程序代写代做代考 C Machine learning lecture slides

Machine learning lecture slides
COMS 4771 Fall 2020

Prediction theory

􏰛 Statistical model for binary outcomes
􏰛 Plug-in principle and IID model
􏰛 Maximum likelihood estimation
􏰛 Statistical model for binary classification 􏰛 Analysis of nearest neighbor classifier
􏰛 Estimating the error rate of a classifier
􏰛 Beyond binary classificaiton and the IID model

Statistical model for binary outcomes
􏰛 Example: coin toss
􏰛 Physical model: hard
􏰛 Statistical model: outcome is random
􏰛 Bernoulli distribution with heads probability θ ∈ [0, 1]
􏰛 Encode heads as 1 and tails as 0
􏰛 Written as Bernoulli(θ)
􏰛 Notation: Y ∼ Bernoulli(θ) means Y is a random variable with
distribution Bernoulli(θ).
􏰛 Goal: correctly predict outcome

Optimal prediction
􏰛 Suppose Y ∼ Bernoulli(θ). 􏰛 Suppose θ known.
􏰛 Optimal prediction:
􏰛 Indicator function notation: 􏰇
1 ifQistrue 0 if Q is false
􏰛 The optimal prediction is incorrect with probability min{θ, 1 − θ}
1{Q} :=

Learning to make predictions
􏰛 If θ unknown:
􏰛 Assume we have data: outcomes of previous coin tosses
􏰛 Data should be related to what we want to predict: same coin
is being tossed

Plug-in principle and IID model
􏰛 Plug-in principle:
􏰛 Estimate unknown(s) based on data (e.g., θ)
􏰛 Plug estimates into formula for optimal prediction
􏰛 When can we estimate the unknowns?
􏰛 Observed data should be related to the outcome we want to
􏰛 IID model: Observations & (unseen) outcome are iid random
􏰛 iid: independent and identically distributed
􏰛 Crucial modeling assumption that makes learning possible
􏰛 When is the IID assumption not reasonable? . . .

Statistical models
􏰛 Parametric statistical model {Pθ : θ ∈ Θ}
􏰛 collection of parameterized probability distributions for data
􏰛 Θ is the parameter space
􏰛 One distribution per parameter value θ ∈ Θ
􏰛 E.g., distributions on n binary outcomes treated as iid Bernoulli random variables
􏰛 Θ=[0,1]
􏰛 Overload notation: Pθ is the probability mass function (pmf)
for the distribution.
􏰛 What is formula for Pθ(y1,…,yn) for (y1,…,yn) ∈ {0,1}n?

Maximum likelihood estimation (1)
􏰛 Likelihood of parameter θ (given observed data) 􏰛 L(θ) = Pθ(y1,…,yn)
􏰛 Maximum likelihood estimation:
􏰛 Choose θ with highest likelihood
􏰛 Log-likelihood
􏰛 Sometimes more convenient
􏰛 ln is increasing, so ln L(θ) orders the parameters in the same
way as L(θ)

Maximum likelihood estimation (2)
􏰛 Coin toss example 􏰛 Log-likelihood
ln L(θ) = 􏰊 yi ln θ + (1 − yi) ln(1 − θ)
􏰛 Use calculus to determine formula for maximizer
􏰛 This is a little annoying, but someone else has already done it
for you:
ˆ 1􏰊n
θMLE := n

Back to plug-in principle
􏰛 We are given data y1,…,yn ∈ {0,1}n, which we model using the IID model from before
􏰛 Obtain estimate θˆ of known θ based on y ,…,y MLE 1n
􏰛 Plug-in θˆ for θ in formula for optimal prediction: MLE
Yˆ := 1{θˆMLE>1/2}.

Analysis of the plug-in prediction (1)
􏰛 How good is the plug-in prediction?
􏰛 Study behavior under the IID model, where
Y1,…,YN,Y ∼iid Bernoulli(θ).
􏰛 Y1,…,Yn are the data we collected 􏰛 Y is the outcome to predict
􏰛 θ is the unknown parameter
􏰛 Recall: optimal prediction is incorrect with probability min{θ, 1 − θ}.
􏰛 We cannot hope Yˆ to beat this, but we can hope it is not much worse.

