CS 341 Nonstop Networking
Learning Objectives
The learning objectives for Nonstop Networking are:
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
Implementing a simple text based protocol
epoll and non-blocking I/O
Network error handling
Threads start wearing out
Non blocking I/O
Epoll basics
The Problem
The Protocol
Specifics: Examples
Specifics: The Client
Specifics: The Server
Part 1 The Client due 2022-11-14 23:59
Graded files:
Part 2 The Server Part 1 due 2022-11-28 23:59
Graded files:
Part 3 The Server Part 2 due 2022-12-05 23:59
Graded files:
We strongly recommend reading this entire document at least twice to make
sure you understand what the exact requirements of the assignment are. This
is a three week MP (over one fifth of your MP grade!), and it may be long and
painstaking. We strongly recommend starting early.
Make sure you also read the grading portion, as it is different than the standard
multi-week MP grading scheme.
Note: do not use threads for this assignment. Any code that uses the
pthread library automatically gets a zero.
One of the common ways of handling multiple clients at a time is to use
threads. Sounds simple enough. A client connects, we spawn a new thread to
handle it, and then that thread can clean up after itself once it’s done. What’s
the catch?
Well, that usually works okay up until a point. After that, your server won’t
scale as fast. And in the modern world, you have to do things web scale (TM).
Well, what can we do about this? Maybe we could keep a thread pool, that is,
have a fixed number of threads, and have them service the connections.
However, it’s an M:N mapping this time (M connections, N threads). But wait,
how do I multiplex all these different connections, and handle all those
Non-blocking I/O is your friend here. Remember how regular calls to read(),
accept() etc. block until there’s data or a new connection available? (If you
don’t, try it out! Trace how your server code blocks in read() until your client
sends some data!). Well, non-blocking I/O does exactly what it says, you
structure your application in such a way that works with the data that’s already
present (in the TCP buffers), not block for data that may or may not arrive!
Functions that help you with this are select() , poll() , and epoll() .
Think of it as an event driven system. At a high level, you maintain a set of file
descriptors (could map to files, pipes, network sockets, etc.) that you’re
interested in, and call the appropriate wait() function on that set of descriptors.
Your program waits until one (or more) of those descriptors have some data
available (in a server scenario, when a client has actually sent data). When
data is available, it’s like an ‘event’ occurred, so your program exits the wait()
call, and can iterate over the descriptors that have data, process each of them,
and then go back to wait()-ing for additional data to arrive.
epoll() arose out of the inefficiencies of select() and poll() (O(N)
waiting is so 20th century) (Check out the C10k problem for more information).
It provides two modes of operation, edge triggered (ET) and level triggered
(LT). Think of it as follows, you have a tank (the descriptor) that you want a
notification for whenever there’s water (data) in it. Edge triggered mode would
wake up your program once and expect you to empty out the entire tank
(process all the data). If you only process half of it and call epoll_wait()
again, your process will block (that’s not good – there is data waiting to be
processed and other connections to handle).
On the other hand, level triggered will wake up your epoll_wait() call any
time there is any data in the descriptor. In this case, if you process half, and
then call epoll_wait() again, it’ll immediately return with a notification about
that descriptor.
So why would we ever want to use edge triggered behavior? Well, consider
what happens when there are multiple threads blocking on the same epoll
descriptor (yes, we can do that; yes, people do that). Some data arrives on a
socket, a thread wakes up and starts processing it. But there’s still data, so
another thread might accidentally get woken up and start processing data for
the same descriptor. That’s bad, very bad.
Edge triggered mode (together with the EPOLLONESHOT flag) guarantees that
a single thread will handle all the data that arrived on that given socket, so
(although with some additional code complexity) it’s not possible that two
threads accidentally ‘steal’ the file descriptor data from each other.
Note: You must use epoll() for this assignment. If you do not, you will get a
0 on all tests that use your server.
You’ll be writing the client and server for a simplified file sharing application.
