12/06/2021 Se: INFO30005 Samle Eam
Started: Jun 12 at 10:31
INFO30005 Web Ifa Tece (SAMPLE EXAM)
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
Sc f C ad Ifa Se INFO30005 Web Ifa Tece SAMPLE EXAM
Ic Sde
Ae a e , hich are of unequal marks
For multiple-choice questions, please select our choice b using the radio buttons or checkboes.
For short and long anser questions, please use the input boes to tpe in our anser.
B submitting ork for this qui I hereb declare that I understand the Uniersits polic on acadec e (h://academiciegi.imelb.ed.a/) and that the ork submitted is original and solel m ork, and that I hae not been assisted b an other person (collusion) apart from here the submitted ork is for a designated collaboratie task, in hich case the indiidual contributions are indicated. I also declare that I hae not used an sources ithout proper acknoledgment (plagiarism). Where the submitted ork is a computer program or code, I further declare that an copied code is declared in comments identifing the source at the start of the program or in a header file, that comments inline identif the start and end of the copied code, and that an modifications to code sources elsehere are commented upon as to the nature of the modification.
Qeion 1 2 p
After ou initialie a ne Git repositor and create a file named git-info30005.html, hich of the folloing commands ill not do hat the user intended?
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12/06/2021 Se: INFO30005 Samle Eam
Qeion 2 2 p
List and eplain to good practice hen using Git.
gi add gi-if30005.h
gi ci - “gi if30005 eb fie added” gi a
Qeion 3 1 p
Which of the folloing is true about ariable naming in JaaScript? This question could hae multiple ansers. Please select all the appl.
Jaaci aiabe ae begi ih a be ee chaace.
Y ca b hd aid he e f he Jaaci eeed ed a aiabe ae
12/06/2021 Se: INFO30005 Samle Eam
Qeion 4 2 p
What ill be the output of the folloing JaaScript code?
Thee i be . The cde ha a e Udefie ad WebIT
WebIT ad INFO30005
INFO30005 ad NaN
INFO30005 ad Udefied NaN ad WebIT
Udefie ad Udefied NaN ad NaN
INFO30005 ad WebIT
Jaaci aiabe ae ae cae eiie.
Ne f he i.
Jaaci aiabe ae ca cai dece.
Qeion 5 2 p
What ill be the output of the folloing JaaScript code, and Wh?
12/06/2021 Se: INFO30005 Samle Eam
Qeion 6 2 p
In hat order ill the strings ‘First’, ‘Second’, and ‘Third’ be printed in the console b the folloing JaaScript code?
12/06/2021 Se: INFO30005 Samle Eam
Secd, Thid, Fi Secd, Fi, Thid Thid, Fi, Secd Fi, Secd, Thid Thid, Secd, Fi
Qeion 7 5 p
The Star Wars API, or “sapi” (Sah-pee) is the orld’s first quantified and programmaticall-accessible data source for all the data from the Star Wars canon unierse! It presents all the People, Films, Species, Starships, Vehicles and Planets from Star Wars. Well No its time for ou to contribute to the SWAPI. Yes! Imagine ou are creating an API, using Node, here anone can access an API interface to detailed objects built from data related to Star Wars.
Imagine someone deeloped the App.js file belo ith a people arra ith hundreds of objects just like the one eemplified. To keep this eercise short/simple, please do not orr about the database or modules. You do not need to create controllers, schemas and so on. All our code should be part of App.js.
ar epress = reqire(‘epress’);
ar app = epress();
ar bodParser = reqire(‘bod-pars
ar people = [
“name”: “Lke Skalker”,
“heigh”: “172”,
“birh_ear”: “19BBY”,
“gender”: “male”,
“homeorld”: “hps://sapi.co/api/
// anoher person
// id == 1 (id corresponds o inde
es on he arra)
// anoher person (N)
12/06/2021 0005 Samle Eam
Write the code for a route and its function to find and return a person based on a particular id. You just need to create the function that implements the route ithout making use of a controller. You do not need to rerite the entire App.js here.
//o be added here
// Sar he serer
console.log(‘Epress lisening on p
or 3000’);
Qeion 8 5 p
The Star Wars API, or “sapi” (Sah-pee) is the orld’s first quantified and programmaticall-accessible data source for all the data from the Star Wars canon unierse! It presents all the People, Films, Species, Starships, Vehicles and Planets from
12/06/2021 Se: INFO30005 Samle Eam
Star Wars. Well No its time for ou to contribute to the SWAPI. Yes! Imagine ou are creating an API, using Node, here anone can access an API interface to detailed objects built from data related to Star Wars.
Imagine someone deeloped the App.js file belo ith a people arra ith hundreds of objects just like the one eemplified. To keep this eercise short/simple, please do not orr about the database or modules. You do not need to create controllers, schemas and so on. All our code should be part of App.js.
ar epress = reqire(‘epress’);
ar app = epress();
ar bodParser = reqire(‘bod-pars
ar people = [
“name”: “Lke Skalker”,
“heigh”: “172”,
“birh_ear”: “19BBY”,
“gender”: “male”,
“homeorld”: “hps://sapi.co/api/
// anoher person
// id == 1 (id corresponds o inde
es on he arra)
// anoher person (N)
//o be added here
// Sar he serer
console.log(‘Epress lisening on p
or 3000’);
Write the code for a route and its function to find and delete a person based on an id. You just need to create the function. You do not need to rerite the entire App.js here.
