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Data Mining and Machine Learning
Topic Analysis Peter Jančovič
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 Statistical modelling of topics
 Identifying topics in a document – Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
 Topic Spotting
– Salience and Usefulness
– Example: The AT&T “How May I Help You?” system
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 Example 1:You are responsible for competitor analysis in a large company. You need to monitor all media for press- releases, news items and other articles relating to your company’s product range.
 Example 2: You work for the police. You are given the task of monitoring 500 telephone lines for 12 months. You have to identify calls on these lines which are about illegal drug trafficking.
 Example 3: You manage a call centre. You are concerned that some staff are being rude to the people that they are calling. You need to monitor all calls for a period of 6 months and detect all instances of ‘rudeness’.
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 “your company’s product range”, “illegal drug trafficking” and “rudeness” are all examples of topics
 A typical document typically covers multiple topics
 Topic Analysis is about decomposing a document into
its component topics
 Topic Spotting is about identifying documents that are relevant to a particular topic
 The previous slide is a list of Topic Spotting problems
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Topics as “bundles of words”  For any term w, P(w) is the probability of w
– Choose a document at random, and then choose a term at random from the document, P(w) is the probability that the term is w
– We know about P(w) from Zipf’s Law
 If T is a topic, P(w|T) is the conditional probability
of w given the topic T
– Choose a document about topic T at random, then choose a term at random from the document, P(w|T) is the probability that the term is w
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Statistical modelling of topics
 The conditional distribution P(w|T) is a “bundle of
words” model of the topic T
 A typical document is made up of multiple topics
– Example: Wikipedia entry on the London Marathon (next slide)
 Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) expresses a document as a combination of topics
 The simplest way to understand LDA is to see how the LDA model generates a document
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Documents have multiple topics Topics include: London, marathons, fund-raising
The race was founded by the former Olympic champion and journalist Chris Brasher and athlete John Disley. It is organised by Hugh Brasher (son of Chris) as Race Director and Nick Bitel as Chief Executive. Set over a largely flat course around the River Thames, the race begins at three separate points around Blackheath and finishes in The Mall alongside St. James’s Park. Since the first marathon, the course has undergone very few route changes. In 1982, the finishing post was moved from Constitution Hill to Westminster Bridge due to construction works. It remained there for twelve years before moving to its present location at The Mall.
In addition to being one of the top six international marathons run over the distance of 26 miles and 385 yards, the IAAF standard for the marathon established in 1921 and originally used for the 1908 London Olympics, the London Marathon is also a large, celebratory sporting festival, third only to the Great North Run in South Shields and Great Manchester Run in Manchester in terms of the number of participants. The event has raised over £450 million for charity since 1981,[2][3] and holds the Guinness world record as the largest annual fund raising event in the world, with the 2009 participants raising over £47.2 million for charity. In 2007, 78% of all runners raised money. In 2011 the official charity of the London Marathon was Oxfam. In 2014, the official charity was Anthony Nolan, and in 2015, it will be Cancer Research UK.
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Overview of the London Marathon, Wikipedia, January 2017 Data Mining and Machine Learning