TCP is used for everything here, so reliability is taken care of. The server uses
non-blocking I/O (with epoll) to handle concurrent requests. The application
supports four basic operations – GET , PUT , LIST and DELETE . Their
functions are as follows:
GET – Client downloads (GETs) a file from the server PUT – Client uploads
(PUTs) a file to the server LIST – Client receives a list of files from the server
DELETE – Client deletes a file from the server
For simplicity, you can assume that there are no conflicting requests (that is,
nobody will upload a file while someone else is downloading or deleting it, etc.)
This is a text-based protocol (similar to HTTP and FTP). The client sends
plaintext requests along with some binary data (depending on the operation),
and then the server responds with plaintext containing either error messages
or optional binary data. The binary data in this case is the file being
transferred, if it is a GET or PUT request. The maximum header length (header
is part before data) for both the request and response is 1024 bytes. The
format for the protocol is as follows:
Client request
VERB [filename]\n
[File size][Binary Data]
VERB can be any one of ‘ GET ’, ‘ PUT ’, ‘ DELETE ’ or ‘ LIST ’ (Case sensitive
– VERB must be capitalized).
‘\n’ is the newline character (a single byte).
There is a space character in between VERB and [filename].
[filename] is limited to 255 bytes.
File size and binary data are only present for a PUT operation (since the
client is trying to upload a file). File size is a size_t which indicates how
many bytes are present in the binary data in the request. For example, if
file size is 32, then the server should expect 32 bytes of binary data to be
in the request from the client. For this binary data, we will be using the
Little Endian form of byte ordering (the system used by Intel hardware)
while sending size_t over the network. Because of this, you do not need
to convert the byte ordering in either the client or server.
On PUT, if local file does not exist, simply exiting is okay.
If VERB is “LIST”, then only the newline after will be present (no space, file size,
Server response
[Error Message]\n
[File size][Binary Data]
RESPONSE can be either OK or ERROR, depending on how the request went
(details on error handling are in a later section). Error message and the newline
after it are only present if and only if the RESPONSE is ERROR.
File size and binary data are only present in GET or LIST responses, and refer
to the number of bytes (size_t, same way the client sent size_t in a PUT
request) of binary data that follows. If it’s a GET request, the binary data is the
data in the file being requested. If it’s a LIST request, the binary data is a series
of filenames, separated by newlines, referring to files currently stored on the
server. For example, if a server is hosting files ‘you.txt’, ‘gonna.log’, ‘give.avi’,
‘never.mp3’, and ‘up.mov’, the response to a LIST might look like this-
OK\n\<10 + 10 + 9 + 8 + 6, expressed as a size_t\>
The large size_t referred to comes from the length of the filenames, plus the
newlines between filenames (there is no newline after the last file, or before
the first one) – the value is broken down into a sum on a per line basis for ease
of understanding. In that example, the actual value that would be sent would
In all four examples, the first line represents how we call the client in the
command line, followed by the client’s request to the server, and finally
followed by the server’s response. Notice how we always send all
sizeof(size_t) as raw bytes. That is, in each below, [size] is 8 bytes that
represent the number of bytes the binary data that follows should be. You did
something similar to this in chatroom. While you’re looking at these examples,
think about what parts of the request and response you want to print (if any),
depending on request and response types.
Here, the client is GET’ing the file
“The.Social.Network.2010.1080p.BluRay.x265.10bit-z97.mp4” and saving it
locally as “social_network.mp4”.
$ ./client server:port GET The.Social.Network.2010.1080p.BluRay.x265.10bit-z97
.mp4 social_network.mp4
GET The.Social.Network.2010.1080p.BluRay.x265.10bit-z97.mp4\n
In this example, the client is PUT’ing the file “Prison.Break.S05E01.WEB-
DL.x264-FUM[ettv].mp4” (local to the client) on the server as
$ ./client server:port PUT prison_break_s05_e01.mp4 Prison.Break.S05E01.WEB-DL
PUT prison_break_s05_e01.mp4\n
[size]some call it prison break others call it privilege escalation …
In this case, the client DELETE’s the file “prison_break_s05_e01.mp4” from the
$ ./client server:port DELETE prison_break_s05_e01.mp4
DELETE prison_break_s05_e01.mp4\n
In LIST requests, the client LIST’s all available files on the server.
