Data Mining and Machine Learning
HMM Adaptation Peter Jančovič
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Data Mining and Machine Learning
So far we talked about Maximum Likelihood training for HMMs (the E-M algorithm)
– Viterbi-style training
– Baum-Welch algorithm
In this session, we talk about HMM adaptation: – Maximum A-Posteriori (MAP) estimation
– Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression (MLLR)
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Data Mining and Machine Learning
A modern large-vocabulary continuous speech recognition system has many thousands of parameters
Many hours of speech data used to train the system (e.g. 200+ hours!)
Speech data comes from many speakers
Hence recogniser is ‘speaker independent’
But performance for an individual would be better if the system were speaker dependent
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Data Mining and Machine Learning
For a single speaker, only a small amount of training data is available
Viterbi reestimation or Baum-Welch reestimation will not work
– the problem of robustly adapting a large number of model
parameters using a small amount of training data
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‘Parameters vs training data’
Larger training set
Smaller training set
Number of parameters
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Data Mining and Machine Learning
Two common approaches to adaptation (with small amounts of training data)
– Bayesian adaptation (also known as MAP adaptation (MAP = Maximum a Posteriori))
– Transform-based adaptation (also known as MLLR (MLLR = Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression))
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Data Mining and Machine Learning
Bayesian (MAP) adaptation
MAP estimation maximises the posterior probability
of M given the data y, i.e., P(M | y)
From Bayes’ Theorem:
P(M) is the prior probability of M
p(y | M) is the likelihood of the adaptation data on M
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Data Mining and Machine Learning
Bayesian (MAP) adaptation
Uses well-trained, ‘speaker-independent’ HMM as a prior P(M) for the estimate of the parameters of the speaker dependent HMM
Speaker independent state PDF (Prior model)
1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0
MAP estimate of mean
Sample mean (speaker- dependent model)
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1-0.20 1 2 3 4 5
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Data Mining and Machine Learning
Bayesian (MAP) adaptation
MAP model Prior model ‘Speaker- dependent’
Intuitively, if the adaptation data set y is big, then the MAP adapted model will be biased towards y, so will be small
Conversely, if there is very little adaptation data, the MAP model will be biased towards the prior, so will be big
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Data Mining and Machine Learning
Transform-based adaptation (MLLR)
Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression (MLLR) is another method for adapting the mean vectors of a set of HMMs
Estimate a linear transform to transform speaker-independent into speaker-dependent parameters
Suppose that MSI is a speaker-independent HMM with Gaussian Mixture state output PDFs
Suppose A is linear transformation on the D-dimensional space of acoustic vectors and that b is an acoustic vector
Let MSD = T(MSI) be the HMM derived from MSI by replacing each Gaussian mean vector with A + b
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Data Mining and Machine Learning
MLLR adaptation
Given data y from a new speaker, the aim of MLLR is to find
A and b such that P(y|T(MSI)) is maximised
… hence Maximum Likelihood LR
Need to estimate the D D parameters of A
Each acoustic vector is typically 40 dimensional, so a linear transform of the acoustic data needs 40*40 = 1600 parameters
This is much less than the 10s or 100s of thousands of parameters needed to train the whole system
Same transformation A can be used for all models and states.
Alternatively, if there is enough data from the new speaker, a separate transformation can be estimated for each model, state, or set of states
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Data Mining and Machine Learning
Transform-based adaptation
Speaker- independent parameters
Speaker-dependent data points
Adapted parameters
‘best fit’ transform
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Data Mining and Machine Learning
Bayesian (MAP) adaptation
– J-L Gauvain and C-H Lee, “Bayesian learning for Hidden Markov Models with Gaussian mixture state observation densities”, Speech Communication 11, pp 205-213, 1992
Transform-based (MLLR) adaptation
– C J Leggeter and P C Woodland, “Maximum likelihood linear regression for speaker adaptation of continuous density HMMs”, Computer Speech and Language, 9, pp 171-186, 1995
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Data Mining and Machine Learning