CS代写 CE221 Part 8

Programming in C++ Part 8
The list and deque classes,
Container Adapters, Associative Containers
18/11/2019 CE221 Part 8

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

The list Class 1
The list container is a sequence container that stores the sequence as dynamically-allocated cells each containing a pointer to a data item and pointers to the previous and next in the list. This means that no shifting is necessary when adding items to the beginning or middle or deleting them. However accessing items non-sequentially is not efficient so no subscripting or at functions are provided.
The space overheads may be significant if the items in the list do not use much memory – a linked list of numbers will occupy about twice as much memory as a vector of the same capacity.
Iterators for list objects are bidirectional – they support ++ and –, but not + and +=.
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The list Class 2
The no-argument list constructor initialises the list to be empty. There is also a two-argument constructor – the first argument is a repetition count and the second a value: list l(3, 4) will initialise l to hold 3 copies of the value 4. (The second argument may be omitted in which case the value 0, or equivalent, will be used).
The first or last item of a list may be accessed using front or back and removed using pop_front or pop_back. Note that the effect of these functions when a list is empty is unpredictable. There is no member function to remove items at other specified locations; to do this we need to use the iterator erase function.
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The list Class 3
In addition to push_back the list class has a push_front
member function for insertion at the front.
There are insert methods that takes an iterator as the first argument; additional arguments are supplied in the same way as the methods from the vector class.
#include list l;
l.push_front(4); l.insert(++l.begin(), 44);
for (int i:l) // assuming C++ 11
cout << i << " " cout << endl; // output will be 4 44 3 18/11/2019 CE221 Part 8 The list Class 4 All occurrences of a particular value may be removed using the remove function list l(4, 5); // 5 5 5 5 l.insert(++l.begin(), 7); // 5 7 5 5 5 list::iterator pos = find(l.begin(),
l.insert(pos, 8); l.push_front(7); l.remove(7); cout << l.back(); l.pop_front(); l.end(), 7); // 587 5 55 // 758 7 555 // 585 5 5 // 5 will be output // 855 5 18/11/2019 CE221 Part 8 The list Class 5 There is also a remove_if function that removes all values that satisfy a condition; the argument is a pointer to a function that takes a data item as its argument and returns a boolean value indicating whether that item satisfies the condition. To remove all upper-case letters from a list l1 of type list we could use l1.remove_if(isupper).
The following code will remove all negative values from the list l2 of type list.
bool isneg(int i) { return i<0; l2.remove_if(isneg); 18/11/2019 CE221 Part 8 The list Class 6 We cannot use the sort algorithm to sort lists, since they do not support random-access iterators. Hence there are two sort member functions to sort a list into ascending order; a no- argument version that sorts using < and a version with one argument similar to the last argument of the three-argument sort algorithm. The function unique will remove from the list all but one of any sequence of adjacent equal items. If we want to eliminate all duplicate items from a list we need to sort it first so that equal items are adjacent. (Items are tested for equality using == so if the items in the list are objects of a class that class must have an == operator.) 18/11/2019 CE221 Part 8 The list Class 7 The splice function can be used to move all of the elements of one list into another. l1.splice(pos, l2) moves all of the elements of l2 into l1 immediately in front of the element referenced by the iterator pos. After this l2 will be empty. Note that no copying of elements takes place – only the pointers in the list cells are changed. The function can take extra arguments to allow part of l2 to be moved. The merge function can be used to move all of the elements of a sorted list into another, with the result being sorted. s1.merge(s2) moves all of the elements of s2 into s1 in appropriate positions to maintain correct ordering. If either of the lists is not sorted the order of elements is unpredictable. The functions can take an extra comparator argument (as described on slides 30-31 of part 7) to specify the ordering. 18/11/2019 CE221 Part 8 The deque Class The deque container (pronounced as "deck" and being an abbreviation of double-ended queue) is similar to vector but supports efficient addition and removal at both ends. In order to achieve this it is not possible for subscripting to be as efficient as for vectors, but it is still relatively efficient. The deque class provides all of the functionality of vector and additionally push_front, pop_front, front and back functions. Programs that use this container need to include the header file .
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The stack and queue Adaptors
The stack and queue container adaptors provide wrappers around sequence containers to allow them to be used as stacks and queues. A stack is a first-in-last-out sequence; items can be added to and removed from the top only and the only item that can be accessed directly is the top item. On the other hand a queue is a first-in-first-out sequence; items are added at the back but removed from the front and the1 only items that can be accesseddirectlyarethefrontandback items.
A program that uses one of these adaptors requires the use of #include or #include .
1 In data structures courses it is normally assumed that the only item that can be accessed directly is the front one, but the C++ adaptor also allows access to the back one.