$ ./client server:port LIST
Notice there is no new line at the end of the list.
The client’s job is simple: execute a single request. The usage is as follows:
Where remote is the filename used in the request and local is the filename that
the client uses while uploading/downloading. For example:
./client GET remotefile localfile
That would download the file ‘remotefile’ from the server and store it as
The client runs a single command (GET, PUT, LIST or DELETE) with the chosen
arguments, makes sure the file it’s trying to upload (if it is uploading one)
actually exists, connects to the server, sends the request (and file data, if
needed), and finally prints out any error messages to STDOUT. Once the client
has sent all the data to the server, it should perform a ‘half close’ by closing
the write half of the socket (hint: shutdown() ). This ensures that the server
will eventually realize that the client has stopped sending data, and can move
forward with processing the request.
For LIST, binary data from the server should be printed to STDOUT, each file
on a separate line. For GET, binary data should be written to the [local] file
specified when the user ran the command. If not created, create the file. If it
exists, truncate the file. You should create the file with all permissions set (r-w-
x for all users groups).
Your client is allowed to use blocking I/O, since clients don’t really care about
scaling. However, there are a few important things to keep in mind:
1) Parse the response carefully. When you’re reading, you may accidentally
read into the application binary data without realizing it (since you don’t have
fixed size fields in the responses).
2) write(fd, buffer, n) may not always write n bytes for various reasons.
Buffers may become full, signals may arrive, the Skynet revolution might begin.
None of which are excuses for not sending the correct amount of data to the
server. Good practice is to wrap your read/write calls in a loop that runs until
the specified number of bytes are read, the connection is closed, or an error
(with the exception of EINTR) occurs.
3) Your client needs to be able to handle large files (more than physical RAM)
and should do so efficiently.
Error Handling
Your client should handle the following errors and use the appropriate function
in format.h :
Received too much or too little data from server.
Invalid response from server (malformed or nonexistent STATUS).
Print any ERROR message from the server.
The real fun lies here. As discussed, you’ll be using epoll to allow non-blocking
I/O. As you know, epoll allows you to add various descriptors to the epoll set to
be ‘monitored’ for events. After that, when you call epoll_wait(), it will block
until there are events on one or more epoll descriptors (either indicating data is
available or that data can be written to the socket).
The server usage is as follows:
Request states
One way to reason about connections in a nonblocking server is to visualize
each one as a traversal of a finite state machine. That is, there is some initial
state (probably when the connection was created), and you transition between
the different states depending on what action occurred (the type of request,
whether there was an error or not, etc.).
A suggested flowchart for the server automata:
Maintaining persistent connection state
New connections arrive and old connections close all the time. Your server
needs to know what the current status of the command it’s serving is. One
suggested way is to maintain a mapping from socket handle to connection
state (you are provided a dictionary data structure for this purpose). When a
connection arrives, this state is allocated on the heap and added to the
dictionary. When the server is handling epoll events, it can check the
descriptor of the event that occurred, and quickly find out the underlying state
of the request. Information that might go into a connection state could be:
What state in the DFA you’re in
The request VERB
Various buffers and offsets
Anything else you’d like to put in there, really, this is your design decision
Global data structures
You should maintain the file list (server-side) with a global vector that gets
appended to every time a file is added (using push_back()). Entries are
removed one file at a time, by using vector_erase() with the appropriate index.
You might also want to maintain a map from file descriptor to connection state,
as discussed above. Remember to clean up any state when you’re done
serving a single connection!
