程序代写代做代考 Haskell 1

G6021: Comparative Programming
Exercise Sheet 6
Higher-Order functions on lists
Write a function sumAll that returns the sum of all the elements of a list of numbers. Answer:
sumAll [] = 0
sumAll (h:t) = h+sumAll t
Write a function multAll that returns the product of all the elements of a list of numbers. Answer:
multAll [] = 1
multAll (h:t) = h*multAll t
The pattern of recursion should be the same in the previous two questions: the only differ- ences are the name of the function, the function applied to each of the elements, and the starting value. Haskell provides a function to capture this kind of recursion: foldr f b l, where the three parameters are the function to be applied, the starting value and the list.
Examples of this functions in use include:
foldr (*) 1 [1,2,3,4]
foldr (+) 0 [1,2,3,4]
Test these functions, and check that they give the same answers as your functions above. Write your own version of the foldr function (call this function fold).
fold f b [] = b
fold f b (h:t) = f h (fold f b t)
Using fold, write the following:
• A function len to compute the length of a list.
len = fold (\x -> \y -> 1+y) 0
• A function maxElem to compute the maximum element of a list.
maxElem = fold (\x -> \y -> if x>y then x else y) 0
• A function flatten to convert a list of lists to a list. Example: flatten [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
should give [1,2,3,4,5,6]. Answer:

flatten = fold (++) []
6. What is the type of the function iter below, and what do you think it does? What does
the function f compute?
iter p f x = if (p x) then x else iter p f (f x)
f n = snd(iter (\(x,y) -> x>n) (\(x,y) -> (x+1,x*y)) (1,1))
iter :: (t -> Bool) -> (t -> t) -> t -> t
This function iter accumulates repeated applications of the function: f(…(f x)), until the given testing function stops the iteration.
The function f is computes the factorial of the given argument. It is also interesting to trace what is happening to the tuple (1,1):
(1,1) -> (2,1) -> (3,2) -> (4,6) -> (5,24) -> (6,120) -> ….
Accumulating parameters
Test out the three versions of factorial from the notes: fact and factcps and factacc. Answer:
fact n = if n==0 then 1 else n*fact(n-1)
fact 4
factcps n k = if n==0 then k 1
else factcps (n-1) (\r -> k (n*r))
factcps 4 (\x -> x)
factacc n acc = if n==0 then acc
else factacc (n-1) (n*acc)
factacc 4 1
1. Write a version of the len function using an accumulating parameter (so that the function
is tail recursive):
len [] = 0
len (h:t) = 1+len t
lenacc [] acc = acc
lenacc (h:t) acc = lenacc t (acc+1)
2. Write a version of the rev function using an accumulating parameter: rev [] = []
rev (h:t) = (rev t) ++ [h]
revacc [] acc = acc
revacc (h:t) acc = revacc t (h:acc)
revacc [1,2,3] []

Data types
1. Give a datatype, called IntOrBool, that can represent either an Int or a Boolean. Show how you can use this datatype to represent a list of mixed elements (Integers and Booleans).
data IntOrBool = I Int | B Bool deriving (Show)
[I 3,B True]
2. Suggest a way to represent the λ-calculus as a data type in Haskell. Answer:
data Lam = Var [Char] | Abs [Char] Lam | App Lam Lam deriving (Show)