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The stack Class 1
The stack class by default is implemented using a deque, but we may if we wish obtain a stack that is implemented using a vector or a list:
stack s1; // uses deque stack> s2; // uses vector
We may initialise a stack to contain the contents of an existing sequence object of the same type as the class being used to implement the stack; the first item in the sequence will be at the bottom of the stack:
list l;
stack> s3(l);
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The stack Class 2
The main member functions of the stack class are push, pop and top. These are implemented using the functions push_back, pop_back, and back. pop and top have undefined behaviour if the stack is empty. In addition member functions empty and size (as described in part 6) are provided.
stack st;
while (!st.empty())
{ cout << st.top() << endl; st.pop(); } 18/11/2019 CE221 Part 8 The queue Class 1 The queue class by default also uses a deque, but we may if we wish obtain a queue that is implemented using a list (but not a vector since the vector class does not support pop_front): #include
queue q1; // uses deque
queue> q2; // uses list
As with stacks we may initialise a queue to contain of the contents of an existing sequence object of the appropriate type; the first item in the sequence will be at the front of the queue.
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The queue Class 2
The main member functions of the queue class are push, pop, front and back. The last three have undefined behaviour if the queue is empty. The push function adds to the back and the pop function removes the front element. Once again member functions empty and size are provided.
queue q; q.push(‘x’); q.push(‘y’);
cout << "back is " << q.back() << endl; // y while (!q.empty()) { cout << q.front() << endl; } // x will be output, then y 18/11/2019 CE221 Part 8 The priority_queue Class 1 A priority queue is like a queue but items have priorities and when an item is added to the back it will advance ahead of any items with lower priority. The order in which items with equal priority will reach the head of the queue not defined. The precise state of the queue at any stage is also not defined, but it is always guaranteed that the head item will not have a lower priority than any other items in the queue. The implementation of a priority queue normally uses a data structure called a heap; this may be efficiently implemented using any sequence with random-access iterators. The priority_queue class by default uses a vector, but we may obtain a queue that is implemented using a deque. 18/11/2019 CE221 Part 8 The priority_queue Class 2 Programs that use the priority_queue adaptor need to use #include .
Priorities are by default compared using the < operator; in most applications the items in the queue will be class objects with the priority being a member of the class; we would need to write an operator< function for the class such that a, MyComp> pq;
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The priority_queue Class 3
The comparator class needs to be a class with an operator() function that takes as arguments two data items a and b (or constant references to such items) and returns the value of a pq; pq.push(YellowPerson(“homer”, ……,2); pq.push(YellowPerson(“marge”, ……, 3);
cout << pq.top(); // will be marge pq.pop(); pq.push(YellowPerson("bart", ......,2); cout << pq.top(); // could be homer or bart 18/11/2019 CE221 Part 8 The pair Template Class C++ provides a template class called pair for storing pairs of objects. e.g. pair p(3, false);
We can access the elements of such a pair using the public data members first and second:
cout << p.first << ' ' << p.second << endl; If we wanted to supply a pair object as an argument to a function it would be inconvenient to specify its type explicitly so a template function called make_pair is provided myfun(make_pair("bart", 45)); 18/11/2019 CE221 Part 8 Associative Containers 1 An associative container is used to store non-sequential data. The STL provides four such containers: set, multiset, map and multimap. Although there is no concept of being sorted for the contents of an associative container, the STL classes store the items in order to allow efficient searching, so the < operator must be defined for any objects in an associative container or a pointer to a comparison function must be supplied as an argument in the call to the constructor. In addition to the member functions listed in part 6 that are common to all containers, the associative containers all have member functions called find, count, insert, lower_bound and upper_bound. 18/11/2019 CE221 Part 8 Associative Containers 2 Associative containers have bi-directional iterators but not random-access iterators. The find method performs the same task as the find algorithm (but in a more efficient way), i.e. c.find(x) will give the same result as find(c.begin(), c.end(), x). In the case of a multi-map or multi-set the iterator that is returned will reference the first occurrence in the underlying implementation; we can increment the iterator to reach other occurrences. The count method returns the number of occurrences of its argument; for a set or map this will always be 0 or 1. 18/11/2019 CE221 Part 8 Associative Containers 3 The insert method will insert an element into the collection; in the case of a set or map it will leave the collection unchanged if the element is already present. This method returns a result of type pair (where C is the instantiated container class, e.g. set). The second element indicates whether anything was inserted; the first element is an iterator object that refers to the inserted element or the existing element with the same value if the element was not inserted.
set s;
if (s.insert(7).second)
cout << "7 inserted"; else cout << "7 already present"; 18/11/2019 CE221 Part 8 Associative Containers 4 The lower_bound and upper_bound methods can be used to obtain start and end iterators for traversing a range of elements from a container. s.lower_bound(x) will return an iterator referencing the first occurrence of an element greater than or equal to x whereas s.upper_bound(y) will return an iterator referencing the first occurrence of an element greater than y. Both will return an iterator equal to s.end() if no such element exists. To visit all of the elements in the range x to y inclusive we can use a loop of the form C::iterator end = s.upper_bound(y); for (C::iterator it = s.lower_bound(x); it != end; it++) // process *it 18/11/2019 CE221 Part 8 The set Class 1 The set container is used to store sets – a set may not contain duplicate elements. It has a no-argument constructor that will initialise a set to be empty, a copy constructor and a two-argument constructor that will initialise the contents of the set using all or part of an array or container object. The arguments are either start and end iterators or pointers as used on slide 15 of part 6. (If the array or container object contains duplicate values only one occurrence of each value will be stored in the set.) The header file needs to be included in programs that use sets (or multi-sets).
