程序代写代做代考 Hive CM3112 Artificial Intelligence

CM3112 Artificial Intelligence
Fuzzy logic: Computing with words
Steven Schockaert
School of Computer Science & Informatics Cardiff University

Principle of incompatibility
“As the complexity of a system increases, our ability to make precise and yet significant statements about its behavior diminishes until a threshold is reached beyond which precision and significance (or relevance) become almost mutually exclusive characteristics.”
Lotfi Zadeh

Computing with words
The traditional way of modelling systems is by using a well-defined function, mapping inputs of the system to outputs

Computing with words
For complex systems, it is often not feasible to precisely characterise the underlying functional behaviour

Computing with words
Problem: How to encode imprecise knowledge about a system (which may have multiple inputs)
Solution: model imprecise knowledge using fuzzy if-then rules if X1 is Small and X2 is Small then Y is Large
if X1 is Small and X2 is Medium then Y is Very Large …
if X1 is Very Large and X2 is Very Large then Y is Medium
fuzzy set restricting the possible values of that variable

Computing with words
A fuzzy rule base approximates a function as a collection of fuzzy patches

Sendai subway 1000 series (Japan 1985) uses fuzzy logic to control speed:
‣ smoother starts and stops ‣10% more energy efficient

Applications: consumer electronics

Applications: automatic transmission

Applications: MASSIVE simulation