10: The OpenGL Pipeline
19: Volume Rendering
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
: Height Field
For every point in the plane, define a height
The graph is then a terrain
i.e. a surface in a 3D embedding space
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
We can define curves using contours
Let an artist design the landscape
Pick a threshold, generate a curve
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
Manifold Dimension
f is a 2-manifold embedded in 3-D
It’s contours are 1-manifolds
embedded in 2-D
or in 3-D
What happens if we add a dimension?
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
Implicit (Blobby) Surfaces
Define a function
Often a sum of Gaussian distributions
It’s a 3-manifold embedded in 4-D
It’s contours are 2-manifolds in 3-/4-D
Choose a threshold h
Extract the level set / contours
They are guaranteed to be manifold
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
Implicit Surfaces
We can use many types of functions:
CT/MRI scans
Numerical simulations
Mathematical models – eg. sum of Gaussians
Distance fields
any property we can compute in 3-D
In practice, we need to start with a 3-D mesh
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
Meshes in 3D
In 2-D, we used triangles and squares
In 3-D, we use tetrahedra and cubes
also pyramids, octahedra & triangular prisms
Interpolation follows the same rules as in 2-D
geometric interpolation (meshes)
kernel filters (sampling theory)
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
An n-simplex is the simplest n-dimensional object
a cell defined by n+1 points
0-simplex: 1 point
1-simplex: line segment – 2 points
2-simplex: triangle – 3 line segments, 3 points
3-simplex: tetrahedron – 4 triangles, 6 line segments, 4 points
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
Simplicial Complex
A simplicial complex or simplicial mesh is a set of simplices
usually uses barycentric interpolation
can use Bézier interpolation
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
Barycentric Interpolation
Linear interpolation based on distances
Extend by using distance to faces
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
Simplex Construction
By hand (owch!)
Delaunay triangulation (later)
Subdividing Cubes
Subdividing Meshes
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
Contours in 3D
Basically the same as we saw in 2D
2-manifolds embedded in 3 or 4 space
But we can’t usually show multiples
because we’ve run out of dimensions
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
Cubic Meshes
By far the most common case
Generalisation of squares in 2-D
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
Trilinear Interpolation
Repeat linear interpolation in 3 dimensions
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
Trilinear Interpolation
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
An Example
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
Computing Normal
Normal vector is based on gradient
always perpendicular to contours
describes steepest ascent
but outside is typically low-valued
use negative gradient as normal
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
Central Differencing:
Approximation of gradient:
Compute at vertices of cell
Interpolate along edges
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
Direct Volume Rendering
courtesy T. Möller, SFU
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
Direct Volume Rendering
3D equivalent of colour mapping
Define a transfer function:
maps from data to colour opacity
Then compute light transport through data
i.e. a computational X-ray
Or think of it as luminous jelly
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
Modelling Transmission
No longer modelling surfaces
Modelling diffuse internal reflection
We get light added and subtracted
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
Density Clouds
Photons are blocked by absorption
Probability depends on density of material
i.e. how many particles are in the way
Measured as optical density
# of particles / mm
E.g. 5mm of lead might block 90% of photons
How much would 10mm block?
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
Volume Rendering Integral
Due to Kajiya, Sabella, Max (1986) (3 papers!)
is the wavelength of light
is a ray of length L through pixel x
is the colour contribution at point s
is the mass density at s
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
TF Design
courtesy T. Möller, SFU
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
First Intersection
courtesy T. Möller, SFU
Equivalent to an Isosurface (Tuy&Tuy, 1984)
100% opacity at chosen isovalue
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
Average Intensity
courtesy T. Möller, SFU
Constant Opacity throughout volume
Equivalent to an x-ray
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
courtesy T. Möller, SFU
Use TF to highlight structures
Levoy, 1988
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
DVR Ray-tracing
For each pixel
Compute corresponding ray in volume
Walk along ray in small increments
Computing contribution to integral
Then display as image
This makes regular raytracing look cheap!
So sci. vis. has many hacks/speedups
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
Applications to Rendering
Particle Systems
Visualisation in general
COMP5821M: Geometry Processing
Dr. Hamish Carr, COMP 30270 Advanced Computer Graphics, Autumn 2008
• First used by Edmond Halley, 1701
• Later adapted to mapping terrain (1752)
Dr. Hamish Carr, COMP 30270 Advanced Computer Graphics, Autumn 2008
First used by Edmond Halley , 1701
Later adapted to mapping terrain (1752)
(s, t, u)(0, t, u) (1, t, u)
(0, 0, u) (1, 0, u)
(0, 1, u) (1, 1, u)
(0, 0, 0) (1, 0, 0)
(0, 1, 0) (1, 1, 0)
(0, 0, 1) (1, 1, 1)
(0, 1, 1) (1, 1, 1)
(s, t, u)(0, t, u) (1, t, u)
(0, 0, u) (1, 0, u)
(0, 1, u)
(1, 1, u)
(0, 0, 0) (1, 0, 0)
(0, 1, 0) (1, 1, 0)
(0, 0, 1) (1, 1, 1)
(0, 1, 1)
(1, 1, 1)
Light Source
Image Plane
Reflection / Refraction
Light Sour ce
Image Plane
Reflection / Refraction
object (color, opacity)
object (color , opacity)