程序代写代做代考 scheme algorithm CSC373H Lecture 10

CSC373H Lecture 10
Dan Zingaro
November 21, 2016

Knapsack Approximation
􏹩 Recall from last time that we want a fast approximation algorithm for the 0-1 knapsack problem
􏹩 Assume that each item i has wi ≤ W
􏹩 Our simple technique of taking highest to lowest vi /wi could
be infinitely bad as an approximation algorithm
􏹩 Butasmalladditiontothealgorithmcanfixthat…

Greedy Algorithm 2 for Knapsack
Greedy algorithm, take 2.
sort the items by decreasing v_i/w_i
try two ways to fill the knapsack:
solution 1)
for each item:
if the item fits in the knapsack, add it
otherwise, stop the algorithm
solution 2)
add only the most-valuable item that fits in the knapsack
return solution 1) or 2), whichever is more valuable

Greedy Algorithm: Approximation Ratio Proof
Theorem: the algorithm is a 2-approximation algorithm for knapsack.
􏹩 Think about what would happen if we could use a fraction of the first item k + 1 that doesn’t fit in the knapsack
􏹩 That is, we take the first k items that fit, and then some proportion of item k + 1
􏹩 Call this the greedy fractional solution
􏹩 e.g. Say we have 7 weight left in the knapsack, and item k + 1 has weight 10 and value 20
􏹩 Then we take 7/10 of item k +1, and get 7/10∗20 = 14 value from it
􏹩 Claim (think about the proof!): the greedy fractional solution is at least as good as any optimal solution

Greedy Algorithm: Approximation Ratio Proof…
􏹩 Let G be the value of the greedy solution
􏹩 By solution 1), G is at least as good as the value of the first k
􏹩 By solution 2), G is at least as good as the value of item k +1
2G ≥ total value of first k + 1 items ≥ total value of fractional greedy ≥ value of optimal solution

Approximation Schemes
􏹩 Can we do better than claims like “the algorithm is no worse than twice as bad as the optimal”?
􏹩 An approximation scheme for a problem lets us trade-off time and accuracy
􏹩 An approximation scheme takes an instance of the problem to solve, plus a parameter ε > 0
􏹩 ε specifies how close we’d like to be to optimal
􏹩 e.g. if ε = 0.5, then we are asking for a 1.5-approximation
􏹩 As ε decreases, our approximation gets better, but our runtime gets slower

Approximation Scheme for Knapsack
􏹩 Recall that dynamic-programming works well for knapsack when W is small
􏹩 We will use a different dynamic-programming formulation here that works well when the item values are small
􏹩 The strategy is to transform the item values so that they are small, then solve that easier instance of the problem
􏹩 Our answer will not be correct — we’re not solving the original problem anymore — but we will be close

Knapsack: New Dynamic Programming Algorithm
􏹩 Let vm be the maximum item value
􏹩 Define2darrayN[0..n,0..n∗vm)
􏹩 N[i,j] stores the minimum weight of a knapsack required to get a value of at least j using the first i items
0, if j ≤ 0
N[i,j] = ∞, if i = 0 and j > 0 min{N[i−1,j],N[i−1,j−vi]+wi} ifi>0andj>0

How to Use the Algorithm
􏹩 For some positive integer m, divide each vi by m
􏹩 Then, run the new dynamic programming algorithm on these
transformed values
􏹩 The larger we take m, the more “off” are our vi values, so the more error we will have in our solution
􏹩 On the other hand, a larger m value corresponds to smaller transformed vi values, so our runtime is better
􏹩 We won’t do the analysis here, but the final piece is to decide how to set m to get the required 1 + ε-approximation!