# Summative 2
The questions and marking scheme are designed so that the following holds:
40% third class (pass)
50% lower second, or 2.2
60% upper second, of 2.1
70% first class
* The last two questions are deliberately much harder than the other
ones. They are designed to get you a first class mark if you do one,
and a comfortable first class mark if you do both.
* The other questions add up to 65%, giving you a solid upper
second, which is a very good mark.
Needless to say, the university doesn’t expect the majority of
students to get a first class mark or degree. Hence we don’t
expect everyone to attempt the hard questions. But, of course,
everybody is encouraged to do so after they manage to do the
previous ones.
* This module is 100% continuous assessment and there isn’t an
exam. [Plagiarism](https://git.cs.bham.ac.uk/mhe/fp-learning-2019-2020#plagiarism)
will not be tolerated.
Please regard this assignment as an exam.
* This summative assessment counts towards 2/5 of your final mark.
The previous summative assessment counts towards 1/5, and the next
one to 2/5, with a small amount of marks contributed by the Canvas
## Requirements
– Copy the file `Summative2-Template.hs` to a new file called `Summative2.hs`
and write your solutions in `Summative2.hs`.
**Don’t change the header of this
file, _including the module declaration_, and, moreover, _don’t_ change the
type signature of any of the given functions for you to complete.**
– Solve the exercises below in the file `Summative2.hs`.
– In this assignment you are allowed to use Haskell library functions that are
available in CoCalc. Look them up at [Hoogle](https://hoogle.haskell.org/).
– Run the pre-submit script to check for any (compilation) errors **before**
submitting by running in the terminal:
$ ./presubmit.sh Summative2
(If you get an error saying “permission denied”, try: `$ chmod +x
If this fails, you are not ready to submit, and any submission that doesn’t
pass the presubmit test is not eligible for marking.
– Submit your file `Summative2.hs` via Canvas at
## Morse code
International [Morse code][1] is composed of five elements:
* short mark, dot or “dit” (·) — one unit long;
* longer mark, dash or “dah” (-) — three units long;
* inter-element gap between the dots and dashes within a character — one unit long;
* short gap (between letters) — three units long;
* medium gap (between words) — seven units long.
Please read [this][1] before proceeding further.
We represent a Morse code unit, called “atom” from now on, as either a beep or silence:
data Atom = Beep | Silence deriving (Eq, Show)
Then Morse code can be represented by a list of these atoms:
type Code = [Atom]
Now we can write constants for a short mark “·” (`dit`), a long mark “-” (`dah`), a gap between letters (`shortGap`) and a gap between words (`mediumGap`):
dit, dah, shortGap, mediumGap :: [Atom]
dit = [Beep, Silence]
dah = [Beep, Beep, Beep, Silence]
shortGap = replicate (3-1) Silence
mediumGap = replicate (7-3) Silence
Note that the length of `shortGap` and `mediumGap` are made so that a
`shortGap` has the correct length 3 if following a `dit` or `dah` and
a `mediumGap` has length 7 if following a `dit` or `dah` followed by a `shortGap`.
