language: en
layout: page
title: “Writing data to a destination”
date: 2013-07-30T09:03:48.121Z
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navigation: csv
github: https://github.com/wdavidw/node-csv
source: ./src/to.coffee
The `csv().to` property provides functions to read from a CSV instance and
to write to an external destination. The destination may be a stream, a file
or a callback.
You may call the `to` function or one of its sub function. For example,
here are two identical ways to write to a file:
Write from any sort of destination. It should be considered as a convenient function
which will discover the nature of the destination where to write the CSV data.
If the parameter is a function, then the csv will be provided as the first argument
of the callback. If it is a string, then it is expected to be a
file path. If it is an instance of `stream`, it consider the object to be an
output stream.
Here’s some examples on how to use this function:
.to(function(data){ console.log(data) })
Update and retrieve options relative to the output. Return the options
as an object if no argument is provided.
* `delimiter` Set the field delimiter, one character only, defaults to `options.from.delimiter` which is a comma.
* `quote` Defaults to the quote read option.
* `quoted` Boolean, default to false, quote all the fields even if not required.
* `escape` Defaults to the escape read option.
* `columns` List of fields, applied when `transform` returns an object, order matters, read the transformer documentation for additionnal information.
* `header` Display the column names on the first line if the columns option is provided.
* `lineBreaks` String used to delimit record rows or a special value; special values are ‘auto’, ‘unix’, ‘mac’, ‘windows’, ‘unicode’; defaults to ‘auto’ (discovered in source or ‘unix’ if no source is specified).
* `flags` Defaults to ‘w’, ‘w’ to create or overwrite an file, ‘a’ to append to a file. Applied when using the `toPath` method.
* `newColumns` If the `columns` option is not specified (which means columns will be taken from the reader options, will automatically append new columns if they are added during
* `end` Prevent calling `end` on the destination, so that destination is no longer writable.
* `eof` Add a linebreak on the last line, default to false, expect a charactere or use ‘\n’ if value is set to “true”
The end options is similar to passing `{end: false}` option in
`stream.pipe()`. According to the Node.js documentation:
> By default end() is called on the destination when the source stream emits end, so that destination is no longer writable. Pass { end: false } as options to keep the destination stream open.
`to.string(callback, [options])`
Provide the output string to a callback.
.from( ‘”1″,”2″,”3″\n”a”,”b”,”c”‘ )
.to.string( function(data, count){} )
Callback is called with 2 arguments:
* data Entire CSV as a string
* count Number of stringified records
`to.stream(stream, [options])`
Write to a stream. Take a writable stream as first argument and
optionally an object of options as a second argument.
Additionnal options may be defined. See the [`readable.pipe`
documentation][srpdo] for additionnal information.
[srpdo]: http://www.nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_readable_pipe_destination_options
`to.path(path, [options])`
Write to a path. Take a file path as first argument and optionally an object of
options as a second argument. The `close` event is sent after the file is written.
Relying on the `end` event is incorrect because it is sent when parsing is done
but before the file is written.
Additionnal options may be defined with the following default:
{ flags: ‘w’,
encoding: null,
mode: 0666 }
See the [`fs.createReadStream` documentation][fscpo] for additionnal information.
[fscpo]: http://www.nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_fs_createwritestream_path_options
Example to modify a file rather than replacing it:
.to.file(‘my.csv’, {flags:’r+’})
.write([‘hello’, ‘node’])
`to.array(path, [options])`
Provide the output string to a callback.
.from( ‘”1″,”2″,”3″\n”a”,”b”,”c”‘ )
.to.array( function(data, count){} )
Callback is called with 2 arguments:
* data Entire CSV as an array of records
* count Number of stringified records