Latent Semantic Analysis
 Latent Semantic Analysis can be seen as a method for automatically discovering topics in a corpus
 W = USVT
 In LSA the topic vectors are the columns of V
 So, a topic is described as a document vector
 If d is a document and vi is the ith “topic” (column of V), then
is a measure of the contribution of the ith topic to d
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Latent Dirichlet Allocation
 Consider the document d:
“I eat sandwiches in a deck-chair on the sand by the
sea” → “eat sandwiches deck-chair sand sea”
 Intuitively d is made up of two topics, A and B:
– A: food, corresponding to “eat” and “sandwiches” – B: seaside, corresponding to “deck-chair”, “sand”
and “sea”
 It looks like d is made up approximately of 40% topic A (food) and 60% topic B (seaside)
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Latent Dirichlet Allocation
 According to LDA, d might be generated as follows:
– Decide number of topics: N=2 “food” (A) and “seaside” (B)
– Decide the document length: M=5
– Decide the prior probabilities of the topics:
PT(A) = 0.4, PT(B) = 0.6 – For i=1 to M
– Choose the topic Ti randomly according to PT – Choose word wi randomly according to P(w|T)
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Latent Dirichlet Allocation
 So, according to this model the document d was generated as follows:
– i=1, T1 = A (“food”), w1 = “eat”
– i=2, T2 = A (“food”), w2 = “sandwiches” – i=3, T3 = B (“seaside”), w3 = “deck-chair” – i=4, T4 = B (“seaside”), w4 = “sand”
– i=5, T5 = B (“seaside”), w5 = “sea”
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Latent Dirichlet Allocation
 This is simple because we know the two topics and their associated word probability distributions
 Given a corpus C and a number of topics N, a much bigger problem is to derive a set of N topics that cover C in some optimal sense
 This is the clever part of LDA
 LDA uses an “E-M” type algorithm to do this
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Latent Dirichlet Allocation  Basically:
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1. Make an initial estimate of N topics (remember, a topic is just a probability distribution over words)
2. Decompose each document in C into its component topics
3. Use this decomposition to re-estimate the topic word probability distributions
4. Go back to 2.
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Latent Dirichlet Allocation
 See Edwin Chen’s blog “Introduction to Latent Dirichlet Analysis” for an explanation
 The method is called “Latent Dirichlet Allocation” because the prior probabilities of the different topics, PT(A), is assumed to be a Dirichlet distribution
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Topic Spotting
 Topic Spotting is a type of ‘dedicated’ IR
– The task is to find documents that are about a particular topic
– Corpus from which data is retrieved is dynamic  Other examples
– Detect all weather forecasts in BBC radio 4 broadcasts – Find all documents written by Charlotte Bronte
– Find all requirements in new EU railway legislation
 Topic Spotting vs IR
– Because a topic is richer than a query we can calculate
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probabilities P(t|T) and not just IDF(t) Data Mining and Machine Learning

Topic spotting
Accepted documents – “On Topic”
Data stream
Topic Spotter
Rejected documents – “Off Topic”
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TF-IDF weights
 Recall the definition of the TF-IDF weight for a term t relative to a document d:  ND 
w  f t,d
IDFt,where,IDFtlog  t,d ND
 IDF(t) indicates how useful t is for discriminating between
 ft,d ensures that t occurs sufficiently often to be useful
 For Topic Spotting we can define a more sophisticated criterion to identify words that are indicative of a given topic
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 Given a term t and a topic T, define the usefulness of
t (relative to T) by:
U t   Pt | T log Pt | T 
 If log Pt | T  is large t is characteristic of the topic
 If P(t|T) is large, then t occurs sufficiently often “on
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topic” to be useful for topic spotting Data Mining and Machine Learning

Usefulness and IDF Recall IDFtlogND
 ND  t
 Given a set of documents S, write S = St u St’ , where St is the set of documents that contain t and St’ is the
set of documents that don’t contain t
 Then
Pt Pt | St PSt  Pt | St’ PSt’  t
Pt|S PS Pt|S ND tt tND
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Usefulness and IDF  Hence
Pt|S  t

Pt|S  , and IDFt log t 
Pt t
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Usefulness and IDF
 Pt | S 
 IDF(t)  log t  is a measure of how useful the
 Pt 
term t is for general information retrieval (or for
retrieving documents that contain it?)
 P t | T  
 So, log Pt  is a measure of the usefulness of t
for retrieving documents about topic T
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 Similarly, given a term t and a topic T, define the
salience of t (relative to T) by: St PT | tlog PT | t
 Using Bayes’ Theorem (below) it is easy to establish
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P T | t  
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a relationship between salience and usefulness
p(t|T)P(T) p(t)