We can code symbols as follows
morseCode :: Char -> Code
morseCode ‘A’ = dit ++ dah
morseCode ‘B’ = dah ++ dit ++ dit ++ dit
morseCode ‘C’ = dah ++ dit ++ dah ++ dit
morseCode ‘D’ = dah ++ dit ++ dit
morseCode ‘E’ = dit
morseCode ‘F’ = dit ++ dit ++ dah ++ dit
morseCode ‘G’ = dah ++ dah ++ dit
morseCode ‘H’ = dit ++ dit ++ dit ++ dit
morseCode ‘I’ = dit ++ dit
morseCode ‘J’ = dit ++ dah ++ dah ++ dah
morseCode ‘K’ = dah ++ dit ++ dah
morseCode ‘L’ = dit ++ dah ++ dit ++ dit
morseCode ‘M’ = dah ++ dah
morseCode ‘N’ = dah ++ dit
morseCode ‘O’ = dah ++ dah ++ dah
morseCode ‘P’ = dit ++ dah ++ dah ++ dit
morseCode ‘Q’ = dah ++ dah ++ dit ++ dah
morseCode ‘R’ = dit ++ dah ++ dit
morseCode ‘S’ = dit ++ dit ++ dit
morseCode ‘T’ = dah
morseCode ‘U’ = dit ++ dit ++ dah
morseCode ‘V’ = dit ++ dit ++ dit ++ dah
morseCode ‘W’ = dit ++ dah ++ dah
morseCode ‘X’ = dah ++ dit ++ dit ++ dah
morseCode ‘Y’ = dah ++ dit ++ dah ++ dah
morseCode ‘Z’ = dah ++ dah ++ dit ++ dit
morseCode ‘1’ = dit ++ dah ++ dah ++ dah ++ dah
morseCode ‘2’ = dit ++ dit ++ dah ++ dah ++ dah
morseCode ‘3’ = dit ++ dit ++ dit ++ dah ++ dah
morseCode ‘4’ = dit ++ dit ++ dit ++ dit ++ dah
morseCode ‘5’ = dit ++ dit ++ dit ++ dit ++ dit
morseCode ‘6’ = dah ++ dit ++ dit ++ dit ++ dit
morseCode ‘7’ = dah ++ dah ++ dit ++ dit ++ dit
morseCode ‘8’ = dah ++ dah ++ dah ++ dit ++ dit
morseCode ‘9’ = dah ++ dah ++ dah ++ dah ++ dit
morseCode ‘0’ = dah ++ dah ++ dah ++ dah ++ dah
morseCode _ = undefined — Avoid warnings
We can represent the function `morseTable` by the following lookup table:
type Table = [(Char, Code)]
morseTable :: Table
morseTable = [ (c , morseCode c) | c <- ['A'..'Z']++['0'..'9'] ]
**Remark:** We can get the function `morseCode` from the table using
lookup :: Eq a => a -> [(a, b)] -> Maybe b
from the prelude.
**Remark:** The above datatypes, constants, `morseCode` and `morseTable` are all
available in `Types.hs`. Do **not** change this file.
## Exercises
You may wish to use your own helper functions.
### Exercise 0: Getting Started
Copy the file `Summative2-Template.hs` into a new file `Summative2.hs` and work
in that new file. Don’t modify the header of the file.
### Exercise 1: Encode using a table
In the following parts of this exercise, the functions should work with any
table, including `morseTable` but not only `morseTable`. You can use `morseTable`
for testing your solution for correctness.
1. Write a function
encodeWord :: Table -> String -> Code
that, given _any_ table and a string with a **single** word in it, produces
the code for that word. **The resulting code should have a `shortGap` between
every two letters.**
Note that `encodeWord` should work for **any** table, not just
encodeWord morseTable “” = []
encodeWord morseTable “A” = [Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence]
encodeWord morseTable “0” = [Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence]
encodeWord morseTable “HELLO” = [Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence]
encodeWord morseTable “WORLD” = [Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence]
2. Write a function
encodeWords :: Table -> [String] -> Code
that, given _any_ table and a list of strings, encodes each string of the
list, puts a `mediumGap` between every two words, and concatenates the results.
As above, this function should work for **any** table, not just
encodeWords morseTable [] = []
encodeWords morseTable [“007”] = [Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence]
encodeWords morseTable [“HI”,”THERE”] = [Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence]
3. Write a function
encodeText :: Table -> String -> Code
that, given _any_ table and some string of words separated by spaces, encodes the text.
