程序代写代做代考 compiler cache assembly c++ prolog Practical Session – Week 6

Practical Session – Week 6
1. To learn how cache memory affects execution time and how to appropriately initialize arrays
2. To develop a software program that measures the L1 data cache size
3. To apply reverse engineering in order to understand how the stack works
1. Efficient Array Initialization: Open Visual Studio in windows and create a new empty C++ project. Copy paste the code given on DLE (week6.cpp file). This program runs multiple times a function that initializes a two dimensional array and measures the execution time (‘row_column_wise()’ function). Please note that to get a good measurement of the execution time, it needs to be at least some seconds (this is because other processes run too); thus, we run the routine multiple times. If the execution time is either too small or too large, modify the ‘t’ value accordingly. Get an accurate execution time measurement of ‘row_column_wise()’ routine with a) only the first loop kernel uncommented, b) only the second loop kernel uncommented. Have you realised that initializing an array in a row-wise manner is many times faster. Can you tell why? Recall from the lecture, how the array elements are loaded into cache memories.
2. Experimental procedure computing the L1 data cache size. Open Visual Studio in windows and create a new empty C++ project. Copy paste the code given on DLE (week6.cpp file). Comment the ‘row_column_wise()’ and run the ‘cache_benchmark()’ routine for N=1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000. Measure the execution time in each case. Make the graph of execution time versus N. Explain the results. Please note that to get a good execution time measurement, execution time needs to be at least some seconds. If the execution time is either too small or too large, modify the ‘t’ value accordingly. Try to explain what this program does. Note that when the X[] is larger than the cache size, the execution time is further increased. This is a simple program to measure the L1 data cache size.
3. Understanding how the Stack Works: Assume that the following C-code is not given and just its binary is provided. Use gdb debugger to reverse engineer its assembly code. Make sure you understand where the function operands are stored when a function is called. Make sure you understand how the stack works. Keep in mind that the %rsp stack pointer must always be aligned to 16 and therefore space is wasted. Moreover, keep in mind that you are looking at unoptimized code (remember you compiled without specifying –O1/3); by enabling the compiler to be more aggressive the function is inlined (copied pasted to main() ) .
Every time a function is called, its operands are always stored in the (%rdi, %rsi, %rdx, % rcx, %r8, %r9) registers in that order. If there are more than six operands, the rest are stored in the stack. The return value of the function is always stored into %rax. The aforementioned registers are 8bytes each; in the case where the function operands are of 4bytes instead of 8, then the (%edi, %esi, %edx, % ecx, %r8, %r9) and eax registers, are used, respectively (they are the same registers).

int funct1(int a, int b, int c, int d);
int main(){
int a, b, c, d, temp, i; a=2; b=3; c=5; d=9;
printf(“\nThe result is %d \n”, temp); return 0;
int funct1(int a, int b, int c, int d){
int result; result=(a+b+c+d)<<2; return result; } The assembly code of main() will look like this: 0x0000000000400520 <+0>:
0x0000000000400521 <+1>: 0x0000000000400524 <+4>: sub $0x20,%rsp aligned)
0x0000000000400528 <+8>: 0x000000000040052f <+15>: 0x0000000000400536 <+22>: 0x000000000040053d <+29>: 0x0000000000400544 <+36>: 0x0000000000400547 <+39>: 0x000000000040054a <+42>: 0x000000000040054d <+45>: 0x0000000000400550 <+48>: 0x0000000000400552 <+50>:
movl $0x2,-0x14(%rbp) movl $0x3,-0x10(%rbp)
movl $0x5,-0xc(%rbp) movl $0x9,-0x8(%rbp) mov -0x8(%rbp),%ecx mov -0xc(%rbp),%edx mov -0x10(%rbp),%esi mov -0x14(%rbp),%eax mov %eax,%edi
callq 0x400575
//store the 1st operand to the stack //store the 2nd operand to the stack //store the 3rd operand to the stack //store the 4th operand to the stack //store the 4th operand to ecx //store the 3rd operand to edx //store the 2nd operand to esi //store the 1st operand to eax //store the 1st operand to edi
//call funct1. Its operands are in
0x0000000000400557 <+55>: 0x000000000040055a <+58>: 0x000000000040055d <+61>: 0x000000000040055f <+63>: 0x0000000000400564 <+68>: 0x0000000000400569 <+73>: 0x000000000040056e <+78>: mov 0x0000000000400573 <+83>: leaveq 0x0000000000400574 <+84>: retq
push %rbp
//save old base pointer
//make stack pointer the base pointer
//allocates 32bytes in the stack (rsp must be 16byte
mov %rsp,%rbp
mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp) //store the return value (eax) to the stack mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax
mov %eax,%esi //store temp to esi
mov $0x400654,%edi //store a value related to printf to edi mov $0x0,%eax
callq 0x4003f0 //call printf its operands are in edi,esi
//printf returns nothing //copy rbp to rsp and pop rbp //pop %rip