Salience and Usefulness
 P T | t   StPT|tlog PT
 pt|TPT pt|TPT
 pt log PTpt  
PT pt|T PT
 ptpt|Tlog pt  ptUt
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Salience and Usefulness
St PTUt pt
 Now, T is the topic, so P(T) is fixed. Therefore St 1 Ut
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Salience and Usefulness
 So, main difference between Salience and Usefulness is that to have high usefulness, a term must occur frequently
 Sometimes this means that the most useful words for a topic are not the ones you would immediately suspect:
– E.G. For Weather Forecast spotting, “north”, “south”, “east” and “west” turned out to be more ‘useful’ than “rain” and “sun” – why?
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 A term w occurs:
– t1 times in documents about topic T
– t2 times in documents which are not about topic T
 Total number of terms:
– in documents about topic T is N1
– in documents not about topic T is N2
 The corpus contains C1 documents about T and C2 documents not about T
 Then
– P(w|T)=t1/N1,P(w|not-T)=t2/N2
– P(w)=P(w|T)P(T)+P(w|not-T)P(not-T)
tC tC tNCtNC 1122121212
NCC NCC NNCC 112 212 1212
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 A term w occurs:
– t1 = 150 times in documents about topic T
– t2 = 230 times in documents which are not about topic T
 Total number of terms:
– in documents about topic T is N1 = 12,500
– in documents not about topic T is N2 = 23,100
 Suppose that only 10% of documents are “on topic”
 So:
– P(w|T)=0.012, P(w)=0.0102, log(P(w|T)/P(w)) = 0.0706
– U(w) = 0.000847
– S(w) = (P(T)/P(w))×U(w) = (0.1/0.0102)×0.000847= 0.0083
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Application to Topic Spotting
1. Start with a training corpus of documents d1,…, dN. Each dn could be a separate document, or a section (e.g. paragraph) from the same document.
2. For each n decide whether dn is on-topic (T) or off- topic (not-T)
3. Apply stemming and stop-word removal if required
4. Identify the set of terms (the vocabulary) in the
corpus: w1,…, wV.
5. For each v, calculate U(wv) – the usefulness of wv
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for the topic T.
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Application (continued)
6. 7.
If required, choose a threshold X and discard any terms with usefulness less than X
For each document dn in the training set: – Let v1,…, vI(n) be the terms in dn
1 I  n 
– AU(dn) is the average usefulness of terms in dn
– Calculate AUdn In
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Application (continued)
8. For a threshold W define a classification rule by:
– If AU(dn) > W, then dn is classified as “topic”
– If AU(dn) ≤ W, then dn is classified as “not-topic”
9. Choose a suitable value of W using the training documents. For example W could correspond to the Equal Error Rate
10. Classification: Given a new document d:
– Calculate AU(d)
– Classify d as “topic” if AU(d) > W, otherwise d is “not- topic”
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Topic Spotter
0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435 …text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text …….
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Spotting topics in speech
 First convert audio stream into a text stream using automatic speech recognition
 Consider overlapping sections of text corresponding to, say, 30 seconds of speech (depends on the application)
 Calculate the Average (or Total) Usefulness or Average (or Total) Salience of words in the section of text for the topic
 Signal whenever this value exceeds a threshold
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 The AT&T “How May I Help You?” system
 Task: to understand what AT&T customers’ messages are about sufficiently well to connect them to the correct service
 Services can be human operators (who deal with a specific problem or speak a specific language) or automated services.
 Look HMIHY? Up on the web
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AT&T How May I Help You?
Service 1
Speech Recognition
Language Processing
Salient word list
Service 2
Service 3
Service 15
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AT&T How May I Help You?
 HMIHY? Treats telephone network services as topics or documents, to be detected or retrieved
 Example salient words:
Allen Gorin, “Processing of semantic information in fluent spoken language, Proc. ICSLP 1996
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HMIHY Demonstrations
 See http://www.research.att.com/~algor/hmihy/samples.html
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 Topics
 Modelling a document as a mixture of topics
 Latent Dirichlet Allocation
 Topic spotting
 Salience and usefulness
 How May I Help You?
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