encode some form of inductive bias.
Example of minimum norm inductive bias
Trigonometric feature expansion
φ(x) = (sin(x), cos(x), . . . , sin(32x), cos(32x)) ∈ R64
n = 32 training examples
Infinitely many solutions to normal equations
3 2 1 0
-1 -2 -3
arbitrary solution
least Euclidean norm solution
least weighted norm solution
training data
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Figure 1: Fitted linear models with trigonometric feature expansion
Representation of minimum norm solution (1)
Claim: The minimum (Euclidean) norm solution to normal equations lives in span of the xi’s (i.e., in range(AT)).
I.e., can write
w = ATα = αixi
i=1 for some α = (α1,…,αn) ∈ Rn.
(Replace xi with φ(xi) if using feature map φ.)
Proof: If we have any solution of the form w = s + r, where s ∈ range(AT), and r ̸= 0 is in null(A) (i.e., Ar = 0), we can remove r and have a shorter solution:
ATb = ATAw = ATA(s + r) = ATAs + AT(Ar) = ATAs. (Recall Pythagorean theorem: ∥w∥2 = ∥s∥2 + ∥r∥2)
Representation of minimum norm solution (2)
In fact, minimum Euclidean norm solution is unique!
If two distinct solutions w and w′ have the same length, then
averaging them gives another solution 1 (w + w′) of shorter 2
Combine two concerns: making both R(w) and ∥w∥2 small Pick λ ≥ 0, and minimize
R(w) + λ∥w∥2
If λ > 0, solution is always unique (even if n < d).
Called ridge regression.
λ = 0 is OLS/ERM.
λ controls how much to pay attention to regularizer ∥w∥2
relative to data fitting term R(w)
λ is hyperparameter to tune (e.g., using cross-validation)
Solution is also in span of the xi’s (i.e., in range(AT))
Example of regularization with squared norm penality
Trigonometric feature expansion
φ(x) = (sin(x), cos(x), . . . , sin(32x), cos(32x))
Trade-off between fit to data and regularizer n 32
min 1 wTφ(x )−y 2 +λ2j(w2 w∈R64 n i i sin,j
+w2 ) cos,j
i=1 j=1
3 2 1 0
-1 -2 -3
Figure 2: Trading-off between data fitting term and regularizer
squared weighted norm penalized solution (
squared weighted norm penalized solution (
squared weighted norm penalized solution (
training data
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Data augmentation (1)
A b
LetA= √λI ∈R(n+d)×d and ̃b= 0 ∈Rn+d
Then ∥Aw − ̃b∥2 = R (w) + λ∥w∥2 (ridge regression objective)
d “fake” data points, ensures augmented A has rank d All corresponding labels are zero.
ATA = ATA + λI and AT ̃b = ATb
So ridge regression solution is wˆ = (ATA + λI)−1ATb
Data augmentation (2)
Domain-specific data augmentation: e.g., image transformations
Figure 3: What data augmentations make sense for OCR digit recognition?
Lasso: minimize R(w) + λ∥w∥1
Here, ∥v∥1 = nj=1 |vj|, sum of absolute values of vector
Prefers short w, where length is measured using different norm
Tends to produce w that are sparse (i.e., have few non-zero
entries), or at least are well-approximated by sparse vectors.
A different inductive bias:
|wTx−wTx′| ≤ ∥w∥1 ·∥x−x′∥∞
Lasso vs ridge regression
Example: coefficient profile of Lasso vs ridge
x = clinical measurements, y = level of prostate cancer antigen Horizontal axis: varying λ (large λ to left, small λ to right). Vertical axis: coefficient value in Lasso and ridge solutions, for
eight different features
Inductive bias from minimum l1 norm
Theorem: Pickanyw∈Rd andanyε∈(0,1). Formw ̃∈Rd by including the ⌈1/ε2⌉ largest (by magnitude) coefficients of w, and setting remaining entries to zero. Then
∥w ̃ − w∥2 ≤ ε∥w∥1.
If ∥w∥1 is small (compared to ∥w∥2), then theorem says w is well-approximated by sparse vector.
Lasso also tries to make coefficients small. What if we only care about sparsity?
