FMO6 Lecture 5
Dr John Armstrong King’s College London August 3, 2016
Delta Hedging
Delta Hedging
Delta Hedging
Lecture outline
Last week we learned how to simulate Black Scholes paths We applied this to risk neutral pricing
Today we will use our simulation to test how delta hedging works in practice.
In the second half of the lecture we learn about gamma hedging and indierence pricing.
Delta Hedging
Why trade in options at all?
Speculator Hedger Banker
Delta Hedging
Why trade in options at all?
Speculator: Trades in options because they have an opinion on the market and wish to increase leverage.
Hedger: Trades in options because they wish to minimize the risk of their existing position.
Banker: Wishes to provide a service at a cost. They manufacture the options for speculators and hedgers to buy.
Delta Hedging
The 99%-prot-price
The 99%-prot price is the amount that a trader needs charge for a nancial product to ensure that they only make a loss 1% of the time.
This denition is non-standard. It is my invention.
It is a simplied version of the “indierence price” that we will discuss later.
It depends not only on the product being sold but also on the trader’s strategy. If one trader has a better strategy than another trader, they will be able to charge a lower price.
Delta Hedging
Shopping around
A stock follows the Black-Scholes model with drift μ = 0.05, volatility σ = 0.2 risk free rate r = 0.03. The current stock price is $100.
A speculator, Jancis, wishes to purchase a call option with strike $110 and maturity 0.5. She contacts three banks and ask for quotes. The traders at each bank have been told by their boss that they can only make a loss 1% of the time, so they quote the 99%-prot-price for their strategy.
What prices are quoted by the following three banks?
Delta Hedging
No hedging
Bank A’s trader, Amy, performs no hedging. She simply: Sells the call
Puts the money paid by the customer into a risk free account option
Crosses her ngers.
Delta Hedging
Stop Loss Strategy
Bank B’s trader, Bob, uses the a stop loss strategy. He: Sells the call
Each day he checks if the stock price is greater than the strike. If so he ensures that he is holding one unit of the stock, otherwise Bob ensures that he is holding zero units of the stock.
Bob puts any remaining cash or debt into a risk free account.
At maturity, he is holding the stock if and only if he is going to have to deliver it to the customer.
Delta Hedging
Delta Hedging Strategy
Bank C’s trader, Cesare, has the benet of an MSc in mathematical nance. He:
Sells the call
Each day he uses the program he wrote in FM06 to compute the delta of a stock to compute the current delta. He ensures that he is holding precisely delta units of the stock.
Cesare puts any remaining cash or debt into a risk free account.
At maturity he delivers the stock to the customer if required and sells any outstanding stock holding.
Delta Hedging
Expected conclusions
You will perform the calculations for cases A and B as homework.
We will perform the calculation for case C this lecture. It turns out that . . . charges the lowest price.
Why is Jancis (the speculator) happy?
Why is …happy?
Delta Hedging
Solution strategy
Our strategy to answer the question is simple:
Begin by assuming the trader charges $0.
Simulate a large number of price paths in the . . . measure.
Follow the recipe given in the strategy to compute the cashows at every time for every price path.
Compute the nal bank balance – i.e. the trader’s prot for every price path.
Compute the rst percentile of the prot across the price paths, x.
−e−rT x is an unbiased estimator of the 99%-prot-price is
Delta Hedging
This is one of those so-obvious-you-might-struggle-to-prove-it statements. So here is as formal proof to justify the claim that it is obvious.
Suppose that you charge −e−rT x instead of 0 and put this in the bank.
Your bank balance at each time t will be −er(t−T)x higher than it was the last time.
Therefore your nal bank balance in the worst one percent of cases will be −x + x = 0.
Delta Hedging
Step 1, Simulate price paths
dt = T/nSteps;
times = dt:dt:T;
paths = generateBSPaths( T, S0, mu, sigma, nPaths, nSteps );
We wrote the code for this last week, so we reuse it.
We simulate paths in the P measure because we wish to simulate real world behaviour.