The assembly code of funct1() will look like this:
0x0000000000400575 <+0>: push
0x0000000000400576 <+1>: mov 0x0000000000400579 <+4>: mov 0x000000000040057c <+7>: mov
0x000000000040057f <+10>: mov 0x0000000000400582 <+13>: mov 0x0000000000400585 <+16>: mov 0x0000000000400588 <+19>: mov 0x000000000040058b <+22>: add 0x000000000040058d <+24>: mov 0x0000000000400590 <+27>: add 0x0000000000400592 <+29>: mov 0x0000000000400595 <+32>: add 0x0000000000400597 <+34>: shl 0x000000000040059a <+37>: mov 0x000000000040059d <+40>: mov 0x00000000004005a0 <+43>: pop 0x00000000004005a1 <+44>: retq
%rsp,%rbp %edi,-0x14(%rbp)
%esi,-0x18(%rbp) %edx,-0x1c(%rbp) %ecx,-0x20(%rbp)
-0x14(%rbp),%edx %eax,%edx
-0x1c(%rbp),%eax %eax,%edx
-0x20(%rbp),%eax %edx,%eax
$0x2,%eax %eax,-0x4(%rbp) -0x4(%rbp),%eax
//save old base pointer
//make stack pointer the base pointer //store the 1st func operand to the stack
//store the 2nd func operand //store the 3rd func operand //store the 4th func operand
//store ‘b’ to eax
//store ‘a’ to edx
//put ‘c’ into eax //edx=(a+b)+c
//put ‘d’ to eax //eax=(a+b+c)+d
//shift 2 positions to the left //store the result to the stack
//eax contains the return value (always) //restore the base pointer
//pop %rip
This code is automatically generated without applying any optimizations and this is why it is not efficient. As you can realize there are redundant operations. If you compile the code with ‘-O2’ option and therefore force the compiler to optimize the code, you will realize that the function is inlined into the main() function. This optimization is called ‘function inline’ and improves the program’s performance as all those loads/stores from the stack are not performed.
In Figure 1, how %rsp and %rbp change their values is presented. Please note that each function has its own stack frame (%rsp and %rbp values are appropriately updated). You can use (x $rbp -0x14) command to print the contents of a specific stack memory location. Use gdb step by step and print the register/memory contents before and after each instruction.
Some time ago it was noticed that we do not need two registers for manipulating the stack, but just one (%rsp). Gcc compiler keeps the base pointer by default on x86, but allows the optimization with the ‘- fomit-frame-pointer’ compilation flag. This compiler option uses only the %rsp and not the %rbp and therefore a) saving two instructions in the prologue and epilogue and b) makes %rbp register available for general usage.
Note that in funct1() temporary data are stored in the stack without adjusting the stack pointer (%rsp). This is applied from gcc only to leaf functions (functions that do not call other functions) and for temporary used data only; these data cannot be used by other functions. This technique saves two instructions (sub and add instructions). This area beyond the location pointed to by ‘%rsp’ is also known as red zone and its size is of 128-bytes. Red zone is considered to be reserved and not used in other cases.
You can find more examples is in https://zhu45.org/posts/2017/Jul/30/understanding-how-function- call-works/ .

Figure 1. The Stack memory and its contents