Subset selection: minimize empirical risk among all k-sparse solutions
Greedy algorithms: repeatedly choose new variables to “include” in support of w until k variables are included.
Forward stepwise regression / orthogonal matching pursuit: Each time you “include” a new variable, re-fit all coefficients for included variables.
Often works as well as Lasso Why do we care about sparsity?
Detour: Model averaging
Suppose we have M real-valued predictors, fˆ , . . . , fˆ 1M
How to take advantage of all of them?
Model selection: pick the best one, e.g., using hold-out method
Model averaging: form “ensemble” predictor fˆ avg
any x,
fˆ (x):= fˆ(x).
avg M j j=1
, where for
Risk of model averaging
R(f):=E[(f(X)−Y)2]forsomerandomvariable(X,Y) taking values in X × R.
Theorem: For any fˆ,...,fˆ : X → R, the ensemble 1M
predictor fˆ := 1 M fˆ satisfies avg M j=1 j
1M1M R(fˆ )= R(fˆ)− E (fˆ (X)−fˆ(X))2 .
avg M j M avg j j=1 j=1
Better than model selection when: all fˆ have similar risks, and
all fˆ predict very differently from each other j
Stacking and features
In model averaging, “weights” of 1/M for all fˆ seems arbitrary j
Can “learn” weights using linear regression!
Usefeatureexpansionφ(x)=(fˆ(x),...,fˆ (x))
Called stacking
Useadditionaldata(independentoffˆ,...,fˆ )
Upshot: Any function (even learned functions) can be a feature Conversely: Behind every feature is a deliberate modeling
Detour: Bayesian statistics
Bayesian inference: probabilistic approach to updating beliefs
Posit a (parametric) statistical model for data (likelihood)
Start with some beliefs about the parameters of model (prior)
Update beliefs after seeing data (posterior)
Pr(w | data) =
1 Pr(w) · Pr(data | w) Zdata
prior(w) likelihood(w)
(Finding normalization constant Zdata is often the computationally challenging part of belief updating.)
Basis for reasoning in humans (maybe?), robots, etc.
Beyond Bayesian inference
Can use Bayesian inference framework for designing estimation/learning algorithms (even if you aren’t a Bayesian!)
E.g., instead of computing entire posterior distribution, find the
w with highest posterior probability
Called maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimator
Just find w to maximize
prior(w) × likelihood(w).
(Avoids issue with finding normalization constant.)
Bayesian approach to linear regression
In linear regression model, express prior belief about
w = (w1, . . . , wd) using a probability distribution with density
d√1wj2 Simple choice: prior(w1,...,wd) = j=1 2πσ2 exp(−2σ2 )
I.e., treat w1, . . . , wd as independent N(0, σ2) random variables
Likelihood model: (X1, Y1), . . . , (Xn, Yn) are conditionally
independent given w, and Yi | (Xi, w) ∼ N(XiTw, 1).
What is the MAP?
MAP for Bayesian linear regression
Find w to maximize d2n
1 wj 1 T2 √2πσ2exp −2σ2 · p(xi)·√2πexp(−(yi−xiw)/2).
j=1 i=1
prior(w) likelihood(w) (Here, p is marginal density of X; unimportant.)
Take logarithm and omit terms not involving w: 1d 1n
− 2 σ 2 w j2 − 2 ( y i − x Ti w ) 2 . i=1 i=1
For σ2 = 1 , same as minimizing nλ
1 n
(xTi w − yi)2 + λ∥w∥2, which is the ridge regression objective!
Example: Dartmouth data example
Dartmouth data example, where we considered intervals for the HS GPA variable:
(0.00, 0.25] , (0.25, 0.50] , (0.50, 0.75] , · · ·
Use φ(x) = (1{x∈(0.00,0.25]}, 1{x∈(0.25,0.50]}, . . . ) with a linear
Regularization: λ dj=1(wj − μ)2 where μ = 2.46 is mean of
College GPA values.
What’s the Bayesian interpretation of minimizing the following
1nd (φ(xi)Tw − yi)2 + λ (wj − μ)2
n i=1 j=1