Delta Hedging
Generate paths
% Generate random price paths according to the black scholes model
% from time 0 to time T. There should be nSteps in the path and
% nPaths different paths
function [ S, times ] = generateBSPaths( …
T, S0, mu, sigma,nPaths, nSteps )
dt = T/nSteps;
logS0 = log( S0);
W = randn( nPaths, nSteps );
dlogS = (mu-0.5*sigma^2)*dt + sigma*sqrt(dt)*W;
logS = logS0 + cumsum( dlogS, 2);
S = exp(logS);
times = dt:dt:T;
Delta Hedging
What does cumsum mean?
What process does the log of the stock price follow? How do we translate this into a dierence equation?
Delta Hedging
Naming our variables in formulae
In our mathematical formulae we will write
S0, K, σ, μ, r and T are the usual suspects.
n is the number of time steps, so we have n time points numbered from 0 to n.
δt = T/n.
P for the price paid by the customer.
Sj for the stock price at time point j.
∆j for the Black Scholes delta of the stock at time point j.
bj for the bank balance at the end of time point j. We’ll use descriptive names in code.
Delta Hedging
Cashows at time 0
The customer pays P.
The trader purchases ∆0 stocks. The bank balance is then
b0 = P − ∆0S0
Delta Hedging
Step 2, compute the bank balance at time 0
[~,delta] = blackScholesCallPrice(K,T,S0,r,sigma);
stockQuantity = delta;
cost = stockQuantity .* S0;
bankBalance = chargeToCustomer-cost;
We are assuming here that our blackScholesCallPrice function returns two values, the call price and the delta.
The ~ simply means that we have chosen to ignore the rst returned value, namely the call price.
Delta Hedging
Black Scholes formulae
function [ price, delta, gamma ] = …
blackScholesCallPrice( K, T, S0, r, sigma )
% Computes the price of an option using
% the Black Scholes formula.
% (The parameter order is contract terms
% then market data.)
numerator = log(S0./K) + (r+0.5*sigma.^2).*T;
denominator = sigma.*sqrt(T);
d1 = numerator./denominator;
d2 = d1 – denominator;
price = S0 .* normcdf(d1) – exp(-r.*T).*K.*normcdf(d2);
delta = normcdf(d1);
gamma = normpdf(d1) ./ (S0.*denominator);
Delta Hedging
Our pricing function also computes the Greeks for convenience
The code is all vectorized, so we can nd the Greeks for an entire vector of price paths at once.
Delta Hedging
Cashows at time point t.
The money in the bank earns interest The trader purchases ∆t − ∆t−1 stocks The bank balance is then:
bt = erδtbt−1 − (∆t − ∆t−1)St
We can use this recurrence relation to compute the bank balance at all future times.
Delta Hedging
Step 2, compute the bank balance at intermediate times
for t=1:(nSteps-1)
S = paths(:,t);
timeToMaturity = T-times(t);
[~,delta] = blackScholesCallPrice(…
newStockQuantity = delta;
amountToBuy = newStockQuantity – stockQuantity;
cost = amountToBuy .* S;
bankBalance = exp(r*dt)*bankBalance – cost;
stockQuantity = newStockQuantity;
Delta Hedging
In our mathematics we have bt and bt−1 in code we have just bankBalance. Reusing the same variable saves a little memory.
In our mathematics we have ∆t and ∆t−1 the variables newStockQuantity and stockQuantity are useful when one generalizes to strategies other than delta hedging.
Delta Hedging
Cashows at time point n.
The money in the bank earns interest
The trader sells ∆n−1 shares.
