Practical Session – Week 8
1. Interpret and manipulate assembly code via hardware debugging techniques
2. Apply reverse engineering techniques to identify main software flaws
Basic commands on linux
1. objdump -d binary.file : show all assembly
2. strings binary.file : show all strings
3. gcc file.c -o binary.file -g -O0/3
4. gcc file.c -S assembly.s -O0/3
Basic commands on gdb
Please see this link
1. set disassembly-flavor intel : show intel syntax instead of AT&T
2. break or b : set a break point
b main : break to main function
b *0x0342FA0230 : break to this program address
3. run : goes to the first breakpoint
4. continue : run/go to the next breakpoint
5. return : step out of the function by cancelling its execution
6. si : Execute one machine instruction, then stop and return to the debugger
7. x/s : show the content of specific memory address
x/s 0x402400 or x/s $rax
8. info registers or i r : show the content of the registers, e.g., i r $rip shows the next instruction to be executed (%rip register holds the next instruction)
9. disas : show the assembly code at this point, or use ‘disas function1’ to display the assembly of this function
10. print : display individual register value
print /d $rax : display the value of rax register in decimal
print /t $rax : display the value of rax register in binary
print /x $rax : display the value of rax register in hexadecimal
11. The “x” command is used to display the values of specific memory locations: “x/nyz”
“n” is the number of fields to display
“y” is the format of the output, ‘c’ for character, ‘d’ for decimal and ‘x’ for
“z” is the size of the field to be displayed, ‘b’ for byte, ‘h’ for 16-bit word, ‘w’ for 32-
bit word
‘x/10xw $rsp’ : displays in hex first 10 32-bit contents of the stack
Task – Bomb Lab, try to defuse the Bomb
This week you will reverse engineer the bomb lab game and try to defuse the bomb. This is an original source of exercise from Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Carnegie Melon University. You can find more information about this task in
This game consists of 6 phases. In each phase, you must enter the right password otherwise the bomb explodes. In this practical, you will defuse just the first phase.
How to run it: You can just type ‘./bomb’ or type ‘./bomb inputs.txt’, where in ‘inputs.txt’ the input strings are.
How to start defusing the bomb: First, you must use “objdump –d bomb” command to generate its assembly. You can use “objdump –d bomb > output.txt” command to redirect the output to a .txt file. You can also run the command “strings bomb > output2.txt” to see all the strings of the binary; a password might be stored there, which is a serious software flaw (actually it does). Part of the C-code is also provided in bomb.c file, to better understand the structure of the code. After you have had an idea of the program’s functions, it is time to start reverse engineering phase1 routine (in this practical you will defuse only the first phase of the game). Can you identify where the input message is read? Use gdb and start studying phase1 routine step by step trying to understand what the code does. Make sure you understand what every instruction does.
First, we need to identify the part of the code where the input is read. In main() before phase_1() routine, there is a read_line() function call, see below:
0x0000000000400e2d <+141>:
callq 0x400b10
0x0000000000400e32 <+146>:
=> 0x0000000000400e37 <+151>:
This value is put into rdi in order to be passed to phase_1()
mov %rax,%rdi //rax contains the output of read_line(). 0x0000000000400e3a <+154>: callq 0x400ee0
Note that the output of each function is always stored into %rax register. Thus, if we put a breakpoint at 0x0000000000400e37, by using the following command ‘b *0x0000000000400e37’ and then ‘continue’, then, we can check the status of the %rax register. So the steps are as follows
b *0x0000000000400e37 continue
i r rax
The content of the rax is ‘0x603780’. This is a hex number which is the memory address of where our input is stored. We can check this memory address contents by using
x/s 0x603780
Then rax is stored into %rdi and phase_1() is called (why?). When a function is called, its operands are always stored into (rdi,rsi,rdx,rcx,r8,r9). In this case, it looks like phase_1() takes just a single input operand (%rdi, i.e., our input).
The next step is to check phase_1() routine by using the following commands
b phase_1 continue disas
The assembly of phase_1() follows (I have included comments to better undertands what it does):
Dump of assembler code for function phase_1:
=> 0x0000000000400ee0 <+0>: sub $0x8,%rsp //allocates 8 bytes to the stack
0x0000000000400ee4 <+4>: mov $0x402400,%esi //puts something to esi (why? esi is the second operand of the following function. the first is rdi, which is our input)
0x0000000000400ee9 <+9>: callq 0x401338
0x0000000000400eee <+14>: test %eax,%eax //eax AND eax, jump below if the %eax is zero. If two operands are equal, their bitwise AND is zero when both are zero
0x0000000000400ef0 <+16>: je 0x400ef7
0x0000000000400ef2 <+18>: 0x0000000000400ef7 <+23>: 0x0000000000400efb <+27>:
callq 0x40143a
add $0x8,%rsp //deallocates 8 bytes from the stack retq
So, using the following commands we can see the input operands of strings_not_equal()
b *0x0000000000400ee4 (or use si)
i r rdi
x/s 0x603780 (the content of rdi). This will give our input string x/s 0x402400 (the content of esi). This will give the desired string.
Although, we have solved phase_1(), we will continue reverse engineering the code to understand what it does. The assembly code of strings_not_equal() follows. This routine calls the string_length() routine twice (why? this is suspicious). In the first time it outputs the length of our input, while in the second it outputs the length of the secret string. If you check the value of %eax register after the function is called, you will figure this out. Please do so. string_length() takes only one operand as input, just %rdi; this can be justified by checking string_length() assembly.
Dump of assembler code for function strings_not_equal: => 0x0000000000401338 <+0>: push %r12
0x000000000040133a <+2>: push 0x000000000040133b <+3>: push 0x000000000040133c <+4>: mov 0x000000000040133f <+7>: mov
%rbp %rbx %rdi,%rbx
0x0000000000401342 <+10>: 0x0000000000401347 <+15>: 0x000000000040134a <+18>:
0x000000000040134d <+21>:
0x0000000000401352 <+26>:
0x0000000000401357 <+31>:
the input’s
callq 0x40131b
mov %rbp,%rdi //put the secret message to %rdi to pass it to the
callq 0x40131b
0x000000000040135c <+36>: 0x000000000040135f <+39>: 0x0000000000401361 <+41>: 0x0000000000401363 <+43>: 0x0000000000401366 <+46>: 0x0000000000401368 <+48>: 0x000000000040136a <+50>: 0x000000000040136d <+53>: 0x0000000000401370 <+56>: 0x0000000000401372 <+58>: 0x0000000000401376 <+62>: 0x000000000040137a <+66>: 0x000000000040137d <+69>: 0x000000000040137f <+71>: 0x0000000000401381 <+73>: 0x0000000000401386 <+78>: 0x0000000000401388 <+80>: 0x000000000040138d <+85>: jmp 0x000000000040138f <+87>: mov 0x0000000000401394 <+92>: jmp
0x0000000000401396 <+94>: 0x000000000040139b <+99>: 0x000000000040139d <+101>: 0x000000000040139e <+102>: 0x000000000040139f <+103>: 0x00000000004013a1 <+105>:
mov cmp
$0x1,%edx //this is the output value of strings_not_equal() %eax,%r12d //compare the length of the secret message with
0x000000000040135a <+34>:
movzbl (%rbx),%eax test %al,%al
je 0x401388
je 0x401372
nopl (%rax)
jne 0x401396
add $0x1,%rbp
movzbl (%rbx),%eax
test %al,%al
mov $0x1,%edx
mov %edx,%eax //put in eax the output of the function
pop %rbx
pop %rbp pop %r12
jne 0x40136a
jmp 0x40139b