代写代考 CMPUT 379, U. of Alberta, course instructor (E. Elmallah). All rights reser

Copyright Notice: Copyright by CMPUT 379, U. of Alberta, course instructor (E. Elmallah). All rights reserved. Do not post any part on a publicly-available Web site.
CMPUT 379 – Assignment #1 (10%)
Process Management Programs

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Due: Friday, February 4, 2022, 09:00 PM (electronic submission)
This programming assignment is intended to give you experience in using Unix system calls for accessing and utilizing system time values, process environment variables, process resource limits, and process management functions (e.g., fork(), waitpid(), and execl()).
Shell programs like Bourne shell (sh), C shell (csh), Bash, and Korn shell (ksh) provide powerful interactive programming environments that allow users to utilize many of the services provided by complex multiprocessing operating systems. In this assignment, you are asked to write a simple shell program, called msh379, in C/C++ that runs the commands described in the specifications section. To implement your shell program, you need to familiarize yourself with some Unix func- tions including the functions mentioned in the following table.
Reference in Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment [APUE 3/E]
Time values
chdir() and getcwd() Time and date routines getenv()
getrlimit() and setrlimit() fork(), waitpid(), execl() times()
Program Specifications
Section 1.10
Section 4.23
Section 6.10
Section 7.9
Section 7.11
Chapter 8: Process Control Section 8.17
Section 10.9
The msh379 program is invoked by the command line without any argument. After invocation, the program performs the following steps in order.
1. Use setrlimit() to set a limit on its CPU time (e.g., 10 minutes). The goal is to provide some safeguard against a buggy implementation that may run forever.
2. Call function times() (see the table above) to record the user and CPU times for the current process (and its terminated children).
3. Run the main loop of the program. In each iteration, the program prompts the user to enter a command line using the prompt “msh379 [pid]: “, where pid is the process num- ber of the running instance of the program. Subsequently, the program tries to execute the command. Some commands cause the loop to terminate. The set of required commands are described below.

Copyright Notice: Copyright by CMPUT 379, U. of Alberta, course instructor (E. Elmallah). All rights reserved. Do not post any part on a publicly-available Web site.
4. Upon exiting the main loop, the program calls function times() again to obtain the user and system CPU times for itself and its terminated children.
5. Using a setup and output format similar to the program in Figure 8.31 of [APUE 3/E], msh379 should use the timing information recorded in steps (2) and (4) to compute and print the following times in seconds:
(a) the total time elapsed between steps (2) and (4),
(b) the user and system CPU times spent by msh379 in executing step (3), and
(c) the user and system CPU times spent by the children processes started in step (3).
Command Lines
The program should maintain information of at most NTASK (= 32) accepted tasks. A task is accepted if the run command described below can successfully run an associated user specified program. Accepted tasks are assigned indices 0, 1, · · · , NTASK − 1, in this order. A task terminated by the terminate command, or finished execution on its own, continues to keep its index until the msh379 program exits.
The program stores (at least) the following information for each accepted task: its index, pid of the task’s head process, and the command line used to start the task. The program should handle the following user issued commands.
1. cdir pathname: Change the current working directory to the directory specified by the abso- lute or relative pathname. The specified pathname may begin with a shell environment variable that needs expansion. For example, the pathname “$HOME/c379” requires the expansion of environment variable HOME (the ’$’ is not part of the variable name). Imple- ment this command using function chdir() (see the above table).
2. pdir:Printthecurrentworkingdirectory.Implementthiscommandusingfunctiongetcwd() (see the above table).
3. lstasks: List all accepted tasks that have not been explicitly terminated by the user. Each entry of the listing contains (at least) the stored index, pid, and the command line associated with the task. Note that some of the listed tasks may have already run to completion, and thus, the corresponding process (or processes) has disappeared from the system.
4. runpgmarg1···arg4:Forkaprocesstoruntheprogramspecifiedbypgm,usingthegiven arguments (at most 4 arguments may be specified). A task is considered accepted if msh379 has successfully launched the process. The process running pgm is the head process of the task (depending on pgm, executing the task may result in creating more than one process). As mentioned above, msh379 accepts at most NTASK tasks (the count includes tasks that the user has explicitly terminated).
5. stoptaskNo: Stop(temporarily)thetaskwhoseindexistaskNobysendingsignalSIGSTOP to its head process.
6. continue taskNo: Continue the execution of the task whose index is taskNo by sending signal SIGCONT to its head process.

