CS代考 SEHH2238: Computer Networking

SEHH2238: Computer Networking
Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ) Protocols
Textbook: Ch.23
SEHH2238 Lecture 9 1

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

SEHH2238: Computer Networking
A. Sliding Window
Main Topics
B. Revision on Stop-and-Wait ARQ
C. Go-Back-NARQ 􏰁 Cumulative ACK 􏰁 Window size
D. SelectiveRepeatARQ
􏰁 Individual Acknowledgement
􏰁 Sender and Receiver Window Size
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SEHH2238: Computer Networking
Flow & Error Control Mechanisms
􏰁 Stop and Wait ARQ WCB/McGraw-Hill
􏰁Go-Back-N ARQ 􏰁Selective Repeat ARQ
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SEHH2238: Computer Networking
A. Sliding Window
􏰀 The sender can transmit several data frames before needing (receiving) an ACK
􏰀 A (logical) window is used to control the maximum no. of frames can be transmitted
􏰀 When the (variable) window size becomes zero, the sender stops transmissions and waits for an ACK
􏰀 A single ACK can be used to confirm the receipt of multiple data frames
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SEHH2238: Computer Networking
Sender Sliding Window
Sequence Number of each frame
In this case: Sequence number: 3 bits (0-7) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3…
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SEHH2238: Computer Networking
Variables to define the Window
Sender Sliding Window
SF: Seq. No. of 1st frame
SL :Seq. No. of Last frame
S: Seq. No. of next frame to be sent
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Figure 23.12: Sliding window in circular format e.g. Window size = 7 ; Seq. no. has 4 bits (i.e. 0 -15)
SEHH2238: Computer Networking
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Figure 23.13: Sliding window in linear SEHH2238: Computer Networking
format e.g. Window size = 7 ; Seq. no. has 4 bits (i.e. 0 -15)
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SEHH2238: Computer Networking
3 bits for Seq. no.
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The next data is …?

SEHH2238: Computer Networking
B. Stop-and-Wait ARQ
􏰀 The sender sends one frame and waits for an ACK before sending the next frame
􏰀 If no ACK is received after a period of time (timeout), the sender retransmits
􏰀 Use 1 bit sequence number
􏰀 Both the sender and the receiver use a
sliding window of size 1
􏰀 Advantage: Simple
􏰀 Disadvantage: Inefficient
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Example 23.4
Figure 23.22 shows an example of the Stop-and-Wait protocol.
1. Packet 0 is sent and acknowledged.
2. Packet 1 is lost and resent after the time-out.
3. The resent packet 1 is acknowledged and the timer stops.
4. Packet 0 is sent and acknowledged, but the acknowledgment is lost. The sender has no idea if the packet or the acknowledgment is lost, so after the time-
out, it resends packet 0, which is acknowledged.
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Figure 23.22: Flow diagram for Example 3.4

Use the concept of sliding window
At sender, the sliding window (buffer) holds the outstanding frames until they are acknowledged.
SEHH2238: Computer Networking
C. Go-back-N (GBN) ARQ
􏰁 Multiple frames are in transit while waiting acknowledgement
Sender sends multiple frames and set a timer for each frame sent. (The receiver has no timer)
S: Sequence no. of the recently sent frame
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SEHH2238: Computer Networking
Go-Back-N ARQ, normal operation
Receiver side
Case 1: frames arrived safe and in order
Receiver sends positive acknowledgements
R: Sequence number of the frame it expects to receive (R is contained in ACK packet)
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SEHH2238: Computer Networking
Go-Back-N ARQ, normal operation
Send window size is 3
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2 bits for Seq. no.

SEHH2238: Computer Networking
Go-Back-N ARQ, lost frame Case 2: Frame is damaged or out of order
􏰃Receiver is silent (send nothing) and discards all subsequent frames until it receives the one it is expecting
􏰃In sender, the timer for the unacknowledged frame expires
􏰃The sender goes back and resends all
frames, beginning from the one with
the expired timer
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SEHH2238: Computer Networking
Go-Back-N ARQ, lost frame
Send window size is 3
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2 bits for Seq. no.

