Data Mining and Machine Learning
Lecture 5
Query Expansion
Peter Jančovič Slide 1
Data Mining and Machine Learning
To understand how the use of semantic relationships between words can improve the performance of a text IR system
– Query expansion
– Generalisation
– Synonyms, hypernyms & hyponyms – WordNet
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Query Processing
Remember how we previously processed a query:
– “I need information on distance running”
Stop word removal
– information, distance, running
– information, distance, run
But what about:
– “The London marathon will take place…”
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Query Expansion
Add terms to the query to increase the overlap between it and potentially relevant documents…
…but not irrelevant documents
Two approaches:
– User feedback
– Linguistic knowledge
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Feedback-based Query Expansion
User provides feedback on the results of retrieval
– Which of the returned documents are particularly relevant – Which are irrelevant
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Query reformulation
Revise the query in response to the user feedback
– Query expansion: Find terms in the ‘relevant’ documents that are not in the query. Add them to the query (of maybe just those with large TF-IDF weights)
– Term reweighting: Increase the weight of query terms in relevant documents and decrease the weight of query terms in irrelevant documents. For example
w f IDF(t)
td td
– Various methods for determining λ have been proposed
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Knowledge-Based Query Expansion
q = “I need information on distance running” d = “The London marathon will take place…”
We know there is a relationship between – run, distance, and marathon
Words with the same meaning are synonyms
If a q contains w1 and w2 is a synonym of w1, then
add w2 to q Slide 7
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A thesaurus is a ‘dictionary’ of synonyms and semantically related words and phrases
E.G: Roget’s Thesaurus
syn: || croaker, doc, doctor, MD, medical, mediciner, medico ||
rel: medic, general practitioner, surgeon
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Peter Mark Roget 1779 –1869
Born London 1779
Founder of the Royal Society of Medicine
Invented the log-log slide rule
Professor of Physiology at the Royal Institution, 1834
Retired 1840
Roget’s Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases Classified and Arranged so as to Facilitate the Expression of Ideas and Assist in Literary Composition appeared in 1852.
Died 1869. Buried St James’ Church, West Malvern, Worcestershire.
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Not only synonyms are useful for query expansion
Query q = “Tell me about England”
Document d = “A visit to London should be on everyone’s itinerary”
‘London’ is a hyponym of ‘England’
Hyponym ~ subordinate ~ subset
If a query q contains a word w1 and w2 is a hyponym of w1, then w2 should be added to q
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Hypernyms are also useful for query expansion
Query q = “Tell me about England”
Document d = “Places to visit in the British Isles”
‘British Isles’ is a hypernym of ‘England’
Hypernym ~ generalisation ~ superset
If a query q contains a word w1 and w2 is a
hypernym of w1, then w2 should be added to q Data Mining and Machine Learning
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Online lexical database for the English Language
Meanings (syn sets)
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See Belew, chapter 6 Data Mining and Machine Learning
Organised as a set of hierarchical trees
For example, 25 trees for nouns
‘Children’ of a node are hyponyms
Words become more specific as you move deeper into the tree
British Isles England
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Noun Categories
act, action, activity
natural object
animal, fauna
natural phenomenon
person, human being
attribute, property
plant, flora
body, corpus
cognition, knowledge
quantity, amount
event, happening
feeling, emotion
state, condition
group, collection
location, place
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Query-document scoring
A query q is expanded to include hyponyms and synonyms
Recall that for a document d
w f IDFt
td td
w w
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Simq,d tqd
Data Mining and Machine Learning
td tq dq
Query expansion
– t is the original term in the query,
– t’ is a synonym or hyponym of t which occurs in d
Then we could define:
w f IDFt
Where tt’ is a weighting depending on how ‘far’ t
t’d tt’ t’d
and t’ are apart according to WordNet (tt=1)
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Query q is:
– Is the Dark Knight on at the town cinema? – q becomes: dark knight town cinema
Document d is:
– The latest Batman movie places the caped crusader in a
dark urban environment
– d becomes: late batman move cape crusade dark urban environment
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Example (continued)
In the similarity calculation, q ∩ d = {dark}
– move and cinema are synonyms (compare “go to the
cinema” with “go to the movies”)
– crusader is a hyponym of knight
– urban is a hypernym of town
Therefore, after query expansion,
q ∩ d = {dark, move (syn(cinema)), crusade(hypo(knight)),
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Example (continued)
So, if λ = 1, λsyn = 0.8, λhypo = 0.5 and λhyper = 0.3, then the numerator in the calculation of sim(q,d) becomes
+ 0.8*wmovie,d * wcinema,q
+ 0.5*wcrusader,d * wknight,q + 0.3*wurban,d * wtown,q
Note: this is just a ‘made up’ example. I haven’t consulted WordNet for synonym, hyponym or hypernym information and the weights λ are just for illustration
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Example (continued)
The drawback of query expansion is that as well as increasing the overlap between a query q and a relevant document d, it may also increase the overlap with an irrelevant document
The crusades were a dark period in our history when knights
moved from across Europe to join crusades to the holy land
This becomes: crusade dark period history knight move europe crusade holy land
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Example (continued)
In this case
q ∩ d = {dark, knight, move (syn(cinema)),
2 x crusade(hypo(knight)), urban(hyper(town)), land(hyper(town))}
This document is likely to score higher similarity than the previous one
So, the challenge is:
Expand queries enough to promote overlap with relevant
…but not so much that they overlap with irrelevant documents
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Query expansion
– Feedback-based
– Knowledge-based: Synonyms, hyponyms and hypernyms
Goal is to increase overlap with query and relevant documents
Example “toy” calculation
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