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The set Class 2
string a[6] = { “a”, “b”, “c”, “d”, “e”, “f“ };
vector ( { “g”, “h”, “e”, “i”, “c”, “a”, “*****”, “+++” } ) v;
set A(a, a+6); // load A from a
set B(v.begin(), v.begin()+6);
// load B from first 6 elements of b
set C; // initially empty
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The set Class 3
Inserting an element into a set does not invalidate any iterators that already refer to elements of the set and removing an element using the erase method does not invalidate any iterators that do not refer to the deleted element.
Hence we could use the following code to remove all numbers greater than n from the set s (of type set).
set::iterator it = s.begin(), it2;
while (it != s.end())
{ it2 = it++;
// need to advance it before deleting element
if (*it2 > n)
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The set Class 4
The intersection of two sets s1 and s2 is a set containing all elements that occur in both s1 and s2, whereas the union of s1 and s2 is a set containing all elements that occur in s1 or s2 (or both). There are STL algorithms called set_intersection and set_union to obtain the intersection and union of two sets.
The first four arguments for each of these functions are iterators referencing the beginning and end of the two sets; a fifth argument is used to specify a set in which the result should be stored. This takes the form of a special sort of iterator called an inserter.
A function call of the form inserter(s, s.begin()) is used to generate an inserter for a set s. (This function is declared in the header file.)
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The set Class 5
In the following code we assume that the sets A, B and C are as
declared on slide 25.
set_intersection(A.begin(), A.end(), B.begin(), B.end(),
inserter(C, C.begin()));
// C contains “a”, “c”, “e”
set_union(A.begin(), A.end(),
B.begin(), B.end(),
inserter(C, C.begin()));
// C contains “a”, “b”, “c”, “d”, “e”, “f”, // “g”, “h “, “i”,
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The set Class 6
There is also an algorithm called set_difference; this is used to obtain a set containing all of the elements that appear in the set specified by the first two arguments but do not appear in the set specified by the third and fourth arguments.
set_difference(A.begin(), A.end(), B.begin(), B.end(),
inserter(C, C.begin()));
// C contains “b”, “d”, “f”
set_difference(B.begin(), B.end(), A.begin(), A.end(),
inserter(C, C.begin()));
// C contains “g”, “i”, “h”
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The multiset Class
The multiset class is used for collections of elements which may contain duplicates; its methods are the same as those for set but some behave slightly differently. For example, the insert function will always succeed so the second element of the pair returned by the function will always be true.
The number of occurrences of an item in the union of two multi- sets is the larger of its occurrence counts from the two sets whereas in the intersection it is smaller of the two occurrence counts. An element will appear in the difference of two multi- sets if it occurs more times in the first set than in the second set; for example an item that occurs 5 times in the first set and 3 times in the second set will occur twice in the difference.
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The map Class 1
A map is a collection of keys with associated values, where
each key must be unique (but values may occur many times).
The map container in C++ is similar to Python’s dict type – maps can be viewed as associative arrays and the values associated with keys can be accessed using subscripting.
Since the keys and values are normally of different types the map template class takes two type parameters, e.g.
map age;
Programs that use this class (or multimap) need to include the header file

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The map Class 2
The insert method for the map class takes a pair as its argument – it is possible to write code such as
pair p(“lisa”, 14); age.insert(p)
but it is inconvenient to have to explicitly specify the type parameters. A more concise approach is to use the template function make_pair described on slide 18:
age.insert(make_pair(“homer”, 55));
The insert method will not insert a pair if the key is already present in the map; it cannot be used to update the value associated with an existing key.
age.insert(pair(“bart”, 15));
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The map Class 3
An iterator for a map will reference a pair so we could print the
contents of the age map using
map::const_iterator it;
for (it = age.begin(); it != age.end(); it++)
cout << it->first << ":" << it->second << endl; We could also use the for_each algorithm, supplying a function that takes a pair as an argument: void printPair(const pair &p)
{ cout << p.first << ":" << p.second << endl; } for_each(age.begin(), age.end(), printPair) 18/11/2019 CE221 Part 8 The map Class 4 The find and count methods for maps take a key as an argument: map::iterator it = age.find(“bart”);
if (it != age.end())
cout << "Bart's age is " << it->second
if (age.count(“lisa”) == 1) cout << "Lisa i 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com