Edi Vie Ie Fa T Tabe 12 Paagah
12/06/2021 Se: INFO30005 Samle Eam
Qeion 9 5 p
The Star Wars API, or “sapi” (Sah-pee) is the orld’s first quantified and programmaticall-accessible data source for all the data from the Star Wars canon unierse! It presents all the People, Films, Species, Starships, Vehicles and Planets from Star Wars. Well No its time for ou to contribute to the SWAPI. Yes! Imagine ou are creating an API, using Node, here anone can access a RESTful API interface to detailed objects built from data related to Star Wars.
ar people = [
“name”: “Lke Skalker”,
“heigh”: “172”,
“birh_ear”: “19BBY”,
“gender”: “male”,
“homeorld”: “hps://sapi.co/api/planes/1/”
// anoher person
// id == 1 (id corresponds o indees on he arra)
// anoher person (N)
Considering the Star Wars API arra (people) defined and eemplified in a JSON file shon aboe. Define a schema to store these objects in MongoDB. Use Mongoose to help ou ith that, assume that the name of the database collection is sarars.
12/06/2021 Se: INFO30005 Samle Eam
Edi Vie Ie Fa T Tabe 12 Paagah
Qeion 10 4 p
Label the folloing statements using the folloing keords: Secri Principle, Whie Ha Aacker, Bes Pracices, Hacker.
Please select one keord for each Statement in the table belo. You can use each keord more than once.
Statement Script Kiddies
Simple is more secure
Validate all user input
Anser (label) Mark
12/06/2021 Se: INFO30005 Samle Eam
Qeion 11 1 p
In risk assessment, hat do e call an eent that proide signs that an identified risk ma actuall be happening?
Edi Vie Ie Fa T Tabe 12 Paagah
Thrill seekers
Qeion 12 2 p
State to reasons for testing our eb-application?
Edi Vie Ie Fa T Tabe 12 Paagah
Se: INFO30005 Samle Eam
Qeion 13 2 p
In the contet of testing, hat tpe of function is afterEach() and hat is the purpose of such functions?
Edi Vie Ie Fa T Tabe 12 Paagah
Qeion 14 6 p
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12/06/2021 Se: INFO30005 Samle Eam
Stud the folloing incomplee CSS definitions. After the code, ou ill see a figure (labelled as Broser Op) that shos ho this page is epected to be rendered in the broser. If e assume a 4-column and 3-ro CSS grid laout, complete the code for the d-eae-aea: and the code to include in the that ill render the page as epected. Note that Header, Logo, and Aderisemen in the Broser Op are each one column ide.
.conen grid-area: conen;
.men grid-area: men;
.aricle grid-area: aricle;
.image grid-area: image;
.fooer grid-area: fooer;
.logo grid-area: logo;
.aderisemen grid-area: aderisemen;
.header grid-area: header;
displa: grid;
grid-gap: 10p;
padding: 10p;
.grid-conainer > di
backgrond-color: rgba(200, 200, 200, 0.8);
e-align: cener;
padding: 20p 0;
fon-sie: 30p;
Be O
Edi Vie Ie Fa T Tabe 12 Paagah
Se: INFO30005 Samle Eam
Qeion 15 2 p
In the contet of search engine optimisation, hat is the goal of a eb craler? Edi Vie Ie Fa T Tabe
12 Paagah
Qeion 16 2 p
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12/06/2021 Se: INFO30005 Samle Eam
What is search engine optimisation (SEO)?
Edi Vie Ie Fa T Tabe 12 Paagah
Qeion 17 2 p
When ou ant to design our ebsite for the international communit, hat are to of the factors that ou need to consider?
Edi Vie Ie Fa T Tabe 12 Paagah
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Se: INFO30005 Samle Eam
Qeion 18 2 p
Gie to eamples of features aailable in Localisation Management Softare that can assist the process of porting our eb application to a ne market.
Edi Vie Ie Fa T Tabe 12 Paagah
Qeion 19 2 p
What is asnchronous programming, and h is it important in JaaScript?
Edi Vie Ie Fa T Tabe 12 Paagah
12/06/2021 Se: INFO30005 Samle Eam
Qeion 20 2 p
Eplain hat ou understand b this statement: “HTTP is stateless”.
Edi Vie Ie Fa T Tabe 12 Paagah
Qeion 21 2 p
12/06/2021 Se: INFO30005 Samle Eam
Eplain the role of JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in facilitating authentication beteen a JaaScript client and an Epress serer?
Edi Vie Ie Fa T Tabe 12 Paagah
Qeion 22 2 p
Compare and contrast the HTTP and HTTPS protocols in terms of ho each handles the data echanged beteen a eb broser and a eb serer.
Edi Vie Ie Fa T Tabe 12 Paagah
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Se: INFO30005 Samle Eam
Qeion 23 3 p
Consider the folloing JaaScript function, mlipl_nmbers(nm,p).
Complete the folloing Jes code to test the mlipl_nmbers() function for the folloing case: Test the mlipl_nmbers() function for the alue it returns hen e pass it numbers num=2 and p=3 as parameters such that the test passes. Assume that all packages, such as Jest, hae been installed. You DO NOT need to test the order in hich the to arguments, num and p, hae been passed to the function; simpl test that the function computes and returns the correct alue using epect and one of the folloing matches: toEqual, toBeNull(), toMatch()
Edi Vie Ie Fa T Tabe 12 Paagah
fncion mlipl_nmbers(nm, p)
rern nm * p;
describe(“#esing he mlipl_nmbers() fncion”, () =>
es(“‘es ih o argmens: nm=2, p=3. epec resl=6”, () =>
12/06/2021 Se: INFO30005 Samle Eam
Saed at 10:33
程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com