The trader fulls the call option contract at cost
max{Sn −K,0} The bank balance is then:
bn =erδtbn−1 +(∆n−1)Sn −max{Sn −K,0}
Delta Hedging
Step 3, compute the nal bank balance
S = paths(:,nSteps);
stockValue = stockQuantity .* S;
liability = max(S-K, 0);
bankBalance = exp(r*dt)*bankBalance + stockValue – liability;
finalBankBalance = bankBalance;
Delta Hedging
Wrap it in a function
function [ finalBankBalance] = simulateDeltaHedging( … chargeToCustomer , …
K, T, …
S0, r, mu, sigma, nPaths, nSteps )
% … code above …
Delta Hedging
8 Using the code given, compute the 99%-prot-price for the delta hedging strategy.
8 Suppose that the trader had charged the BlackScholes price, plot a histogram of the trader’s nal prot
Distribution of profits when delta hedging daily and charging BS Price
3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1
If a trader:
Charges the Black Scholes Price
Performs the delta hedge trading strategy at n discrete times
The expected prot should tend rapidly to zero
The standard deviation of the prots should tend to zero
Probably all you have ever seen proved is that if you delta hedge in continuous time, then you will exactly break even.
If the discrete time result wasn’t true, however, then the continuous time theory would be worthless.
Rate of convergence
1 10
0 10
−1 10
−2 10
Relative error of final balance
012345 10 10 10 10 10 10
We dene the error of the strategy to be the prot or loss in each particular case.
The root mean squared error thus measures the width of our histogram.
The relative error is the root mean squared error divided by the initial option price.
It appears from the graph that the relative error is of order −1
We’ll be able to prove this when we discuss the Euler method for approximating SDE’s.
With 0.1% transaction costs
1 10
Relative error of final balance
0 10
−1 10
−2 10
012345 10 10 10 10 10 10
Without transaction costs
With transaction costs
A standard way to model transaction costs is to consider the bid ask spread.
We model the ask price as following the Black Scholes process St above.
We model the bid price as being (1 − ε)St for some ε.
You can look at market data for the stock price to choose a
sensible value of ε.
This model is called proportional transaction costs.
As well as the bid ask spread, exchanges often levy charges. If these are proportional to the transaction cost, they can be modelled in the same way.
Financial mathematicians use the phrase transaction costs to mean both the bid ask spread and charges.
In practice, delta hedging converges slowly
With transaction costs taken into account, the delta hedging strategy is not enough to explain observed call option prices.
Important though the idea of delta hedging is, there must be something more going on in the market.
Gamma Hedging
Gamma Hedging
Gamma Hedging
Gamma Hedging
You work for a bank and wish to write an exotic option You wish to hedge to reduce your risk
You know that delta hedging isn’t a good enough strategy to allow you to oer a market price.
You could trade in other options on the stock to reduce your risk further!
Other people buy options to reduce risk, so why shouldn’t you.
We’ve just shown it is apparently cheaper to buy options on the market to reduce risk than to simply delta hedge, so actually delta hedging is an irrational strategy!
Gamma Hedging
When we delta hedge, we ensure that our portfolio consisting of
Our stock holding Our liability
Our bank balance
has an aggregate delta of zero.
Intuitively this means that if the stock price changes, are portfolio’s aggregate value won’t change much – it won’t change to rst order in the stock price.
If we could ensure that our portfolio had a delta of zero and a gamma of zero, we could ensure that it won’t change to second order in the stock price.
Presumably this will be a better strategy.
Gamma Hedging
Gamma Hedging Strategy
Write an exotic option.
At xed time intervals, purchase stock and an exchange traded option so that our portfolio consisting of:
Our stock holding
Our holding in exchange traded options Our liability (the exotic option)
Our bank balance
has an aggregate delta of zero and an aggregate gamma of zero.
Gamma Hedging
We would like to simulate gamma hedging to see how well it works
There are two problems:
We will need to compute the delta of our exotic option at every time step. If it is exotic we’ll have to do this by Monte Carlo. Running Monte Carlo at every time step might be a bit slow, especially if we get up to thousands of time steps.
We need to model the price of the exchange traded options
We are only interested in getting a feel for the strategy so we assume for simplicity that:
Our exotic option is simply a call option with strike K1 and maturity T.
We hedge using a call option with strike K2 and maturity T. The market price of this option is assumed to come from the Black Scholes formula.
