程序代写代做代考 Exam key points

Exam key points

key points

Topics to focus for revision
–Everything that we covered in the course may be in the exam.

The following topics should be prioritise for exam preparation:

Public key cryptography: RSA, Diffie Hellman
Private key cryptography: AES
Salting techniques: CBC, CFB, OFB, CTR and GCM
Web Security: SQLi, CSRF
Digital certificate
HTTP protocol

The following materials should be prioritise to revise:
– Lecture 6a Tasks on DH-RSA
– Lecture 7 SQLinjection and CSRF
Lab 8
Lecture 4a- Salting

Exam paper structure
Three questions in total, you will be doing two.
Each question worth 50 marks.
Attempt your best two.
Sub-questions of main question.

CEX – Computer Based Exam: Guidelines have been issued to you

You will not be expected to write large quantities of code in the exam, and the exact syntax is not essential to get full marks for any small programs.
If a question ask you to write code, you can use any programming language to answer your question.
Write something for question: I cannot give marks for a blank page, but I might be able to give partial marks for an attempt at a question.
Use the time well: plan which questions you will answer, and spend some time at the end checking that you did indeed answer all the parts as fully as you can.

Golden rules
Get good sleep the night before.
Eat something.
Avoid ‘panic talk’ with other students.
Make a time management plan.
Watch the clock
Build in revision time

Don’t forget
Read all the paper first before attempting it.
Highlight your best two questions.
Write clearly, use space, clear headings, use subheadings, colours e.g.

If you finish early, go over your answers.
Revise first the topics that have been recommended then look at other stuff.
Recommend Not recommended
Task 2
—– Task 2
i and ii

Good luck
