Machine learning lecture slides
COMS 4771 Fall 2020
Nearest neighbor classification
Optical character recognition (OCR) example Nearest neighbor rule
Error rate, test error rate
k-nearest neighbor rule
Hyperparameter tuning via cross-validation Distance functions, features
Computational issues
Example: OCR for digits
Goal: Automatically label images of handwritten digits Possible labels are {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
Start with a large collection of already-labeled images
D := {(x1,y1),…,(xn,yn)}
xi is the i-th image; yi ∈ {0,1,…,9} is the corresponding
The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST)
has amassed such a data set.
Figure 1: Some images of handwritten digits from MNIST data set
Nearest neighbor (NN) classifier
Nearest neighbor (NN) classifier NND:
Represented using collection of labeled examples
D := ((x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn)), plus a snippet of code Input: x
Find xi in D that is “closest” to x (the nearest neighbor) (Break ties in some arbitrary fixed way)
Return yi
Naïve distance between images of handwritten digits (1)
Treat (grayscale) images as vectors in Euclidean space Rd d=282 =784
Generalizes physical 3-dimensional space
Each point x = (x1,…,xd) ∈ Rd is a vector of d real numbers
∥x−z∥2 =dj=1(xj −zj)2
Also called l2 distance
WARNING: Here, xj refers to the j-th coordinate of x
Figure 2: Grayscale pixel representation of an image of a handwritten “4”
Naïve distance between images of handwritten digits (2)
Why use this for images?
Why not use this for images?
Recap: OCR via NN
What is the core prediction problem?
What features (i.e., predictive variables) are available?
Will these features be available at time of prediction?
Is there enough information (“training data”) to learn the relationship between the features and label?
What are the modeling assumptions?
Is high-accuracy prediction a useful goal for the application?
Error rate
Error rate (on a collection of labeled examples S)
Fraction of labeled examples in S that have incorrect label
prediction from fˆ ˆ
Written as err(f,S)
(Often, the word “rate” is omitted)
OCR via NN:
err(NND,D) =
Test error rate (1)
Better evaluation: test error rate Train/test split, S ∩ T = ∅
S is training data, T is test data Classifier fˆ only based on S
ˆ Training error rate: err(f,S)
ˆ Test error rate: err(f,T)
On OCR data: test error rate is err(NNS , T ) = 3.09% Is this good?
What is the test error rate of uniformly random predictions? What is the test error rate of a constant prediction?
Test error rate (2)
Why is test error rate meaningful?
What are the drawbacks of evaluation via test error rate?
Figure 3: A test example and its nearest neighbor in training data (2, 8)
Figure 4: A test example and its nearest neighbor in training data (3, 5)
Figure 5: A test example and its nearest neighbor in training data (5, 4)
Figure 6: A test example and its nearest neighbor in training data (4, 1)
More on the modeling assumptions
Modeling assumption: Nearby images are more likely to have the same label than different labels.
This is an assumption about the choice of distance function
In our OCR example, this is an assumption about the choice of
What are the kinds of errors made by NNS?
Figure 7: A test example and its nearest neighbor in training data (2, 8)
Figure 8: Three nearest neighbors of the test example (8,2,2)
Upgrade: k-NN
k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) classifier NNk,D Input: x
Find the k nearest neighbors of x in D
Return the plurality of the corresponding labels
As before, break ties in some arbitrary fixed way
Typical effect of k
Smaller k: smaller training error rate
Larger k: higher training error rate, but predictions more
“stable” due to voting
On OCR data: lowest test error rate achieved at k = 3
k13579 err(NNk,S , T ) 0.0309 0.0295 0.0312 0.0306 0.0341
Hyperparameter tuning
k is a hyperparameter of k-NN How to choose hyperparameters?
Bad idea: Choosing k that yields lowest training error rate (degenerate choice: k = 1)
Better idea: Simulate train/test split on the training data Hold-out validation
Randomly split S into A and B
Compute validation error rate for all k ∈ {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}:
Vk :=err(NNk,A,B)
Let kˆ be the value of k for which Vk is smallest Classifier to use is NNkˆ,S
Upgrade: Distance functions (1)
Specialize to input types Edit distance for strings
Shape distance for images
Time warping distance for audio waveforms
Upgrade: Distance functions (2)
Generic distances for vectors of real numbers lp distances
d 1/p
∥x−z∥p = |xj −zj|p . j=1
What are the unit balls for these distances (in R2)?
Upgrade: Distance functions (3)
Distance functions for images of handwritten digits
distance l2 l3 tangent shape test error rate 0.0309 0.0283 0.0110 0.0063
When using numerical features (arranged in a vector from Rd): Scale of features matters
Noisy features can ruin NN
E.g., consider what happens in OCR example if you have another 10000 additional features that are pure “noise”
Or a single pure noise feature whose scale is 10000× the nominal scale of pixel values
“Curse of dimension”
Weird effects in Rd for large d
Can find 2Ω(d) points that are approximately equidistant
Computation for NN
Brute force search: Θ(dn) time for each prediction (using Euclidean distance in Rd)
Clever data structures: “improve” to 2d log(n) time Approximate nearest neighbors: sub-linear time to get
“approximate” answers
E.g., find point among the top-1% of closest points?