**Spaces should become `mediumGap`s**.
You may assume that the text consists only of single spaces and `[‘A’..’Z’]++[‘0’..’9′]` otherwise, and that the spaces do not occur at the end.
encodeText morseTable “WORD” = [Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence]
encodeText morseTable “HI THERE” = [Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence]
encodeText morseTable “THIS IS A TEST” = [Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Beep,Silence,Silence,Silence,Beep,Beep,Beep,Silence]
**HINT**: You may find it useful to define a general function
split :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [[a]]
satisfying the following specification:
split ” ” “ABC DEF” = [“ABC”,”DEF”]
split shortGap (dit ++ shortGap ++ dah) = [dit,dah]
where the first argument of `split` indicates a word separator, which is ” ”
in this example.
### Exercise 2: Decode using a table
Write a function
decodeText :: Table -> Code -> String
such that
decodeText t (encodeText t s) = s
for every `s :: String` and `t :: Table`. We will only test strings with capital letters, digits and spaces.
For instance, we should have:
decodeText morseTable (encodeText morseTable “THIS IS A TEST”) = “THIS IS A TEST”
**HINT**: You may find it helpful to use your general function `split` discussed
### Exercise 3: Decode using a tree
We can also store tables as trees where a left branch is a `dit` and a right
branch is a `dah`. For Morse code, we would get the following tree.

Here is the type of such trees.
data Tree = Empty
| Branch (Maybe Char) Tree Tree
deriving (Show , Eq)
Write a function
decodeTextWithTree :: Tree -> String -> Code
that decodes using a tree such as the above.
This function should work with **any** such tree, not just the tree pictured above.
For testing purposes, here is the tree above in Haskell:
let morseTree = Branch Nothing (Branch (Just ‘E’) (Branch (Just ‘I’) (Branch (Just ‘S’) (Branch (Just ‘H’) (Branch (Just ‘5’) Empty Empty) (Branch (Just ‘4’) Empty Empty)) (Branch (Just ‘V’) Empty (Branch (Just ‘3’) Empty Empty))) (Branch (Just ‘U’) (Branch (Just ‘F’) Empty Empty) (Branch Nothing Empty (Branch (Just ‘2’) Empty Empty)))) (Branch (Just ‘A’) (Branch (Just ‘R’) (Branch (Just ‘L’) Empty Empty) Empty) (Branch (Just ‘W’) (Branch (Just ‘P’) Empty Empty) (Branch (Just ‘J’) Empty (Branch (Just ‘1’) Empty Empty))))) (Branch (Just ‘T’) (Branch (Just ‘N’) (Branch (Just ‘D’) (Branch (Just ‘B’) (Branch (Just ‘6’) Empty Empty) Empty) (Branch (Just ‘X’) Empty Empty)) (Branch (Just ‘K’) (Branch (Just ‘C’) Empty Empty) (Branch (Just ‘Y’) Empty Empty))) (Branch (Just ‘M’) (Branch (Just ‘G’) (Branch (Just ‘Z’) (Branch (Just ‘7’) Empty Empty) Empty) (Branch (Just ‘Q’) Empty Empty)) (Branch (Just ‘O’) (Branch Nothing (Branch (Just ‘8’) Empty Empty) Empty) (Branch Nothing (Branch (Just ‘9’) Empty Empty) (Branch (Just ‘0’) Empty Empty)))))
Your function `decodeTextWithTree` should satisfy for instance:
decodeTextWithTree morseTree (encodeText morseTable “THIS IS ANOTHER TEST”) = “THIS IS ANOTHER TEST”
### Exercise 4: Translating a table to a tree
Write a function
ramify :: Table -> Tree
that translates a given `Table` into a `Tree`. For example `ramify morseTable` should give the tree pictured above, i.e.