Figure 23.24: Send window for Go-Back-N
3 bits for Seq. no.

Figure 23.25: Sliding the send window
3 bits for Seq. no.
Send window size is 7
Sliding direction

Figure 23.26: Receive window for Go-Back-N
3 bits for Seq. no.

SEHH2238: Computer Networking
Go-Back-N ARQ: sender window size
m – no. of bits for Seq. no.
SEHH2238 Lecture 9
2 bits for Seq. no.

SEHH2238: Computer Networking
Sender Window Size
In Go-Back-N ARQ, the size of the
sender window must be less than 2m; the size of the receiver window is
where m is the number of bits of the sequence number SEHH2238 Lecture 9 22

Example 23.7
Figure 23.29 shows an example of Go-Back-N. This is an example of a case where the forward channel is reliable, but the reverse is not. No data packets are lost, but some ACKs are delayed and one is lost. The example also shows how cumulative ACKs can help if acknowledgments are delayed or lost.
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Figure 23.29: Flow diagram for Example 3.7 Send window size is 7

Example 23.8
Figure 23.30 shows what happens when a packet is lost. Packets 0, 1, 2, and 3 are sent.
• However, packet 1 is lost. The receiver receives packets
2 and 3, but they are discarded because they are received out of order (packet 1 is expected).
• When the receiver receives packets 2 and 3, it sends ACK1 to show that it expects to receive packet 1.
• However, these ACKs are not useful for the sender
because the ackNo is equal to Sf, not greater that Sf .
So the sender discards them.
• When the time-out occurs, the sender resends packets
1, 2, and 3, which will then be acknowledged.
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Figure 23.30: Flow diagram for Example 23.8
Send window size is 7

SEHH2238: Computer Networking
Go-Back-N Advantages & Disadvantages
􏰀 Maintain correct sequence
􏰀 Minimize the receiver buffer storage
􏰀 1 storage unit is enough in the receiver buffer
􏰀 But need to retransmit some already correctly received frames
􏰀 Less efficient than selective-repeat
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SEHH2238: Computer Networking
D. Selective Repeat ARQ
􏰀 In Go-back-N ARQ, the process at the receiver is simple
􏰁Receiver keeps track of only one variable
􏰁No need to buffer out-of-order frames
􏰁But multiple frames are resent when one frame is damaged
􏰁Use up bandwidth and slow down transmission 􏰀 Selective Repeat ARQ
􏰁Does not resent N frames when just one frame is damaged
􏰁Only the damaged frame is resent
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SEHH2238: Computer Networking
Receiver in Selective Repeat ARQ
􏰀 Receiver detects those frames that are damaged
􏰀 Receiver retains out-of-sequence frames (without errors) in the link receive list until the next in- sequence frame is received; then a set of consecutive frames could be delivered to the upper layer
􏰀 Individual ACK
􏰁ACK(N) acknowledges only a single frame with
sequence number N
􏰀 In the sender, when a timer (waiting for ACK) expires, only the corresponding frame is resent
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SEHH2238: Computer Networking
Send Window for Selective Repeat ARQ
Similar to Figure 23.32
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SEHH2238: Computer Networking
Receive Window for Selective Repeat ARQ
Similar to Figure 23.33
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SEHH2238: Computer Networking
Sender and Receiver Window Size
In Selective Repeat ARQ, the sender and receiver window have the same size and it must be
at most one-half of 2m
where m is the number of bits of the sequence number (skip the explanation)
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SEHH2238: Computer Networking
Window Slide and Change of Rn 􏰀 At the receiver, if the received frame is not damaged and the
sequence no. is within the window,
􏰀 Receiver will store the frame and mark the slot ( e.g. slot 5 and 6 on orange.)
􏰀 If contiguous frames, starting from Rn have been marked, data is delivered to the upper layer, and the window slides.
(Say just received data No. 0) (data No. 0, 1 and 2 are delivered)
Figure Delivery of data in Selective Repeat ARQ
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Example 23.9
Assume a sender sends 6 packets: packets 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The sender receives an ACK with ackNo = 3. What is the interpretation if the system is using GBN or SR?
If the system is using GBN, it means that packets 0, 1, and 2 have been received uncorrupted and the receiver is expecting packet 3.
If the system is using SR, it means that packet 3 has been received uncorrupted; the ACK does not say anything about other packets.
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Example 23.10
Similar to Example 23.8 (Figure 23.30) in which packet 1 is lost but using Selective-Repeat.
At the sender, packet 0 is transmitted and acknowledged. Packet 1 is lost. Packets 2 and 3 arrive out of order and are acknowledged. When the timer times out, packet 1 (the only unacknowledged packet) is resent and is acknowledged. The send window then slides.
Theoretically, Select-Repeat uses one timer for each outstanding (unacknowledged) packet. When a timer expires, only the corresponding packet is resent. However, implementation with a single timer also works, as shown in this example.
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Example 23.10 (continued)
At the receiver site we need to distinguish between the
acceptance of a packet and its delivery to the application
• At the second arrival, packet 2 arrives and is stored and
marked (shaded slot), but it cannot be delivered because
packet 1 is missing.
• At the next arrival, packet 3 arrives and is marked and
stored, but still none of the packets can be delivered.
• Only at the last arrival, when finally a copy of packet 1 arrives, can packets 1, 2, and 3 be delivered to the
application layer.
• There are two conditions for the delivery of packets to
the application layer:
􏰀 A set of consecutive packets must have arrived.
􏰀 The set starts from the beginning of the window.
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Figure 23.35: Flow diagram for Example 3.10