A real trader would probably be writing a truly exotic option and would probably change their choice of hedging option. So
Gamma Hedging
Gamma Hedging Symbols
At time point j as before we have the following variables. The option we are writing has strike K1. Its Black Scholes
price is P1, its delta is ∆1 and its gamma is Γ1. jjj
The hedging option has price P2, delta ∆2 and gamma Γ2. jjj
Stock price is Sj .
Our bank balance is bj
Our stock holding is qjS
Our holding in option 1 is qj1 = −1 since we have written the option.
Our holding in option 2 is qj2.
Gamma Hedging
Computing the new quantities
By linearity of partial derivatives, the delta of our portfolio is: q j S + ∆ 1j q j 1 + ∆ 2j q j 2
The gamma of our portfolio is:
Γ1j qj1 + Γ2j qj2
We know that qj1 = −1. We require the portfolio to be delta and gamma neutral hence:
We deduce that
q j S − ∆ 1j + ∆ 2j q j 2 = 0 −Γ1 + Γ2q2 = 0
qj2 = Γ1j Γ2j
q j S = ∆ 1j − ∆ 2j q j 2
Gamma Hedging
Problem 1
Note that we have the formula
qj2 = Γ1j
If Γ2j becomes very small, as will occur if option 2 is a long way into the money or a long way out of the money we will start to see numerical errors.
For this reason we modify our strategy to be to try to choose qj2 using the above formula, but cap the value at 100 or −100 to avoid numerical errors.
Gamma Hedging
Problem 2
The gamma is the second derivative of the price At maturity, the payo is not dierentiable
For this reason the gamma can sometimes tend to innity near maturity. This too can lead to numerical errors.
When simulating gamma hedging, therefore, we stop the simulation a little before maturity and calculate the market price of the portfolio using the Black Scholes Formula.
We introduce a variable sellTime to indicate when we sell our portfolio.
Gamma Hedging
Objective of the simulation
If we were paid the Black Scholes price, we expect the nal market price at the sell time to be near zero.
We wish to generate log log plot of the relative error of this market price.
Gamma Hedging
Initializing the portfolio
dt = sellTime/nSteps;
times = dt:dt:sellTime;
paths = generateBSPaths( sellTime, S0, mu, sigma, nPaths, nSteps );
[~,delta1, gamma1] = blackScholesCallPrice(K1,T,S0,r,sigma); [p2,delta2, gamma2] = blackScholesCallPrice(K2,T,S0,r,sigma); option2Quantity = max(min(gamma1./gamma2,100),-100); stockQuantity = delta1 – option2Quantity .* delta2;
stockCost = stockQuantity .* S0;
optionCost = option2Quantity .* p2;
bankBalance = chargeToCustomer -stockCost-optionCost;
Gamma Hedging
Simulating till the sell time
for t=1:nSteps
S = paths(:,t);
timeToMaturity = T-times(t);
[p1,delta1,gamma1] = blackScholesCallPrice(K1,timeToMaturity,S,r,sigma); [p2,delta2,gamma2] = blackScholesCallPrice(K2,timeToMaturity,S,r,sigma); newOption2Quantity = max(min(gamma1./gamma2,100),-100);
newStockQuantity = delta1 – newOption2Quantity .* delta2;
stockCost = (newStockQuantity – stockQuantity).* S; optionCost = (newOption2Quantity – option2Quantity).* p2; bankBalance = exp(r*dt)*bankBalance – stockCost – optionCost;
stockQuantity = newStockQuantity; option2Quantity = newOption2Quantity;
marketValue = bankBalance + stockQuantity.*S – p1 + option2Quantity.*p2;
Gamma Hedging
In our delta hedging simulation, we have two special cases, time zero and maturity.
Because we stop the simulation before maturity, we have one less special case in the gamma hedging code.
Note the min and max in the computation of option2Quantity. This prevents numerical errors.
Gamma Hedging
1 10
0 10
−1 10
−2 10
−3 10
−4 10
−5 10
Relative error of final balance
Delta hedging strategy
Gamma hedging strategy Stop loss strategy
No hedge
012345 10 10 10 10 10 10
Gamma Hedging
Gamma hedging allows one to achieve the price predicted by Black Scholes with much less rehedging
This means that Gamma hedging allows one to achieve a price much closer to the Black Scholes price when there are transaction costs in the model.