ramify morseTable = Branch Nothing (Branch (Just ‘E’) (Branch (Just ‘I’) (Branch (Just ‘S’) (Branch (Just ‘H’) (Branch (Just ‘5’) Empty Empty) (Branch (Just ‘4’) Empty Empty)) (Branch (Just ‘V’) Empty (Branch (Just ‘3’) Empty Empty))) (Branch (Just ‘U’) (Branch (Just ‘F’) Empty Empty) (Branch Nothing Empty (Branch (Just ‘2’) Empty Empty)))) (Branch (Just ‘A’) (Branch (Just ‘R’) (Branch (Just ‘L’) Empty Empty) Empty) (Branch (Just ‘W’) (Branch (Just ‘P’) Empty Empty) (Branch (Just ‘J’) Empty (Branch (Just ‘1’) Empty Empty))))) (Branch (Just ‘T’) (Branch (Just ‘N’) (Branch (Just ‘D’) (Branch (Just ‘B’) (Branch (Just ‘6’) Empty Empty) Empty) (Branch (Just ‘X’) Empty Empty)) (Branch (Just ‘K’) (Branch (Just ‘C’) Empty Empty) (Branch (Just ‘Y’) Empty Empty))) (Branch (Just ‘M’) (Branch (Just ‘G’) (Branch (Just ‘Z’) (Branch (Just ‘7’) Empty Empty) Empty) (Branch (Just ‘Q’) Empty Empty)) (Branch (Just ‘O’) (Branch Nothing (Branch (Just ‘8’) Empty Empty) Empty) (Branch Nothing (Branch (Just ‘9’) Empty Empty) (Branch (Just ‘0’) Empty Empty)))))
### Exercise 5: Tabulating a tree
Write a function
tabulate :: Tree -> Table
that does the opposite. That is, it should satisfy:
ramify (tabulate t) = t
for every `t :: Tree`.
(Note that this establishes `Tree` as a
of `Table`. The types are _not_ isomorphic, because, in general, `tabulate
(ramify t)` may be only a _permutation_ of the table `t`.)
### Exercise 6: Well-bracketed strings (hard):
Consider the following type of “bracket trees” with constructors `Round :: [Bracket] -> Bracket` and `Curly :: [Bracket] -> Bracket`:
data Bracket = Round [Bracket] | Curly [Bracket] deriving (Show,Eq)
The simplest trees we can construct are `Round []` and `Curly []`. Other examples of such trees are
`Round [Curly [] , Round []]` and `Round [Curly [] , Round [] , Curly [ Round [] ]]`.
We can convert bracket trees to strings:
brackets :: Bracket -> String
brackets (Round ts) = “(” ++ concat [brackets t | t <- ts] ++ ")"
brackets (Curly ts) = "{" ++ concat [brackets t | t <- ts] ++ "}"
Write a partial inverse
tree :: String -> Maybe Bracket
of the function `brackets` satisfying the following specification.
For any bracket tree `t`, we should have that
* the equation `tree (brackets t) = Just t` holds,
and we should have that for any string `xs`,
* the equation `tree xs = Nothing` holds precisely when `xs` is
*not* well-bracketed.
Well-bracketed strings are defined by the following two generating rules:
* Any string starting with ‘(‘ followed by zero or more well-bracketed strings and ending with ‘)’ is well
* Any string starting with ‘{‘ followed by zero or more well-bracketed strings and ending with ‘}’ is well
(This is a so-called inductive definition in the sense you learned in your first year at university.)
It is a fact that bracket trees generate only well bracketed strings, using the function `brackets`, and, moreover, every well-bracketed string arises from some bracket tree in this way.
* () is well bracketed
* {} is well bracketed
* ({}) is well bracketed
* {()()} is well bracketed
* “(()(){()()})” is well bracketed
* “(((){}){}(()()))” is well bracketed
* “(()” is not
* “())” is not
* “(()(()()” is not
* “(}” is not
* “({)}” is not
* “(cat)” is not
Then we can use the function `tree` to check whether an expression is well bracketed:
isWellBracketed :: String -> Bool
isWellBracketed xs = case tree xs of
Nothing -> False
Just _ -> True
You can use this function for testing. You can also test by creating well-bracketed strings `xs`and checking whether
brackets (fromJust (tree xs)) = xs
where `fromJust` is in the import `Data.Maybe`.