Memory limits
Since your server is expected to be able to serve a large number of clients
multiple (possibly large) files concurrently, you cannot assume that the files
will entirely fit in memory (that is, you cannot read the entire file data into one
giant buffer). Instead, you should maintain some (reasonably) fixed size
buffers (say, 1024 bytes), and reuse these buffers as you send or receive data
over time. You may use different buffers for different kinds of data (for
instance, the request header, the file list, the file being sent/received) if you
wish. It is also okay to keep different buffers for different connections.
File Storage
You should create a temporary directory using the mkdtemp() function (make
sure you follow this convention exactly!). Your server will store all uploaded
files in this directory. Immediately after creating your directory, you must
print it out using print_temp_directory (found in format.h) from the current
directory (do not cd into another directory and then call
print_temp_directory – if you don’t follow this rule, do not expect to pass
any of the autograder tests.
When your server exits, it should clean up any files stored in this directory, and
then delete the directory itself. unlink() and rmdir() might be helpful here.
Note: Be sure to use the directory name that mkdtemp(char \*template)
gives you. Additionally, make sure that your template is exactly 6 X’s, as in
Exiting the server
Your server should exit on receiving SIGINT. You might find sigaction useful.
Note: Do not store the newlines in your filenames. There will be no whitespace
or slashes in filenames at all.
Error handling
Your server is expected to be able to handle misbehaving/stark raving mad
clients. That means you can never assume the request is formatted the way
the protocol says it should be. While handling a request, as you read data from
the connected socket into your local buffers, you should parse the command
to make sure it is well-formed (the legal verb, the number of arguments is as
expected, etc.)
Another thing to keep in mind is that if you try writing data to a client that has
disconnected for any reason (they close()d the socket, for instance), your
server might receive a SIGPIPE – you should setup your program to ignore that
signal. This may also result in write() calls returning -1 with errno set to EPIPE.
If this happens, your server should also close the connection and clean up any
associated state.
Your server should handle these errors:
Bad request (malformed or nonexistent verb)
Bad file size (too much or too little data from client)
No such file (GET/DELETE on nonexistent file)
If a PUT request fails, delete the file.
If a PUT request is called with an existing file. overwrite the file.
You should use the error messaged defined in format.h
Writing your server code
Keep things modular! Write functions for everything. This has multiple
advantages. First, it lets you debug your code in small, incremental units,
rather than writing a huge monolith of code and trying to figure out which part
of it is broken through trial and error. Secondly, you’d be surprised how much
code you can end up reusing if you design your application appropriately.
Third, it’ll be helpful while debugging or discussing your approach with course
staff – it’s really hard to tell what your code is supposed to be doing,
Reusable Addresses and Ports
Make sure you use SO_REUSEADDR and SO_REUSEPORT to ensure bind()
doesn’t fail in the event that your server or client crashes. This will enable
faster debugging for you (otherwise, you would have to wait for the kernel to
reopen the source address and port). We will be making sure that your socket
is set up with these options (look into setsockopt ) so please make sure you
use both options! If you don’t, you will not pass this assignment.
See this StackOverflow question for more information on the differences
between the two and why they are necessary.
This assignment is challenging enough, and debugging it is even more so. We
recommend that you constantly log state as your client/server program
executes. You might want to log at the beginning/end of function calls, entry
and exit of loops etc. and maybe log the values of key variables, pointers, file
descriptors etc. to sanity check what’s going on with your code.
We provide a simple LOG() macro, if you’re interested in that. Or, you could
play around with writing one of your own (ours is just a wrapper around
fprintf() ). If you decide not to use this macro, ensure you log only to stderr.
The stdout of your client and server implementation are used for testing
purposes so writing to stdout should be deliberate. Any unwarranted new line
characters or extraneous logging within stdout could result in a test failure.
Testing networking programs can always be challenging. There are a few ways
we suggest going about this:
Client – You could write a toy server in any language of your choice that logs
the adheres to the protocol above (even if it doesn’t do multithreading,
nonblocking I/O etc.)
Server – By the time you start your server, you will (hopefully) have a working
client implementation. Use that to test your server! In addition, feel free to
setup a server and have each others’ clients try connecting
程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com