SEHH2238: Computer Networking
Selective Repeat Disadvantages
􏰀 Order of receiving data frames is not maintained
􏰀 Re-sequencing is required in Receiver
􏰀 Number of buffers can be large and non-
􏰀 (Advantage: but the channel is more efficient than Go-Back-N)
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SEHH2238: Computer Networking
Summary on Sliding Window ARQ
􏰀 The link utilization is much improved at the expense of larger buffer storage requirements
􏰀 Sender sends data frame continuously without waiting for an ACK
􏰀 Sender retains a copy of each transmitted data frame in a retransmission list
􏰀 Receiver returns an ACK for each correctly received data frame
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SEHH2238: Computer Networking
Sliding Window ARQ (cont.)
􏰀 Each data frame contains a unique identifier (the sequence number)
􏰀 On receipt of an ACK the corresponding data frame is removed from the retransmission list by Sender
􏰀 Receiver retains a link receive list containing the correctly received data frames (but may be out-of- order for selective-repeat)
􏰀 Retransmission strategies when an error occurs
􏰁Selective Repeat
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SEHH2238: Computer Networking
􏰀 Stop-and-Wait
􏰁Simplest but least efficient
􏰁Minimum buffer storage (only 1 in sender & receiver)
􏰀 Go-Back-N
􏰁Maintain correct sequence
􏰁Less demand on the buffer storage (1 in receiver)
􏰁But need to retransmit some already correctly received frames
􏰁Channel less efficient than selective-repeat 􏰀 Selective Repeat
􏰁Re-sequencing (and more buffers) required in receiver
􏰁Number of buffers can be large and non-deterministic
􏰁Channel more efficient than Go-Back-N
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SEHH2238: Computer Networking
􏰀 Go-Back-N Video
􏰁 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yT8SkFyRRrI
􏰀 Simulation on Go-Back-N and Selective Repeat 􏰁 http://www.ccs-labs.org/teaching/rn/animations/gbn_sr/
􏰀 Revision Quiz
􏰁 http://highered.mheducation.com/sites/0073376221/stud
SEHH2238 Lecture 9 42

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com