### Exercise 7: Continued fractions (rather hard)
#### Introduction
A nice way of representing real numbers is to use _continued fractions_: a
possibly infinite arithmetic expression that looks like:
a₀ + —————
a₁ + ———-
a₂ + —–
In this exercise, your goal is to implement a _language of continued fractions_
in Haskell. In the end, your little language will allow you to easily write down
well-known real numbers such as `e` or `π`!
#### Arithmetic expressions
Let’s first start by writing down a simple algebraic datatype for a subset of
arithmetic _expressions_ we need to express continued fractions.
data Expr = Lit Integer
| OneOver Expr
| Expr :+: Expr
deriving (Show)
First, notice that this is quite similar to various tree types you’ve seen in
the lectures. For instance, you could write down the expression
(1 + 2) + (1 / (5 + (1 / 3)))
as an inhabitant of this type as follows:
/ \
/ \
(+) \
/ \ (/)
/ \ / \
1 2 1 \
/ \
5 (/)
/ \
1 3
**Exercise (warm-up).** Write down this tree as a term `exprExample :: Expr`.
#### Simplifying expressions
As you have probably noticed, these expressions start to get complicated very
quickly which brings us to the first task of this exercise: simplifying these
expressions. First, let’s define the type of fractions in Haskell as:
data Frac = Integer :/: Integer
**Exercise**. Implement the following function
simplify :: Expr -> Frac
Test your function on the example you wrote. `simplify exprExample` should give
you `51 :/: 16`.
#### Expressing continued fractions
The next task is to use this type of arithmetic expressions to implement
continued fractions.
**Exercise.** Implement a function `cf` (standing for **c**ontinued **f**raction):
cf :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Expr
such that “a₀ `cf` [a₁, a₂, …]“ denotes the fraction
a₀ + —————
a₁ + ———–
a₂ + —–
After you’ve done this, check that your implementation is correct by testing it
on some finite lists. For instance, you should be able to represent the fraction
“23 :/: 16“ as “1 `cf` [2, 3, 2]“. Evaluating this should give you:
Lit 1 :+: OneOver (Lit 2 :+: OneOver (Lit 3 :+: OneOver (Lit 2)))
and simplifying should yield `23 :/: 16`. Similarly, test that you can
represent `13 :/: 9` as “1 `cf` [2, 3, 1]“.
#### Infinite continued fractions
We will now look at continued fractions “x `cf` xs“ where the list `xs` is
**Exercise.** Implement a function
infFrac :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Int -> Expr
such that `infFrac n [m₁, m₂, …] k` gives you the expression denoting the
continued fraction “n `cf` [m₁, … mₖ]“. _Hint_: this definition should be
very easy if you use the right functions from the prelude.
#### Computing the constant `e`
The constant `e` can be written down as the following fraction “2 `cf` eseq“
where `eseq` denotes the following sequence of digits
1 : 2 : 1 : 1 : 4 : 1 : 1 : 6 : 1 : · · · : 1 : 2x : 1 : · · ·
**Exercise.** Write down this sequence as a Haskell list:
eseq :: [Integer]
Once you have completed this task, you should be able to write the following
function that will compute better and better approximations of `e` depending on
the provided argument
eApproximate :: Int -> Frac
Then `map eApproximate [0, 1, 2]` should give you `2 :/: 1`, `3 :/: 1`, and `8 :/:
3`. and `eApproximate 10` should give you `2721 :/: 1001`.
Now, let us look at these as floats:
compute :: Frac -> Double
compute (m :/: n) = (fromIntegral m) / (fromIntegral n)
> map (compute . eApproximate) [0, 1, 2, 10, 50]
in `ghci` gives
As you can see, we start to get a pretty accurate approximation even after just
ten steps.
[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morse_code#Representation.2C_timing_and_speeds