程序代写代做代考 Haskell game G6021: Comparative Programming

G6021: Comparative Programming
Exercise Sheet 4
1 Data Types
In Haskell we can define our own types in two ways:
• Renaming old types, for example: type Name = [Char].
• Constructing new types, for example: data MyBool = T | F. (Adding deriving (Show) means that Haskell will print these types.)
When constructing new types, new terms to the language are added also — T and F are two new terms of the language:
> :type T
T :: MyBool
Pattern matching is automatically available for these new terms, so we can write things like this:
myand T T = T
myand T F = F
myand F T = F
myand F F = F
The order of the function cases for this example is not important, we can write the four cases in any order. We can also use patterns in abstractions like this:
(\T -> F)T
Using a variable as a pattern will always match, so we can simplify the above function myand
to the following, as x and y will match against all the other cases. myand T T = T
myand x y = F
The order of the cases is now very important. Can you think why? Try this:
myand x y = F
myand T T = T
If the variable is not needed in the body of the function, we can use a special symbol “_” as a pattern, which means the same as a variable, but we don’t have to think of a name. This means we can write the above as:
myand T T = T
myand _ _ = F

Again, the order of the cases is very important.
We can also define recursive types, for example we can make our own lists:
data List = Nil | Cons Int List deriving (Show)
Typically in Haskell, when we have recursive types, we write recursive functions over them as we have seen in the notes. Here is a version of length for our definition of lists:
len Nil = 0
len (Cons _ t) = 1 + len t
2 Exercises
1. Using the type MyBool defined above, write the functions “or” and “not” that will compute the disjunction and negation respectively.
myor F F = F
myor _ _ = T
mynot F = T
mynot T = F
2. Define a new type RPS to represent rock, paper and scissors as used in the game. Write a function beats :: RPS -> RPS -> Bool that encodes that paper beats rock, rock beats scissors, and scissors beats paper.
data RPS = Rock | Paper | Scissors deriving (Show)
beats :: RPS -> RPS -> Bool
beats Paper Rock = True
beats Rock Scissors = True
beats Scissors Paper = True
beats _ _ = False
3. We can define natural numbers as Zero or the Successor of a natural number. Give a datatype Nat for natural numbers.
data Nat = Z | S Nat deriving (Show)
4. Write a function add :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat, that will add two natural numbers.
add Z y = y
add (S x) y = S(add x y)
5. Write a function to multiply two natural numbers.
mult Z y = Z
mult (S x) y = add (mult x y) y

6. Write a function to test if two natural numbers are equal.
equal Z Z = True
equal (S x) (S y) = equal x y
equal _ _ = False