程序代写代做代考 decision tree data mining algorithm Data Mining and Machine Learning

Data Mining and Machine Learning
Clustering I Peter Jančovič
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Data Mining and Machine Learning

Data Mining
 Objective of Data Mining is to find structure and patterns in large, abstract data sets
– Is the data homogeneous or does it consist of several separately identifiable subsets?
– Are there patterns in the data?
– If so, do these patterns have an intuitive interpretation?
– Are there correlations in the data?
– Is there redundancy in the data?
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Partitioning data into “clusters”
 In this lecture we will start to develop tools to understand the structure of data that can be partitioned into (more or less) distinct subsets
 Can think of these subsets as arising from distinct “sources”
 We will consider three different techniques: – Clustering
– Multi-modal statistical modelling (Gaussian Mixture Models – GMMs)
– Decision trees
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Clustering – Objectives
 To explain the motivation for clustering
 To introduce the ideas of distance and distortion
 To describe agglomerative and divisive clustering
 To explain the relationships between clustering and decision trees
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What does the data look like?
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Structure of data
 Typical real data is not uniformly distrubuted
 It has structure
 Variables might be correlated
 The data might be grouped into natural ‘clusters’ – it may have been generated by several different “sources”
 The purpose of cluster analysis is to find this underlying structure automatically
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Clusters and centroids
 Assume clusters are spherical – determined by centres
 Cluster centres are called centroids
 Questions: How many centroids do we need? Where should we put them?
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 A function d(x,y) defined on pairs of points x and y is called a distance or metric if it satisfies:
– d(x,y)  0 and d(x,y) = 0 if and only if x = y
– d(x,y) = d(y,x) for all points x and y (symmetry)
– d(x,z)  d(x,y) + d(y,z) for all points x, y and z (triangle inequality)
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Example metrics
 The most common metric is the Euclidean metric
 If x = [x1, x2,…,xN] and y = [y1,y2,…,yN] then: 222
dx,y xyxy…xy 1122NN
 This is normal distance in Euclidean space
 There are lots of others, but focus on this one
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The Lp Metrics
 Euclidean distance is sometimes called the L2-metric
 12 2
 N
d x,y x y 
nn n1 
 It is one of a family of metrics called the Lp-metrics
 1 dpx,y xyp
nn n1 
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Special Lp metrics
 p=1 – the ‘City Block’ metric
N d1x,y x y 

n1 
 p=∞
d x, y maxn1,…,N xn  yn
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Unit sphere
 For a metric d defined on N dimensional space, the
unit sphere is the set of vectors x such that d(x,0) = 1
 What do the unit spheres in 2D look like for these metrics?
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Example Unit Spheres (2D)
1 L2 unitsphere,x2 +y2 =1
L1 unit sphere |x|+|y|=1
-1 1
L∞ unit sphere, max{x,y} = 1
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 Distortion is a measure of how well a set of centroids models a set of data
 Suppose we have:
– data points y1, y2,…,yT – centroids c1,…,cM
 For each data point yt let ci(t) be its closest centroid
 In other words: d(yt, ci(t)) = minmd(yt,cm)
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 The distortion for the centroid set C = c1,…,cM is defined by:
T DistCdy,c 
t it t1
 In other words, the distortion is the sum of distances between each data point and its nearest centroid
 The task of clustering is to find a centroid set C such that the distortion Dist(C) is minimised
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Types of Clustering
 We will start with two types of cluster analysis:
– Agglomerative clustering, or ‘bottom-up’ hierarchical clustering
– Divisive clustering, or ‘top-down’ clustering
 In the next lecture we will focus on a more sophisticated clustering method called k-means clustering
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Agglomerative clustering
 Agglomerative clustering begins by assuming that each data point belongs to its own, unique, 1 point cluster – each point is a centroid
 Clusters are then combined until the required number of centroids is obtained
 The simplest agglomerative clustering algorithm is one which, at each stage, combines the two closest centroids into a single centroid
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252 centroids
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152 centroids
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52 centroids
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6 6
12 centroids
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Optimality of agglomerative clustering
 The result of agglomerative clustering is not optimal  Generally it does not result in a set of centroids C
such that
 For example,
– Outliers may be given their own centroids
– Dense clusters may be given too few centroids
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Divisive Clustering
 Divisive clustering begins by assuming that there is just one centroid – typically in the centre of the set of data points
 That point is replaced with 2 new centroids
 Then each of these is replaced with 2 new centroids …
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Original data (302 points)
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Optimality of divisive clustering
 The result of agglomerative clustering is not optimal
 Generally it does not result in a set of centroids C such that
 Sequential decision making is normally suboptimal
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– Decisions are not reversible
– If a point goes to a particular half of a partition it will never be re-allocated to the other half
– Probably not how a human would do it Data Mining and Machine Learning

Top down clustering – divisive
Single centroid – whole set
Decision tree interpretation
. . . .
Multiple centroids – one per data point
Bottom up clustering – agglomerative
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 An ‘optimal’ set of centroids is one which minimises the distortion
 In general, neither method gives optimal sets of centroids
 A more principled approach would be to think of distortion as a function of the centroid set and minimize it
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Notation and method
 N dimensional space
 T data points X = {x1,…,xT}
 K centroids C = {c1,…,cK}
 Calculate
for each k and n, set to zero and solve Data Mining and Machine Learning
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 Distance metrics and distortion  Agglomerative clustering
 Divisive clustering
 Decision tree interpretation
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