The rate of convergence of the gamma hedging strategy appears to be order n−1
Indierence pricing
Indierence pricing
Indierence pricing
Utility functions
A utility function u : R −→ R is a function which sends the payo to some measure of the value that an individual places in that payo.
Most people are risk averse, they value making money less highly than losing it.
For this reason, utility functions are usually concave functions.
The exponential utility function is:
u(x) = 1 − e−ax
a The parameter a measures risk aversion.
Indierence pricing
Exponential utility
1 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 −1.5 −2 −2.5 −3
Exponential utility
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1
a=0.5 a=1 a=1.5 a=2
Indierence pricing
Indierence pricing
Suppose a trader is selling a nancial product and
Their utility function is u
They plan to follow a particular strategy
They believe the market follows some given stochastic process
The indierence price given the strategy is the amount that they would have to charge so that their expected utility remains is the same whether or not they enter into the trade.
The above denition which includes a strategy in the denition is non-standard. The indierence price (ignoring the strategy) is the price they would charge assuming that they choose the best possible strategy. We are ignoring all technical details about whether these prices are actually well dened.
Indierence pricing
The utility price is subjective
It depends upon your utility function
It depends on your beliefs
It depends upon the strategy you wish to follow
We should really compute the total position of the trader including when computing the indierence price.
e.g. if you have already sold a call, you may be more willing to buy a call as it will remove the risk from your books.
You would quote dierent indierence prices for buying and for selling.
Indierence pricing
Computing the indierence price
In our example, let us suppose the trader uses a delta hedging strategy.
We assume they have zero assets before the trade.
We assume the utility function is the exponential utility function.
Let p be the payo if the trader doesn’t charge. So erT P + p is the payo if the trader charges P. The expected utility if they don’t trade is 0. Therefore we must choose P to solve:
E(u(erT P + p)) = 0
Indierence pricing
Solving equations using fzero
MATLAB comes with a function called fsolve to solve equations numerically.
Suppose we want to nd a solution to sin(x ) + exp(x ) = 0 and we have an initial guess that x = 0.1 might be near a solution.
function ret=toSolve(x)
ret = sin(x) + exp(x);
guess = 0.1;
solution = fsolve( @toSolve, guess );
assert( toSolve( solution )<0.001);
Indierence pricing
Computing the indierence price
We wish to solve the following equation for the price P, given random payos p
E(u(erT P + p)) = 0
payoff = simulateDeltaHedging(0,K,T,S0,r,mu,sigma,nPaths,nSteps);
% Define the utility function
function utility=u( x )
utility = (1-exp(-a.*x))/a;
% Write a function that computes the expected utility % given the price
function ret=expectedUtility( price )
ret = mean( u( exp(r*T)*price + payoff ) );
% Initial guess
[blackScholesPrice,~] = blackScholesCallPrice(K,T,S0,r,sigma);
% Use fzero to find the solution
indifferencePrice = fzero( @expectedUtility, blackScholesPrice );
Indierence pricing
Exercises 1
8 Using the code given, compute the 99%-prot-price for traders A, B and C.
8 Reproduce the histogram of expected payo when the trader charges the Black Scholes price and then uses delta hedging.
8 Generate a log-log plot of the relative error of the delta hedging strategy against the number of steps.
Indierence pricing
Exercises 2
8 Generate a log-log plot of the relative error of the delta hedging strategy against the number of steps with proportional transaction costs. Use the bid ask spread from market data. Are your call option prices within the market's bid ask spread for call option prices?
8 Compare the indierence prices obtained for the three dierent trading strategies A, B and C when using exponential utility with risk aversion parameter a = 1.
8 Use the fzero function to write a computeImpliedVolatiity function. Write a test for your function.
Indierence pricing
8 The 99% prot price suers from the problem that it ignores what happens in the tail. Can you come up with a trading strategy in just the stock and a risk free account that would give a 99%-prot-price for a call option that is lower than the Black Scholes price?