CS1021 Tutorial 5 Logic and Shift Instructions
Q1 Calculate, in hexadecimal, the results of the following 8 bit expressions
(i) 0x96 & 0xF0
(ii) 0x96 | 0x0F
(iii) 0xAA ^ 0xF0
(iv) ~0xA5
(v) 0x96 >> 2
and 32 bit expressions
(vi) 0x0123 << 2
(vii) 0x12345678 >> 24
(viii) 0x12345678 >> 16
(ix) (0x12345678 >> 16) & 0xFF
(x) (0x12345678 & ~0xFF00) | 0x4400
Q2 Write
LSB of a register is bit 0).
ARM Assembly Language instructions to perform the following operations (assume the
(i) clear bits 4 to 7 of R0
(ii) clear the first and last bytes of R0
(iii) invert the most significant bit of R0
(iv) setbits2to4ofR0
(v) swap the most and least significant bytes of R0
(vi) replace bits 8 to 15 in R0 with the value 0x44
(vii) R0 = R1*10 (don’t use a multiply instruction)
(viii) R0 = R1*100 (don’t use a multiply instruction)
(ix) R0 = R1/256
(x) R0 = R1 % 256 (mod operator – remainder on division)
Q3 Write an ARM assembly language program to calculate, in R0, the (sum % 256) of the 4 bytes in R1. For example, if R1 = 0x12345678, R0 = (0x12 + 0x34 + 0x56 + 0x78) % 256 = 0x14.
Q4 Write and ARM assembly language program to calculate, in R0, the number of one bits in R1. For example, if R1 = 0x12345678, R0 = 13.
CS1021 Tutorial 5 2018 jones@scss.tcd.ie