Machine learning lecture slides
COMS 4771 Fall 2020
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A “bird’s eye view” of machine learning About COMS 4771
Figure 1: Predict the bird species depicted in a given image.
Geared toward females
Sense and Sensibility
Ocean’s 11
Geared toward males
Dumb and Dumber
The Color Purple
The Princess Diaries
The Lion King
Independence Day
vector qi R ated with a vec i, the elements which the item positive or ne the elements o interest the use on the corresp tive or negative qiT pu, captures u and item i— the item’s chara user u’s rating o rui, leading to t
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completes this mate the rating by using Equat
Figure 2. A simplified illustration of the latent factor approach, which Figcuhraera2ct:erPizersebdoicthtuhseorws anad mgiovveiens ussinegrtwoauxleds—ramtaeleavergsiuvsefenmmaleovie.
and serious versus escapist.
recommendation. These methods have become popular in recent years by combining good scalability with predictive accuracy. In addition, they offer much flexibility for model-
Lethal Weapon
Such a model is closely rela
position (SVD), a well-establish 4/26
latent semantic factors in info
Figure 3: Predict the French translation of a given English sentence.
Figure 4: Predict the “win probability” of a given move in a given game state.
How to “solve” problems without ML?
Image classification:
Recruit a “bird expert” to teach you about different birds
features (e.g., beak shape, feather color, typical environment)
Recognize these features in a given image, and then come up
with a best guess of the bird species Recommender system:
Ask user to self-report specific movie genres of interest (e.g., horror, sci-fi)
Ask movie suppliers to categorize movies into the same genres
Predict a high rating for any movie in a user’s genre-of-interest;
low rating for all other movies
Machine translation: . . . Chess: …
Work in ML
Applied ML
Collect/prepare data, build/train models, analyze
performance/errors/etc ML developer
Implement ML algorithms and infrastructure ML research
Design/analyze models and algorithms Note: These roles are not mutually exclusive!
Mathematical and computational prerequisites
Linear algebra, probability, multivariable calculus
Understand and reason about the concepts (not just
Much ML work is implemented in python with libraries such as numpy and pytorch
Basic setting: supervised learning
Training data: dataset comprised of labeled examples
Labeled example: a pair of the form (input, label)
Input: what you see before you make a prediction (a.k.a.
context, side-information, features, etc.)
Label: output value (a.k.a. output, response, target, etc.)
Goal: learn predictor (i.e., prediction function) to predict label from input for new examples
Figure 5: Decision tree
Figure 6: Linear classifier (“Perceptron”)
input hidden units output
Figure 7: Neural network
Types of prediction problems
Binary classification
Given an email, is it spam or not?
(What’s the probability that it is spam?)
Multi-class classification
Given an image, what animal is depicted? (Or which animals are depicted?)
Given clincal measurements, what is level of tumor antigens? (In absolute level? Log-scale?)
Structured output prediction
Given a sentence, what is its grammatical parse tree? (Or dependency tree?)
Template of supervised learning pipeline
Get data
Determine representation of and predictive model for data
Train the predictor (a.k.a. model fitting, parameter estimation) Evaluate predictor (test the “goodness of fit”)
Deploy predictor in application
What is the core prediction problem?
What features (i.e., predictor variables) are available?
Will these features be available at time of prediction?
Is there enough information (e.g., training data, features) to learn the relationship between the input and output?
What are the modeling assumptions?
Is high-accuracy prediction a useful goal for the application?
Where do assumptions / domain expertise come in?
Form of the prediction function
Choice of features
Choice of training data
Choice of learning algorithm
Choice of objective function and contraints
Might not have the “right” data
Might not have the “right” model
Might under-fit the data
Might over-fit the data
Data might be corrupted, noisy, . . .
Key statistical/algorithmic ideas in ML
Plug-in principle
Inductive bias
Mathematical optimization
About COMS 4771
Basic principles and methods of supervised machine learning 1. Appetizer: nearest neighbor rules (a “non-parametric” method)
2. Statistical model for prediction 3. Regression
Why? Clean, simple, and illustrates important concepts (linearity, inductive bias, regularization, kernels)
4. Classification
5. Optimization methods for machine learning
Convex optimization, neural networks 6. Maybe one other topic if time permits . . .
This is not a course about how to use sklearn, tensorflow, etc. Also not about latest nonsense on arXiv
Good stuff beyond COMS 4771:
COMS 4252, 4773: Mathematical theory of learning COMS 4774: Unsupervised learning
COMS 4775: Causal inference
About me
Professor Daniel Hsu
Okay to call me “Daniel”!
“Professor Hsu” also okay
“Professor Daniel” is a little weird
At Columbia since 2013
Previously at Microsoft Research, Rutgers, UPenn, UC San
Diego, UC Berkeley, . . .
Research interests: algorithms, statistics, & combining the two
Good at: LATEX-hacking
Bad at: making slides
About you
I assume you have fluency in multivariable calculus,
linear algebra, and
elementary probability (no measure theory needed)
I also assume you can read and write programs in Python
(and read online documentation to learn, e.g., how to do I/O
with CSV files)
See Courseworks for a “Python basics” Jupyter notebook to
brush up on Python, Numpy, etc.
Let me know why you are interested in ML! Part of HW 1.
Administrative stuff
Schedule for office hours/lectures/homework/quizzes/exam Syllabus
Course format:
Lecture/recitation: online over Zoom
“On Campus” people: check email about in-person lectures
Course assistants (CAs):
Andy, Andrea, Wonjun, Serena
Links for online office hours will be posted on Courseworks
Piazza: communicate with course staff (live Q&A and offline)
Courseworks: retrieve assignments, quizzes, data files, etc. Gradescope: submit homework write-ups, code
Slack: discussion with fellow classmates
Disability services:
Please make arrangements with disability services ASAP
Academic rules of conduct
See syllabus
Cheating: don’t do it
If unsure about something, ask! Consequence is automatic fail
Cheating out of desperation is also cheating Instead: get help early
We are here to help
Okay to work on homework in groups of ≤ 3 No collaboration across groups
No diffusion of responsibility
No collaboration at all on quizzes or exams
Reading assignments
There are some required reading assignments (mostly from handouts posted on website)
Unfortunately, most textbooks on ML are not appropriate for this course
Closest is “A Course in Machine Learning” by Daumé
I have selected some optional reading assignments from a few
books that may be used to supplement the lectures All books available online