SEC204 C Practical
We shall explore parts of the C programming language & development tools
1. Create a simple program then run it
Using the editor gedit, create a C program that prints “Hello World” to the screen. # include
int main (void) {
printf (“Hello , World !\n”);
return (0); }
Save the file as test.c & exit the editor.
Look at the permissions for test.c & ensure you have executable permission.
Now compile test.c using the GNU Common Compiler (GCC). This converts high level code into assembly language and then into instruction code for the processor to execute:
> gcc –o test test.c
Ensure that the executable code test has execute permission, then run it
> ./test
2. Expand test.c, so that it calculates sum=x + y, where x, y, sum are integers. Display a formatted x, y and sum on the screen.
3. Copy datatype_sizes.c from /Desktop/booksrc to your home dir. Compile & run it. Add the following to the code
printf(“Size of double: %u\n”, sizeof(double) ); printf(“Size of long double: %u\n”, sizeof(long double) );
4. Create this program & call it sum.c – within it create a function “square” #include
int main() { int n;
int sum;
sum = 0;
for (n = 0; n < 10; n++)
sum = sum + square(n); printf("sum: %d\n", sum);
Try compiling it with the cc compiler > cc -g -O0 sum.c -o sum
5. Write a programme that reads 2 inputs (an integer and a char) from standard input. Format the input (using conversion characters), storing each in a specified variable. Then print them out (formatted) to standard output
Compile and run the programme.
6. Write a programme that takes an integer as input from the screen and checks if it is divisible by 3, 5 or 15 (see lecture notes). Then prints the results to the screen.
7. Writeaprogrammethattakes2floatingpointnumbersfromthescreen,andina function, calculates the average then returns this to the main programme for output.
8. Write a programme that creates a list of 8 randomly chosen integers between 0 & 20 finds the largest one & prints this to the screen.
9. Write a programme that swaps 2 numbers within a function using pointers & returns the sum. Print out the numbers before & after the function as well as the sum.
Development tools
A debugger or debugging tool is a computer program that is used to test & debug other programs.
We will run a program using a debugger to go through it step by step to observe the fetch decode execute cycle & look at register values after each step.
With your program sum.c, ensure you have a compiled program called sum.
GDB debugger
Debuggers are handy to step through a program and find the errors.
The debugger runs the program in a controlled environment, specifying runtime parameters. It allows you to:
• Stop the program at any point within the program
• Examine data elements, such as memory locations or registers
• Change elements in the program while it is running to help bug removal
When the program has been loaded into memory, you can run it from inside gdb: > gdb ./sum
(gdb) run
• break – Set a breakpoint
• watch – Set a watchpoint to stop execution when a variable reaches the
• info • x
• print • run • list
• next • step • cont • until
specific value
– observe system elements, such as registers, the stack, memory
– examine memory location
– Display variable values
– Start execution
– List specified functions or lines
– Step to the next instruction in the program
– Step to the next instruction in the program
– Continue executing the program from the stopped point
– Run the program until it reaches the specified source code line (or
greater) Other commands:
Delete the executable sum (not sum.c)
Now compile sum.c using debugging information to create the executable file test.
> gcc –gstabs –o sum sum.c Open it in debugging mode with gdb.
> gdb sum
Tell the debugger where to pause – breakpoints “pause” execution.
Breakpoints are places in the program code you want the debugger to stop running the program and let you look around. Some options for breakpoints:
A label
A line number in the source code
A data value when it reaches a specific value
A function after it is performed a specific number of times
For us, a good place to start is at the start of the instruction code (after initialization) and watch things happen step-by-step:
(gdb) break main
Run the program, until it reaches main
(gdb) run
Then, instead of running the program, “next” takes you to the next instruction
(gdb) next
We can print out what is stored in the registers at different times (look at GDB commands) to see the flow of data in registers. We can look at Intel register values, before, after & between instructions.
Look at register values (IA32) (gdb) info registers
Debug symbols typically include not only the name of a function or global variable, but also the name of the source code file in which the symbol occurs, as well as the line number at which it is defined.
$ prefix is for immediates (constants), and the % prefix is for registers – notice the names of the registers? This shows that we are running IA32. You should recognize the general purpose registers (start with “e”) do you see any non-general registers?
Try stepping through the program, checking register values
1. Keep repeating “next”(or press up and enter) or try “step”
2. Try stepping through the program, checking register values
When bored, type “cont” or “run”, or Ctrl-Z at any point to exit debugger.
Repeat the process, putting a break at main+1, type “next” & repeat this or try “step”
The print command can also be used to display individual register values. Including a modifier can modify the output format of the print command:
print/d to display the value in decimal
print/t to display the value in binary
print/x to display the value in hexadecimal
(gdb) print/x $ebx (gdb) print/x $edx (gdb) print/x $ecx
The “x” command is used to display the values of specific memory locations: “x/nyz” – “n” is the number of fields to display
– “y” is the format of the output, and can be
c for character
d for decimal
x for hexadecimal
“z” is the size of the field to be displayed:
b for byte
h for 16-bit word (half-word)
w for 32-bit word
Example: use the x command to display the memory locations at the output label (gdb) x/42cb &output
We will be looking at the registers again in a later practical.
10.Take a look at the following C programs in /Desktop/booksrc. Try to understand what they are trying to do:
notetaker.c notesearch.c exploit_notesearch.c overflow_example.c auth_overflow.c fmt_vuln.c
Martin Read 2019