Analysis of the plug-in prediction (2)
􏰛 Theorem:
Pr(Yˆ ̸=Y)≤min{θ,1−θ}+1 ·|θ−0.5|·e−2n(θ−0.5)2.
􏰛 The first term is the optimal error probability.
􏰛 The second term comes from the probability that the θˆ is
on the opposite side of 1/2 as θ.
􏰛 This probability is very small when n is large!
􏰛 If S is number of heads in n independent tosses of coin with
bias θ, then S ∼ Binomial(n, θ) (Binomial distribution)

0.15 0.1 0.05 0
Figure 1: Pr(S > n/2) for S ∼ Binomial(n, θ), n = 20
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 k

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Figure 2: Pr(S > n/2) for S ∼ Binomial(n, θ), n = 40

0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0
Figure 3: Pr(S > n/2) for S ∼ Binomial(n, θ), n = 60
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 k

0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0
Figure 4: Pr(S > n/2) for S ∼ Binomial(n, θ), n = 80
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 k

Statistical model for labeled data in binary classification
􏰛 Example: spam filtering
􏰛 Labeled example: (x, y) ∈ X × {0, 1}
􏰛 X is input (feature) space; {0, 1} is the output (label) space
􏰛 X is not necessarily the space of inputs itself (e.g., space of all emails), but rather the space of what we measure about inputs
􏰛 We only see x (email), and then must make prediction of y (spam or not-spam)
􏰛 Statistical model: (X, Y ) is random
􏰛 X has some marginal probability distribution
􏰛 Conditional probability distribution of Y given X = x is
Bernoulli with heads probability η(x)
􏰛 η : X → [0, 1] is a function, sometimes called the
regression function or conditional mean function (since E[Y |X =x]=η(x)).

Error rate of a classifier
􏰛 Foraclassifierf:X →{0,1},theerrorrateoff (with respect to the distribution of (X, Y )) is
err(f) := Pr(f(X) ̸= Y ). Recall that we had previously used the notation
err(f,S) = 1 􏰊 1{f(x)̸=y}, |S| (x,y)∈S
which is the same as Pr(f(X) ̸= Y ) when the distribution of (X, Y ) is uniform over the labeled examples in S.
􏰛 Caution: This notation err(f) does not make explicit the dependence on (the distribution of) the random example
(X, Y ). You will need to determine this from context.

Conditional expectations (1)
􏰛 Consider any random variables A and B. 􏰛 Conditional expectation of A given B:
􏰛 Written E[A | B]
􏰛 A random variable! What is its expectation?
􏰛 Law of iterated expectations (a.k.a. tower property):
E[E[A | B]] = E[A]

Conditional expectations (2)
􏰛 Example: roll a fair 6-sided die
􏰛 A = number shown facing up
􏰛 B = parity of number shown facing up 􏰛 C := E[A | B] is random variable with
􏰃1􏰄1 Pr C=E[A|B=odd]=3(1+3+5)=3 =2
􏰃1􏰄1 Pr C=E[A|B=even]=3(2+4+6)=4 =2

Bayes classifier
􏰛 Optimal classifier (Bayes classifier): f⋆(x) = 1{η(x)>1/2},
where η is the conditional mean function
􏰛 Classifier with smallest probability of mistake
􏰛 Depends on the function η, which is typically unknown!
􏰛 Optimal error rate (Bayes error rate):
􏰛 Write error rate as err(f⋆) = Pr(f⋆(X) ̸= Y ) = E[1{f⋆(X)̸=Y }]
􏰛 Conditional on X, probability of mistake is
min{η(X), 1 − η(X)}.
􏰛 So, optimal error rate is
err(f⋆) = E[1{f⋆(X)̸=Y }]
= E[E[1{f⋆(X)̸=Y } | X]]
= E[min{η(X), 1 − η(X)}].

Example: spam filtering
􏰛 Suppose input x is a single (binary) feature, “is email all-caps?” 􏰛 How to interpret “the probability that email is spam given
x = 1?”
􏰛 What does it mean for the Bayes classifier f⋆ to be optimal?

Learning prediction functions
􏰛 What to do if η is unknown?
􏰛 Training data: (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn)
􏰛 Assume data are related to what we want to predict
􏰛 LetZ:=(X,Y),andZi :=(Xi,Yi)fori=1,…,n.
􏰛 IID model: Z1, . . . , Zn, Z are iid random variables
􏰛 Z = (X, Y ) is the (unseen) “test” example
􏰛 (Technically, each labeled example is a (X × {0, 1})-valued
random variable. If X = Rd, can regard as vector of d + 1 random variables.)