Copyright Notice: Copyright by CMPUT 379, U. of Alberta, course instructor (E. Elmallah). All rights reserved. Do not post any part on a publicly-available Web site.
7. terminate taskNo: Terminate the execution of the task whose index is taskNo by sending signal SIGKILL to its head process.
8. check target pid: Here, target pid is the pid of some process running on the same work- station; this can be a msh379 process, or any other process that belongs to the user. If the checked process is not running (e.g., defunct), the command reports this fact and does noth- ing further. Else, if the process is running, the command displays all descendant processes in the tree rooted at the specified target process. In more detail, the check command performs the following steps.
(a) Use popen to execute the ps program in the background:
… = popen(“ps -u $USER -o user,pid,ppid,state,start,cmd –sort start”, “r”);
(b) Read, display, and process each line produced by popen. After reading all lines, the program uses function pclose() to close the pipe.
(c) Based on the data obtained from the above steps, the command decides whether the target process is still running, or it has terminated. In the earlier case, the command outputs information about each process in the process tree rooted at the target process.
9. exit:Terminatetheheadprocessofeachacceptedtaskthathasnotbeenexplicitlyterminated by the terminate command. Then exit the main loop.
10. quit: Exit the main loop without terminating head processes.
Examples. Example output will be posted on eClass.
Implementation Remarks
• To run a program, msh379 forks a child process and then uses one of the exec function calls. It is recommended to use execlp. The following examples illustrate its use.
– To run a program called myclock with one argument using, e.g., the command line: ’run myclock out1’use
execlp(“./myclock”, “myclock”, “out1”, (char *) NULL);
– To run a program called xclock with 4 arguments using, e.g., the command line:
’run xclock -geometry 200×200 -update 1’use execlp(“xclock”,”xclock”,”-geometry”,”200×200″,”-update”,”1″, (char *) NULL);
The following call is a wrong way to pass just two arguments to the xclock program. execlp(“xclock”, “xclock”, “-update”, “2”, “”, “”, (char *) NULL);

Copyright Notice: Copyright by CMPUT 379, U. of Alberta, course instructor (E. Elmallah). All rights reserved. Do not post any part on a publicly-available Web site.
More Details
1. This is an individual assignment. Do not work in groups.
2. Only standard include files and libraries provided when you compile the program using gcc
or g++ should be used.
3. Important: you cannot use system() to implement any of the above functionalities. You can use popen() to run the ps program, as described in the check command. No other use of popen is permitted.
4. Although many details about this assignment are given in this description, there are many other design decisions that are left for you to make. In such cases, you should make rea- sonable design decisions that do not contradict what we have said and do not significantly change the purpose of the assignment. Document such design decisions in your source code, and discuss them in your report. Of course, you may ask questions about this assignment (e.g., in the Discussion Forum) and we may choose to provide more information or provide some clarification. However, the basic requirements of this assignment will not change.
5. When developing and testing your program, make sure you clean up all processes before you logout of a workstation. Marks will be deducted for processes left on workstations.
1. AllprogramsshouldcompileandrunonLinuxlabmachines(e.g.,ug[00to34].cs.ualberta.ca)
2. Make sure your programs compile and run in a fresh directory.
3. Your work (including a Makefile) should be combined into a single tar archive ’submit.tar’ or ’submit.tar.gz’.
(a) Executing ‘make’ or ‘make msh379’ should produce the msh379 executable.
(b) Executing ‘make clean’ should remove unneeded files produced in compilation.
(c) Executing ‘make tar’ should produce the ‘submit.tar’ archive.
(d) Your code should include suitable internal documentation of the key functions.
(e) Typeset a project report (e.g., one to three pages either in HTML or PDF) with the following (minimal set of) sections:
– Objectives: state the project objectives and value from your point of view (which may be different from the one mentioned above)
– Design Overview: highlight in point-form the important features of your design
– Project Status: describe the status of your project (to what degree the program
works as specified) mention difficulties encountered in the implementation
– Testing and Results: comment on how you tested your implementation, and discuss
the obtained results
– Acknowledgments: acknowledge sources of assistance
4. Upload your tar archive using the Assignment #1 submission/feedback link on the course’s web page. Late submission (through the above link) is available for 24 hours for a penalty of 10%.

Copyright Notice: Copyright by CMPUT 379, U. of Alberta, course instructor (E. Elmallah). All rights reserved. Do not post any part on a publicly-available Web site.
5. It is strongly suggested that you submit early and submit often. Only your last successful submission will be used for grading.
Roughly speaking, the breakdown of marks is as follows:
15% : successful compilation of reasonably complete programs that are: modular, logically or- ganized, easy to read and understand, and includes error checking after important function calls
05% : ease of managing the project using the makefile
70% : correctness and completeness of implementing the specified commands and features 10% : quality of the information provided in the project report

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com