Performance of nearest neighbor classifier
􏰛 Study in context of IID model
􏰛 Assume η(x) ≈ η(x′) whenever x and x′ are close.
􏰛 This is where the modeling assumption comes in (via choice of distance function)!
􏰛 Let (X, Y ) be the “test” example, and suppose (Xˆi, Yˆi) is the nearest neighbor among training data
S = ((X1,Y1),…,(Xn,Yn)).
􏰛 For large n, X and Xˆi likely to be close enough so that η(X) ≈ η(Xˆi).
􏰛 Prediction is Yˆi, true label is Y .
􏰛 Conditional on X and Xˆi, what is probability that Yˆi ̸= Y ?
􏰛 η(X)(1−η(Xˆi))+(1−η(X))η(Xˆi)≈2η(X)(1−η(X))
􏰛 Conclusion: expected error rate is
E[err(NNS)] ≈ 2 · E[η(X)(1 − η(X))] for large n
􏰛 Recall that optimal is E[min{η(X), 1 − η(X)}].
􏰛 So E[err(NNS)] is at most twice optimal.
􏰛 Never exactly optimal unless η(x) ∈ {0, 1} for all x.

Test error rate (1)
􏰛 How to estimate error rate? 􏰛 IID model:
(X1,Y1),…,(Xn,Yn),(X1′,Y1′),…,(Xm′ ,Ym′ ),(X,Y) are iid 􏰛 Training examples (that you have): (X1, Y1), . . . , (Xn, Yn)
􏰛 Test examples (that you have): (X1′ , Y1′), . . . , (Xm′ , Ym′ )
􏰛 Test example (that you don’t have) used to define error rate:
􏰛 Classifier fˆ is based only on training examples
􏰛 Hence, test examples are independent of fˆ (very
􏰛ˆ We would like to estimate err(f)
􏰛 Caution: since fˆ depends on training data, it is random! 􏰛ˆˆ
Convention: When we write err(f) where f is random, we ˆˆ
really mean Pr(f(X) ̸= Y | f).
Therefore err(f) is a random variable!

Test error rate (2)
􏰛 Conditional distribution of S := 􏰉mi=1 1{fˆ(Xi′)̸=Yi′} given training data:
􏰛:ˆ S | training data ∼ Binomial(m, ε) where ε = err(f )
􏰛 By law of large numbers,
1 􏰊m
is close to ε when m is large
􏰛 How accurate is the estimate? Depends on the (conditional)
􏰛 var( 1 S | training data) = ε(1−ε) mm
􏰛 Standard deviation is 􏰍ε(1−ε) m
as m → ∞
􏰛 Therefore, test error rate
1 { fˆ( X i′ ) ̸ = Y i′ }

Confusion tables
􏰛 True positive rate (recall): Pr(f(X) = 1 | Y = 1) 􏰛 False positive rate: Pr(f(X) = 1 | Y = 0)
􏰛 Precision: Pr(Y = 1 | f(X) = 1)
􏰛 …
􏰛 Confusion table
f(x) = 0
f(x) = 1
y = 0 # false positives y = 1 # false negatives # true positives
# true negatives

ROC curves
􏰛 Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve
􏰛 What points are achievable on the TPR-FPR plane? 􏰛 Use randomization to combine classifiers

(FPR1 , TPR1 )
(FPR2 , TPR2 )
0 1 FPR Figure 5: TPR vs FPR plot with two points

0 1 FPR Figure 6: TPR vs FPR plot with many points

More than two outcomes
􏰛 What if there are K > 2 possible outcomes?
􏰛 Replace coin with K-sided die
􏰛 Say Y has a categorical distribution over [K] := {1, . . . , K},
determined probability vector θ = (θ1 , . . . , θK ) 􏰛 θk ≥0forallk∈[K],and􏰉Kk=1θk =1
􏰛 Pr(Y =k)=θk
􏰛 Optimal prediction of Y if θ is known
yˆ := arg max θk k∈[K]

Statistical model for multi-class classification
􏰛 Statistical model for labeled examples (X, Y ), where Y takes values in [K]
􏰛 Now, Y | X = x has a categorical distribution with parameter vector η(x) = (η(x)1, . . . , η(x)K )
􏰛 Conditional probability function: η(x)k := Pr(Y = k | X = x)
􏰛 Optimal classifier: f⋆(x) = arg maxk∈[K] η(x)k
􏰛 Optimal error rate: Pr(f⋆(X) ̸= Y ) = 1 − E[maxk η(X)k]

Potential downsides of the IID model
􏰛 Example: Train OCR digit classifier using data from Alice’s handwriting, but eventually use on digits written by Bob.
􏰛 What is a better evaluation?
􏰛 What if we want to eventually use on digits written by both Alice and Bob?